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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
Outside Redferne's Residence~
A huge cloud forms the plateau on which you are now standing. The
wind here is absolutely quiet and the sun is shining warmly upon you.
From under the cloud you can hear the faint sounds of Midgaard. Right
before you to the north lies the grand Mansion of Naris.
79 cj 0
You see an enormous arched gate leading into this magnificent building.
gate huge arched~
2 7901 7901
You see a Huge Chain that anchors the Mansion of Naris to the ground.
0 -1 7918
The Southern End Of The Hall~
You are standing in a vast hall that is dimly lit, but wherever the
light comes from, is a mystery. The walls seem to radiate warmth and
give the pleasent feeling of being welcome here. A large portrait is
hanging on one of the walls. A large wooden staircase leads up into
the tower. To the east there is a high passage away from the hall.
This ends shortly after by a tall oak door. The enormous hall extends
further north from here. To the south you can see a huge, and VERY
heavy-looking iron-wrought door. It looks like this is the only exit
from this magnificent old house.
79 cdj 0
The hallway continues that way. You can see more doorways under the
wooden staircase in that direction.
0 -1 7904
You see a tall oak door there. It looks quite tightly closed to you.
On it little runes are chiselled into the wood.
door oak tall~
1 -1 7910
Here you see a REAL door. It would be more proper to call this a
'GATE', rather than a 'door'. It is really HUGE! On it hangs a
large sign with very large letters spelling:
gate iron huge~
2 7901 7900
This looks like a 'door' in the meaning of the word. The ashen wood
is painted in a peculiar yellow color. Small letters are written
with black on it.
door ashen ash yellow~
1 -1 7902
You see the staircase extending upwards into the very high tower.
It ends in what seems like a large bedroom up there.
0 -1 7909
These runes are utterly strange to you, but you are in luck today:
Under the runes you can just make out a sentence in Common. It
Stay out, if you treasure your life. That is if you are mortal.
They read:
Redferne's Library~
This is truly a magnificent place! Books and scrolls lie together
on every shelf. A large globe, with the map of the world upon it,
stands in the dimly lit north-western corner of the room. Two large
and comfortable looking leather armchairs adorn the center of the
library together with a huge oak desk. Dim light radiates from an
enormous crystal chandelier hanging down from the ceiling approximately
10 feet off the floor. To the east there is a great old ashen door. A
large glass window is set in the west wall.
79 cdj 0
You can see an old ashen door, painted in a peculiar yellow color.
door ash ashen~
1 -1 7901
globe world map~
You see a large world map stretch out on the enormous globe. It has towns
drawn in every spot available for such. In the middle of the map you can
spot a large town with the name 'MIDGAARD' written over it. The rest is
mountains, woods, plains and water.
midgaard town city~
You see a small speck with woods on the west from it, plains to the east
from it and mountains to the north from it. To the east of it you can
see a thin trail lead to a large castle. Finally you notice a rather
large river pour in from the east and go through Midgaard in the middle.
chairs leather armchairs chair armchair~
These two chairs are exactly alike one another. They look incredibly
comfortable. They are both made from old leather, and yet they seem
so worn that they can be nothing but a perfect place for a long needed
window glass~
These windows are really BIG! They reach from about 20 inches above the
floor to approximately 10 inches under the ceiling. If you try and
'look out', you might see what might lie beyond these windows.
out outside beyond~
The clouds muster and form the ground on which this entire building is set.
Through the thinnest of the clouds you can just make out Midgaard with all
of its magnificent activity.
You see a large and winding river cut through the landscape, starting at an
enormous inland lake, it seeps through Midgaard and finally ends up in the
Grand Sea on the west coast of the land.
The Artifact Room Of Naris~
This is gloomy and dark room with only a faint light radiating from the
walls. A bunch of funny-looking items fill the center of the room. There
is no furniture here what-so-ever. The only way out seems to be west,
through the low steel door.
79 cdj 0
You see only the back of a safe's steel door.
door steel safe~
2 7900 7910
The Northern End Of The Hall~
You are standing in the northern end of the huge hall. This part is
under the grand wooden staircase so the light seems to be a little less
bright here, but this doesn't affect your sight at all. To the north
lies the kitchen. To the south lies the southern end of the hall. To
the east there is a huge metal door. To the west there is a large
aspenwood door.
79 cdj 0
0 -1 7906
You see a huge metal door. From it a foul stench emanates. The smell is
the most awful experience in your entire life. A thought seeps through this
terrible stench and into your mind: 'Monsters', you feel BAD about opening
that door.
door metal huge~
2 -1 7913
The rest of the hall lies in that direction, and so does the exit.
0 -1 7901
The door has 'SITTING ROOM' written on it. It is made from Aspenwood and
is beautifully carved with small elves as main issue of sculpture.
door aspen wood~
1 -1 7905
The Sitting Room Of Naris~
You are standing in the middle of a really comfortable place. The
walls are decorated with paintings of smiling Kings and Queens. The
most attractive picture is one of a Prince in shining armour. By one
of the walls there is an old armchair. The only exit is through the
aspenwood door to the east.
79 cdj 0
The door seems to be a very HEAVY door, carved completely from the trunk of
an Aspen tree.
door aspen heavy~
1 -1 7904
chair armchair~
This is truly a wonderful relic of the past. In it is a large cushion.
The Kitchen Of Naris~
This must be the place of food and drink. You can hear the faint noise
of rats feasting on meat and bread from somewhere undeterminable. The sound
makes you feel the agony of HUNGER. The only visible exit is south to the
Northern end of the hall.
79 cdj 0
It is dark in there. But the sounds from there are unmistakable. The rats
are here for your information.
larder wooden cupboard~
1 -1 7907
You can see the fridge from here. There are drinks all over the place.
1 -1 7908
You can see the northern end of the hall.
0 -1 7904
The Larder~
You can see food all over. Among the heaps of food you notice HUGE rats
scuttling around, nibbling pieces off the heaps here and there.
79 cdj 0
door wooden larder~
1 -1 7906
The Fridge~
This place is LOADED with drink, water and booze.
79 cdj 0
door fridge~
1 -1 7906
On The Stairs~
You can see up and down the stairway. It seems to take forever, either
going up OR down. It is just a seemingly insurmountable climb, either way.
Up is the bedroom of Redferne, and down leads to the southern end of the
79 cdj 0
0 -1 7911
0 -1 7901
The Treasure Room~
This place is gloomy. A HUGE safe is cemented into the west wall. The
only visible exit is west, through the oak door.
79 cdj 0
safe steel~
2 7900 7903
You see a tall oak door.
door oak tall~
1 -1 7901
Redferne's Bedroom~
This is a snugly set bedroom with all the necessities for a romantic
evening. A large fireplace adorns the east wall, and sizzling away is
the wood that is ablaze within. The bed is enormous, covering at least
HALF of this great room. The room stretches at least 140 feet, so can
you imagine the BED? A large staircase leads down to the hall. A couple
of doors open up to a broad balcony to the south.
79 cdj 0
The sun seems to shine out there, warmly and comforting.
1 -1 7912
0 -1 7909
Redferne's Balcony~
You see a splendid of the most of this world. The valleys stretch as
far as the eye reaches to the south from here. Down below you can see
the entrance of this magnificent building. To the north are the doors
to Redferne's bedroom.
79 cj 0
You see the comfortable bedroom of Naris.
1 -1 7911
You see the ground on which this castle is set. Funnily it seems to you
that it is no more than clouds.
0 -1 -1
The Monster Pen~
This looks like the cage in which a large carnivore is being kept.
Judging by the state the walls are in, this could very well be a large
AGGRESSIVE animal. This makes you pretty insecure, this stating your
feeling about the place quite mildly.
79 dj 0
This looks like the only exit from here.
door cage metal pen~
1 -1 7904
On The Huge Chain~
This place has quite a good view over Midgaard. Your possibilities of
movement seem to extend only to the up and down directions. Unless you
want to let go of the secure and seemingly unmovable chain, then those are
the directions you should take from here.
79 c 5
Upwards, you see the chain disappearing into the clouds above.
0 -1 7915
Down below, you see the huge chain anchored to the ground at the Road
Crossing of southern Midgaard.
0 -1 3120
The Chain Where It Is Too Windy~
Hanging on to the chain you figure out that there is no way of leaving
down from here. The wind pulls you from left to right and back. This
seems like a totally impossible task. The ascend is the only way ahead
for you. Otherwise you would risk death by falling to the hard ground
79 c 5
That way seems to be the only way away from here.
0 -1 7916
THAT WAY IS CERTAIN DEATH!!!! You can see the wind tearing at the chain
down below you. It swings like a furious serpent from side to side! The
descent is ABSOLUTELY out of the QUESTION.
0 -1 7920
On The Great Chain Of Naris~
You are approximately on the middle of the treacherous Chain. One false
step and death will come and collect you quickly. The chain leads upwards
and down. No way are you going to descend now... You've only just begun
your climb. Besides it could cost you your life. Look down and you'll
see why.
79 c 5
There seems to be only one way from here and that's up.
0 -1 7918
The chain down there is swinging wildly back and forth. Going down there
will be pretty risky!
0 -1 7915
The Chain~
As you descend, the chain seems to absorb all weather around it, making
it swing less and less in the very powerful wind tearing at it. The Chain
seems to chuckle quietly, and as you descend further you hear a soft whisper
originating from within the Chain *ITSELF*. It says 'Welcome back some
other time, stranger. Your company is always... hmmm... interesting. God
Speed.' The chain extends further down through the now spreading clouds.
79 c 5
It seems to you that the Chain is dissolving again. Maybe it is just an
illusion, but still...
0 -1 -1
That way seems safe enough... now.
0 -1 7914
The Mighty Chain Of Naris~
This place truly a splendid view of the WHOLE COUNTRY SIDE! A magnificent
light shines upon you and the way up through the clouds is opened. Up there
you can now see the Mansion of Naris, Residence of the Greater God Redferne.
The chain beneath you seems to evaporate in the mustering clouds that
surround you by now.
79 c 5
You see the sunny top of the clouds. Beyond these, the Mansion towers before
your eyes. Beautiful!!
0 -1 7900
You see nothing but the thick clouds. They've closed completely around the
0 -1 7917
The Free Fall From The Chain~
This is probably the third worst place to be in this entire MUD right
now. You fall
and fall
and fall
and HIT THE GROUND WITH SUCH A *SPLUTCH* that you die horribly, but instantly.
Good-bye cruel world.
79 bd 0
0 -1 7914
0 -1 7915
0 -1 7916
0 -1 7917
0 -1 7918
0 -1 3120