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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
# CircleMUD autorun script
# Contributions by Fred Merkel, Stuart Lamble, and Jeremy Elson
# Copyright (c) 1996 The Trustees of The Johns Hopkins University
# All Rights Reserved
# See license.doc for more information
# This script can be used to run CircleMUD over and over again (i.e., have it
# automatically reboot if it crashes). It will run the game, and copy some
# of the more useful information from the system logs to the 'log' directory
# for safe keeping.
# You can control the operation of this script by creating and deleting files
# in Circle's root directory, either manually or by using the 'shutdown'
# command from within the MUD.
# Creating a file called .fastboot makes the script wait only 5 seconds
# between reboot attempts instead of the usual 60. If you want a quick
# reboot, use the "shutdown reboot" command from within the MUD.
# Creating a file called .killscript makes the script terminate (i.e., stop
# rebooting the MUD). If you want to shut down the MUD and make it stay
# shut down, use the "shutdown die" command from within the MUD.
# Finally, if a file called pause exists, the script will not reboot the MUD
# again until pause is removed. This is useful if you want to turn the MUD
# off for a couple of minutes and then bring it back up without killing the
# script. Type "shutdown pause" from within the MUD to activate this feature.
# The port on which to run the MUD
# Default flags to pass to the MUD server (see admin.txt for a description
# of all flags).
while ( : ) do
echo "autorun starting game $DATE" >> syslog
echo "running bin/circle $FLAGS $PORT" >> syslog
bin/circle $FLAGS $PORT >> syslog 2>&1
tail -30 syslog > syslog.CRASH
fgrep "self-delete" syslog >> log/delete
fgrep "death trap" syslog >> log/dts
fgrep "killed" syslog >> log/rip
fgrep "Running" syslog >> log/restarts
fgrep "advanced" syslog >> log/levels
fgrep "equipment lost" syslog >> log/rentgone
fgrep "usage" syslog >> log/usage
fgrep "new player" syslog >> log/newplayers
fgrep "SYSERR" syslog >> log/errors
fgrep "(GC)" syslog >> log/godcmds
fgrep "Bad PW" syslog >> log/badpws
rm log/syslog.1
mv log/syslog.2 log/syslog.1
mv log/syslog.3 log/syslog.2
mv log/syslog.4 log/syslog.3
mv log/syslog.5 log/syslog.4
mv log/syslog.6 log/syslog.5
mv syslog log/syslog.6
touch syslog
if [ -r .killscript ]; then
echo "autoscript killed $DATE" >> syslog
rm .killscript
if [ ! -r .fastboot ]; then
sleep 60
rm .fastboot
sleep 5
while [ -r pause ]; do
sleep 60