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/* ************************************************************************
* File: wizhelp.doc Part of CircleMUD *
* *
* All rights reserved. See license.doc for complete information. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 1993, 94 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University *
* CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991. *
************************************************************************ */
Wizard Commands
Help text for all priveldged CircleMUD commands. File is in help text
format so that it can be pasted into the lib/text/help_text if online help
is desired.
Intended Audience:
CircleMUD immortals, Gods, and player administrators.
-------cut here-------------------------------------------------------------
advance <victim> <level>
ADVANCE moves a player to a new level. If used to promote a player to an
immortal level, and if you have the autowiz program installed, the wizlist and
immlist will automatically be recreated.
> advance rasmussen 34
AT can be used to perform an action in a location other than where you are
standing. The first argument can be a virtual room number or the name of a
character or object. The remainder of the line is passed to the command
> at 3001 look
> at fido kill fido
> at 3.corpse get all corpse
See also: GOTO
These commands prevent anyone from a site with a hostname containing the
site substring from logging in to the game. You may ban a site to ALL, NEW
or SELECT players. Banning a site to NEW players prevents any new players
from registering. Banning a site to ALL players disallows ANY connections
from that site. Banning a site SELECTively allows only players with site-ok
flags to log in from that site. Ban with no argument returns a list of
currently banned sites.
Unban removes the ban.
ban [<'ALL' | 'NEW' | 'SELECT'> <site>]
unban <site>
> ban new ai.mit.edu
> unban ai.mit.edu
Shows the current real time.
dc <descriptor number>
DC (DisConnect) is used to disconnect a socket. If used on a playing socket,
the player will lose his/her link, but, unlike PURGE, will not extract the
player or dump the player's inventory on the ground.
DC is also useful for disconnecting people who have accidentally left
themselves at the main menu, or connections sitting in the "Get name" state.
See also: USERS
echo <message>
gecho <message>
send <victim> <message>
ECHO displays a string to everyone in your room. GECHO displays the string
to everyone in the game. SEND displays the string to a particular person.
> echo Hi, everyone in the room.
> gecho Hi, everyone in the game, isn't this annoying?
> send rasmussen You are being watched.
FORCE forces a character, either monster or player, to perform a certain
action. FORCE ALL forces everyone in the game; FORCE ROOM forces everyone in
your room.
> force fido drop meat
> force all save
> force room look fido
FREEZE, originally invented here at CircleMUD (we think), is used to prevent
a player from playing. If frozen, the game will ignore all commands entered
by the player, including QUIT, until the player is unfrozen with THAW.
Obviously, this command should only be used in extreme disciplinary
See also: SET FROZEN
goto <location>
trans <victim>
teleport <victim> <location>
These commands are used to transports yourself and others to different rooms.
GOTO allows you to go to other rooms; TRANS transports a person from wherever
they are to the room YOU are in; TELEPORT transports your victim to some other
For both GOTO and TELEPORT, the location specifier can be either a virtual
room number, or the name of a character or object.
> goto 3001
> goto rasmussen
> trans fido
> teleport fido 3001
> teleport fido 2.fido
Guidelines for having an Immortal character -- you should read it.
A toggle which allows you to see:
Invisible people and objects, even if you don't have 'detect invisibility'
Hidden people, even if you don't have 'sense life'
Dark rooms, even if you don't have a light
It is expected most immortals will keep HOLYLIGHT on most of the time;
it exists so that you have the ability to see what mortals see for
debugging purposes.
invis [level]
INVIS sets your invisibility level. With no argument, invis toggles between
making you fully visible and fully invisible. If you specify a level, only
people at and above the level you specify will be able to see you.
> invis
> invis 31
last <player_name>
For checking the last time a person logged on, their sitename, and their
ID number.
> last rasmussen
load <mob|obj> <virtual number>
LOAD is used to create mobiles and objects. The first argument specifies if
you are trying to load a mobile or an object; the second is the virtual
> load obj 3099
> load char 3005
See also: VNUM
MUTE is used to shut a player up; if a player is muted, he/she will not be
able to use most communication channels until he/she is unmuted.
> mute MrNoisy
Toggles a flag to prevent aggressive monsters from attacking.
NOTITLE is used to prevent players from being able to set their own titles;
i.e., if the player consistently has an offensive title. The definition of
offensive is left as an exercise for the reader.
Allows you to hear or ignore messages coming over the wizline.
See also: WIZNET
page <player|'all'> <message>
PAGE is used to send a message, along with a beep, to another player. Use
PAGE ALL to send a message and a beep to everyone in the game.
> page rasmussen Hey, are you still at the keyboard?
Do not abuse this command.
Removes killer and thief flags from a player.
Sets the message seen by players when you use GOTO to move to a different
room. POOFIN with no argument resets your poofin to the default "appears with
an ear-splitting bang"; POOFOUT with no argument defaults to "disappears in
a puff of smoke."
See also: GOTO
purge [name]
Purge destroys things. If used with no arguments, it will clear a room of all
mobiles and objects, but will not harm players. If the argument is an object,
that object (and all of its contents, if any) will be destroyed. If the
argument is a mobile, the mobile will be destroyed, leaving its inventory and
equipment lying on the ground.
If the argument is the name of a player, the player's inventory and equipment
will drop on the ground and the player will lose his/her connection. For this
reason, PURGE should only be used on players in disciplinary situations.
> purge
> purge <character>
> purge <object>
See also: DC
reboot <'*'|file>
REBOOT is used to load text files such as the MOTD from disk into memory.
REBOOT * reads all text files. Valid files are:
reroll <player>
REROLL gives a player new stats (i.e., str, int, wis, dex, and con.)
RESTORE restores a player or mobile to full hit, mana, and move points. If
used on immortals, it sets all skill levels to 100%.
RETURN returns you to your regular body if you are switched.
See also: SWITCH
Toggles a flag which causes the virtual room number and room flags, if any,
to be displayed next to room names.
set [file|player] <character> <field> <value>
SET is an extremely powerful command, capable of setting dozens of aspects of
characters, both players and mobiles.
SET PLAYER forces set to look for a player and not a mobile; useful for
players with lame names such as 'guard'.
SET FILE lets you change players who are not logged on. If you use SET FILE
on a player who IS logged on, your change will be lost. If you wish to set
a player who is in the game but is linkless, use set twice -- once with the
FILE argument, and once without -- to make sure that the change takes.
For toggled fields, the value must be ON, OFF, YES, or NO.
Look at do_set in act.wizard.c for a list of valid set fields.
See also: STAT
show <mode> [argument]
The SHOW command displays information. Some modes of show require additional
information, such as a player name. Show without any arguments shows a list
of valid modes.
shutdown [reboot|die|pause]
SHUTDOWN shuts the MUD down. The SHUTDOWN command works in conjunction with
CircleMUD's 'autorun' script. If you are not using autorun, the arguments are
meaningless. If you are using autorun, the following arguments are available:
REBOOT Pause only 5 seconds instead of the normal 60 before trying to
restart the MUD.
DIE Kill the autorun script; the MUD will not reboot until autorun is
explicitly run again.
PAUSE Create a file called 'paused' in Circle's root directory; do not
try to restart the MUD until 'paused' is removed.
Toggles the namserver_is_slow setting. See circle/src/config.c for
more information.
Snoop allows you to listen in on another player's session; everything the
player sees or types will be displayed on your terminal preceeded by a '%'.
Obviously, there are many ethical considerations to the use of this command;
snoop should be used minimally, and only for disciplinary purposes.
Type snoop <your name> to stop snooping.
Snowball is just a social -- it prints a funny message, and nothing more.
STAT [player|object|mobile|file] <name>
Gives information about players, monsters, and objects in the game. The type
argument is optional.
STAT PLAYER will search only for players; useful for statting people with lame
names such as Red or Cityguard.
STAT OBJECT will search only for objects.
STAT MOBILE will search only for monsters.
STAT FILE is used to stat players who are not logged in; the information
displayed comes from the playerfile.
> stat fido
> stat player red
> stat mobile red
> stat file rasmussen
> stat object thunderbolt
See also: VSTAT
switch <monster>
SWITCH is used to take over the body of mobiles; useful for interactive
See also: RETURN
The SYSLOG command controls how detailed of an on-line system log you see.
Messages surrounded by '[' and ']' are syslog messages and are in green
if you have color on.
The messages you receive are level dependent.
syslog <off | brief | normal | complete>
> syslog complete
> syslog off
See also: COLOR
Usage: trackthru
Toggle "track through doors mode". This is an in-game setting for the
'track_through_doors' define in config.c. You can define or not define
TRACK_THOUGH_DOORS, depending on whether or not you want track to find
paths which lead through closed or hidden doors. A setting of 'NO' means
to not go through the doors while 'YES' will pass through doors to find
the target.
The stock default is 'YES'.
unaffect <victim>
Removes all affections (i.e., spell effects) from a player.
Displays when the game was booted and calculates how long ago that was.
> uptime
USERS gives a list of all sockets (i.e., connections) currently active on the
MUD. The multi-column display shows the socket number (used by DC), class,
level, and name of the player connected, connection state, idle time, and
The following switches are available:
-k or -o Show only outlaws (killers and thieves)
-p Show only sockets in the playing sockets
-d Show only non-playing (deadweight) sockets.
-l min-max Show only sockets whose characters are from level min to max
-n <name> Show the socket with <name> associated with it.
-h <host> Show all sockets from <host>.
-c list Show only sockets whose characters' classes are in list
See also: DC
vnum <mob|obj> <name>
Gives a list of the virtual numbers of objects or mobiles which have the
specified name.
> vnum obj ring
> vnum mob dragon
vstat <mob|obj> <virtual number>
Used to stat a prototypical mobile or object by virtual number.
> vstat obj 3000
> vstat mob 3001
Gives a list of the special commands available at your level.
wizlock [value]
WIZLOCK allows you to restrict the game. WIZLOCK 1 prevents new characters
from being created. WIZLOCK n, 2 <= n <= 34, prevents new characters and
allows only characters level n and above to log on. WIZLOCK with no argument
displays the current WIZLOCK level.
The immortal communication channel.
wizsay [ '@' | '+' | '-' | '#' ] [<text>]
>; <text> - just sends text
>; @ - shows all gods that are on and visible to you
- also shows if the gods who are visible to you are writing
>; + - allows you to hear the wizchannel
>; - - turns off the wizchannel
This code was provided by Gnort.
See also: NOWIZ
zreset <zone | '*' | '.'>
Used to force a zone to reset. '*' forces all zones to reset. '.' forces
the zone you are in to reset.
See also: SHOW ZONES