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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
judge adjudicator~
the adjudicator~
An adjudicator is watching the games intently.
The adjudicator is a retired gladiator and scars cover all exposed parts of
his body. Although he is getting on in years, he remains healthy and fit.
bl h 100 S
12 9 2 3d7+140 1d7+4
2000 13000
8 8 1
the scorekeeper~
A scorekeeper has one eye on his stopwatch and the other on a clipboard.
The scorekeeper is a young man of about 25 years of age and is very intently
studying his clipboard.
bl 0 100 S
7 14 4 3d5+80 1d4+3
500 2250
8 8 1
spectator fan~
the spectator~
A spectator is here watching the games.
The spectator is filthy, half drunk and screaming his head off.
b 0 -100 S
5 16 5 2d6+65 2d4+0
100 900
6 6 0
noble nobleman~
the nobleman~
A nobleman stands here looking aloof.
The nobleman is dressed in fine clothes and jewelry and has a very snobbish
attitude. While he is getting old and his hair and beard are streaked with
gray, he is by no means an easy target.
bhl d 500 S
12 9 2 4d6+140 1d7+5
3500 13000
8 8 1
the slave~
A slave stands here, wishing that she was free.
A very pretty young woman who was captured instead of being killed when
the Roman legions subjugated her land.
b 0 0 S
3 18 7 3d6+30 1d7+0
10 350
8 8 2
the gladiator~
There is a gladiator standing here.
A well muscled man who is very heavily armored and armed to the teeth. He
lives for combat.
b 0 -250 S
14 5 0 4d7+150 1d8+6
700 19500
8 8 1
the chariot driver~
There is a chariot driver here.
You see a very slight and small individual whose whole life is centered around
nothing but horses and speed.
b 0 100 S
10 11 2 3d7+120 2d6+1
1200 9000
8 8 1
coach trainer~
the coach~
There is a coach standing here, going over last minute strategy.
As you try to look over his shoulder and listen in on his mumbling,
he looks up at you and gives you a glare that chills you to the
bl 0 0 S
11 10 2 4d5+130 2d6+1
500 11000
8 8 1
the healer~
A healer is standing here.
You see a young man, still learning about magical healing, wearing a white
coat and using a stethoscope.
abel d 900 S
14 7 1 2d7+170 1d7+6
1500 18000
8 8 1
herbalist young lady beautiful~
the herbalist~
There is a beautiful young lady here, carrying herbs to help the healer with.
The herbalist is a very beautiful young lady who is about 22 years old. She
has deep brown eyes and shoulder-length chestnut hair. Her body is perfectly
proportioned and she stands about 5' 5" tall.
bhl d 1000 S
10 11 2 3d4+110 1d7+4
500 8000
8 8 2
Titus' shopkeeper~
Titus' shopkeeper is here, minding the store.
The shopkeeper is an older man in his middle to late fifties and looks like
he enjoys the quiet life. There is a long scar running from the edge of his
mouth to his right ear, making it look like he is always smiling.
bl hd 750 S
23 0 -2 4d10+400 3d8+12
5000 80000
8 8 1
the peddler~
A poor peddler is standing here, trying to support his meager existence.
You see a small, dirty man who doesn't look very healthy.
bghn 0 250 S
4 17 6 3d4+40 1d8+0
100 600
8 8 1
the page~
A page stands here, waiting to run an errand.
You see a young boy who looks very strong and very fast. He has the look of
a scholar about him.
b 0 0 S
6 15 4 3d6+75 2d4+1
0 1600
8 8 1
the plaintiff~
The plaintiff stands here, pleading his case.
He looks pitiful. Absolutely pitiful.
b 0 0 S
11 10 2 3d6+140 2d6+3
1000 12000
8 8 1
the ticket master~
A ticket master is here, looking at you expectantly.
He seems to be waiting for you to either buy a ticket or to get out
of his way so that he can sell tickets to people that actually want
bl 0 100 S
17 4 1 4d8+210 1d6+11
4000 28000
8 8 1
the stadium vendor~
A stadium vendor is walking here, selling overpriced hotdogs and beer.
The vendor is a scruffy looking man who isn't afraid of a fight and looks
like he has had just about enough of smart-mouthed spectators.
g 0 -150 S
8 13 3 2d4+13000 2d5+15
500 3700
8 8 1
the citizen~
A citizen of Rome is standing here.
It appears to be your ordinary citizen going about his business.
gl 0 900 S
5 16 5 1d4+85 1d8+1
100 1000
8 8 1
gateguard guard~
the gateguard~
A gateguard stands here, tending the gate.
You see a strong, loyal public defender.
abcel 0 1000 S
11 10 2 3d6+130 1d6+5
500 11000
8 8 1
the soldier~
A soldier on leave is walking around looking for entertainment.
You see a member of one of the Emperor's elite legions. He looks VERY strong.
You have this vague feeling that his entertainment isn't going to be a very
wholesome activity.
gl 0 300 S
17 4 -1 3d5+220 1d6+9
1281 28000
8 8 1
emperor julius caesar~
Julius Caesar~
Julius Caesar, the Emperor of Rome, is sitting here.
You see a man who is dressed in the finest of clothes, has eaten the best of
foods and lived in the most opulent palace that Rome has ever known.
abl dhp 990 S
27 0 -7 10d5+650 3d7+15
24763 150000
8 8 1
guard royal bodyguard~
the royal bodyguard~
There is a royal bodyguard here, ready to die for the Emperor, if necessary.
The bodyguard is dressed in the finest of armor and wields only the
deadliest of weapons. He is very strong and would put up one hell
of a fight. He has been trained to be suspicious of all but the
most innocent visitors, and likely to take offense of anyone with
less than pure intentions.
abikl d 990 E
18 2 0 3d6+220 1d6+6
5000 35000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 6
Str: 18
StrAdd: 90
judge justice~
the judge~
A judge is standing here, reading a case.
He seems to be quite interested in the case, perhaps you shouldn't
disturb him now, later would probably be a better time.
bl 0 990 S
21 0 -1 20d5+260 1d7+11
5000 50000
6 6 1
master scheduler~
the master scheduler~
The master scheduler is here, writing in an appointment book.
As you look at him, he looks up at you and asks, 'Do you have an
appointment?' He waits for a few seconds and then asks, 'Would
you like one?'
bl 0 900 S
17 3 0 4d4+210 1d6+9
3000 28000
8 8 1
slimeball slime ball green~
the slimeball~
A green ball of slime is hanging over you, oozing downward.
There is a green 'ball' of slime oozing from the coating on the walls.
bcfqr dfk -500 E
12 9 2 3d4+145 2d6+2
0 13000
8 8 0
BareHandAttack: 9
Int: 1
froboz wizard~
Froboz the wizard is standing here, working on a new spell.
You see a middle-aged man whose knowledge of magic, both offensive and
defensive, is legendary. He literally glows with a pink aura.
abelno dh 300 S
23 0 -3 5d10+425 1d8+14
32000 95000
8 8 1
titus andronicus~
Titus Andronicus~
Titus Andronicus is standing here, polishing a few swords.
As you look at him, he suddenly swings a newly sharpened sword
at you! Watch out!
beflno dh 500 E
24 0 -5 1d5+450 1d8+14
31000 85000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 3
the senator~
A senator is here, waiting for debate to begin.
He seems to be quite bored and is playing with the edge of his toga.
bl 0 350 S
10 11 2 3d5+120 2d6+1
500 9000
8 8 1
the bailiff~
The bailiff stands here, keeping order in the courtroom.
He is a very stern man and insists on absolute quiet in his courtroom
unless the judge has given someone permisson to speak.
bl d 900 S
16 5 1 1d5+200 2d7+4
1000 24000
8 8 1
the defendant~
The defendant stands here, pleading her case.
She looks to be well organized and full of confidence.
bl 0 200 S
11 9 1 3d6+130 2d7+1
500 11000
8 8 2
jupiter king god~
Jupiter, King of the Gods, is watching over his realm here.
He is the strongest of the Gods, and certainly no easy mark! His powers
transcend the plane of the physical, and could easily kill an unprepared
abeilnopqr dhkp 1000 E
34 0 -10 20d15+950 8d6+50
250000 550000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 10
Str: 25
Int: 25
Wis: 25
Dex: 25
Con: 25
Cha: 25
venus goddess~
Venus, the Goddess of Beauty and Knowledge, is resting here.
Venus is probably one of the most beautiful women you have ever seen
if not THE most beautiful. She is very powerful and tough under that
outer image of beauty.
abelnopqr dhkp 1000 E
28 0 -6 5d10+650 6d6+12
80000 310000
5 5 2
BareHandAttack: 12
Str: 20
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Dex: 20
Con: 20
Cha: 25
mars god~
Mars, the God of War and State, is sitting down here.
Mars is a tall God with burning, hateful eyes and a large scowl on
his face.
abelnopqr dhkp 1000 E
27 0 -9 15d10+630 8d6+14
60000 200000
6 6 1
BareHandAttack: 7
Str: 25
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Dex: 20
Con: 20
Cha: 20
mercury messenger god~
Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, is standing here.
Mercury is a handsome, youthful God and wears a large grin on his face.
belnopqr dkp 1000 E
26 0 -10 5d10+550 4d6+8
25000 155000
8 8 1
BareHandAttack: 13
Str: 20
Int: 20
Wis: 20
Dex: 25
Con: 20
Cha: 23
Froboz' shopkeeper~
Froboz' shopkeeper is here, minding the store.
The shopkeeper is an older man in his middle to late fifties and looks like
he enjoys the quiet life. There is a long scar running from the edge of his
mouth to his right ear, making it look like he is always smiling.
blno dh 650 S
23 0 -2 4d10+400 1d8+14
5000 80000
8 8 1
the executioner~
The executioner stands here, waiting to torture some sorry soul.
You see a burly man who is wearing a black hood that obscures his face. He
has a very sadistic attitude and clearly loves his work.
bcfno d -1000 S
20 1 0 2d6+260 2d2+14
1000 40000
8 8 1
the baker~
The baker looks at you calmly, wiping flour from his face with one hand.
A fat, nice looking baker. But you can see that he has many scars on his
bl d 900 S
33 0 -10 6d10+30000 2d8+22
2000 80000
8 8 1
the grocer~
A grocer stands at the counter, with a slightly impatient look on his face.
A tall grocer, who moves two 200 pounds bag of flour around on his shoulders.
bl d 900 S
33 0 -10 1d1+30000 2d8+22
20000 80000
8 8 1