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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
The Edge Of The Forest~
You are standing at the end of a dusty road, near the eastern edge of the
large forest of Haon-Dor. To the east you see the road heading back to the
walled city, Midgaard, and to the west is a narrow trail leading through the
60 0 2
To the east a dusty road takes you back to the walls of Midgaard, and its large
west gate.
0 -1 6090
You see a narrow forest trail winding westward in between the trees.
0 -1 6001
The forest trail winds westwards through the trees.
tree trees~
The trees are quite tall considering most of them appear to be quite young.
On one of the trees, crude letters forming the word 'Haon-Dor' have been
carved into the bark.
A Trail Through The Light Forest~
You are on a trail leading through the forest. There seems to be a small
path leading north into the shadows. To the east is the forest edge and to
the west the trail leads further into the forest.
60 0 3
You see evidence of a small path leading through a break in the trees to the
0 -1 6060
The trail continues eastwards out of the forest.
0 -1 6000
You see the narrow forest trail winding westwards in between the trees.
0 -1 6002
The forest trail winds east-west through the trees.
tree trees~
The trees here are quite young and fresh. They seem to accommodate many kinds
of birds, insects and other small animals.
birds insects animals~
Very cute little creatures, they seem to enjoy life.
A Trail Through The Light Forest~
You are on a narrow trail winding east and west through the forest. To the
west, the forest gradually becomes more dense. A small forest path leads off
to the south.
60 0 3
The trail continues eastwards through the young trees.
0 -1 6001
The small path leads south through the young trees.
0 -1 6011
You see the narrow forest trail winding westwards into the dense forest.
0 -1 6003
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
The forest trail winds east-west through the trees.
tree trees~
The young, slender trees look beautiful, their fresh, green leaves moving
lightly in the wind.
A Trail Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a trail winding east and west through the dense forest. To
the east, the forest gradually seems to become lighter.
60 0 3
The trail continues eastwards to the younger part of the forest.
0 -1 6002
You see the narrow trail winding westwards through the dense forest.
0 -1 6004
The forest trail seems almost fragile compared to the massive trunks.
tree trees~
The dense crowns of the mature trees leave only a fraction of the sky to be
seen through the leaves.
A Trail Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a trail winding east and west through the dense forest. To the
west, the trees are so huge and their crowns so dense that forest remains in
total darkness. A small path leads south through the trees.
60 0 3
The trail continues eastwards through the dense forest.
0 -1 6003
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6005
The narrow trail almost seems to disappear between the enormous trunks.
0 -1 6100
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
The forest trail seems almost fragile compared to the massive trunks.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees almost cut out all light.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues north and south.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6004
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6006
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues north and east.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6005
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6007
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
An Intersection In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The forest
gradually lightens to the east. Paths lead east, west and south.
60 0 3
You can barely make out a clearing to the east.
0 -1 6008
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6012
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6006
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
The Forest Clearing~
You are in a clearing in the forest. Lots of fresh stumps of varying sizes
protrude from the ground and heavy logs are stacked neatly in a big pile
supported by stakes set into the ground. Paths lead north, east and west.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6011
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6009
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6007
log logs~
Even though the logs have been chopped to shorter pieces, they are quite heavy
as they are fresh and still filled with sap.
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
stake stakes~
The stakes keep the logs from rolling down.
stump stumps~
There are more stumps than logs and some of the stumps are partly covered in
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
Outside A Small Cabin In The Forest~
You are outside a small cabin built entirely from heavy logs. There is a
wooden door to the north and small paths lead west and south through the trees.
60 0 3
The wooden door is quite sturdy but does not appear to be equipped with a lock.
door wooden~
1 -1 6010
The small path leads south through the dense forest.
0 -1 6014
The small path leads west through the light forest.
0 -1 6008
cabin logs log~
It looks simple but comfortable and the slender trees make the whole place seem
pretty idyllic. It is a cabin built from wooden logs.
path paths~
The path is probably used by the cabin's inhabitants.
tree trees~
The trees are fairly young, not much more than a hundred years or so.
Inside The Cabin~
You are inside a small one-room cabin made entirely from heavy logs.
It is very sparsely furnished, containing only the most basic housekeeping
equipment, such as a bed, a chair and a table.
60 d 0
The wooden door leads south.
door wooden~
1 -1 6009
It is definitely not the most comfortable bed you have seen in your life.
It is made from oak and looks strong and sturdy.
A heavy table that doesn't even appear to rock. It seems to have something
carved on it.
carving carvings carved~
On the table is carved :
/) /)
Danny and Mari, Oct 31, 1991 ( o o )
= x =
m m
A Small Path Through The Light Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the forest. The trees are tall and
slender. Paths lead north and south.
60 0 3
The path leads north through the young trees.
0 -1 6002
The path leads south through the young trees.
0 -1 6008
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are fairly young, not much more than a hundred years or so.
An Intersection In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of the
old trees leave the forest floor in an unreal twilight illumination. Paths
lead north, east and south.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6007
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6013
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6021
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues east and west.
60 0 3
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6014
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6012
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
An Intersection In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The forest
gradually lightens to the north. Paths lead north, east and west.
60 0 3
The path leads north to a lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6009
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6015
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6013
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues south and west.
60 0 3
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6016
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6014
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues north, south and east.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6015
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6028
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6017
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are at a turn on a small path leading through the dense forest. The
forest seems to become lighter to the west. The path continues north and west.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6016
The small path leads west through the trees to a lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6018
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
illumination. A large branch looms above you, over the path.
up branches branch large~
The branch of a large oak stretches out above the path from the east.
An Intersection In The Light Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the forest. A path leads north to
a small field and other paths lead east and west into the dense forest.
60 0 3
The path leads north to a small, grassy field.
0 -1 6023
The path leads east to a dense part of the forest.
0 -1 6017
The path leads west to a dense part of the forest.
0 -1 6019
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The tall trees are young and slender, not much more than a hundred years or so.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The forest seems
to become lighter to the east. The path continues north and east.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6020
The small path leads east through the trees to a lighter part of the forest.
0 -1 6018
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues south and west.
60 0 3
The small path leads south through the trees.
0 -1 6019
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6021
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. To the west
you see a dark cave entrance, leading into a small hillside. The path
continues north and east.
60 0 3
The small path leads north through the trees.
0 -1 6012
The small path leads east through the trees.
0 -1 6020
The cave is very dark.
0 -1 6022
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
cave entrance~
The irregular opening is eight feet wide and six feet tall. An acrid smell
emanates from within.
Inside The Cave~
You are in a natural cave. Various sorts of debris cover the stone floor,
emitting a rather unpleasant smell that makes the air thick and hard to
breathe. The only obvious exit is east.
60 ad 0
The cave opening is to the east.
0 -1 6021
It consists mostly of gnawed bones mixed with small pieces of torn fur.
cave walls floor stone~
Quite uninteresting.
air smell~
Kind of transparent, but quite noticeable nevertheless.
A Grassy Field~
You are in a grass covered field somewhere in the forest. The tall grass
nearly reaches your waist, and the surrounding oaks and beeches form an almost
wall-like thicket on the east side of the field. To the northeast you can see
a small lake. A small path leads south through the trees, and the field opens
up to the north and west.
60 0 2
Wind blowing in from the north carries with it the smell of a newly killed
animal, as well as the noise of many birds, which you can see circling there.
0 -1 6026
The ground slopes gently downward to the eastern tree line.
0 -1 6024
The small path leads south in between the trees.
0 -1 6018
The tall grass makes a nice hiding place for animals.
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees thicket~
The trees form a close thicket, blocking any exit to the west.
birds bird circling~
Many carrion birds are circling to the north, you presume they are waiting for
their turn to feast on a corpse.
The Lower Part Of The Grassy Field~
You are in a lower part of the grassy field, south of a small lake. The
grass here has been trampled by the many animals coming here for water, leaving
the ground covered in tracks of different types. To the west you see a break
in the wall of trees surrounding the field, and to the north is a small lake.
60 0 2
The animal tracks lead off to the north, and around the lake there.
0 -1 6025
To the south-west you see a break in the tree line, leading back to the
forest path.
0 -1 6023
The tall grass makes a nice hiding place for animals.
path trampled~
The trampled grass path leads to the lake north of here.
tree trees thicket~
The trees form a close thicket, blocking any exit to the south and east.
Beside The Lake In A Grassy Field~
The grass stops shortly before the lake, replaced by mud covered in tracks
from the local animals. When you come close many animals scatter into the tall
grass and some even into the forest. To the west you see birds circling in the
high in the air, and to the north you see a small lake, surrounded by tall
reeds. The field continues to the south, and the forest blocks passage to the
60 0 2
The lake looks inviting, and you can see some sort of water fowl floating
around among the reeds.
0 -1 6027
To the south an animal trail leads of towards a the other side of the lower
0 -1 6024
The smell of carrion drifts down to you from higher on the field to the west.
0 -1 6026
The tall grass makes a nice hiding place for animals.
Animals from all around come here to drink. The lake itself is not very big,
but it stretches off to the north from here.
tree trees thicket~
The trees form a close thicket, blocking any exit to the north or east.
birds bird circling~
Many carrion birds are circling to the west, you presume they are waiting for
their turn to feast on a corpse.
track tracks mud~
You see tracks of both hooved and other sorts of animals. Evidence of all
sizes of animals is here in the mud, showing just how lively the forest is.
The Northern Section Of A Grassy Field~
As you come close, scavenging animals and birds of all sorts scatter,
leaving only the boldest and stupidest encircling the corpse of a large boar.
Carrion birds circle overhead, and smaller animals stare out of the tall grass
at you. The grass here has been trampled, and a large area around the corpse
is stained by blood. A trail leads down the sloping field to a lake, and to
the south you see the path back to the forest.
60 0 2
A small lake lies down the sloping field to the east. Some of the animals
that fled from here have gone there, and are watching, waiting for you to
leave so they can resume their feasting.
0 -1 6025
The field continues to the south, and you can see the path back to the forest
0 -1 6023
The tall grass makes a nice hiding place for animals. You see some of the
animals you frightened away peeking furtively out at you.
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees thicket~
The trees form a close thicket, blocking any exit to the north and west.
birds circling~
Many birds of varying size circle overhead, waiting for you to leave. You
hope they don't decide that you could be a corpse with just a little effort.
animal animals small~
Several pairs of eyes peer out at you, urging you to leave. The just might
decide that en masse they could kill you, so you probably don't want to tarry
On The Lake~
You are in the middle of a small lake, fed from a small stream coming
through the forest from the northwest. The water is not that clear, but
you can see fish swimming around below you. The bank is clear to the
south, providing a safe place to get back to the field.
60 0 7
Some animals have gathered on the bank to watch you, curious about what you
are doing.
0 -1 6025
Trout and perhaps a catfish or two swim about below you, totally ignoring
your presence.
Animals from all around come here to drink. The lake itself is not very big,
but it stretches off to the north from here.
tree trees thicket~
Trees cover the bank on most sides, preventing you from docking there.
reed reeds~
Reeds grow up around the edges of the lake, providing cover for the small
water fowl that live here.
A Small Path In The Dense Forest~
You are on a small path leading through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues to the west and south.
60 0 3
0 -1 6029
The small path leads west through the trees.
0 -1 6016
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
Near A Large Tree In The Dense Forest~
You are at the end of a small path leading through the dense forest. The
crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.
This rough clearing is dominated by a very large oak tree, probably the
largest in this part of the forest. The path leads back to the north.
60 c 3
0 -1 6028
You see the lower branches of the towering oak.
0 -1 6030
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks, with one large oak off to your
large oak tree~
It has some lower branches that you think you could reach if you stretched.
You might even be able to climb all the top, though from here it looks like
something else had that idea before you. There is a faint animal shape pacing
on one of the highest branches.
animal shape~
From here it looks vaguely feline, though you could get a much better view
from in the tree. You are not sure if it has seen you yet.
limb limbs~
They look quite sturdy, certainly capable of holding your weight should you
decide to climb up the tree using them.
top highest high~
You could probably see most of the forest, and perhaps even the city from the
top of the tree... of course, you'd have to deal with whatever that shape is
pacing on one of the upper limbs.
In The Lower Branches Of A Large Oak~
You are in a huge oak, about one third of the way to the top. The branches
above you block out much of the light, but enough filters through for you to
see. Small animals and birds scatter at your approach, rustling the leaves
all about you. You could easily climb back down to the ground, or continue up
the tree. One large branch juts outward to the west, possibly providing a
third choice of exit.
60 0 5
This limb looks large and strong enough for you to walk most of the way along
its length to the west.
0 -1 6031
More large branches spread out from the tree above you.
0 -1 6032
The rough clearing is just a quick climb and jump below you.
0 -1 6029
nest nests~
After a short period of looking, you notice a bird's nest on a limb not far
above you, and a large squirrel's nest in the crook of a large limb that
stretches out towards the west.
animals bird birds~
A variety of squirrels, chipmunks, and birds make their homes in this and the
surrounding trees. If you look closely you may be able to see some of their
rapidly emptying nests.
The shape above you moves with definite grace and confidence. You think that
it must be a Bobcat, stalking smaller tree-dwelling animals.
pacing pace animal shape~
From here it looks feline. You still don't think it has noticed you, despite
the noise you made while climbing up here.
limb limbs~
They look quite sturdy, certainly capable of holding your weight should you
decide to climb around in the tree using them.
top highest high~
You could probably see most of the forest, and perhaps even the city from the
top of the tree... of course, you would have to deal with whatever that shape
is that you see pacing on one of the upper limbs.
Out On A Limb In A Large Oak~
This sturdy branch hangs far out over a path to the west, which you might
be able to jump down to. Several squirrels scamper into hiding as you
approach, leaving you alone and swaying slightly with the wind. To your north
you can see a small log cabin through the trees, and to the southeast there
seems to be some sort of clearing, with many birds circling above it.
60 c 3
Back to the east you see the tree trunk. It is much less precarious there
compared to here... perhaps you should go back.
0 -1 6030
Below you is a small path, probably used by the forest animals. You think
that you could jump down with a little effort.
0 -1 6016
nest nests~
You notice that several of the squirrels sought refuge in a large nest that is
well within your reach. Looking into the nest, you see two pairs of eyes
staring back at you.
animals bird birds~
A variety of squirrels, chipmunks, and birds make their homes in this and the
surrounding trees. If you look closely you may be able to see some of their
rapidly emptying nests.
The shape above you moves with definite grace and confidence. You think that
it must be a Bobcat, stalking smaller tree-dwelling animals.
pacing pace animal shape~
From here it looks feline. You still don't think it has noticed you, despite
the noise you made while climbing up here.
limb limbs~
The limbs look quite sturdy, certainly capable of holding your weight should
you decide to climb around in the tree using them.
top highest high~
You could probably see most of the forest, and perhaps even the city from the
top of the tree... of course, you would have to deal with whatever that shape
is that you see pacing on one of the upper limbs.
Midway To The Top Of The Large Oak~
You are in a huge oak, about midway to the top. The branches above you
block out much of the light, but enough filters through for you to see. A few
birds have remained to watch you from the fringe branches, well out of your
reach. Scratches mar the tree here, and torn bark is scattered near you on the
branch. It would seem some large forest cat lives nearby, so you had better be
careful! You can continue a bit farther up the tree, or descend to limbs that
don't sway so much.
60 0 5
Above you the tree narrows farther, but it still looks like you could climb up
there. A feline shape is pacing about above you, trying to get to a large
wounded bird. Perhaps you should try to see what sort of cat this is before
you interrupt its hunt... it might eat you instead of the bird.
0 -1 6033
0 -1 6030
nest nests~
A medium sized bird's nest is close to you here, and it looks like it has some
nice looking eggs in it too!
animal animals bird birds~
A variety of squirrels, chipmunks, and birds make their homes in this and the
surrounding trees. If you look closely you may be able to see some of their
rapidly emptying nests.
feline cat pacing pace shape~
It looks like a Bobcat, and it seems quite intent on getting to a large bird
that it has wounded. It has not seen you yet, or perhaps just thinks you are
too easy a meal.
limb limbs~
They look quite sturdy, certainly capable of holding your weight should you
decide to climb around in the tree using them.
top highest high~
You could probably see most of the forest, and perhaps even the city from the
top of the tree... of course, you would have to deal with whatever that shape
is that you see pacing on one of the upper limbs.
High In The Large Oak~
The tree top gently sways in the wind, and you think you are as high as
you can safely go in the tree. The limbs here show evidence of a small battle,
with ripped bark and loose feathers scattered everywhere. Looking around, you
can see the forest stretching out below you in all directions. To the east you
see Midgaard, and to the south the river runs through a deep chasm. North and
west of here you can see another small village, and on the western horizon you
see a large mountain.
60 0 5
Below you many of the animals you frightened earlier have returned to their
various nests and homes. You can see a small hint of the path far below you
through the branches.
0 -1 6032
around trees everywhere woods forest~
Off to the southwest you can see a grass covered field, and a small lake;
nortwest of you is a small cabin and a large pile of wood. Far to west the
treetops form a tight canopy, blocking out almost all sunlight and your view.
It is said that large wolves live there. You've also heard rumors of horrible
spiders and drow living there. You'd be best off leaving that area to more
experienced adventurers.
mountain range northeast~
A long mountain range stretches across the horizon to the north and northeast.
You have heard rumors of many different sorts of creatures living there,
varying from Dwarves and Humans to Ogres and various humanoid creatures. Some
say that evil Dark Elves dwell in the underworld deep below the lands of the
Dwarves. The caves of Moria also are found there, populated by all sorts of
evil creatures.
river chasm~
To the south you see a river flowing roughly from the northeast to the west.
It emerges from a dark opening in the side of a mountain and flows through
Midgaard, and on into the forest. It has eroded a deep chasm in the soft stone
under the forest floor, and is not visible for long after it enters the forest
A Shaded Path Through The Forest~
You are on a small shaded path leading through the trees. The forest
gradually lightens to the east. The path continues to the north, and to the
south you see the main trail.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6065
Through a break in the tree line you see the main trail that heads back towards
0 -1 6001
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
They are mostly young oaks and tall beeches.
A Shaded Path Through The Forest~
You are at a turn on a small shadowed path leading through the forest. The
forest seems to become lighter to the west. The path continues north and west.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6066
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6062
path paths shaded shadowed~
The shadowy path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight
illumination. A large branch looms above you, over the path.
A Shaded Path Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a small shaded path leading through the dense forest. The
crowns of the old trees leave the forest floor in an unreal twililght
illumination. To the north you see a small clearing. Paths lead east and
60 0 3
Through the underbrush you see a small clearing.
0 -1 6067
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6061
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6063
path paths shaded shadowy~
The shaded path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shaded Path Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a small shaded path through the dense forest. The crowns of
the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path
continues north and east.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6068
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6062
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shadowy Path Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a small shadowy path leading through the dense forest. The
crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.
The path continues north and south.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6069
The path winds its way into darkness.
0 -1 6100
path paths shadowy~
The shadowy path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shaded Path Through The Forest~
You are at a turn on a small shaded path winding through the trees. The
forest gradually becomes more dense to the west. The path continues west and
south from here.
60 0 3
Through the trees to the south you can almost see the main trail leading back
to Midgaard.
0 -1 6060
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6066
path paths shaded~
The shadowed path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly young oaks and tall beeches.
A Fork On The Shaded Path Through The Forest~
You are at a fork in the small shaded path winding through the trees. The
forest gradually becomes more dense to the west. The path branches to the
north and south here, and also continues to the east.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6071
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6065
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6061
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
At The Fallen Tree~
You are standing in a small clearing, beside a large fallen tree. A large
amount of the tree has already decomposed, but some pieces remain, scattered
about the clearing. Paths border the clearing to the north and south.
60 0 3
A shaded path winds its way northeast between the trees.
0 -1 6072
A shaded path winds its way east between the trees.
0 -1 6062
path paths~
The shaded paths are probably used by the animals living in the forest.
fallen rotten decomposed tree~
The tree has mostly rotted away, providing nourishment to many small plants
growing here in the clearing. The few pieces that remain are not all that
large, but one log in particular catches your eye and seems to remind you of
something. Under one of these logs would be a great place for an animal to
make its den...
clearing clear~
When the large tree fell it must have brought a few of the smaller trees down
with it in order to make a clearing like this.
under animal den~
Under a log you think you see some sort of hole, or animal's den. Looking
closer, you can make out the form of what you believe to be a Badger resting
inside of the den.
An Intersection On The Shaded Path~
You are on a small shaded path leading through the dense forest. The
crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.
The path continues north, south, and west.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6073
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6063
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6069
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shadowy Path Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a small shadowy path leading through the dense forest. The
crowns of the old trees leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination.
The path continues south and east.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the old trees.
0 -1 6068
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6064
path paths shaded shadowy~
The shadowy path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
Off Of The Path In The Shaded Forest~
You are wandering amongst the trees in the light forest, without the aid
of a path or trail. More sunlight trickles through the treetops here, making
your travel a bit easier. Small animals scurry away as you approach. You
are no longer on a path, so you may go whichever way you please.
60 0 3
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6078
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6070
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6061
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6072
path paths~
The path is long behind you now... you aren't sure which direction it lies
in anymore.
tree trees~
The trees are younger here than to those to the west.
A Shaded Path Through The Forest~
You are on a small shaded path leading in between the trees. The forest
gradually lightens to the east. Paths lead west and south, and you think you
see a small path leading eastward.
60 0 3
It looks like a small path begins between two trees to the east, but you
aren't quite certain.
0 -1 6070
The path winds its way through the trees to an split in the path.
0 -1 6066
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6072
path paths shadowy shadowed~
The shadowy path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shaded Path Though The Forest~
You are on a small shaded path leading between the trees. The forest
gradually becomes more dense to the west. Paths lead north and east, and you
see a small clearing to the south.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6075
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6071
A lightly traveled path heads southward to a small clearing.
0 -1 6067
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the small animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shadowy Path Through The Dense Forest~
You are on a small shadowy path leading through the dense forest. To the
north the terrain becomes quite hilly and rough. The crowns of the old trees
leave the forest in an unreal twilight illumination. The path continues north
and south.
60 0 4
The path winds its way into the hills and denser forest.
0 -1 6076
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6068
path paths shadowy~
The shadowy path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hill hills terrain~
To the northwest you see hills covered by dense forest.
A Small Trail Through The Forest~
You have just left the shaded path, and you are now standing at the head of
a very short trail. It looks like someone begin clearing away the underbrush
here, but didn't get finished. You may leave in any direction, but the path
is to the west.
60 0 3
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6074
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6070
The trees seem to part, exposing a trail into the shade.
0 -1 6070
Through the underbrush you see a small path winding its way northward.
0 -1 6075
path paths~
The narrow path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
A Shaded Path Through The Forest~
You are on a small shaded path leading between the trees. The forest
gradually becomes more dense to the west, and to the northwest the terrain
is quite hilly. The path continues north and south. To the east you see a
trail winding through the younger section of the forest.
60 0 3
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6078
You think you see the beginnings of a small trail through the younger part of
the forest.
0 -1 6074
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6072
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill terrain~
To the northwest the ground becomes more hilly. You have heard that a halfling
village is somewhere in the hills.
You think you see the beginnings of a small trail to the east, winding through
the younger part of the forest.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are standing among tightly packed trees between several hills. You
lost track of the path long ago, and now must rely on your instincts to guide
you. The ground is very rough and rocky here, and only the most hardy plants
survive. The crowns of the old trees leave the hills in an unreal twilight
60 c 4
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6081
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6077
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6076
All you see are trees and a shadowy path.
0 -1 6073
path paths~
The path is probably around here somewhere... if only you had paid more
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
Hills rise up all around you, blocking your view of the terrain.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are standing among tightly packed trees between several hills. You
lost track of the path long ago, and now must rely on your instincts to guide
you. The ground is very rough and rocky here, and only the most hardy plants
survive. The crowns of the old trees leave the hills in an unreal twilight
60 c 4
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6081
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6076
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6079
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6077
path paths~
The path is probably around here somewhere...if only you had paid more
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
Hills rise up all around you, blocking your view of the terrain.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are at the end of a small shaded path leading between the trees. The
forest is quite thick here, and the ground is very rough and hilly, halting
your progress. The path lies to the south.
60 0 4
The path winds its way between the trees.
0 -1 6075
path paths shaded~
The shaded path is probably used by the animals living in the forest.
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
The terrian is very hilly and rough to the north and west. You have heard
that there is a halfling village somewhere in the hills.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are standing among tightly packed trees between several hills. You
lost track of the path long ago, and now must rely on your instincts to guide
you. The ground is very rough and rocky here, and only the most hardy plants
survive. The crowns of the old trees leave the hills in an unreal twilight
60 c 4
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6081
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6078
All you see are trees and a shadowy path.
0 -1 6073
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6080
path paths~
The path is probably around here somewhere...if only you had paid more
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
Hills rise up all around you, blocking your view of the terrain.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are standing among tightly packed trees between several hills. You
lost track of the path long ago, and now must rely on your instincts to guide
you. The ground is very rough and rocky here, and only the most hardy plants
survive. The crowns of the old trees leave the hills in an unreal twilight
60 c 4
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6081
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6082
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6076
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6081
path paths~
The path is probably around here somewhere...if only you had paid more
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
Hills rise up all around you, blocking your view of the terrain.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are standing among tightly packed trees between several hills. You
lost track of the path long ago, and now must rely on your instincts to guide
you. The ground is very rough and rocky here, and only the most hardy plants
survive. The crowns of the old trees leave the hills in an unreal twilight
60 c 4
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6078
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6077
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6076
All you see are trees and a shadowy path.
0 -1 6073
path paths~
The path is probably around here somewhere...if only you had paid more
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
Hills rise up all around you, blocking your view of the terrain.
In The Dense Forest Between The Hills~
You are standing among tightly packed trees on a medium sized hill. The
dense forest spreads out all around you, and the crowns of the old trees leave
the hills in an unreal twilight illumination.
60 c 4
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6081
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6079
All you see are trees and hillsides.
0 -1 6076
tree trees~
The trees are mostly old beeches and oaks.
hills hill~
Hills rise up all around you, blocking your view of the terrain.
A Road Through The Plains~
You are on a dust covered east-west road through the western plains. An
occasional hunter or adventurer can be seen, heading to or from the forest.
To the east is the walled city, Midgaard, and to the west the road ends at
the head of a narrow trail into a large forest.
60 c 2
Far to the east you see the large walls guarding Midgaard.
0 -1 6091
To the west the dusty trail ends, and becomes a narrow trail into the cool
shadows of the forest.
0 -1 6000
The forest trail winds westwards through the trees.
tree trees forest~
The trees are quite tall considering most of them appear to be quite young.
road dust dusty~
The road is well used, and quite dusty.
A Road Through The Plains~
You are on a dust covered east-west road through the western plains. An
occasional hunter or adventurer can be seen, heading to or from the forest.
To the east is the walled city, Midgaard, and to the west the road continues
towards a large forest.
60 c 2
Far to the east you see the walls and western gate of Midgaard.
0 -1 6092
You see the large forest, Haon-Dor, stretching out far to the west, and to the
northwest you the forest gives way to hills.
0 -1 6090
forest haondor haon-dor~
The large forest of Haon-Dor spreads out to the west. Small and large game
is plentiful there... as is adventure, and of course, danger!
tree trees~
Some small trees grow amongst the underbrush of the plains. These slowly gain
in height as you travel farther westward towards Haon-Dor
road dust dusty~
The road is well used, and quite dusty.
A Road Through The Plains~
You are on a dust covered east-west road crossing the grassy plains between
Midgaard the forest of Haon-Dor. An occasional hunter or adventurer can be
seen, heading to or from the forest. To the east is the walled city, Midgaard,
and to the west the road continues towards a large forest.
60 c 1
To the east you see the walls and West Gate of Midgaard.
0 -1 3052
To the west the road continues towards the forest.
0 -1 6091
The large forest of Haon-dor spreads out to the west. Small and large game
is plentiful there...as is adventure, and of course, danger!
road dust dusty~
The road is well used, and quite dusty.