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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
"AC" is your armor class. It is a number from -10 to 10, roughly
defined as follows:
AC Roughly equivalent to
10 Naked person
0 Very Heavily armored (Plate mail, and "two shields")
-10 Armored battle tank
The score command displays your armor class as a number such as 78/10;
this means 78 on a scale from -100 to 100 (i.e., 7.8 on the scale from
-10 to 10.)
See also: SCORE
This is a listing of the areas available for exploration on this
Limbo -- DikuMud
River Island Of Minos -- Mahatma of HexOynx
God Simplex -- CircleMUD, modified by Taz of Tazmania
The Straight Path -- Steppin of ChicagoMUD
The High Tower Of Magic -- Skylar of SillyMUD*
Midgaard -- DikuMud
The Three Of Swords -- C.A.W.
Miden'Nir -- Copper II, modified by VampLestat of MercMUD*
The Chessboard -- Exxon of SillyMUD
Mount Moria -- Redferne of DikuMud*
The Great Eastern Desert -- Rorschach
The Drow City -- Rorschach
The City Of Thalos -- Rorschach
The Great Pyramid -- Andersen of HexOynx*
New Thalos -- Duke Of SillyMUD*
The Haon-Dor Forest -- Quifael of DikuMud, extended by by Derkhil
of CircleMUD
The Orc Enclave -- C.A.W.
Arachnos -- Mahatma of HexOynx
Rand's Tower -- C.A.W.
The Dwarven Kingdom -- Depeche of DikuMud
The Sewers -- Redferne of DikuMud
Redferne's Residence -- DikuMud, modified by Cyron of VieMud
Rome -- Onivel of JediMUD
King Welmar's Castle -- CircleMUD*
Newbie Zone -- Maynard of StrangeMUD
All those marked with * have been heavily modified by Furry of VieMud
C.A.W. stands for the Curious Areas Workshop. For more information
mail <fletchra@qsilver.queensu.ca>.
See also: CREDITS
Bulletin boards are the forum of inter-player communication on the MUD.
There are different bulletin boards for different purposes -- for example,
a standard mortal board, a board for immortals, a board for fun "social"
messages, etc. Naturally, not all players may be allowed to read all
types of boards.
Type "LOOK BOARD" to see the messages already posted on a board. Type
"WRITE <subject>" to post a message to a board; terminate a message with
a '@' as the first character on a line. Type "READ <number>" to read a
post. Type "REMOVE <number>" to remove your own messages.
> look at board
> write Am I using these boards correctly?
[writes the message; terminates with a '@']
> look at board
> read 6
> remove 6
Clerics have an ancient belief in not carrying sharp weapons. Hence, they can
only wield bludgeoning weapons. This class gives you the wisdom of peace,
blessing and healing, though it is possible to learn more violent spells.
You can improve your spells by using the practice command.
See 'help spells' for a list of spells available.
Whenever you kill a monster or a player, you earn experience points. When
enough experience points are earned, you raise a level.
Things you should know about experience points:
* When damaging a monster, you get experience points.
* If you kill a monster of higher level than yourself, you get bonus
experience points. If killing a monster of lower level you'll gain
less experience points
See also: GROUP, SCORE
Players sometimes have FLAGS after their names in the WHO list. These
flags are always in parentheses, not brackets or braces.
----------- ---------------------------------------------------------
(KILLER) Player is trying to kill other players. That means you
can try to kill him/her without being flagged.
(THIEF) Player is trying to steal from other players. Fire away.
(invis) Player is invisible; you can see him/her because you are
sensitive to the presence of invisible things.
(writing) Player is writing on the board; do not disturb.
(mailing) Player is writing mail; do not disturb.
(deaf) Player has chosen not to hear shouts.
(notell) Player has chosen not to accept tells.
(quest) Player is participating in a quest currently being run by
the Gods.
The Guildhouse is the place where mortals may go to escape the troubles and
perils of a cruel world. Each guild is heavily guarded, so that only members
may enter the building. Guilds are also the places where people come to
learn and practice the skills of their trade.
See also: PRACTICE
Houses have been implemented as of CircleMUD 3.0. A house entails two things:
access control and crash protection. Only you and your guests will be allowed
to enter the house. Your house will be crash-saved every five minutes. You
can force your house to save by typing 'save' while standing in your house.
In the event of a crash, the objects in your house as of the last crash-save
will be loaded back into your house when the MUD reboots. Also, if you own
a house, and quit from the game while standing in your house, you will be
loaded into your house next time you enter the game.
Guests of your house can be defined using the HOUSE command. See HOUSE for
more information.
Houses are an alternative to renting. You can simply enter your house and
quit; your objects will drop to the ground and be crash-saved for when you
return. There is currently no limit to the number of objects which can be
stored in your house. Of course, players must expect to pay a much higher
premium for the convenience of houses; contact your local Implementor for
a fee schedule.
See also: HOUSE
The most powerful being in existence.
Inns are places where the weary traveler may rest while the innkeeper looks
after his equipment and treasure.
Specifically, the game will save your equipment while you are logged out.
There is a daily cost for renting, based on your equipment. Each item has
a per diem charge. The per diem charge is calculated to the nearest second,
however -- if you rent at the rate of 2400 coins per day, and you come back
39 hours later, you will be charged 3900 coins.
A CRYOGENIC CENTER will store your items for a one-time charge of four
days rent.
Rent files are deleted if you run out of money to pay the per diem charges
or after 30 days. Cryogenic-rent files are deleted after 60 days.
See also: OFFER, RENT
A lot of players have problems with their links to the game. This can be
very hazardous to your health in the middle of a battle, of course.
I. If your link is broken, you will automatically attempt to flee each
time someone attempts to hit you. If you manage to flee, then you
will be saved by divine forces, and put in a safe place until you
reconnect to the game.
II. If your link jams (freezes), you have a problem. The only solution we
can give is that you break your link as quickly as possible. By
breaking the link you can hope that the above procedure is initiated.
Do not try to get out of a fight by breaking link. You will be not
reimbursed for any experience or equipment if you purposefully
cut your link.
This is the class of powerful and violent magic, but the magic user do not
control the nature, and can therefore not bless and such.
You can improve your spells by using the practice command.
See 'help spells' for a list of spells available.
Mana is used when casting spells. You must have a certain amount of mana
in order to cast any particular spell. If you do not have enough mana to
cast the spell you must rest until you gain enough points to cast.
See also: SPELLS
Temple Altar
Reading -- Temple -- Donations
Room of
Midgaard Post Reception
| Office /
Cleric | | /
Guild----Temple Square----Grunting---Bar
(Fountain) Boar Inn
Magic |
Shop Bakery | Grocer Weaponsmith
| | | | | East
Gate | | Square | | |
| Mage Armory | Pet Warrior Wally's
(Wall Guild | Shop Guild World of Water
Road) |
| | Uncle Juans's
| | |
| | | | | |
| Grubby | Thieves Levee Warehouse
| Inn | Guild |
(Wall Dump |
Road) Sewers/ |
| |
| Midgaard
<=== [Bridge] =============================== River =============>
| | | | |
| + +----Cafe +---Penny |
| | Park--v | | Lane |
| City | +--+--+ | |
| Guard----+----+----+--o--+-----+----+---City |
| HQ | | Hall |
| + +--(Emerald)--+ |
(Concourse) | | (Concourse)
| +------(Park-+-Road)-------+ |
| | | |
| +--(Emerald)-+ +---Elm |
| | | Street |
| + + |
| | | |
Shops are places where the adventurer may purchase equipment for his quests,
and where he may sell his treasure if he should manage to survive the perils
with his life and sanity intact. Many shops trade only in a specific type of
merchandise. Thus, a baker may well refuse to buy your armor, even if it is
of high quality!
To some people, the prospect of obtaining the entire inventory of a shop by
murdering the keeper may appear tempting - but beware: The shopkeepers are
often rugged, capable men; roughened by years of trading and, indeed, surviving
in a world where the only safe prospect is death in the end.
Magic User Cleric
(1) Magic Missile (1) Armor
(1) - (1) Cure Light
(2) Detect Magic (2) Create Water
(2) Detect Invisible (2) Create Food
(3) Chill Touch (3) Detect Poison
(3) Infravision (3) -
(4) Invisibility (4) Cure Blindness
(4) Armor (4) Detect Evil
(4) - (4) Detect Alignment
(5) Burning Hands (5) Bless
(6) Locate Object (6) Blindness
(6) Strength (6) Detect Invisible
(7) Shocking Grasp (7) Infravision
(8) Sleep (8) Protection From Evil
(8) - (8) Poison
(9) Lightning Bolt (9) Cure Critical
(9) Blindness (9) Group Armor
(10) Detect Poison (10) Summon
(10) - (10) Remove Poison
(11) Color Spray (11) -
(12) - (12) Earthquake
(12) - (12) Word of Recall
(13) Energy Drain (13) -
(14) Curse (14) Detect Evil
(14) Poison (14) Detect Good
(14) - (14) Dispel Evil
(14) - (14) Dispel Good
(15) Fireball (15) Call Lightning
(15) - (15) Sanctuary
(16) Charm Person (16) Heal
(17) Sense Life (17) Control Weather
(19) - (19) Harm
(22) - (22) Group Heal
(26) Enchant Weapon (26) Remove Curse
Thieves are known to have very special qualities, that no other class offers.
Their specialty tends to be in the darker, sneakier art. Many of these
qualities can come in handy in many situations, such as picking locks.
You can improve you skills by using the practice command.
Skills available to thieves:
sneak, hide, steal, backstab, pick lock, track
See the help on each skill for more information.
See also: PRACTICE
Warriors are known to have more strength than the average player. This makes
them better at hand-to-hand-combat, as they possess skills of violence and
fighting unequaled by the members of any other class. However, they lack the
ability to use magic of any sort.
You can improve your skills by using the practice command.
Skills available to warriors:
kick, rescue, track, bash
See also: PRACTICE
C I R C L E M U D 3 . 0
CircleMUD was developed from DikuMud (Gamma 0.0) by Jeremy "Ras" Elson at
Johns Hopkins University's Department of Computer Science. All code unique
to CircleMUD is protected under a copyright by the Trustees of the Johns
Hopkins University.
Many, many people contributed to CircleMUD in one way or another throughout
the course of its development. Although it's impossible for me to remember
them all, I'd like to extend special thanks to certain people:
-- Jeff Fink and George Greer, for submitting a veritable mountain of
excellent code.
-- Chris Epler and Chris Herringshaw for extensive beta-testing and bug
-- Furry (Alex Fletcher), for single-handedly managing Circle's world files.
-- Fred Merkel, Ryan Watkins, Jay Levino, and Sharon Goza, for other
code and area submissions.
-- Jean-Jack Riethoven for porting the code to the Amiga, David Carver
for porting it to OS/2, and Jack Patton and Steffen Haeuser for the
Amiga port.
-- Bill Bogstad and Tim Stearns for allowing Circle to exist at JHU.
-- The DikuMud folk, and the good old WhatMUD implementors Dave & Justin,
for starting the ball rolling.
-- Bryan Jolson, Steven Lacher, Cat Stanton, and Naved Surve, for being
there in the very early days of Circle's development.
-- Sharon, Ben, Erica, Aly, and Josh, for keeping me sane.
-- Jules (hamotek sheli) for being the greatest.
...plus everyone else in the Circle community who has submitted material!
Thanks everyone!
Anonymous FTP: ftp.circlemud.org or ftp2.circlemud.org in pub/CircleMUD
To report bugs: bugs@circlemud.org
To get help: help@circlemud.org
URL: http://www.circlemud.org/
Mailing List: listserv@post.queensu.ca
(write "subscribe circle <first name> <last name>")
--Jeremy Elson (jelson@circlemud.org)
See also: AREAS