CLIENT FLOW =========== [X] connection arrives [X] connection gets accept()'ed [ ] connection is closed if the IP is banned [X] session object created [ ] welcome banner gets sent [X] user sends commans [ ] commands get processed [X] user sends the QUIT command [X] session gets destroyed [X] connection gets destroyed TO-DO LIST ========== [X] Create own text formatting style [o] Create converter that can convert from own style to [X] ANSI [ ] colourless text [ ] HTML [ ] Pango markup only the first two are very important [X] Do basic jobs for later threading support [X] Create and run the world object in a separate thread [X] Implement session handling [X] Create telnet interface that can process commands and send colourful responses. This should go in a separate thread. [X] Plan configurable parameters and configuration file format [X] Write configuration reading code [o] Create XML schemas for world description [ ] Specify a way how new attribute and object types can be inserted into a running system [ ] Specify state-saving backends: [ ] SQLite3 [ ] MySQL [ ] PostgreSQL [ ] XML [ ] GDBM [ ] Specify data to be saved during state-save [ ] Write state saving (command and timed hook) and loading (command and startup time) code [o] Write world description loading and reloading code [ ] Write User Account management code (possibility of registration, login, logout, account deletion, ban, kick and purge [o] Write chat possibility [ ] Write Light-calculation code [ ] Plan initial character state (what attributes to use, look, cloths, armour, weapon, etc.) [ ] Create the possibility to enter the world [ ] Create the possibility to move in the world [ ] Create a DBus module to control the whole program # vim: textwidth=78 : tabstop=8 : expandtab