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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
Compiling CircleMUD using Microsoft Visual C++ v4.x
by Jeremy Elson (jelson@circlemud.org)
For help, write to help@circlemud.org
CircleMUD compiles relatively easily under Windows 95 and NT using
the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler version 4.x. These instructions won't
work for any compiler except for MSVC++ 4.0; if you have a different
compiler, take a look at the main README.WIN file for instructions.
Note MSVC++ 4.x is a commercial product and must be bought from your local
software store. It can't be downloaded from any (legal) FTP sites, and I
will not send you a copy, so please don't ask. Use the FREE GNU-Win32
package mentioned in the README.WIN file if you don't want to buy MSVC.
1) Download the latest version of CircleMUD. You can always find the latest
version at the following anonymous FTP sites:
You can also find information at the WWW site:
The latest version will be called something ending in .zip, like
"circle30bplXX.zip". (where 'XX' is the patchlevel)
2) When you unzip the .zip archive, MAKE SURE to use an unzip program that
can handle long filenames. Old versions of pkunzip (e.g. 2.x) do NOT
handle long filenames. WinZip (http://www.winzip.com) can.
3) Open a window with an MS-DOS prompt. Note, this does not mean you are
"compiling under DOS" -- the MS-DOS prompt is just a command-line
interface to Windows 95. This step can be done by going to the Start
menu, going to the Programs submenu, and selecting "MS-DOS prompt". All
the following commands are performed at the MS-DOS prompt.
4) Use the CD command to switch to the main CircleMUD directory. For
example, type "CD \circle30bplXX", where 'XX' is the patchlevel of the
version of Circle you downloaded. Also note that the full path will
depend on where you decided to uncompress it.
5) Go to the src directory and rename conf.h.win to conf.h, and replace
the Makefile with Makefile.msvc. This can be accomplished with the
following commands:
cd src
copy conf.h.win conf.h
del Makefile
copy Makefile.msvc Makefile
6) If you have MSVC++ 4.x installed in C:\MSDEV, skip to the next step.
Otherwise, bring up the Makefile in your favorite text editor (for
example, to use the DOS EDIT command, type "EDIT MAKEFILE".) Find the
two lines that start with "CLFAGS =" and "LIB=", respectively. On BOTH
lines, change the part that says "C:\MSDEV\" to reflect where your copy
of MSVC++ 4.x is installed. Then, save the Makefile and exit the
editor. You should still be in the "src" directory.
7) Make sure that MSVC++ binary directory (i.e., the directory where
the actual programs are kept, such as NMAKE.EXE) is in your PATH. You
can see what your path is by typing PATH. Your MSVC++ binary directory
should be listed (for example, C:\MSDEV\BIN). Add MSVC's binary
directory to your path if it's not already there. If you do not know
how to change your path, contact someone who knows how to use the DOS
command prompt for help, or check the manual to learn how to use the
PATH command.
8) To compile Circle, stay in the src directory and type:
This will invoke Microsoft's make program and should build the entire
CircleMUD server and create a file called 'circle.exe'. If you see the
error message "Bad command or filename", then MSVC++'s binary directory
is not in your path, so your computer can't find MS's NMAKE program.
Go back to step 7.
9) Make sure your TCP/IP stack is installed, correctly configured, and
running. If you are already using TCP/IP applications from your
Windows machine such as Netscape or telnet, then no changes should be
necessary; otherwise go to the Control Panel's "Network" settings,
select "Add Protocol", and add Microsoft's TCP/IP. Consult the
documentation for Windows 95 (do not write me mail) if you have any
additional questions about how to set up TCP/IP under Windows 95.
10) Go back to Circle's main directory (like in Step 4), and run the server
by typing "src\circle". You should see boot messages appearing on the
screen. Wait until the line "No connections. Going to sleep." appears
at the bottom of the screen -- this means Circle is ready to accept
connections. Go on to step 11 if you see this.
If you see "Winsock Error #10047", your TCP/IP stack is not correctly
configured; go back to Step 9.
If you see "Fatal error changing to data directory: No such file
or directory", that means you are trying to run Circle from the
"src" directory. Your current directory must be Circle's top-level
directory -- the same directory that you were in during Step 4.
11) Start a telnet program (SEE NOTE BELOW). Open a connection to your
own machine ("localhost", or whatever the name of your machine happens
to be) on port 4000. You should see the MUD's login screen welcoming
you and asking for your name.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The standard telnet program that comes free with
Windows 95 and NT does *not* work correctly for connecting to any MUD
because it does not support telnet's line-mode interface (so you can't
see what you are typing). Note that simply turning on the "local echo"
option does not fix the problem; this prevents echo from being turned
off while you're typing your password, and screws up the display if you
try to hit the backspace key too many times.
Do not use Microsoft's telnet applet -- instead, use EWAN, CRT, zMUD, or
any other Winsock telnet application. EWAN and CRT can be downloaded
from any number of sites (for example, www.windows95.com). zMUD is an
excellent MUD client; for more information, see the official home page
at http://www.zuggsoft.com/zmud/zmudinfo.htm .
If you have problems, read this document again. Most of the questions
I receive in email are answered in this README file. If you're still
having problems and you're *sure* that this document doesn't answer
your question, try reading the CircleMUD FAQ at
ftp://ftp.circlemud.org/pub/CircleMUD/FAQ. If all else fails, you can
get help by sending mail to help@circlemud.org. Note, however, that
if you ask a question that is answered in this document, all I'll do
is mail it to you.
Have fun!
Jeremy Elson
(To get help, write to help@circlemud.org)