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2012-03-03 20:35:30 +00:00
mace egyptian~
an egyptian mace~
A hierogylph-engraved mace has been left here.~
5 0 8193
0 2 6 7
10 800 50
mace egyptian~
The mace is formed from solid brass, and engraved in strange hieroglyphs.
robe sand~
some sand-colored robes~
Sand-colored robes lie here.~
9 0 1025
4 0 0 0
5 500 40
robes sand~
The robes are colored a sandy off-white, and are in fact caked and covered
with sand as well. You don't seem to be able to remove all of the sand, no
matter how much you try.
dirk obsidian~
an obsidian dirk~
A flat dirk made of chipped obsidian lies here.~
5 g 8193
0 3 3 11
8 1000 100
2 1
18 1
dirk obsidian~
The blade of the dirk is black, glassy obsidian, chipped razor sharp.
turban cloth~
a dirty cloth turban~
A dirty cloth turban has been forgotten here.~
9 g 17
5 0 0 0
10 1500 250
2 1
13 5
turban cloth~
The turban used to be white cloth, now it is covered with oil and dirt from
the head and hair of its previous owner, who must not have bathed much.
wrappings cloth~
some cloth wrappings~
Long cloth wrappings lie on the ground in a pile.~
9 0 9
5 0 0 0
15 1250 175
wrappings cloth~
The cloth wrappings are old, wrinkled, and stink of embalming fluid.
bottle fluid~
a bottle of embalming fluid~
A dusty bottle lies here on the ground.~
10 0 1
5 33 -1 -1
5 250 50
bottle fluid~
The bottle is dusty and the fluid has a strange sickly-sweet smell to it.
jar formaldehyde~
a jar of formaldehyde~
A small jar lies here on the ground.~
10 0 1
10 16 -1 -1
6 300 60
jar formaldehyde~
The jar is sticky and smells really bad.
ball fire~
a small hot ball of fire~
A little ball of fire hovers in the air before your eyes.~
1 agp 16385
0 0 -1 0
10 3500 500
13 10
14 50
ball fire~
The ball of fire is hot to the touch and very very bright.
scimitar stone~
a stone scimitar~
A curved scimitar made of stone rests on the ground.~
5 bgmno 8193
0 4 3 3
18 10000 750
18 2
19 3
scimitar stone~
The scimitar is formed from solid stone, chipped and carved to perfection,
with a sharp, cold blade that is marred only by a few nicks here and there.
key stone~
a stone key~
A stone key has been dropped here.~
18 c 16385
5309 0 0 0
15 0 0
key stone~
The key is made from stone, but is otherwise unremarkable.
sarcophagus stone~
a mighty stone sarcophagus~
A mighty stone sarcophagus lies in the center of the tomb.~
15 0 0
500 15 5309 0
5000 5000 5000
sarcophagus stone~
The sarcophagus is engraved on the sides with the images of pharoahs,
great wars fought long ago, mighty pyramids being constructed...
A raised image atop the sarcophagus is formed in the visage of one of
the mighty pharoahs, painted in gold and studded with precious gems.
You see a small keyhole in the side of the sarcophagus.
some ancient dust~
A small pile of dust is being scattered by the breeze.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 1 1
The dust is old. As you sift it through your hands you find tiny chips
of aged bone inside -- it must be the ancient remains of something.
scarab emerald~
a small emerald scarab~
A small emerald scarab lies here on the ground.~
18 c 16385
5312 0 0 0
5 0 0
scarab emerald~
The scarab is intricately detailed, down to the tiny hairs on its
insectile legs and the faceting of the emeralds in its eyes.
the lamp~
A small, tarnished, battered lamp has been dropped here.~
4 abgk 16385
25 5 5 51
10 25000 600
17 -5
18 1
The lamp is quite old and tarnished. You rub at it to get some of the
grime off, but it doesn't seem like anybody is home.
an ankh~
A small brass ankh has been left here.~
9 ik 16385
7 0 0 0
9 10000 300
3 1
4 2
The ankh is a small brass symbol of an ancient religion. It glows
with a soft bright light that is soothing to you.
book riddles~
a book of riddles~
A medium-sized parchment book with well-worn pages lies here.~
2 0 1
21 201 20 22
15 7500 250
book riddles~
The book has well-worn pages, containing many befuddling riddles
to surprise, confuse, and amuse you. You find yourself bewildered
by its contents and put it down to sort your head out.
paw lion~
a lion's paw~
The mighty paw of a lion-like creature has been dropped here.~
5 g 8193
0 1 14 5
20 18000 600
5 1
18 4
paw lion~
The massive paw has straps on it formed of bronze, so that it will
fit snugly over your hand. As you put it on, it melds with your hand,
becoming an extension of your arm.
parchment answer~
the answer~
A small piece of parchment covered in hieroglyphics lies here.~
18 c 16385
5317 0 0 0
1 1 1
answer hieroglyphics parchment~
You cannot decipher the strange hieroglyphics that cover the
sheet of parchment.
the treasure of the sphinx~
The massive treasure of the sphinx lies here in a big pile.~
20 0 1
23850 0 0 0
23 23850 0
The treasure is incredibly large, filled with gold coins and valuables, more
wealth than you could ever possibly imagine accumulated in one place.
sand pile~
a pile of sand~
You see a small pile of sand.~
20 0 1
12986 0 0 0
12 12986 0
sand pile~
You think you see some coins and valuables glinting amongst the grains of
curse mummy~
the curse of the mummy~
Some fortunate soul has escaped the mummy's curse, for now.~
13 cdfgh 16385
0 0 0 0
1 500 50
13 -50
14 -100
curse mummy~
Rumor has it that whomever disturbs the grave of the mummy shall be
cursed for all eternity, and that the descendents of that person shall
likewise be cursed for ten generations to follow.
elixir small glass~
a small elixir~
A small glass elixir lies under your feet.~
10 g 1
30 39 1 36
2 10000 500
elixir small glass~
The elixir is deceptively small. Something tells you that its
contents are truly quite potent. Perhaps too potent for ordinary
mortals to attempt to consume.
mask golden~
a golden mask~
A beautiful, intricately detailed mask has been forgotten here.~
9 g 17
10 0 0 0
10 15000 750
12 25
13 10
mask golden~
This beautiful mask was shaped from solid gold and magically enchanted
to perfectly fit the face of any who choose to wear it, its golden features
and turquoise highlights even moving to match the expressions of the face
of the wearer.
the diamond~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
5 0 0
You see a multifaceted gemstone, which strangely reflects no
light, making it very hard to see when it lies on the ground.
wand sun brass pipe~
a blazing sun wand~
A small length of brass pipe shines here with its own light.~
3 agp 16385
25 5 5 27
10 25000 1000
21 -5
24 -5
wand sun brass pipe~
This small brass shaft is a holy weapon used by the ancient people of
this land to defend against the deadliest of foes. It shines with the
brilliant blazing light of the sun.
ring sandy~
a sandy-coloured ring~
A small sandy-coloured ring has been carelessly dropped here.~
9 bg 3
8 0 0 0
5 20000 750
3 1
12 35
ring sandy~
The ring is small, smooth, sandy-coloured and unremarkable, save that
it gives off a continuous low humming noise that tickles your fingertips.
sphinx golden~
a small golden sphinx~
A small golden sphinx glints in the light.~
8 g 16385
0 0 0 0
5 50000 750
4 2
sphinx golden~
The golden sphinx is incredibly detailed and very small, fitting easily
into the palm of your hand. You can even make out the expression
of wisdom and peace on its face.
leggings sphinxian~
a pair of sphinxian leggings~
Massive leggings formed from the body of a sphinx stand here.~
9 gk 33
10 0 0 0
20 20000 500
1 3
14 80
leggings sphinxian~
These magically fashioned leggings impart the strength and stamina
of the mightiest of the ancient sphinxes. You feel ancient power
emanating from them; they seem to be almost alive.