Gergely POLONKAI (W00d5t0ck)
!!!WARNING!!! The build system is not updated to reflect this! The !!!WARNING!!! whole point is to subtree the swe-glib/ directory, !!!WARNING!!! making SWE-Glib a separate project as it intended to be.
4190 lines
138 KiB
4190 lines
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$Header: /home/dieter/sweph/RCS/swehel.c,v 1.1 2009/04/21 06:05:59 dieter Exp dieter $
Heliacal risings and related calculations
Author: Victor Reijs
This program code is a translation of part of:
Victor Reijs' software ARCHAEOCOSMO (archaeoastronomy and
geodesy functions),
Translation from VB into C by Dieter Koch
Problem reports can be sent to or
Copyright (c) Victor Reijs, 2008
License conditions
This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
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#include "swephexp.h"
#include "sweph.h"
#include "swephlib.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define PLSV 0 /*if Planet, Lunar and Stellar Visibility formula is needed PLSV=1 */
#define criticalangle 0.0 /*[deg] */
#define BNIGHT 1479.0 /*[nL] */
#define BNIGHT_FACTOR 1.0
#define PI M_PI
#define Min2Deg (1.0 / 60.0)
#define DEBUG 0
#define DONE 1
#define MaxTryHours 4
#define TimeStepDefault 1
#define LocalMinStep 8
/* time constants */
#define Y2D 365.25 /*[Day] */
#define D2Y (1 / Y2D) /*[Year] */
#define D2H 24.0 /*[Hour] */
#define H2S 3600.0 /*[sec] */
#define D2S (D2H * H2S) /*[sec] */
#define S2H (1.0 / H2S) /*[Hour] */
#define JC2D 36525.0 /*[Day] */
#define M2S 60.0 /*[sec] */
/* Determines which algorimths are used*/
#define USE_DELTA_T_VR 0
#define FormAstroRefrac REFR_SINCLAIR /*for Astronomical refraction can be "bennetth" or "sinclair" */
#define GravitySource 2 /*0=RGO, 1=Wikipedia,2=Exp. Suppl. 1992,3=van der Werf */
#define REarthSource 1 /*0=RGO (constant), 1=WGS84 method */
#define StartYear 1820 /*[year] */
#define Average 1.80546834626888 /*[msec/cy] */
#define Periodicy 1443.67123144531 /*[year] */
#define Amplitude 3.75606495492684 /*[msec] */
#define phase 0 /*[deg] */
#define MAX_COUNT_SYNPER 5 /* search within 10 synodic periods */
#define MAX_COUNT_SYNPER_MAX 1000000 /* high, so there is not max count */
#define AvgRadiusMoon (15.541 / 60) /* '[Deg] at 2007 CE or BCE */
/* WGS84 ellipsoid constants
#define Ra 6378136.6 /*'[m] */
#define Rb 6356752.314 /*'[m] */
/* choices in Schaefer's model */
#define nL2erg (1.02E-15)
#define erg2nL (1 / nL2erg) /*erg2nL to nLambert */
#define MoonDistance 384410.4978 /*[km] */
#define scaleHwater 3000.0 /*[m] Ricchiazzi [1997] 8200 Schaefer [2000] */
#define scaleHrayleigh 8515.0 /*[m] Su [2003] 8200 Schaefer [2000] */
#define scaleHaerosol 3745.0 /*m Su [2003] 1500 Schaefer [2000] */
#define scaleHozone 20000.0 /*[m] Schaefer [2000] */
#define astr2tau 0.921034037197618 /*LN(10 ^ 0.4) */
#define tau2astr 1 / astr2tau
/* meteorological constants*/
#define C2K 273.15 /*[K] */
#define DELTA 18.36
#define TempNulDiff 0.000001
#define PressRef 1000 /*[mbar] */
#define MD 28.964 /*[kg] Mol weight of dry air van der Werf */
#define MW 18.016 /*[kg] Mol weight of water vapor */
#define GCR 8314.472 /*[L/kmol/K] van der Werf */
#define LapseSA 0.0065 /*[K/m] standard atmosphere */
#define LapseDA 0.0098 /*[K/m] dry adiabatic */
/* lowest apparent altitude to provide*/
#define LowestAppAlt -3.5 /*[Deg] */
/*optimization delta*/
#define epsilon 0.001
/* for Airmass usage*/
#define staticAirmass 0 /* use staticAirmass=1 instead depending on difference k's */
/* optic stuff */
#define GOpticMag 1 /*telescope magnification */
#define GOpticTrans 0.8 /*telescope transmission */
#define GBinocular 1 /*1-binocular 0=monocular */
#define GOpticDia 50 /*telescope diameter [mm] */
static double
mymin(double a, double b)
if (a <= b)
return a;
return b;
static double
mymax(double a, double b)
if (a >= b)
return a;
return b;
static double
Tanh(double x)
return (exp(x) - exp(-x)) / (exp(x) + exp(-x));
' B [nL]
' SN [-]
' CVA [deg]
static double
CVA(double B, double SN)
/*Schaefer, Astronomy and the limits of vision, Archaeoastronomy, 1993 */
if (B > BNIGHT)
return (40.0 / SN) * pow(10, (8.28 * pow(B, (-0.29)))) / 60.0 / 60.0;
return mymin(900,
380 / SN * pow(10,
(0.3 * pow(B, (-0.29))))) / 60.0 / 60.0;
' age [year]
' B [nL]
' PupilDia [mm]
static double
PupilDia(double Age, double B)
/* age dependancy from Garstang [2000] */
return (0.534 - 0.00211 * Age -
(0.236 - 0.00127 * Age) * Tanh(0.4 * log(B) / log(10) -
2.2)) * 10;
' Bback [nL]
' kX [-]
' Binocular [-]
' OpticMag [-]
' OpticDia [mm]
' OpticTrans [-]
' Age [Year]
' SN [-]
' ObjectName
' TypeFactor [0=itensity factor 1=background factor]
' OpticFactor [-]
static double
OpticFactor(double Bback, double kX, double *dobs, double JDNDaysUT,
char *ObjectName, int TypeFactor, int helflag)
double Pst, CIb, CIi, ObjectSize, Fb, Fe, Fsc, Fci, Fcb, Ft, Fp, Fa, Fr,
double Age = dobs[0];
double SN = dobs[1], SNi;
double Binocular = dobs[2];
double OpticMag = dobs[3];
double OpticDia = dobs[4];
double OpticTrans = dobs[5];
SNi = SN;
if (SNi <= 0.00000001)
SNi = 0.00000001;
/* 23 jaar as standard from Garstang */
Pst = PupilDia(23, Bback);
if (OpticMag == 1) { /*OpticMagn=1 means using eye */
OpticTrans = 1;
OpticDia = Pst;
#if 0 /*is done in default_heliacal_parameters() */
if (OpticMag == 0) { /*OpticMagn=0 (undefined) using eye */
OpticTrans = 1;
OpticDia = Pst;
Binocular = 1;
OpticMag = 1;
/* Schaefer, Astronomy and the limits of vision, Archaeoastronomy, 1993 */
CIb = 0.7; /* color of background (from Ben Sugerman) */
CIi = 0.5; /* Color index for white (from Ben Sugerman), should be function of ObjectName */
ObjectSize = 0;
if (strcmp(ObjectName, "moon") == 0) {
/*ObjectSize and CI needs to be determined (depending on JDNDaysUT) */
Fb = 1;
if (Binocular == 0)
Fb = 1.41;
if (Bback < BNIGHT && !(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_VISLIM_PHOTOPIC)) {
Fe = pow(10, (0.48 * kX));
Fsc =
(1 - pow(Pst / 124.4, 4)) / (1 -
pow((OpticDia / OpticMag /
124.4), 4)));
Fci = pow(10, (-0.4 * (1 - CIi / 2.0)));
Fcb = pow(10, (-0.4 * (1 - CIb / 2.0)));
else {
Fe = pow(10, (0.4 * kX));
Fsc =
pow((OpticDia / OpticMag / Pst),
2) * (1 - exp(-pow((Pst / 6.2), 2))) / (1 -
((OpticDia /
OpticMag /
Fci = 1;
Fcb = 1;
Ft = 1 / OpticTrans;
Fp = mymax(1, pow((Pst / (OpticMag * PupilDia(Age, Bback))), 2));
Fa = pow((Pst / OpticDia), 2);
Fr = (1 +
0.03 * pow((OpticMag * ObjectSize / CVA(Bback, SNi)), 2)) / pow(SNi,
Fm = pow(OpticMag, 2);
fprintf(stderr, "Pst=%f\n", Pst);
fprintf(stderr, "Fb =%f\n", Fb);
fprintf(stderr, "Fe =%f\n", Fe);
fprintf(stderr, "Ft =%f\n", Ft);
fprintf(stderr, "Fp =%f\n", Fp);
fprintf(stderr, "Fa =%f\n", Fa);
fprintf(stderr, "Fm =%f\n", Fm);
fprintf(stderr, "Fsc=%f\n", Fsc);
fprintf(stderr, "Fci=%f\n", Fci);
fprintf(stderr, "Fcb=%f\n", Fcb);
fprintf(stderr, "Fr =%f\n", Fr);
if (TypeFactor == 0)
return Fb * Fe * Ft * Fp * Fa * Fr * Fsc * Fci;
return Fb * Ft * Fp * Fa * Fm * Fsc * Fcb;
static int32
DeterObject(char *ObjectName)
char s[AS_MAXCH];
char *sp;
int32 ipl;
strcpy(s, ObjectName);
for (sp = s; *sp != '\0'; sp++)
*sp = tolower(*sp);
if (strncmp(s, "sun", 3) == 0)
return SE_SUN;
if (strncmp(s, "venus", 5) == 0)
return SE_VENUS;
if (strncmp(s, "mars", 4) == 0)
return SE_MARS;
if (strncmp(s, "mercur", 6) == 0)
return SE_MERCURY;
if (strncmp(s, "jupiter", 7) == 0)
return SE_JUPITER;
if (strncmp(s, "saturn", 6) == 0)
return SE_SATURN;
if (strncmp(s, "uranus", 6) == 0)
return SE_URANUS;
if (strncmp(s, "neptun", 6) == 0)
return SE_NEPTUNE;
if (strncmp(s, "moon", 4) == 0)
return SE_MOON;
if ((ipl = atoi(s)) > 0) {
return ipl;
return -1;
#if 0
call_swe_calc(double tjd, int32 ipl, int32 iflag, double *x, char *serr)
int32 retval = OK, ipli, i;
double dtjd;
static double tjdsv[3];
static double xsv[3][6];
static int32 iflagsv[3];
ipli = ipl;
if (ipli > SE_MOON)
ipli = 2;
dtjd = tjd - tjdsv[ipli];
if (tjdsv[ipli] != 0 && iflag == iflagsv[ipli]
&& fabs(dtjd) < 5.0 / 1440.0) {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
x[i] = xsv[ipli][i] + dtjd * xsv[ipli][i + 3];
for (i = 3; i < 6; i++)
x[i] = xsv[ipli][i];
else {
retval = swe_calc(tjd, ipl, iflag, x, serr);
tjdsv[ipli] = tjd;
iflagsv[ipli] = iflag;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
xsv[ipli][i] = x[i];
return retval;
/* avoids problems with star name string that may be overwritten by
swe_fixstar() */
call_swe_fixstar(char *star, double tjd, int32 iflag, double *xx, char *serr)
int32 retval;
char star2[AS_MAXCH];
strcpy(star2, star);
retval = swe_fixstar(star2, tjd, iflag, xx, serr);
return retval;
/* avoids problems with star name string that may be overwritten by
swe_fixstar_mag() */
call_swe_fixstar_mag(char *star, double *mag, char *serr)
int32 retval;
char star2[AS_MAXCH];
static double dmag;
static char star_save[AS_MAXCH];
if (strcmp(star, star_save) == 0) {
*mag = dmag;
return OK;
strcpy(star_save, star);
strcpy(star2, star);
retval = swe_fixstar_mag(star2, &dmag, serr);
*mag = dmag;
return retval;
/* avoids problems with star name string that may be overwritten by
swe_fixstar() */
call_swe_rise_trans(double tjd, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 helflag,
int32 eventtype, double *dgeo, double atpress,
double attemp, double *tret, char *serr)
int32 retval;
int32 iflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
char star2[AS_MAXCH];
strcpy(star2, star);
retval =
swe_rise_trans(tjd, ipl, star2, iflag, eventtype, dgeo, atpress,
attemp, tret, serr);
return retval;
* Written by Dieter Koch:
* Fast function for risings and settings of planets, can be used instead of
* swe_rise_trans(), which is much slower.
* For circumpolar and near-circumpolar planets use swe_rise_trans(), or
* generally use it for geographical latitudes higher than 58N/S.
* For fixed stars, swe_rise_trans() is fast enough.
static int32
calc_rise_and_set(double tjd_start, int32 ipl, double *dgeo, double *datm,
int32 eventflag, int32 helflag, double *trise, char *serr)
int retc = OK, i;
double sda, xs[6], xx[6], xaz[6], xaz2[6], dfac = 1 / 365.25;
double rdi, rh;
double tjd0 = tjd_start, tjdrise;
double tjdnoon = (int)tjd0 - dgeo[0] / 15.0 / 24.0;
int32 iflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
if (swe_calc_ut(tjd0, SE_SUN, iflag, xs, serr) == 0) {
if (serr != NULL)
strcpy(serr, "error in calc_rise_and_set(): calc(sun) failed ");
return ERR;
if (swe_calc_ut(tjd0, ipl, iflag, xx, serr) == 0) {
if (serr != NULL)
strcpy(serr, "error in calc_rise_and_set(): calc(sun) failed ");
return ERR;
tjdnoon -= swe_degnorm(xs[0] - xx[0]) / 360.0 + 0;
/* is planet above horizon or below? */
swe_azalt(tjd0, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, datm[0], datm[1], xx, xaz);
if (eventflag & SE_CALC_RISE) {
if (xaz[2] > 0) {
while (tjdnoon - tjd0 < 0.5) { /*printf("e"); */
tjdnoon += 1;
while (tjdnoon - tjd0 > 1.5) { /*printf("f"); */
tjdnoon -= 1;
else {
while (tjdnoon - tjd0 < 0.0) { /*printf("g"); */
tjdnoon += 1;
while (tjdnoon - tjd0 > 1.0) { /*printf("h"); */
tjdnoon -= 1;
else {
if (xaz[2] > 0) {
while (tjd0 - tjdnoon > 0.5) { /*printf("a"); */
tjdnoon += 1;
while (tjd0 - tjdnoon < -0.5) { /*printf("b"); */
tjdnoon -= 1;
else {
while (tjd0 - tjdnoon > 0.0) { /*printf("c"); */
tjdnoon += 1;
while (tjd0 - tjdnoon < -1.0) { /*printf("d"); */
tjdnoon -= 1;
/* position of planet */
if (swe_calc_ut(tjdnoon, ipl, iflag, xx, serr) == ERR) {
if (serr != NULL)
strcpy(serr, "error in calc_rise_and_set(): calc(sun) failed ");
return ERR;
/* apparent radius of solar disk (ignoring refraction) */
rdi = asin(696000000.0 / 1.49597870691e+11 / xx[2]) / DEGTORAD;
if (eventflag & SE_BIT_DISC_CENTER)
rdi = 0;
/* true altitude of sun, when it appears at the horizon */
/* refraction for a body visible at the horizon at 0m above sea,
* atmospheric temperature 10 deg C, atmospheric pressure 1013.25 is 34.5 arcmin*/
rh = -(34.5 / 60.0 + rdi);
/* semidiurnal arc of sun */
sda = acos(-tan(dgeo[1] * DEGTORAD) * tan(xx[1] * DEGTORAD)) * RADTODEG;
/* rough rising and setting times */
if (eventflag & SE_CALC_RISE)
tjdrise = tjdnoon - sda / 360.0;
tjdrise = tjdnoon + sda / 360.0;
/*ph->tset = tjd_start + sda / 360.0; */
/* now calculate more accurate rising and setting times.
* use vertical speed in order to determine crossing of the horizon
* refraction of 34' and solar disk diameter of 16' = 50' = 0.84 deg */
if (ipl == SE_MOON)
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (swe_calc_ut(tjdrise, ipl, iflag, xx, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
swe_azalt(tjdrise, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, datm[0], datm[1], xx, xaz);
xx[0] -= xx[3] * dfac;
xx[1] -= xx[4] * dfac;
swe_azalt(tjdrise - dfac, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, datm[0], datm[1], xx,
tjdrise -= (xaz[1] - rh) / (xaz[1] - xaz2[1]) * dfac;
/*fprintf(stderr, "%f\n", ph->trise); */
*trise = tjdrise;
return retc;
static int32
my_rise_trans(double tjd, int32 ipl, char *starname, int32 eventtype,
int32 helflag, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *tret,
char *serr)
int retc = OK;
if (starname != NULL && *starname != '\0')
ipl = DeterObject(starname);
/* for non-circumpolar planets we can use a faster algorithm */
/*if (!(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_HIGH_PRECISION) && ipl != -1 && fabs(dgeo[1]) < 58) { */
if (ipl != -1 && fabs(dgeo[1]) < 63) {
retc =
calc_rise_and_set(tjd, ipl, dgeo, datm, eventtype, helflag, tret,
/* for stars and circumpolar planets we use a rigorous algorithm */
else {
retc =
call_swe_rise_trans(tjd, ipl, starname, helflag, eventtype, dgeo,
datm[0], datm[1], tret, serr);
/* printf("%f, %f\n", tjd, *tret);*/
return retc;
' JDNDaysUT [Days]
' dgeo [array: longitude, latitude, eye height above sea m]
' TempE [C]
' PresE [mbar]
' ObjectName (string)
' RSEvent (1=rise, 2=set,3=up transit,4=down transit)
' Rim [0=center,1=top]
' RiseSet [Day]
static int32
RiseSet(double JDNDaysUT, double *dgeo, double *datm, char *ObjectName,
int32 RSEvent, int32 helflag, int32 Rim, double *tret, char *serr)
int32 eventtype = RSEvent, Planet, retval;
if (Rim == 0)
eventtype |= SE_BIT_DISC_CENTER;
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
if (Planet != -1)
retval =
my_rise_trans(JDNDaysUT, Planet, "", eventtype, helflag, dgeo,
datm, tret, serr);
retval =
my_rise_trans(JDNDaysUT, -1, ObjectName, eventtype, helflag, dgeo,
datm, tret, serr);
return retval;
' JDNDaysUT [Days]
' actual [0= approximation, 1=actual]
' SunRA [deg]
static double
SunRA(double JDNDaysUT, int32 helflag, char *serr)
int imon, iday, iyar, calflag = SE_GREG_CAL;
double dut;
static double tjdlast;
static double ralast;
if (JDNDaysUT == tjdlast)
return ralast;
if (1) { /*helflag & SE_HELFLAG_HIGH_PRECISION) { */
double tjd_tt;
double x[6];
int32 epheflag =
int32 iflag = epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
tjd_tt = JDNDaysUT + swe_deltat(JDNDaysUT);
if (swe_calc(tjd_tt, SE_SUN, iflag, x, serr) != ERR) {
ralast = x[0];
tjdlast = JDNDaysUT;
return ralast;
swe_revjul(JDNDaysUT, calflag, &iyar, &imon, &iday, &dut); /* this seems to be much faster than calling swe_revjul() ! Note: only because SunRA is called 1000s of times */
tjdlast = JDNDaysUT;
ralast = swe_degnorm((imon + (iday - 1) / 30.4 - 3.69) * 30);
/*ralast = (DatefromJDut(JDNDaysUT, 2) + (DatefromJDut(JDNDaysUT, 3) - 1) / 30.4 - 3.69) * 30; */
return ralast;
' Temp [C]
' Kelvin [K]
static double
Kelvin(double Temp)
/*' */
return Temp + C2K;
' AppAlt [deg]
' TempE [C]
' PresE [mbar]
' TopoAltitudefromAppAlt [deg]
static double
TopoAltfromAppAlt(double AppAlt, double TempE, double PresE)
double R = 0;
double retalt = 0;
if (AppAlt >= LowestAppAlt) {
if (AppAlt > 17.904104638432)
R = 0.97 / tan(AppAlt * DEGTORAD);
R = (34.46 + 4.23 * AppAlt + 0.004 * AppAlt * AppAlt) / (1 +
0.505 *
AppAlt +
0.0845 *
AppAlt *
R = (PresE - 80) / 930 / (1 + 0.00008 * (R + 39) * (TempE - 10)) * R;
retalt = AppAlt - R * Min2Deg;
else {
retalt = AppAlt;
return retalt;
' TopoAlt [deg]
' TempE [C]
' PresE [mbar]
' AppAltfromTopoAlt [deg]
' call this instead of swe_azalt(), because it is faster (lower precision
' is required)
static double
AppAltfromTopoAlt(double TopoAlt, double TempE, double PresE, int32 helflag)
/* using methodology of Newtown derivatives (analogue to what Swiss Emphemeris uses) */
int i, nloop = 2;
double newAppAlt = TopoAlt;
double newTopoAlt = 0.0;
double oudAppAlt = newAppAlt;
double oudTopoAlt = newTopoAlt;
double verschil, retalt;
nloop = 5;
for (i = 0; i <= nloop; i++) {
newTopoAlt = newAppAlt - TopoAltfromAppAlt(newAppAlt, TempE, PresE);
/*newTopoAlt = newAppAlt - swe_refrac(newAppAlt, PresE, TempE, SE_CALC_APP_TO_TRUE); */
verschil = newAppAlt - oudAppAlt;
oudAppAlt = newTopoAlt - oudTopoAlt - verschil;
if ((verschil != 0) && (oudAppAlt != 0))
verschil =
newAppAlt - verschil * (TopoAlt + newTopoAlt -
newAppAlt) / oudAppAlt;
verschil = TopoAlt + newTopoAlt;
oudAppAlt = newAppAlt;
oudTopoAlt = newTopoAlt;
newAppAlt = verschil;
retalt = TopoAlt + newTopoAlt;
if (retalt < LowestAppAlt)
retalt = TopoAlt;
return retalt;
' TopoAlt [deg]
' TopoDecl [deg]
' Lat [deg]
' HourAngle [hour]
static double
HourAngle(double TopoAlt, double TopoDecl, double Lat)
double Alti = TopoAlt * DEGTORAD;
double decli = TopoDecl * DEGTORAD;
double Lati = Lat * DEGTORAD;
double ha = (sin(Alti) - sin(Lati) * sin(decli)) / cos(Lati) / cos(decli);
if (ha < -1)
ha = -1;
if (ha > 1)
ha = 1;
/* from */
return acos(ha) / DEGTORAD / 15.0;
' JDNDays [Days]
' COD [msec/cy]
' DeltaTSE [Sec]
static double
DeltaTSE(double JDNDays, int COD)
double OffSetYear;
int gregflag = SE_GREG_CAL;
if (StartYear < 1583)
gregflag = SE_JUL_CAL;
/* from Swiss Emphemeris */
if (COD != 0) {
/* Determined by V. Reijs */
OffSetYear =
(swe_julday((int)StartYear, 1, 1, 0, gregflag) -
JDNDays) / 365.25;
return (OffSetYear * OffSetYear / 100.0 / 2.0 * COD * Y2D) / 1000.0;
return swe_deltat(JDNDays) * D2S;
' JDNDays [Day]
' COD [msec/cy]
' DeltaTVR [Sec]
static double
DeltaTVR(double JDNDays, int COD)
/* Determined by V. Reijs */
double DeltaTVR;
int gregflag = SE_GREG_CAL;
double OffSetYear;
if (StartYear < 1583)
gregflag = SE_JUL_CAL;
OffSetYear =
(swe_julday((int)StartYear, 1, 1, 0, gregflag) - JDNDays) / 365.25;
if (COD == 0) {
DeltaTVR =
(OffSetYear * OffSetYear / 100.0 / 2.0 * Average +
Periodicy / 2.0 / PI * Amplitude *
(cos((2 * PI * OffSetYear / Periodicy)) - 1)) * Y2D;
else {
DeltaTVR = OffSetYear * OffSetYear / 100.0 / 2.0 * COD * Y2D;
return DeltaTVR / 1000.0;
' JDNDays [Days]
' COD [msec/cy]
' DeltaT [Sec]
static double
DeltaT(double JDNDays, int COD)
return DeltaTVR(JDNDays, COD);
return DeltaTSE(JDNDays, COD);
' JDNDaysUT [Days]
' dgeo [array: longitude, latitude, eye height above sea m]
' TempE [C]
' PresE [mbar]
' ObjectName [-]
' Angle (0 = TopoAlt, 1 = Azi, 2=Topo Declination, 3=Topo Rectascension, 4=AppAlt,5=Geo Declination, 6=Geo Rectascension)
' ObjectLoc [deg]
static int32
ObjectLoc(double JDNDaysUT, double *dgeo, double *datm, char *ObjectName,
int32 Angle, int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr)
double x[6], xin[3], xaz[3], tjd_tt;
int32 Planet;
int32 epheflag;
int32 iflag = SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
iflag |= epheflag;
if (Angle < 5)
iflag = iflag | SEFLG_TOPOCTR;
if (Angle == 7)
Angle = 0;
tjd_tt = JDNDaysUT + DeltaT(JDNDaysUT, 0) / D2S;
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
if (Planet != -1) {
if (swe_calc(tjd_tt, Planet, iflag, x, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
else {
if (call_swe_fixstar(ObjectName, tjd_tt, iflag, x, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (Angle == 2 || Angle == 5) {
*dret = x[1];
else {
if (Angle == 3 || Angle == 6) {
*dret = x[0];
else {
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(JDNDaysUT, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, datm[0], datm[1], xin,
if (Angle == 0)
*dret = xaz[1];
if (Angle == 4)
*dret = AppAltfromTopoAlt(xaz[1], datm[0], datm[1], helflag);
if (Angle == 1) {
xaz[0] += 180;
if (xaz[0] >= 360)
xaz[0] -= 360;
*dret = xaz[0];
return OK;
' JDNDaysUT [Days]
' dgeo [array: longitude, latitude, eye height above sea m]
' TempE [C]
' PresE [mbar]
' ObjectName [-]
' Angle (0 = TopoAlt, 1 = Azi, 2=Topo Declination, 3=Topo Rectascension, 4=AppAlt,5=Geo Declination, 6=Geo Rectascension)
' ObjectLoc [deg]
static int32
azalt_cart(double JDNDaysUT, double *dgeo, double *datm, char *ObjectName,
int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr)
double x[6], xin[3], xaz[3], tjd_tt;
int32 Planet;
int32 epheflag;
int32 iflag = SEFLG_EQUATORIAL;
epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
iflag |= epheflag;
iflag = iflag | SEFLG_TOPOCTR;
tjd_tt = JDNDaysUT + DeltaT(JDNDaysUT, 0) / D2S;
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
if (Planet != -1) {
if (swe_calc(tjd_tt, Planet, iflag, x, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
else {
if (call_swe_fixstar(ObjectName, tjd_tt, iflag, x, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(JDNDaysUT, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, datm[0], datm[1], xin, xaz);
dret[0] = xaz[0];
dret[1] = xaz[1]; /* true altitude */
dret[2] = xaz[2]; /* apparent altitude */
/* also return cartesian coordinates, for apparent altitude */
xaz[1] = xaz[2];
xaz[2] = 1;
swi_polcart(xaz, xaz);
dret[3] = xaz[0];
dret[4] = xaz[1];
dret[5] = xaz[2];
return OK;
' LatA [rad]
' LongA [rad]
' LatB [rad]
' LongB [rad]
' DistanceAngle [rad]
static double
DistanceAngle(double LatA, double LongA, double LatB, double LongB)
double dlon = LongB - LongA;
double dlat = LatB - LatA;
/* Haversine formula
* R.W. Sinnott, Virtues of the Haversine, Sky and Telescope, vol. 68, no. 2, 1984, p. 159
double sindlat2 = sin(dlat / 2);
double sindlon2 = sin(dlon / 2);
double corde =
sindlat2 * sindlat2 + cos(LatA) * cos(LatB) * sindlon2 * sindlon2;
if (corde > 1)
corde = 1;
return 2 * asin(sqrt(corde));
' heighteye [m]
' TempS [C]
' RH [%]
' kW [-]
static double
kW(double HeightEye, double TempS, double RH)
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 128 */
double WT = 0.031;
WT *=
0.94 * (RH / 100.0) * exp(TempS / 15) * exp(-1 * HeightEye /
return WT;
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AltS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' kOZ [-]
static double
kOZ(double AltS, double sunra, double Lat)
double CHANGEKO, OZ, LT, kOZret;
static double koz_last, alts_last, sunra_last;
if (AltS == alts_last && sunra == sunra_last)
return koz_last;
alts_last = AltS;
sunra_last = sunra;
OZ = 0.031;
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 128 */
kOZret =
OZ * (3.0 + 0.4 * (LT * cos(sunra * DEGTORAD) - cos(3 * LT))) / 3.0;
/* depending on day/night vision (altitude of sun < start astronomical twilight), KO changes from 100% to 30%
* see extinction section of Vistas in Astronomy page 343*/
CHANGEKO = (100 - 11.6 * mymin(6, mymax(-AltS - 12, 0))) / 100;
koz_last = kOZret * CHANGEKO;
return koz_last;
' AltS [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' kR [-]
static double
kR(double AltS, double HeightEye)
/* depending on day/night vision (altitude of sun < start astronomical twilight),
* lambda eye sensibility changes
* see extinction section of Vistas in Astronomy page 343*/
double val = -AltS - 12;
if (val < 0)
val = 0;
if (val > 6)
val = 6;
/*CHANGEK = (1 - 0.166667 * Min(6, Max(-AltS - 12, 0))); */
CHANGEK = (1 - 0.166667 * val);
LAMBDA = 0.55 + (CHANGEK - 1) * 0.04;
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 128 */
return 0.1066 * exp(-1 * HeightEye / scaleHrayleigh) * pow(LAMBDA / 0.55,
static int
Sgn(double x)
if (x < 0)
return -1;
return 1;
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AltS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' TempS [C]
' RH [%]
' VR [km]
' ka [-]
static double
ka(double AltS, double sunra, double Lat, double HeightEye, double TempS,
double RH, double VR, char *serr)
double CHANGEKA, LAMBDA, BetaVr, Betaa, kaact;
double SL = Sgn(Lat);
/* depending on day/night vision (altitude of sun < start astronomical twilight),
* lambda eye sensibility changes
* see extinction section of Vistas in Astronomy page 343 */
static double alts_last, sunra_last, ka_last;
if (AltS == alts_last && sunra == sunra_last)
return ka_last;
alts_last = AltS;
sunra_last = sunra;
CHANGEKA = (1 - 0.166667 * mymin(6, mymax(-AltS - 12, 0)));
LAMBDA = 0.55 + (CHANGEKA - 1) * 0.04;
if (VR != 0) {
if (VR >= 1) {
/* Visbility range from
* where MOR=2.995/ke
* factor 1.3 is the relation between "prevailing visibility" and
* meteorological range was derived by Koshmeider in the 1920's */
BetaVr = 3.912 / VR;
Betaa =
BetaVr - (kW(HeightEye, TempS, RH) / scaleHwater +
HeightEye) / scaleHrayleigh) * 1000 * astr2tau;
kaact = Betaa * scaleHaerosol / 1000 * tau2astr;
if (kaact < 0) {
if (serr != NULL)
strcpy(serr, "The provided Meteorological range is too long, when taking into acount other atmospheric parameters"); /* is a warning */
/* return 0; * return "#HIGHVR"; */
else {
kaact =
VR - kW(HeightEye, TempS, RH) - kR(AltS,
HeightEye) - kOZ(AltS,
if (kaact < 0) {
if (serr != NULL)
strcpy(serr, "The provided atmosphic coeefficent (ktot) is too low, when taking into acount other atmospheric parameters"); /* is a warning */
/* return 0; * "#LOWktot"; */
else {
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 128 */
if (RH <= 0.00000001)
RH = 0.00000001;
if (RH >= 99.99999999)
RH = 99.99999999;
kaact =
0.1 * exp(-1 * HeightEye / scaleHaerosol) * pow(1 -
0.32 / log(RH /
1.33) * (1 +
0.33 *
SL *
kaact = kaact * pow(LAMBDA / 0.55, -1.3);
ka_last = kaact;
return kaact;
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AltS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' TempS [C]
' RH [%]
' VR [km]
' ExtType [0=ka,1=kW,2=kR,3=kOZ,4=ktot]
' kt [-]
static double
kt(double AltS, double sunra, double Lat, double HeightEye, double TempS,
double RH, double VR, int32 ExtType, char *serr)
double kRact = 0;
double kWact = 0;
double kOZact = 0;
double kaact = 0;
if (ExtType == 2 || ExtType == 4)
kRact = kR(AltS, HeightEye);
if (ExtType == 1 || ExtType == 4)
kWact = kW(HeightEye, TempS, RH);
if (ExtType == 3 || ExtType == 4)
kOZact = kOZ(AltS, sunra, Lat);
if (ExtType == 0 || ExtType == 4)
kaact = ka(AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, TempS, RH, VR, serr);
if (kaact < 0)
kaact = 0;
return kWact + kRact + kOZact + kaact;
' AppAlt0 [deg]
' PresS [mbar]
' Airmass [??]
static double
Airmass(double AppAltO, double Press)
double airm, zend;
zend = (90 - AppAltO) * DEGTORAD;
if (zend > PI / 2)
zend = PI / 2;
airm = 1 / (cos(zend) + 0.025 * exp(-11 * cos(zend)));
return Press / 1013 * airm;
' scaleH '[m]
' zend [rad]
' PresS [mbar]
' Xext [-]
static double
Xext(double scaleH, double zend, double Press)
return Press / 1013.0 / (cos(zend) +
0.01 * sqrt(scaleH / 1000.0) * exp(-30.0 /
sqrt(scaleH /
1000.0) *
' scaleH '[m]
' zend [rad]
' PresS [mbar]
' Xlay [-]
static double
Xlay(double scaleH, double zend, double Press)
/*return Press / 1013.0 / sqrt(1.0 - pow(sin(zend) / (1.0 + (scaleH / Ra)), 2)); */
double a = sin(zend) / (1.0 + (scaleH / Ra));
return Press / 1013.0 / sqrt(1.0 - a * a);
' Meteorological formula
' TempS [C]
' HeightEye [m]
' TempEfromTempS [C]
static double
TempEfromTempS(double TempS, double HeightEye, double Lapse)
return TempS - Lapse * HeightEye;
' TempS [C]
' PresS [mbar]
' HeightEye [m]
' PresEfromPresS [mbar]
static double
PresEfromPresS(double TempS, double Press, double HeightEye)
return Press * exp(-9.80665 * 0.0289644 /
(Kelvin(TempS) +
3.25 * HeightEye / 1000) / 8.31441 * HeightEye);
' AltO [deg]
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AltS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' TempS [C]
' PresS [mbar]
' RH [%]
' VR [km]
' Deltam [-]
static double
Deltam(double AltO, double AltS, double sunra, double Lat, double HeightEye,
double *datm, int32 helflag, char *serr)
double zend, xR, XW, Xa, XOZ;
double PresE = PresEfromPresS(datm[1], datm[0], HeightEye);
double TempE = TempEfromTempS(datm[1], HeightEye, LapseSA);
double AppAltO = AppAltfromTopoAlt(AltO, TempE, PresE, helflag);
double deltam;
static double alts_last, alto_last, sunra_last, deltam_last;
if (AltS == alts_last && AltO == alto_last && sunra == sunra_last)
return deltam_last;
alts_last = AltS;
alto_last = AltO;
sunra_last = sunra;
if (staticAirmass == 0) {
zend = (90 - AppAltO) * DEGTORAD;
if (zend > PI / 2)
zend = PI / 2;
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 128 */
xR = Xext(scaleHrayleigh, zend, datm[0]);
XW = Xext(scaleHwater, zend, datm[0]);
Xa = Xext(scaleHaerosol, zend, datm[0]);
XOZ = Xlay(scaleHozone, zend, datm[0]);
deltam =
kR(AltS, HeightEye) * xR + kt(AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye,
datm[1], datm[2], datm[3], 0,
serr) * Xa + kOZ(AltS, sunra,
Lat) * XOZ +
kW(HeightEye, datm[1], datm[2]) * XW;
else {
deltam =
kt(AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm[1], datm[2], datm[3], 4,
serr) * Airmass(AppAltO, datm[0]);
deltam_last = deltam;
return deltam;
' AltO [deg]
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AltS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' TempS [C]
' PresS [mbar]
' RH [%]
' VR [km]
' Bn [nL]
static double
Bn(double AltO, double JDNDayUT, double AltS, double sunra, double Lat,
double HeightEye, double *datm, int32 helflag, char *serr)
double PresE = PresEfromPresS(datm[1], datm[0], HeightEye);
double TempE = TempEfromTempS(datm[1], HeightEye, LapseSA);
double AppAltO = AppAltfromTopoAlt(AltO, TempE, PresE, helflag);
double zend, YearB, MonthB, DayB, Bna, kX, Bnb;
double B0 = 0.0000000000001, dut;
int iyar, imon, iday;
/* Below altitude of 10 degrees, the Bn stays the same (see page 343 Vistas in Astronomy) */
if (AppAltO < 10)
AppAltO = 10;
zend = (90 - AppAltO) * DEGTORAD;
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 128 and adjusted for sunspot period */
/*YearB = DatefromJDut(JDNDayUT, 1);
* MonthB = DatefromJDut(JDNDayUT, 2);
* DayB = DatefromJDut(JDNDayUT, 3); */
swe_revjul(JDNDayUT, SE_GREG_CAL, &iyar, &imon, &iday, &dut);
YearB = iyar;
MonthB = imon;
DayB = iday;
Bna =
B0 * (1 +
0.3 * cos(6.283 *
(YearB + ((DayB - 1) / 30.4 + MonthB - 1) / 12 -
1990.33) / 11.1));
kX = Deltam(AltO, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 129 */
Bnb =
Bna * (0.4 + 0.6 / sqrt(1 - 0.96 * pow(sin(zend), 2))) * pow(10,
-0.4 *
return mymax(Bnb, 0) * erg2nL;
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' dgeo [array: longitude, latitude, eye height above sea m]
' TempE [C]
' PresE [mbar]
' ObjectName [-]
' Magnitude [-]
static int32
Magnitude(double JDNDaysUT, double *dgeo, char *ObjectName, int32 helflag,
double *dmag, char *serr)
double x[20];
int32 Planet, iflag, epheflag;
epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
*dmag = -99.0;
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
if (Planet != -1) {
/**dmag = Phenomena(JDNDaysUT, Lat, Longitude, HeightEye, TempE, PresE, ObjectName, 4);*/
swe_set_topo(dgeo[0], dgeo[1], dgeo[2]);
if (swe_pheno_ut(JDNDaysUT, Planet, iflag, x, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
*dmag = x[4];
else {
if (call_swe_fixstar_mag(ObjectName, dmag, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
return OK;
#if 0
static int32
fast_magnitude(double tjd, double *dgeo, char *ObjectName, int32 helflag,
double *dmag, char *serr)
int32 retval = OK, ipl, ipli;
double dtjd;
static double tjdsv[3];
static double dmagsv[3];
static int32 helflagsv[3];
ipl = DeterObject(ObjectName);
ipli = ipl;
if (ipli > SE_MOON)
ipli = 2;
dtjd = tjd - tjdsv[ipli];
if (tjdsv[ipli] != 0 && helflag == helflagsv[ipli]
&& fabs(dtjd) < 5.0 / 1440.0) {
*dmag = dmagsv[ipli];
else {
retval = Magnitude(tjd, dgeo, ObjectName, helflag, dmag, serr);
tjdsv[ipli] = tjd;
helflagsv[ipli] = helflag;
dmagsv[ipli] = *dmag;
return retval;
' dist [km]
' phasemoon [-]
' MoonsBrightness [-]
static double
MoonsBrightness(double dist, double phasemoon)
double log10 = 2.302585092994;
/*Moon's brightness changes with distance: */
return -21.62 + 5 * log(dist / (Ra / 1000)) / log10 +
0.026 * fabs(phasemoon) + 0.000000004 * pow(phasemoon, 4);
' AltM [deg]
' AziM [deg]
' AziS [deg]
' MoonPhase [deg]
static double
MoonPhase(double AltM, double AziM, double AziS)
double AltMi = AltM * DEGTORAD;
double AziMi = AziM * DEGTORAD;
double AziSi = AziS * DEGTORAD;
return 180 -
acos(cos(AziSi - AziMi) * cos(AltMi + 0.95 * DEGTORAD)) / DEGTORAD;
' Pressure [mbar]
static double
Bm(double AltO, double AziO, double AltM, double AziM, double AltS,
double AziS, double sunra, double Lat, double HeightEye, double *datm,
int32 helflag, char *serr)
double M0 = -11.05;
double Bm = 0;
double RM, kXM, kX, C3, FM, phasemoon, MM;
if (AltM > -0.26) {
/* moon only adds light when (partly) above horizon
* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 129*/
RM = DistanceAngle(AltO * DEGTORAD, AziO * DEGTORAD, AltM * DEGTORAD,
kXM = Deltam(AltM, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
kX = Deltam(AltO, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
C3 = pow(10, -0.4 * kXM);
FM = (62000000.0) / RM / RM + pow(10, 6.15 - RM / 40) + pow(10,
5.36) *
(1.06 + pow(cos(RM * DEGTORAD), 2));
Bm = FM * C3 + 440000 * (1 - C3);
phasemoon = MoonPhase(AltM, AziM, AziS);
MM = MoonsBrightness(MoonDistance, phasemoon);
Bm = Bm * pow(10, -0.4 * (MM - M0 + 43.27));
Bm = Bm * (1 - pow(10, -0.4 * kX));
Bm = mymax(Bm, 0) * erg2nL;
return Bm;
' Pressure [mbar]
static double
Btwi(double AltO, double AziO, double AltS, double AziS, double sunra,
double Lat, double HeightEye, double *datm, int32 helflag, char *serr)
double M0 = -11.05;
double MS = -26.74;
double PresE = PresEfromPresS(datm[1], datm[0], HeightEye);
double TempE = TempEfromTempS(datm[1], HeightEye, LapseSA);
double AppAltO = AppAltfromTopoAlt(AltO, TempE, PresE, helflag);
double ZendO = 90 - AppAltO;
double RS =
DistanceAngle(AltO * DEGTORAD, AziO * DEGTORAD, AltS * DEGTORAD,
double kX =
Deltam(AltO, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
double k =
kt(AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm[1], datm[2], datm[3], 4, serr);
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 129*/
double Btwi =
pow(10, -0.4 * (MS - M0 + 32.5 - AltS - (ZendO / (360 * k))));
Btwi = Btwi * (100 / RS) * (1 - pow(10, -0.4 * kX));
Btwi = mymax(Btwi, 0) * erg2nL;
return Btwi;
' Pressure [mbar]
static double
Bday(double AltO, double AziO, double AltS, double AziS, double sunra,
double Lat, double HeightEye, double *datm, int32 helflag, char *serr)
double M0 = -11.05;
double MS = -26.74;
double RS =
DistanceAngle(AltO * DEGTORAD, AziO * DEGTORAD, AltS * DEGTORAD,
double kXS =
Deltam(AltS, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
double kX =
Deltam(AltO, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 129 */
double C4 = pow(10, -0.4 * kXS);
double FS = (62000000.0) / RS / RS + pow(10, (6.15 - RS / 40)) + pow(10,
* (1.06 + pow(cos(RS * DEGTORAD), 2));
double Bday = FS * C4 + 440000.0 * (1 - C4);
Bday = Bday * pow(10, (-0.4 * (MS - M0 + 43.27)));
Bday = Bday * (1 - pow(10, -0.4 * kX));
Bday = mymax(Bday, 0) * erg2nL;
return Bday;
' Value [nL]
' PresS [mbar]
' Bcity [nL]
static double
Bcity(double Value, double Press)
double Bcity = Value;
Bcity = mymax(Bcity, 0);
return Bcity;
' Pressure [mbar]
static double
Bsky(double AltO, double AziO, double AltM, double AziM, double JDNDaysUT,
double AltS, double AziS, double sunra, double Lat, double HeightEye,
double *datm, int32 helflag, char *serr)
double Bsky = 0;
if (AltS < -3) {
Bsky +=
Btwi(AltO, AziO, AltS, AziS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag,
else {
if (AltS > 4) {
Bsky +=
Bday(AltO, AziO, AltS, AziS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm,
helflag, serr);
else {
Bsky +=
(AltO, AziO, AltS, AziS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm,
helflag, serr), Btwi(AltO, AziO, AltS, AziS, sunra,
Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag,
/* if max. Bm [1E7] <5% of Bsky don't add Bm */
if (Bsky < 200000000.0)
Bsky +=
Bm(AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, AltS, AziS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye,
datm, helflag, serr);
if (AltS <= 0)
Bsky += Bcity(0, datm[0]);
/* if max. Bn [250] <5% of Bsky don't add Bn */
if (Bsky < 5000)
Bsky =
Bsky + Bn(AltO, JDNDaysUT, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm,
helflag, serr);
/* if max. Bm [1E7] <5% of Bsky don't add Bm */
return Bsky;
/* default handling:
* 1. datm (atmospheric conditions):
* datm consists of
* [0] atmospheric pressure
* [1] temperature
* [2] relative humidity
* [3] extinction coefficient
* In order to get default values for [0..2], set datm[0] = 0.
* Default values for [1-2] are only provided if [0] == 0.
* [3] defaults outside this function, depending on [0-2].
* 2. dobs (observer definition):
* [0] age (default 36)
* [1] Snellen ratio or visual acuity of observer (default 1)
static void
default_heliacal_parameters(double *datm, double *dgeo, double *dobs,
int helflag)
int i;
if (datm[0] <= 0) {
/* estimate atmospheric pressure, according to the
* International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) */
datm[0] = 1013.25 * pow(1 - 0.0065 * dgeo[2] / 288, 5.255);
/* temperature */
if (datm[1] == 0)
datm[1] = 15 - 0.0065 * dgeo[2];
/* relative humidity, independent of atmospheric pressure and altitude */
if (datm[2] == 0)
datm[2] = 40;
/* note: datm[3] / VR defaults outside this function */
else {
if (datm[2] <= 0.00000001)
datm[2] = 0.00000001;
if (datm[2] >= 99.99999999)
datm[2] = 99.99999999;
/* age of observer */
if (dobs[0] == 0)
dobs[0] = 36;
/* SN Snellen factor of the visual acuity of the observer */
if (dobs[1] == 0)
dobs[1] = 1;
if (!(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_OPTICAL_PARAMS)) {
for (i = 2; i <= 5; i++)
dobs[i] = 0;
/* OpticMagn undefined -> use eye */
if (dobs[3] == 0) {
dobs[2] = 1; /* Binocular = 1 */
dobs[3] = 1; /* OpticMagn = 1: use eye */
/* dobs[4] and dobs[5] (OpticDia and OpticTrans) will be defaulted in
* OpticFactor() */
' age [Year]
' SN [-]
' AltO [deg]
' AziO [deg]
' AltM [deg]
' AziM [deg]
' MoonDistance [km]
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AltS [deg]
' AziS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' TempS [C]
' PresS [mbar]
' RH [%]
' VR [km]
' VisLimMagn [-]
static double
VisLimMagn(double *dobs, double AltO, double AziO, double AltM, double AziM,
double JDNDaysUT, double AltS, double AziS, double sunra,
double Lat, double HeightEye, double *datm, int32 helflag,
int32 * scotopic_flag, char *serr)
double C1, C2, Th, kX, Bsk, CorrFactor1, CorrFactor2;
double log10 = 2.302585092994;
/*double Age = dobs[0]; */
/*double SN = dobs[1]; */
Bsk =
Bsky(AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AltS, AziS, sunra, Lat,
HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
/* Schaefer, Astronomy and the limits of vision, Archaeoastronomy, 1993 Verder: */
kX = Deltam(AltO, AltS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, serr);
/* influence of age */
/*Fa = mymax(1, pow(p(23, Bsk) / p(Age, Bsk), 2)); */
CorrFactor1 = OpticFactor(Bsk, kX, dobs, JDNDaysUT, "", 1, helflag);
CorrFactor2 = OpticFactor(Bsk, kX, dobs, JDNDaysUT, "", 0, helflag);
/* From Schaefer , Archaeoastronomy, XV, 2000, page 129 */
if (Bsk < BNIGHT && !(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_VISLIM_PHOTOPIC)) {
C1 = 1.5848931924611e-10; /*pow(10, -9.8); *//* C1 = 10 ^ (-9.8); */
C2 = 0.012589254117942; /*pow(10, -1.9); *//* C2 = 10 ^ (-1.9); */
if (scotopic_flag != NULL)
*scotopic_flag = 1;
else {
C1 = 4.4668359215096e-9; /*pow(10, -8.35); *//* C1 = 10 ^ (-8.35); */
C2 = 1.2589254117942e-6; /*pow(10, -5.9); *//* C2 = 10 ^ (-5.9); */
if (scotopic_flag != NULL)
*scotopic_flag = 0;
if (scotopic_flag != NULL) {
*scotopic_flag |= 2;
/*Th = C1 * pow(1 + sqrt(C2 * Bsk), 2) * Fa; */
Bsk = Bsk / CorrFactor1;
Th = C1 * pow(1 + sqrt(C2 * Bsk), 2) * CorrFactor2;
fprintf(stderr, "Bsk=%f\n", Bsk);
fprintf(stderr, "kX =%f\n", kX);
fprintf(stderr, "Th =%f\n", Th);
fprintf(stderr, "CorrFactor1=%f\n", CorrFactor1);
fprintf(stderr, "CorrFactor2=%f\n", CorrFactor2);
/* Visual limiting magnitude of point source */
#if 0
if (SN <= 0.00000001)
SN = 0.00000001;
return -16.57 - 2.5 * (log(Th) / log10) - kX + 5.0 * (log(SN) / log10);
return -16.57 - 2.5 * (log(Th) / log10);
/* Limiting magnitude in dark skies
* function returns:
* -1 Error
* -2 Object is below horizon
* 0 OK, photopic vision
* |1 OK, scotopic vision
* |2 OK, near limit photopic/scotopic
swe_vis_limit_mag(double tjdut, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr)
int32 retval = OK, i, scotopic_flag = 0;
double AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, AltS, AziS;
double sunra = SunRA(tjdut, helflag, serr);
default_heliacal_parameters(datm, dgeo, dobs, helflag);
swe_set_topo(dgeo[0], dgeo[1], dgeo[2]);
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
dret[i] = 0;
if (ObjectLoc(tjdut, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 0, helflag, &AltO, serr) ==
return ERR;
if (AltO < 0 && serr != NULL) {
strcpy(serr, "object is below local horizon");
*dret = -100;
return -2;
if (ObjectLoc(tjdut, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 1, helflag, &AziO, serr) ==
return ERR;
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_VISLIM_DARK) {
AltS = -90;
AziS = 0;
else {
if (ObjectLoc(tjdut, dgeo, datm, "sun", 0, helflag, &AltS, serr) ==
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc(tjdut, dgeo, datm, "sun", 1, helflag, &AziS, serr) ==
return ERR;
if (strncmp(ObjectName, "moon", 4) == 0
) {
AltM = -90;
AziM = 0;
else {
if (ObjectLoc(tjdut, dgeo, datm, "moon", 0, helflag, &AltM, serr) ==
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc(tjdut, dgeo, datm, "moon", 1, helflag, &AziM, serr) ==
return ERR;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
printf("dobs[%d] = %f\n", i, dobs[i]);
printf("AltO = %.10f, AziO = %.10f\n", AltO, AziO);
printf("AltM = %.10f, AziM = %.10f\n", AltM, AziM);
printf("AltS = %.10f, AziS = %.10f\n", AltS, AziS);
printf("JD = %.10f\n", tjdut);
printf("lat = %f, eyeh = %f\n", dgeo[1], dgeo[2]);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
printf("datm[%d] = %f\n", i, datm[i]);
printf("helflag = %d\n", helflag);
dret[0] =
VisLimMagn(dobs, AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, tjdut, AltS, AziS, sunra,
dgeo[1], dgeo[2], datm, helflag, &scotopic_flag, serr);
dret[1] = AltO;
dret[2] = AziO;
dret[3] = AltS;
dret[4] = AziS;
dret[5] = AltM;
dret[6] = AziM;
if (Magnitude(tjdut, dgeo, ObjectName, helflag, &(dret[7]), serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
retval = scotopic_flag;
/*dret[8] = (double) is_scotopic; */
/*if (*serr != '\0') * in VisLimMagn(), serr is only a warning *
* retval = ERR; */
return retval;
' Magn [-]
' age [Year]
' SN [-]
' AltO [deg]
' AziO [deg]
' AltM [deg]
' AziM [deg]
' MoonDistance [km]
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AziS [deg]
' lat [deg]
' heighteye [m]
' Temperature [C]
' Pressure [mbar]
' RH [%]
' VR [km]
' TopoArcVisionis [deg]
static int32
TopoArcVisionis(double Magn, double *dobs, double AltO, double AziO,
double AltM, double AziM, double JDNDaysUT, double AziS,
double sunra, double Lat, double HeightEye, double *datm,
int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr)
double Xm, Ym, AltSi, AziSi;
double xR = 0;
double Xl = 45;
double Yl, Yr;
Yl = Magn - VisLimMagn(dobs, AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AltO - Xl,
AziS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, NULL,
/* if (*serr != '\0') return ERR; * serr is only a warning */
Yr = Magn - VisLimMagn(dobs, AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AltO - xR,
AziS, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm, helflag, NULL,
/* if (*serr != '\0') return ERR; * serr is only a warning */
/* */
if ((Yl * Yr) <= 0) {
while (fabs(xR - Xl) > epsilon) {
/*Calculate midpoint of domain */
Xm = (xR + Xl) / 2.0;
AltSi = AltO - Xm;
AziSi = AziS;
Ym = Magn - VisLimMagn(dobs, AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT,
AltSi, AziSi, sunra, Lat, HeightEye, datm,
helflag, NULL, serr);
/* if (*serr != '\0') return ERR; * serr is only a warning */
if ((Yl * Ym) > 0) {
/* Throw away left half */
Xl = Xm;
Yl = Ym;
else {
/* Throw away right half */
xR = Xm;
Yr = Ym;
Xm = (xR + Xl) / 2.0;
else {
Xm = 99;
if (Xm < AltO)
Xm = AltO;
*dret = Xm;
return OK;
swe_topo_arcus_visionis(double tjdut, double *dgeo, double *datm,
double *dobs, int32 helflag, double mag,
double azi_obj, double alt_obj, double azi_sun,
double azi_moon, double alt_moon, double *dret,
char *serr)
double sunra = SunRA(tjdut, helflag, serr);
if (serr != NULL && *serr != '\0')
return ERR;
return TopoArcVisionis(mag, dobs, alt_obj, azi_obj, alt_moon, azi_moon,
tjdut, azi_sun, sunra, dgeo[1], dgeo[2], datm,
helflag, dret, serr);
/*' Magn [-]
' age [Year]
' SN Snellen factor of the visual aquity of the observer
' AziO [deg]
' AltM [deg]
' AziM [deg]
' MoonDistance [km]
' JDNDaysUT [-]
' AziS [deg]
' Lat [deg]
' HeightEye [m]
' Temperature [C]
' Pressure [mbar]
' RH [%] relative humidity
' VR [km] Meteorological Range,
' TypeAngle
' [0=Object's altitude,
' 1=Arcus Visonis (Object's altitude - Sun's altitude),
' 2=Sun's altitude]
' HeliacalAngle [deg]
static int32
HeliacalAngle(double Magn, double *dobs, double AziO, double AltM,
double AziM, double JDNDaysUT, double AziS, double *dgeo,
double *datm, int32 helflag, double *dangret, char *serr)
double x, minx, maxx, xmin, ymin, Xl, xR, Yr, Yl, Xm, Ym, xmd, ymd;
double Arc, DELTAx;
double sunra = SunRA(JDNDaysUT, helflag, serr);
double Lat = dgeo[1];
double HeightEye = dgeo[2];
if (PLSV == 1) {
dangret[0] = criticalangle;
dangret[1] = criticalangle + Magn * 2.492 + 13.447;
dangret[2] = -(Magn * 2.492 + 13.447); /* Magn * 1.1 + 8.9; */
return OK;
minx = 2;
maxx = 20;
xmin = 0;
ymin = 10000;
for (x = minx; x <= maxx; x++) {
if (TopoArcVisionis
(Magn, dobs, x, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AziS, sunra, Lat,
HeightEye, datm, helflag, &Arc, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (Arc < ymin) {
ymin = Arc;
xmin = x;
Xl = xmin - 1;
xR = xmin + 1;
if (TopoArcVisionis
(Magn, dobs, xR, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AziS, sunra, Lat,
HeightEye, datm, helflag, &Yr, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (TopoArcVisionis
(Magn, dobs, Xl, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AziS, sunra, Lat,
HeightEye, datm, helflag, &Yl, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
/* */
while (fabs(xR - Xl) > 0.1) {
/* Calculate midpoint of domain */
Xm = (xR + Xl) / 2.0;
DELTAx = 0.025;
xmd = Xm + DELTAx;
if (TopoArcVisionis
(Magn, dobs, Xm, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AziS, sunra, Lat,
HeightEye, datm, helflag, &Ym, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (TopoArcVisionis
(Magn, dobs, xmd, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AziS, sunra, Lat,
HeightEye, datm, helflag, &ymd, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (Ym >= ymd) {
/* Throw away left half */
Xl = Xm;
Yl = Ym;
else {
/*Throw away right half */
xR = Xm;
Yr = Ym;
Xm = (xR + Xl) / 2.0;
Ym = (Yr + Yl) / 2.0;
dangret[1] = Ym;
dangret[2] = Xm - Ym;
dangret[0] = Xm;
return OK;
swe_heliacal_angle(double tjdut, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
int32 helflag, double mag, double azi_obj, double azi_sun,
double azi_moon, double alt_moon, double *dret, char *serr)
return HeliacalAngle(mag, dobs, azi_obj, alt_moon, azi_moon, tjdut,
azi_sun, dgeo, datm, helflag, dret, serr);
' AltO [deg]
' AziO [deg]
' AltS [deg]
' AziS [deg]
' parallax [deg]
' WidthMoon [deg]
static double
WidthMoon(double AltO, double AziO, double AltS, double AziS, double parallax)
/* Yallop 1998, page 3 */
double GeoAltO = AltO + parallax;
return 0.27245 * parallax * (1 +
sin(GeoAltO * DEGTORAD) * sin(parallax *
(1 -
cos((AltS - GeoAltO) * DEGTORAD) * cos((AziS - AziO) * DEGTORAD));
' W [deg]
' LengthMoon [deg]
static double
LengthMoon(double W, double Diamoon)
double Wi, D;
if (Diamoon == 0)
Diamoon = AvgRadiusMoon * 2;
Wi = W * 60;
D = Diamoon * 60;
/* Crescent length according: */
return (D - 0.3 * (D + Wi) / 2.0 / Wi) / 60.0;
' W [deg]
' GeoARCVact [deg]
' q [-]
static double
qYallop(double W, double GeoARCVact)
double Wi = W * 60;
return (GeoARCVact -
(11.8371 - 6.3226 * Wi + 0.7319 * Wi * Wi -
0.1018 * Wi * Wi * Wi)) / 10;
'A (0,p)
'B (1,q)
'C (0,r)
'D (1,s)
static double
crossing(double A, double B, double C, double D)
return (C - A) / ((B - A) - (D - C));
static int32
DeterTAV(double *dobs, double JDNDaysUT, double *dgeo, double *datm,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr)
double Magn, AltO, AziS, AziO, AziM, AltM;
double sunra = SunRA(JDNDaysUT, helflag, serr);
if (Magnitude(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, ObjectName, helflag, &Magn, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 0, helflag, &AltO, serr)
== ERR)
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 1, helflag, &AziO, serr)
== ERR)
return ERR;
if (strncmp(ObjectName, "moon", 4) == 0) {
AltM = -90;
AziM = 0;
else {
if (ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, "moon", 0, helflag, &AltM, serr)
== ERR)
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, "moon", 1, helflag, &AziM, serr)
== ERR)
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, "sun", 1, helflag, &AziS, serr) ==
return ERR;
if (TopoArcVisionis
(Magn, dobs, AltO, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNDaysUT, AziS, sunra, dgeo[1],
dgeo[2], datm, helflag, dret, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
return OK;
' A y-value at x=1
' B y-value at x=0
' C y-value at x=-1
' x2min minimum for the quadratic function
static double
x2min(double A, double B, double C)
double term = A + C - 2 * B;
if (term == 0)
return 0;
return -(A - C) / 2.0 / term;
' A y-value at x=1
' B y-value at x=0
' C y-value at x=-1
' x
' y is y-value of quadratic function
static double
funct2(double A, double B, double C, double x)
return (A + C - 2 * B) / 2.0 * x * x + (A - C) / 2.0 * x + B;
static void
strcpy_VBsafe(char *sout, char *sin)
char *sp, *sp2;
int iw = 0;
sp = sin;
sp2 = sout;
while ((isalnum(*sp) || *sp == ' ' || *sp == '-') && iw < 30) {
*sp2 = *sp;
*sp2 = '\0';
' HPheno
'0=AltO [deg] topocentric altitude of object (unrefracted)
'1=AppAltO [deg] apparent altitude of object (refracted)
'2=GeoAltO [deg] geocentric altitude of object
'3=AziO [deg] azimuth of object
'4=AltS [deg] topocentric altitude of Sun
'5=AziS [deg] azimuth of Sun
'6=TAVact [deg] actual topocentric arcus visionis
'7=ARCVact [deg] actual (geocentric) arcus visionis
'8=DAZact [deg] actual difference between object's and sun's azimuth
'9=ARCLact [deg] actual longitude difference between object and sun
'10=kact [-] extinction coefficient
'11=minTAV [deg] smallest topocentric arcus visionis
'12=TfistVR [JDN] first time object is visible, according to VR
'13=TbVR [JDN] optimum time the object is visible, according to VR
'14=TlastVR [JDN] last time object is visible, according to VR
'15=TbYallop[JDN] best time the object is visible, according to Yallop
'16=WMoon [deg] cresent width of moon
'17=qYal [-] q-test value of Yallop
'18=qCrit [-] q-test criterion of Yallop
'19=ParO [deg] parallax of object
'20 Magn [-] magnitude of object
'21=RiseO [JDN] rise/set time of object
'22=RiseS [JDN] rise/set time of sun
'23=Lag [JDN] rise/set time of object minus rise/set time of sun
'24=TvisVR [JDN] visibility duration
'25=LMoon [deg] cresent length of moon
'26=CVAact [deg]
'27=Illum [%] 'new
'28=CVAact [deg] 'new
'29=MSk [-]
swe_heliacal_pheno_ut(double JDNDaysUT, double *dgeo, double *datm,
double *dobs, char *ObjectNameIn, int32 TypeEvent,
int32 helflag, double *darr, char *serr)
double AziS, AltS, AltS2, AziO, AltO, AltO2, GeoAltO, AppAltO, DAZact,
TAVact, ParO, MagnO;
double ARCVact, ARCLact, kact, WMoon, LMoon = 0, qYal, qCrit;
double RiseSetO, RiseSetS, Lag, TbYallop, TfirstVR, TlastVR, TbVR;
double MinTAV = 0, MinTAVact, Ta, Tc, TimeStep, TimePointer, MinTAVoud =
0, DeltaAltoud = 0, DeltaAlt, TvisVR, crosspoint;
double OldestMinTAV, extrax, illum;
double elong, attr[30];
double TimeCheck, LocalminCheck;
int32 retval = OK, RS, Planet;
AS_BOOL noriseO = FALSE;
char ObjectName[AS_MAXCH];
double sunra = SunRA(JDNDaysUT, helflag, serr);
int32 iflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
/* note, the fixed stars functions rewrite the star name. The input string
* may be too short, so we have to make sure we have enough space */
strcpy_VBsafe(ObjectName, ObjectNameIn);
default_heliacal_parameters(datm, dgeo, dobs, helflag);
swe_set_topo(dgeo[0], dgeo[1], dgeo[2]);
retval = ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, "sun", 1, helflag, &AziS, serr);
if (retval == OK)
retval =
ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, "sun", 0, helflag, &AltS, serr);
if (retval == OK)
retval =
ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 1, helflag, &AziO,
if (retval == OK)
retval =
ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 0, helflag, &AltO,
if (retval == OK)
retval =
ObjectLoc(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 7, helflag, &GeoAltO,
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
AppAltO = AppAltfromTopoAlt(AltO, datm[1], datm[0], helflag);
DAZact = AziS - AziO;
TAVact = AltO - AltS;
/*this parallax seems to be somewhat smaller then in Yallop and SkyMap! Needs to be studied */
ParO = GeoAltO - AltO;
if (Magnitude(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, ObjectName, helflag, &MagnO, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
ARCVact = TAVact + ParO;
ARCLact =
acos(cos(ARCVact * DEGTORAD) * cos(DAZact * DEGTORAD)) / DEGTORAD;
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
if (Planet == -1) {
elong = ARCLact;
illum = 100;
else {
retval =
swe_pheno_ut(JDNDaysUT, Planet,
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
elong = attr[2];
illum = attr[1] * 100;
kact =
kt(AltS, sunra, dgeo[1], dgeo[2], datm[1], datm[2], datm[3], 4, serr);
if (0) {
darr[26] = kR(AltS, dgeo[2]);
darr[27] = kW(dgeo[2], datm[1], datm[2]);
darr[28] = kOZ(AltS, sunra, dgeo[1]);
darr[29] =
ka(AltS, sunra, dgeo[1], dgeo[2], datm[1], datm[2], datm[3],
darr[30] = darr[26] + darr[27] + darr[28] + darr[29];
WMoon = 0;
qYal = 0;
qCrit = 0;
LMoon = 0;
if (Planet == SE_MOON) {
WMoon = WidthMoon(AltO, AziO, AltS, AziS, ParO);
LMoon = LengthMoon(WMoon, 0);
qYal = qYallop(WMoon, ARCVact);
if (qYal > 0.216)
qCrit = 1; /* A */
if (qYal < 0.216 && qYal > -0.014)
qCrit = 2; /* B */
if (qYal < -0.014 && qYal > -0.16)
qCrit = 3; /* C */
if (qYal < -0.16 && qYal > -0.232)
qCrit = 4; /* D */
if (qYal < -0.232 && qYal > -0.293)
qCrit = 5; /* E */
if (qYal < -0.293)
qCrit = 6; /* F */
/*determine if rise or set event */
RS = 2;
if (TypeEvent == 1 || TypeEvent == 4)
RS = 1;
retval =
RiseSet(JDNDaysUT - 4.0 / 24.0, dgeo, datm, "sun", RS, helflag, 0,
&RiseSetS, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
retval =
RiseSet(JDNDaysUT - 4.0 / 24.0, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, RS, helflag,
0, &RiseSetO, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
if (retval == -2) { /* object does not rise or set */
Lag = 0;
noriseO = TRUE;
else {
Lag = RiseSetO - RiseSetS;
if (Planet == SE_MOON)
TbYallop = (RiseSetO * 4 + RiseSetS * 5) / 9.0;
if ((TypeEvent == 3 || TypeEvent == 4)
&& (Planet == -1 || Planet >= SE_MARS)) {
TvisVR = 0;
MinTAV = 0;
goto output_heliacal_pheno;
/* If HPheno >= 11 And HPheno <= 14 Or HPheno = 24 Then */
/*te bepalen m.b.v. walkthrough */
MinTAVact = 199;
DeltaAlt = 0;
OldestMinTAV = 0;
Ta = 0;
Tc = 0;
TbVR = 0;
TimeStep = -TimeStepDefault / 24.0 / 60.0;
if (RS == 2)
TimeStep = -TimeStep;
TimePointer = RiseSetS - TimeStep;
do {
TimePointer = TimePointer + TimeStep;
OldestMinTAV = MinTAVoud;
MinTAVoud = MinTAVact;
DeltaAltoud = DeltaAlt;
retval =
ObjectLoc(TimePointer, dgeo, datm, "sun", 0, helflag, &AltS2,
if (retval == OK)
retval =
ObjectLoc(TimePointer, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 0, helflag,
&AltO2, serr);
if (retval != OK)
return ERR;
DeltaAlt = AltO2 - AltS2;
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, TimePointer, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag, &MinTAVact,
serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (MinTAVoud < MinTAVact && TbVR == 0) {
/* determine if this is a local minimum with object still above horizon */
TimeCheck =
TimePointer + Sgn(TimeStep) * LocalMinStep / 24.0 / 60.0;
if (RiseSetO != 0) {
if (TimeStep > 0)
TimeCheck = mymin(TimeCheck, RiseSetO);
TimeCheck = mymax(TimeCheck, RiseSetO);
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, TimeCheck, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag,
&LocalminCheck, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (LocalminCheck > MinTAVact) {
extrax = x2min(MinTAVact, MinTAVoud, OldestMinTAV);
TbVR = TimePointer - (1 - extrax) * TimeStep;
MinTAV = funct2(MinTAVact, MinTAVoud, OldestMinTAV, extrax);
if (DeltaAlt > MinTAVact && Tc == 0 && TbVR == 0) {
crosspoint =
crossing(DeltaAltoud, DeltaAlt, MinTAVoud, MinTAVact);
Tc = TimePointer - TimeStep * (1 - crosspoint);
if (DeltaAlt < MinTAVact && Ta == 0 && Tc != 0) {
crosspoint =
crossing(DeltaAltoud, DeltaAlt, MinTAVoud, MinTAVact);
Ta = TimePointer - TimeStep * (1 - crosspoint);
} while (fabs(TimePointer - RiseSetS) <= MaxTryHours / 24.0 && Ta == 0
&& !((TbVR != 0 && (TypeEvent == 3 || TypeEvent == 4)
&& (strncmp(ObjectName, "moon", 4) != 0
&& strncmp(ObjectName, "venus", 5) != 0
&& strncmp(ObjectName, "mercury", 7) != 0))));
if (RS == 2) {
TfirstVR = Tc;
TlastVR = Ta;
else {
TfirstVR = Ta;
TlastVR = Tc;
if (TfirstVR == 0 && TlastVR == 0) {
if (RS == 1)
TfirstVR = TbVR - 0.000001;
TlastVR = TbVR + 0.000001;
if (!noriseO) {
if (RS == 1)
TfirstVR = mymax(TfirstVR, RiseSetO);
TlastVR = mymin(TlastVR, RiseSetO);
TvisVR = TJD_INVALID; /*"#NA!" */
if (TlastVR != 0 && TfirstVR != 0)
TvisVR = TlastVR - TfirstVR;
if (TlastVR == 0)
TlastVR = TJD_INVALID; /*"#NA!" */
if (TbVR == 0)
TbVR = TJD_INVALID; /*"#NA!" */
if (TfirstVR == 0)
TfirstVR = TJD_INVALID; /*"#NA!" */
/*End If */
darr[0] = AltO;
darr[1] = AppAltO;
darr[2] = GeoAltO;
darr[3] = AziO;
darr[4] = AltS;
darr[5] = AziS;
darr[6] = TAVact;
darr[7] = ARCVact;
darr[8] = DAZact;
darr[9] = ARCLact;
darr[10] = kact;
darr[11] = MinTAV;
darr[12] = TfirstVR;
darr[13] = TbVR;
darr[14] = TlastVR;
darr[15] = TbYallop;
darr[16] = WMoon;
darr[17] = qYal;
darr[18] = qCrit;
darr[19] = ParO;
darr[20] = MagnO;
darr[21] = RiseSetO;
darr[22] = RiseSetS;
darr[23] = Lag;
darr[24] = TvisVR;
darr[25] = LMoon;
darr[26] = elong;
darr[27] = illum;
return OK;
#if 0
HeliacalJDut(double JDNDaysUTStart, double Age, double SN, double Lat,
double Longitude, double HeightEye, double Temperature,
double Pressure, double RH, double VR, char *ObjectName,
int TypeEvent, char *AVkind, double *dret, char *serr)
double dgeo[3], datm[4], dobs[6];
dgeo[0] = Longitude;
dgeo[1] = Lat;
dgeo[2] = HeightEye;
datm[0] = Pressure;
datm[1] = Temperature;
datm[2] = RH;
datm[3] = VR;
dobs[0] = Age;
dobs[1] = SN;
return swe_heliacal_ut(JDNDaysUTStart, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
TypeEvent, helflag, dret, serr);
static double
get_synodic_period(int Planet)
/* synodic periods from:
* Kelley/Milone/Aveni, "Exploring ancient Skies", p. 43. */
switch (Planet) {
case SE_MOON:
return 29.530588853;
return 115.8775;
case SE_VENUS:
return 583.9214;
case SE_MARS:
return 779.9361;
return 398.8840;
return 378.0919;
return 369.6560;
return 367.4867;
case SE_PLUTO:
return 366.7207;
return 366; /* for stars and default for far away planets */
static int32
moon_event_arc_vis(double JDNDaysUTStart, double *dgeo, double *datm,
double *dobs, int32 TypeEvent, int32 helflag, double *dret,
char *serr)
double x[20], MinTAV, MinTAVoud, OldestMinTAV;
double phase1, phase2, JDNDaysUT, JDNDaysUTi;
double tjd_moonevent, tjd_moonevent_start;
double DeltaAltoud, TimeCheck, LocalminCheck;
double AltS, AltO, DeltaAlt = 90;
char ObjectName[30];
int32 iflag, Daystep, goingup, Planet, retval;
int32 avkind = helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND;
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
dret[0] = JDNDaysUTStart; /* will be returned in error case */
if (avkind == 0)
if (avkind != SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND_VR) {
if (serr != NULL)
strcpy(serr, "error: in valid AV kind for the moon");
return ERR;
if (TypeEvent == 1 || TypeEvent == 2) {
if (serr != NULL)
"error: the moon has no morning first or evening last");
return ERR;
strcpy(ObjectName, "moon");
Planet = SE_MOON;
Daystep = 1;
if (TypeEvent == 3) {
/*morning last */
TypeEvent = 2;
else {
/*evening first */
TypeEvent = 1;
Daystep = -Daystep;
/* check Synodic/phase Period */
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUTStart;
/* start 30 days later if TypeEvent=4 (1) */
if (TypeEvent == 1)
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUT + 30;
/* determination of new moon date */
swe_pheno_ut(JDNDaysUT, Planet, iflag, x, serr);
phase2 = x[0];
goingup = 0;
do {
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUT + Daystep;
phase1 = phase2;
swe_pheno_ut(JDNDaysUT, Planet, iflag, x, serr);
phase2 = x[0];
if (phase2 > phase1)
goingup = 1;
} while (goingup == 0 || (goingup == 1 && (phase2 > phase1)));
/* fix the date to get the day with the smallest phase (nwest moon) */
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUT - Daystep;
/* initialize the date to look for set */
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUT - Daystep;
MinTAVoud = 199;
do {
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUT + Daystep;
if ((retval =
RiseSet(JDNDaysUT, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, TypeEvent, helflag, 0,
&tjd_moonevent, serr)) != OK)
return retval;
tjd_moonevent_start = tjd_moonevent;
MinTAV = 199;
OldestMinTAV = MinTAV;
do {
OldestMinTAV = MinTAVoud;
MinTAVoud = MinTAV;
DeltaAltoud = DeltaAlt;
tjd_moonevent = tjd_moonevent - 1.0 / 60.0 / 24.0 * Sgn(Daystep);
if (ObjectLoc
(tjd_moonevent, dgeo, datm, "sun", 0, helflag, &AltS,
serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (ObjectLoc
(tjd_moonevent, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, 0, helflag, &AltO,
serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
DeltaAlt = AltO - AltS;
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, tjd_moonevent, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag,
&MinTAV, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
TimeCheck =
tjd_moonevent - LocalMinStep / 60.0 / 24.0 * Sgn(Daystep);
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, TimeCheck, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag,
&LocalminCheck, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
/*printf("%f, %f <= %f\n", tjd_moonevent, MinTAV, MinTAVoud);*/
/* while (MinTAV <= MinTAVoud && fabs(tjd_moonevent - tjd_moonevent_start) < 120.0 / 60.0 / 24.0); */
} while ((MinTAV <= MinTAVoud || LocalminCheck < MinTAV)
&& fabs(tjd_moonevent - tjd_moonevent_start) <
120.0 / 60.0 / 24.0);
/* while (DeltaAlt < MinTAVoud && fabs(JDNDaysUT - JDNDaysUTi) < 15); */
} while (DeltaAltoud < MinTAVoud && fabs(JDNDaysUT - JDNDaysUTi) < 15);
if (fabs(JDNDaysUT - JDNDaysUTi) < 15) {
tjd_moonevent +=
(1 -
x2min(MinTAV, MinTAVoud,
OldestMinTAV)) * Sgn(Daystep) / 60.0 / 24.0;
else {
strcpy(serr, "no date found for lunar event");
return ERR;
dret[0] = tjd_moonevent;
return OK;
static int32
heliacal_ut_arc_vis(double JDNDaysUTStart, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs, char *ObjectName, int32 TypeEventIn, int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr_ret)
double x[6];
double xin[2];
double xaz[2];
double dang[3];
double objectmagn = 0, maxlength, DayStep;
double JDNDaysUT,
JDNDaysUTfinal, JDNDaysUTstep, JDNDaysUTstepoud,
JDNarcvisUT, tjd_tt, tret, OudeDatum, JDNDaysUTinp =
JDNDaysUTStart, JDNDaysUTtijd;
double ArcusVis, ArcusVisDelta, ArcusVisPto, ArcusVisDeltaoud;
double Trise, sunsangle, Theliacal, Tdelta, Angle;
double TimeStep, TimePointer, OldestMinTAV, MinTAVoud, MinTAVact, extrax,
TbVR = 0;
double AziS, AltS, AziO, AltO, DeltaAlt;
double direct, Pressure, Temperature, d;
int32 epheflag, retval = OK;
int32 iflag, Planet, eventtype;
int32 TypeEvent = TypeEventIn;
int doneoneday;
char serr[AS_MAXCH];
*dret = JDNDaysUTStart;
*serr = '\0';
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
Pressure = datm[0];
Temperature = datm[1];
/* determine Magnitude of star */
if ((retval = Magnitude(JDNDaysUTStart, dgeo, ObjectName, helflag, &objectmagn, serr)) == ERR) {
goto swe_heliacal_err;
epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
if (!(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_HIGH_PRECISION)) {
/* start values for search of heliacal rise
* maxlength = phase period in days, smaller than minimal synodic period */
/* days per step (for heliacal rise) in power of two */
switch (Planet) {
DayStep = 1;
maxlength = 100;
case SE_VENUS:
DayStep = 64;
maxlength = 384;
case SE_MARS:
DayStep = 128;
maxlength = 640;
DayStep = 64;
maxlength = 384;
DayStep = 64;
maxlength = 256;
DayStep = 64;
maxlength = 256;
/* heliacal setting */
eventtype = TypeEvent;
if (eventtype == 2) {
DayStep = -DayStep;
/* acronychal setting */
if (eventtype == 4) {
eventtype = 1;
DayStep = -DayStep;
/* acronychal rising */
if (eventtype == 3) {
eventtype = 2;
eventtype |= SE_BIT_DISC_CENTER;
/* normalize the maxlength to the step size */
/* check each Synodic/phase Period */
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUTStart;
/* make sure one can find an event on the just after the JDNDaysUTStart */
JDNDaysUTfinal = JDNDaysUT + maxlength;
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUT - 1;
if (DayStep < 0) {
JDNDaysUTtijd = JDNDaysUT;
JDNDaysUT = JDNDaysUTfinal;
JDNDaysUTfinal = JDNDaysUTtijd;
/* prepair the search */
JDNDaysUTstep = JDNDaysUT - DayStep;
doneoneday = 0;
ArcusVisDelta = 199;
ArcusVisPto = -5.55;
do {
if (fabs(DayStep) == 1) {
doneoneday = 1;
do {
/* init search for heliacal rise */
JDNDaysUTstepoud = JDNDaysUTstep;
ArcusVisDeltaoud = ArcusVisDelta;
JDNDaysUTstep = JDNDaysUTstep + DayStep;
/* determine rise/set time */
if ((retval = my_rise_trans(JDNDaysUTstep, SE_SUN, "", eventtype, helflag, dgeo, datm, &tret, serr)) == ERR) {
goto swe_heliacal_err;
/* determine time compensation to get Sun's altitude at heliacal rise */
tjd_tt = tret + DeltaT(tret, 0) / D2S;
if ((retval = swe_calc(tjd_tt, SE_SUN, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR) {
goto swe_heliacal_err;
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(tret, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, Pressure, Temperature, xin, xaz);
Trise = HourAngle(xaz[1], x[1], dgeo[1]);
sunsangle = ArcusVisPto;
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND_MIN7) {
sunsangle = -7;
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND_MIN9) {
sunsangle = -9;
Theliacal = HourAngle(sunsangle, x[1], dgeo[1]);
Tdelta = Theliacal - Trise;
if (TypeEvent == 2 || TypeEvent == 3) {
Tdelta = -Tdelta;
/* determine appr.time when sun is at the wanted Sun's altitude */
JDNarcvisUT = tret - Tdelta / 24;
tjd_tt = JDNarcvisUT + DeltaT(JDNarcvisUT, 0) / D2S;
/* determine Sun's position */
if ((retval =
swe_calc(tjd_tt, SE_SUN, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(JDNarcvisUT, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, Pressure,
Temperature, xin, xaz);
AziS = xaz[0] + 180;
if (AziS >= 360)
AziS = AziS - 360;
AltS = xaz[1];
/* determine Moon's position */
#if 0
double AltM, AziM;
if ((retval =
swe_calc(tjd_tt, SE_MOON, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(JDNarcvisUT, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, Pressure,
Temperature, xin, xaz);
AziM = xaz[0] + 180;
if (AziM >= 360)
AziM = AziM - 360;
AltM = xaz[1];
/* determine object's position */
if (Planet != -1) {
if ((retval =
swe_calc(tjd_tt, Planet, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
/* determine magnitude of Planet */
if ((retval =
Magnitude(JDNarcvisUT, dgeo, ObjectName, helflag,
&objectmagn, serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
else {
if ((retval =
call_swe_fixstar(ObjectName, tjd_tt, iflag, x,
serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(JDNarcvisUT, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, Pressure,
Temperature, xin, xaz);
AziO = xaz[0] + 180;
if (AziO >= 360)
AziO = AziO - 360;
AltO = xaz[1];
/* determine arcusvisionis */
DeltaAlt = AltO - AltS;
/*if ((retval = HeliacalAngle(objectmagn, dobs, AziO, AltM, AziM, JDNarcvisUT, AziS, dgeo, datm, helflag, dang, serr)) == ERR) */
if ((retval =
HeliacalAngle(objectmagn, dobs, AziO, -1, 0, JDNarcvisUT,
AziS, dgeo, datm, helflag, dang,
serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
ArcusVis = dang[1];
ArcusVisPto = dang[2];
ArcusVisDelta = DeltaAlt - ArcusVis;
//} while (((ArcusVisDeltaoud > 0 && ArcusVisDelta < 0) || ArcusVisDelta < 0) && (JDNDaysUTfinal - JDNDaysUTstep) * Sgn(DayStep) > 0);
} while ((ArcusVisDeltaoud > 0 || ArcusVisDelta < 0) && (JDNDaysUTfinal - JDNDaysUTstep) * Sgn(DayStep) > 0);
if (doneoneday == 0 && (JDNDaysUTfinal - JDNDaysUTstep) * Sgn(DayStep) > 0) {
/* go back to date before heliacal altitude */
ArcusVisDelta = ArcusVisDeltaoud;
DayStep = ((int)(fabs(DayStep) / 2.0)) * Sgn(DayStep);
JDNDaysUTstep = JDNDaysUTstepoud;
} while (doneoneday == 0 && (JDNDaysUTfinal - JDNDaysUTstep) * Sgn(DayStep) > 0);
d = (JDNDaysUTfinal - JDNDaysUTstep) * Sgn(DayStep);
if (d <= 0 || d >= maxlength) {
dret[0] = JDNDaysUTinp; /* no date found, just return input */
retval = -2; /* marks "not found" within synodic period */
sprintf(serr, "heliacal event not found within maxlength %f\n",
goto swe_heliacal_err;
#if 0
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND_VR) {
double darr[40];
if (swe_heliacal_pheno_ut
(JDNarcvisUT, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, TypeEvent, helflag,
darr, serr) != OK)
return ERR;
JDNarcvisUT = darr[13];
direct = TimeStepDefault / 24.0 / 60.0;
if (DayStep < 0)
direct = -direct;
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND_VR) {
/*te bepalen m.b.v. walkthrough */
TimeStep = direct;
TbVR = 0;
TimePointer = JDNarcvisUT;
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, TimePointer, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag, &OldestMinTAV,
serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
TimePointer = TimePointer + TimeStep;
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, TimePointer, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag, &MinTAVoud,
serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (MinTAVoud > OldestMinTAV) {
TimePointer = JDNarcvisUT;
TimeStep = -TimeStep;
MinTAVact = OldestMinTAV;
else {
MinTAVact = MinTAVoud;
MinTAVoud = OldestMinTAV;
/*TimePointer = TimePointer - Timestep */
do {
TimePointer = TimePointer + TimeStep;
OldestMinTAV = MinTAVoud;
MinTAVoud = MinTAVact;
if (DeterTAV
(dobs, TimePointer, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag, &MinTAVact,
serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (MinTAVoud < MinTAVact) {
extrax = x2min(MinTAVact, MinTAVoud, OldestMinTAV);
TbVR = TimePointer - (1 - extrax) * TimeStep;
} while (TbVR == 0);
JDNarcvisUT = TbVR;
/*if (strncmp(AVkind, "pto", 3) == 0) */
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND_PTO) {
do {
OudeDatum = JDNarcvisUT;
JDNarcvisUT = JDNarcvisUT - direct;
tjd_tt = JDNarcvisUT + DeltaT(JDNarcvisUT, 0) / D2S;
if (Planet != -1) {
if ((retval = swe_calc(tjd_tt, Planet, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
else {
if ((retval =
call_swe_fixstar(ObjectName, tjd_tt, iflag, x, serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
xin[0] = x[0];
xin[1] = x[1];
swe_azalt(JDNarcvisUT, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, Pressure, Temperature, xin,
Angle = xaz[1];
} while (Angle > 0);
JDNarcvisUT = (JDNarcvisUT + OudeDatum) / 2.0;
if (JDNarcvisUT < -9999999 || JDNarcvisUT > 9999999) {
dret[0] = JDNDaysUT; /* no date found, just return input */
strcpy(serr, "no heliacal date found");
retval = ERR;
goto swe_heliacal_err;
dret[0] = JDNarcvisUT;
if (serr_ret != NULL && *serr != '\0')
strcpy(serr_ret, serr);
return retval;
static int32
get_asc_obl(double tjd, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 iflag, double *dgeo,
AS_BOOL desc_obl, double *daop, char *serr)
int32 retval;
int32 epheflag = iflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
double x[6], adp;
char s[AS_MAXCH];
char star2[AS_MAXCH];
strcpy(star2, star);
if (ipl == -1) {
if ((retval =
swe_fixstar(star2, tjd, epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL, x,
serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
else {
if ((retval =
swe_calc(tjd, ipl, epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL, x, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
adp = tan(dgeo[1] * DEGTORAD) * tan(x[1] * DEGTORAD);
if (fabs(adp) > 1) {
if (star != NULL && *star != '\0')
strcpy(s, star);
swe_get_planet_name(ipl, s);
sprintf(serr, "%s is circumpolar, cannot calculate heliacal event",
return -2;
adp = asin(adp) / DEGTORAD;
if (desc_obl)
*daop = x[0] + adp;
*daop = x[0] - adp;
*daop = swe_degnorm(*daop);
return OK;
#if 0
static int32
get_asc_obl_old(double tjd, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 iflag, double *dgeo,
AS_BOOL desc_obl, double *daop, char *serr)
int32 retval;
int32 epheflag = iflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
double x[6], adp;
char s[AS_MAXCH];
if (star != NULL && *star != '\0') {
if ((retval =
call_swe_fixstar(star, tjd, epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL, x,
serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
else {
if ((retval =
swe_calc(tjd, ipl, epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL, x, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
adp = tan(dgeo[1] * DEGTORAD) * tan(x[1] * DEGTORAD);
if (fabs(adp) > 1) {
if (star != NULL && *star != '\0')
strcpy(s, star);
swe_get_planet_name(ipl, s);
sprintf(serr, "%s is circumpolar, cannot calculate heliacal event",
return -2;
adp = asin(adp) / DEGTORAD;
if (desc_obl)
*daop = x[0] + adp;
*daop = x[0] - adp;
*daop = swe_degnorm(*daop);
return OK;
static int32
get_asc_obl_diff(double tjd, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 iflag, double *dgeo,
AS_BOOL desc_obl, AS_BOOL is_acronychal, double *dsunpl,
char *serr)
int32 retval = OK;
double aosun, aopl;
/* ascensio obliqua of sun */
retval =
get_asc_obl(tjd, SE_SUN, "", iflag, dgeo, desc_obl, &aosun, serr);
if (retval != OK)
return retval;
if (is_acronychal) {
if (desc_obl == TRUE)
desc_obl = FALSE;
desc_obl = TRUE;
/* ascensio obliqua of body */
retval = get_asc_obl(tjd, ipl, star, iflag, dgeo, desc_obl, &aopl, serr);
if (retval != OK)
return retval;
*dsunpl = swe_degnorm(aosun - aopl);
if (is_acronychal)
*dsunpl = swe_degnorm(*dsunpl - 180);
if (*dsunpl > 180)
*dsunpl -= 360;
return OK;
#if 0
static int32
get_asc_obl_diff_old(double tjd, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 iflag,
double *dgeo, AS_BOOL desc_obl, double *dsunpl,
char *serr)
int32 retval = OK;
double aosun, aopl;
/* ascensio obliqua of sun */
retval =
get_asc_obl(tjd, SE_SUN, "", iflag, dgeo, desc_obl, &aosun, serr);
if (retval != OK)
return retval;
/* ascensio obliqua of body */
retval = get_asc_obl(tjd, ipl, star, iflag, dgeo, desc_obl, &aopl, serr);
if (retval != OK)
return retval;
*dsunpl = swe_degnorm(aosun - aopl);
return OK;
/* times of
* - superior and inferior conjunction (Mercury and Venus)
* - conjunction and opposition (ipl >= Mars)
static double tcon[] = {
0, 0,
2451550, 2451550, /* Moon */
2451604, 2451670, /* Mercury */
2451980, 2452280, /* Venus */
2451727, 2452074, /* Mars */
2451673, 2451877, /* Jupiter */
2451675, 2451868, /* Saturn */
2451581, 2451768, /* Uranus */
2451568, 2451753, /* Neptune */
static int32
find_conjunct_sun(double tjd_start, int32 ipl, int32 helflag, int32 TypeEvent,
double *tjd, char *serr)
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
int i;
double tjdcon, tjd0, ds, dsynperiod, x[6], xs[6], daspect = 0;
if (ipl >= SE_MARS && TypeEvent >= 3)
daspect = 180;
i = (TypeEvent - 1) / 2 + ipl * 2;
tjd0 = tcon[i];
dsynperiod = get_synodic_period(ipl);
tjdcon =
tjd0 + ((floor) ((tjd_start - tjd0) / dsynperiod) + 1) * dsynperiod;
ds = 100;
while (ds > 0.5) {
if (swe_calc(tjdcon, ipl, epheflag | SEFLG_SPEED, x, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (swe_calc(tjdcon, SE_SUN, epheflag | SEFLG_SPEED, xs, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
ds = swe_degnorm(x[0] - xs[0] - daspect);
if (ds > 180)
ds -= 360;
tjdcon -= ds / (x[3] - xs[3]);
*tjd = tjdcon;
return OK;
static int32
get_asc_obl_with_sun(double tjd_start, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 helflag,
int32 evtyp, double dperiod, double *dgeo,
double *tjdret, char *serr)
int i, retval;
int32 is_acronychal = FALSE;
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
double dsunpl = 1, dsunpl_save, dsunpl_test, tjd, daystep;
AS_BOOL desc_obl = FALSE, retro = FALSE;
if (evtyp == SE_EVENING_LAST || evtyp == SE_EVENING_FIRST)
desc_obl = TRUE;
if (evtyp == SE_MORNING_FIRST || evtyp == SE_EVENING_LAST)
retro = TRUE;
desc_obl = TRUE;
is_acronychal = TRUE;
if (ipl != SE_MOON)
retro = TRUE;
// if (evtyp == 3 || evtyp == 4)
// dangsearch = 180;
/* find date when sun and object have the same ascensio obliqua */
tjd = tjd_start;
dsunpl_save = -999999999;
retval =
get_asc_obl_diff(tjd, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, desc_obl,
is_acronychal, &dsunpl, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
daystep = 20;
i = 0;
while (dsunpl_save == -999999999 ||
/*fabs(dsunpl - dsunpl_save) > 180 || */
fabs(dsunpl) + fabs(dsunpl_save) > 180 || (retro
&& !(dsunpl_save < 0
&& dsunpl >= 0))
|| (!retro && !(dsunpl_save >= 0 && dsunpl < 0))) {
if (i > 5000) {
sprintf(serr, "loop in get_asc_obl_with_sun() (1)");
return ERR;
dsunpl_save = dsunpl;
tjd += 10.0;
if (dperiod > 0 && tjd - tjd_start > dperiod)
return -2;
retval =
get_asc_obl_diff(tjd, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, desc_obl,
is_acronychal, &dsunpl, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
tjd_start = tjd - daystep;
daystep /= 2.0;
tjd = tjd_start + daystep;
retval =
get_asc_obl_diff(tjd, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, desc_obl,
is_acronychal, &dsunpl_test, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
i = 0;
while (fabs(dsunpl) > 0.00001) {
if (i > 5000) {
sprintf(serr, "loop in get_asc_obl_with_sun() (2)");
return ERR;
if (dsunpl_save * dsunpl_test >= 0) {
dsunpl_save = dsunpl_test;
tjd_start = tjd;
else {
dsunpl = dsunpl_test;
daystep /= 2.0;
tjd = tjd_start + daystep;
retval =
get_asc_obl_diff(tjd, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, desc_obl,
is_acronychal, &dsunpl_test, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
*tjdret = tjd;
return OK;
#if 0
/* works only for fixed stars */
static int32
get_asc_obl_with_sun_old(double tjd_start, int32 ipl, char *star,
int32 helflag, int32 TypeEvent, double *dgeo,
double *tjdret, char *serr)
int retval;
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
double dsunpl = 1, tjd, daystep, dsunpl_save;
double dsynperiod = 367;
double dangsearch = 0;
AS_BOOL desc_obl = FALSE;
if (TypeEvent == 2 || TypeEvent == 3)
desc_obl = TRUE;
if (TypeEvent == 3 || TypeEvent == 4)
dangsearch = 180;
/* find date when sun and object have the same ascensio obliqua */
daystep = dsynperiod;
tjd = tjd_start;
retval =
get_asc_obl_diff(tjd, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, desc_obl, &dsunpl,
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
while (dsunpl < 359.99999) {
dsunpl_save = dsunpl;
daystep /= 2.0;
retval =
get_asc_obl_diff(tjd + daystep, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo,
desc_obl, &dsunpl, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
if (dsunpl > dsunpl_save)
tjd += daystep;
dsunpl = dsunpl_save;
*tjdret = tjd;
return OK;
#if 0
/* works only for fixed stars */
static int32
get_asc_obl_acronychal(double tjd_start, int32 ipl, char *star, int32 helflag,
int32 TypeEvent, double *dgeo, double *tjdret,
char *serr)
int retval;
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
double dsunpl = 1, tjd, daystep, dsunpl_save;
double dsynperiod = 367;
double aosun, aopl;
AS_BOOL sun_desc = TRUE, obj_desc = FALSE;
daystep = dsynperiod;
tjd = tjd_start;
if (TypeEvent == 4) {
sun_desc = FALSE;
obj_desc = TRUE;
/* ascensio (descensio) obliqua of sun */
retval =
get_asc_obl(tjd, SE_SUN, "", epheflag, dgeo, sun_desc, &aosun, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
/* ascensio (descensio) obliqua of body */
retval =
get_asc_obl(tjd, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, obj_desc, &aopl, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
dsunpl = swe_degnorm(aosun - aopl + 180);
while (dsunpl < 359.99999) {
dsunpl_save = dsunpl;
daystep /= 2.0;
/* ascensio (descensio) obliqua of sun */
retval =
get_asc_obl(tjd + daystep, SE_SUN, "", epheflag, dgeo, sun_desc,
&aosun, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
/* ascensio (descensio) obliqua of body */
retval =
get_asc_obl(tjd + daystep, ipl, star, epheflag, dgeo, obj_desc,
&aopl, serr);
if (retval != OK) /* retval may be ERR or -2 */
return retval;
dsunpl = swe_degnorm(aosun - aopl + 180);
if (dsunpl > dsunpl_save)
tjd += daystep;
dsunpl = dsunpl_save;
*tjdret = tjd;
return OK;
static int32
get_heliacal_day(double tjd, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, int32 TypeEvent,
double *thel, char *serr)
int32 is_rise_or_set = 0, ndays, retval, retval_old;
double direct_day = 0, direct_time =
0, tfac, tend, daystep, tday, vdelta, tret;
double darr[30], vd, dmag;
int32 ipl = DeterObject(ObjectName);
* find the day and minute on which the object becomes visible
switch (TypeEvent) {
/* morning first */
case 1:
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_RISE;
direct_day = 1;
direct_time = -1;
/* evening last */
case 2:
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_SET;
direct_day = -1;
direct_time = 1;
/* evening first */
case 3:
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_SET;
direct_day = 1;
direct_time = 1;
/* morning last */
case 4:
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_RISE;
direct_day = -1;
direct_time = -1;
tfac = 1;
switch (ipl) {
case SE_MOON:
ndays = 6;
daystep = 1;
ndays = 60;
tjd -= 0 * direct_day;
daystep = 5;
tfac = 5;
case SE_VENUS:
ndays = 300;
tjd -= 30 * direct_day;
daystep = 5;
if (TypeEvent >= 3) {
daystep = 15;
tfac = 3;
case SE_MARS:
ndays = 400;
daystep = 15;
tfac = 5;
ndays = 300;
daystep = 20;
tfac = 5;
case -1:
ndays = 300;
if (call_swe_fixstar_mag(ObjectName, &dmag, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
daystep = 15;
tfac = 10;
if (dmag > 2) {
daystep = 15;
if (dmag < 0) {
tfac = 3;
ndays = 300;
daystep = 15;
tfac = 3;
tend = tjd + ndays * direct_day;
retval_old = -2;
for (tday = tjd;
(direct_day > 0 && tday < tend) || (direct_day < 0 && tday > tend);
tday += daystep * direct_day) {
vdelta = -100;
if ((retval =
my_rise_trans(tday, SE_SUN, "", is_rise_or_set, helflag, dgeo,
datm, &tret, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
/* sun does not rise: try next day */
if (retval == -2) {
retval_old = retval;
retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tret, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
darr, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
#if 1
/* object has appeared above horizon: reduce daystep */
if (retval_old == -2 && retval >= 0 && daystep > 1) {
retval_old = retval;
tday -= daystep * direct_day;
daystep = 1;
/* Note: beyond latitude 55N (?), Mars can have a morning last.
* If the period of visibility is less than 5 days, we may miss the
* event. I don't know if this happens */
if (ipl >= SE_MARS || ipl == -1)
daystep = 5;
retval_old = retval;
/* object below horizon: try next day */
if (retval == -2)
vdelta = darr[0] - darr[7];
/* find minute of object's becoming visible */
while (retval != -2 && (vd = darr[0] - darr[7]) < 0) {
if (vd < -1.0)
tret += 5.0 / 1440.0 * direct_time * tfac;
else if (vd < -0.5)
tret += 2.0 / 1440.0 * direct_time * tfac;
else if (vd < -0.1)
tret += 1.0 / 1440.0 * direct_time * tfac;
tret += 1.0 / 1440.0 * direct_time;
retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tret, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
darr, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
vdelta = darr[0] - darr[7];
/* object is visible, save time of appearance */
if (vdelta > 0) {
if ((ipl >= SE_MARS || ipl == -1) && daystep > 1) {
tday -= daystep * direct_day;
daystep = 1;
else {
*thel = tret;
return OK;
sprintf(serr, "heliacal event does not happen");
return -2;
#if 0
static int32
get_acronychal_day_new(double tjd, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, int32 TypeEvent,
double *thel, char *serr)
double tjdc = tjd, tret, x[6], xaz[6], AltO = -10;
int32 retval, is_rise_or_set, iter_day;
int32 ipl = DeterObject(ObjectName);
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
int32 iflag = epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL | SEFLG_TOPOCTR;
if ((retval =
my_rise_trans(tret, 0, ObjectName, SE_CALC_RISE, helflag, dgeo, datm,
&tret, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
trise = tret;
tret +=
if ((retval =
my_rise_trans(tret, 0, ObjectName, SE_CALC_SET, helflag, dgeo,
datm, &tret, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
trise = tset;
*thel = tret;
return OK;
#if 0
static int32
get_acronychal_day_old(double tjd, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, int32 TypeEvent,
double *thel, char *serr)
double tjdc = tjd, tret, x[6], xaz[6], AltO = -10;
int32 retval, is_rise_or_set, iter_day;
int32 ipl = DeterObject(ObjectName);
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
int32 iflag = epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL | SEFLG_TOPOCTR;
if (TypeEvent == 3) {
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_SET;
tret = tjdc - 3;
if (ipl >= SE_MARS)
tret = tjdc - 3;
iter_day = 1;
else {
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_RISE;
tret = tjdc + 3;
if (ipl >= SE_MARS)
tret = tjdc + 3;
iter_day = -1;
while (AltO < 0) {
tret += 0.3 * iter_day;
if (iter_day == -1)
tret -= 1;
retval =
my_rise_trans(tret, SE_SUN, "", is_rise_or_set, helflag, dgeo,
datm, &tret, serr);
if (retval != OK)
return retval;
/* determine object's position */
if (ipl == -1)
retval =
call_swe_fixstar(ObjectName, tret + swe_deltat(tret), iflag,
x, serr);
retval = swe_calc(tret + swe_deltat(tret), ipl, iflag, x, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
swe_azalt(tret, SE_EQU2HOR, dgeo, datm[0], datm[1], x, xaz);
AltO = xaz[2];
*thel = tret;
return OK;
static int32
time_optimum_visibility(double tjd, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, double *tret,
char *serr)
int32 retval, retval_sv, i;
double d, vl, darr[10], phot_scot_opic, phot_scot_opic_sv;
*tret = tjd;
retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag, darr,
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
retval_sv = retval;
vl = darr[0] - darr[7];
phot_scot_opic_sv = retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG;
for (i = 0, d = 100.0 / 86400.0; i < 3; i++, d /= 10.0) {
while ((retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd - d, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
helflag, darr, serr)) >= 0
&& darr[0] > darr[7]
&& darr[0] - darr[7] > vl) {
tjd -= d;
vl = darr[0] - darr[7];
retval_sv = retval;
phot_scot_opic_sv = retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG;
/* printf("1: %f\n", darr[8]); */
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
while ((retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd + d, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
helflag, darr, serr)) >= 0
&& darr[0] > darr[7]
&& darr[0] - darr[7] > vl) {
tjd += d;
vl = darr[0] - darr[7];
retval_sv = retval;
phot_scot_opic_sv = retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG;
/* printf("2: %f\n", darr[8]); */
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
/* printf("3: %f <-> %f\n", darr[8], phot_scot_opic_sv); */
*tret = tjd;
if (retval >= 0) {
/* search for optimum came to an end because change scotopic/photopic: */
phot_scot_opic = (retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG);
if (phot_scot_opic_sv != phot_scot_opic) {
/* calling function writes warning into serr */
return -2;
/* valid result found but it is close to the scotopic/photopic limit */
if (retval_sv & SE_MIXEDOPIC_FLAG) {
return -2;
return OK;
static int32
time_limit_invisible(double tjd, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, int32 direct,
double *tret, char *serr)
int32 retval, retval_sv, i, ncnt = 3;
double d = 0, darr[10], phot_scot_opic, phot_scot_opic_sv;
double d0 = 100.0 / 86400.0;
*tret = tjd;
if (strcmp(ObjectName, "moon") == 0) {
d0 *= 10;
ncnt = 4;
retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd + d * direct, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
helflag, darr, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
retval_sv = retval;
phot_scot_opic_sv = retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG;
for (i = 0, d = d0; i < ncnt; i++, d /= 10.0) {
while ((retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd + d * direct, dgeo, datm, dobs,
ObjectName, helflag, darr, serr)) >= 0
&& darr[0] > darr[7]) {
tjd += d * direct;
retval_sv = retval;
phot_scot_opic_sv = retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG;
/* printf("%d: %f\n", direct, darr[8]); */
/* printf("4: %f, %f/%f %f <-> %f\n", darr[8], darr[0], darr[7], tjd, phot_scot_opic_sv); */
*tret = tjd;
/* if object disappears at setting, retval is -2, but we want it OK, and
* also suppress the warning "object is below local horizon" */
*serr = '\0';
if (retval >= 0) {
/* search for limit came to an end because change scotopic/photopic: */
phot_scot_opic = (retval & SE_SCOTOPIC_FLAG);
if (phot_scot_opic_sv != phot_scot_opic) {
/* calling function writes warning into serr */
return -2;
/* valid result found but it is close to the scotopic/photopic limit */
if (retval_sv & SE_MIXEDOPIC_FLAG) {
return -2;
return OK;
static int32
get_acronychal_day(double tjd, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 helflag, int32 TypeEvent,
double *thel, char *serr)
double tret, tret_dark, darr[30], dtret;
/* x[6], xaz[6], alto, azio, alto_dark, azio_dark; */
int32 retval, is_rise_or_set, direct;
int32 ipl = DeterObject(ObjectName);
/*int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH|SEFLG_SWIEPH|SEFLG_MOSEPH); */
/* int32 iflag = epheflag | SEFLG_EQUATORIAL | SEFLG_TOPOCTR; */
if (TypeEvent == 3 || TypeEvent == 5) {
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_RISE;
/* tret = tjdc - 3;
* if (ipl >= SE_MARS)
* tret = tjdc - 3; */
direct = -1;
else {
is_rise_or_set = SE_CALC_SET;
/*tret = tjdc + 3;
* if (ipl >= SE_MARS)
* tret = tjdc + 3; */
direct = 1;
dtret = 999;
#if 0
while (fabs(dtret) > 0.5) {
while (fabs(dtret) > 0.5 / 1440.0) {
tjd += 0.7 * direct;
if (direct < 0)
tjd -= 1;
retval =
my_rise_trans(tjd, ipl, ObjectName, is_rise_or_set, helflag, dgeo,
datm, &tjd, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
darr, serr);
while (darr[0] < darr[7]) {
tjd += 10.0 / 1440.0 * -direct;
retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
darr, serr);
retval =
time_limit_invisible(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
helflag | SE_HELFLAG_VISLIM_DARK, direct,
&tret_dark, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
retval =
time_limit_invisible(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
helflag | SE_HELFLAG_VISLIM_NOMOON, direct,
&tret, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
#if 0
if (azalt_cart(tret_dark, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag, darr, serr)
== ERR)
return ERR;
if (azalt_cart(tret, dgeo, datm, ObjectName, helflag, darr + 6, serr)
== ERR)
return ERR;
dtret = acos(swi_dot_prod_unit(darr + 3, darr + 9)) / DEGTORAD;
dtret = fabs(tret - tret_dark);
if (azalt_cart(tret, dgeo, datm, "sun", helflag, darr, serr) == ERR)
return ERR;
*thel = tret;
if (darr[1] < -12) {
sprintf(serr, "acronychal rising/setting not available, %f", darr[1]);
return OK;
else {
sprintf(serr, "solar altitude, %f", darr[1]);
return OK;
static int32
get_heliacal_details(double tday, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 TypeEvent, int32 helflag,
double *dret, char *serr)
int32 i, retval, direct;
AS_BOOL optimum_undefined, limit_1_undefined, limit_2_undefined;
/* find next optimum visibility */
optimum_undefined = FALSE;
retval =
time_optimum_visibility(tday, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
&(dret[1]), serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
if (retval == -2) {
retval = OK;
optimum_undefined = TRUE; /* change photopic <-> scotopic vision */
/* find moment of becoming visible */
direct = 1;
if (TypeEvent == 1 || TypeEvent == 4)
direct = -1;
limit_1_undefined = FALSE;
retval =
time_limit_invisible(tday, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
direct, &(dret[0]), serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
if (retval == -2) {
retval = OK;
limit_1_undefined = TRUE; /* change photopic <-> scotopic vision */
/* find moment of end of visibility */
direct *= -1;
limit_2_undefined = FALSE;
retval =
time_limit_invisible(dret[1], dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
direct, &(dret[2]), serr);
if (retval == ERR)
return ERR;
if (retval == -2) {
retval = OK;
limit_2_undefined = TRUE; /* change photopic <-> scotopic vision */
/* correct sequence of times:
* with event types 2 and 3 swap dret[0] and dret[2] */
if (TypeEvent == 2 || TypeEvent == 3) {
tday = dret[2];
dret[2] = dret[0];
dret[0] = tday;
i = (int)limit_1_undefined;
limit_1_undefined = limit_2_undefined;
limit_2_undefined = (AS_BOOL) i;
/*if (retval == OK && dret[0] == dret[1]) */
if (optimum_undefined || limit_1_undefined || limit_2_undefined) {
sprintf(serr, "return values [");
if (limit_1_undefined)
strcat(serr, "0,");
if (optimum_undefined)
strcat(serr, "1,");
if (limit_2_undefined)
strcat(serr, "2,");
"] are uncertain due to change between photopic and scotopic vision");
return OK;
static int32
heliacal_ut_vis_lim(double tjd_start, double *dgeo, double *datm,
double *dobs, char *ObjectName, int32 TypeEventIn,
int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr_ret)
int i;
double d, darr[10], direct = 1, tjd, tday;
int32 epheflag, retval = OK, helflag2;
int32 iflag, ipl;
int32 TypeEvent = TypeEventIn;
char serr[AS_MAXCH];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
dret[i] = 0;
*dret = tjd_start;
*serr = '\0';
ipl = DeterObject(ObjectName);
epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
if (ipl == SE_MERCURY)
tjd = tjd_start - 30;
tjd = tjd_start - 50; /* -50 makes sure, that no event is missed,
* but may return an event before start date */
helflag2 = helflag;
/*helflag2 &= ~SE_HELFLAG_HIGH_PRECISION; */
* heliacal event
if (ipl == SE_MERCURY || ipl == SE_VENUS || TypeEvent <= 2) {
if (ipl == -1) {
/* find date when star rises with sun (cosmic rising) */
retval =
get_asc_obl_with_sun(tjd, ipl, ObjectName, helflag, TypeEvent,
0, dgeo, &tjd, serr);
if (retval != OK)
goto swe_heliacal_err; /* retval may be -2 or ERR */
else {
/* find date of conjunction of object with sun */
if ((retval =
find_conjunct_sun(tjd, ipl, helflag, TypeEvent, &tjd,
serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
/* find the day and minute on which the object becomes visible */
retval =
get_heliacal_day(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag2,
TypeEvent, &tday, serr);
if (retval != OK)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
* acronychal event
else {
if (1 || ipl == -1) {
/*retval = get_asc_obl_acronychal(tjd, ipl, ObjectName, helflag2, TypeEvent, dgeo, &tjd, serr); */
retval =
get_asc_obl_with_sun(tjd, ipl, ObjectName, helflag, TypeEvent,
0, dgeo, &tjd, serr);
if (retval != OK)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
else {
/* find date of conjunction of object with sun */
if ((retval =
find_conjunct_sun(tjd, ipl, helflag, TypeEvent, &tjd,
serr)) == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
tday = tjd;
retval =
get_acronychal_day(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag2,
TypeEvent, &tday, serr);
if (retval != OK)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
dret[0] = tday;
if (!(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_NO_DETAILS)) {
/* more precise event times for
* - morning first, evening last
* - venus and mercury's evening first and morning last
if (ipl == SE_MERCURY || ipl == SE_VENUS || TypeEvent <= 2) {
retval =
get_heliacal_details(tday, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName,
TypeEvent, helflag2, dret, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
goto swe_heliacal_err;
else if (0) {
if (TypeEvent == 4 || TypeEvent == 6)
direct = -1;
for (i = 0, d = 100.0 / 86400.0; i < 3; i++, d /= 10.0) {
while ((retval =
swe_vis_limit_mag(*dret + d * direct, dgeo, datm,
dobs, ObjectName, helflag, darr,
serr)) == -2 || (retval >= 0
&& darr[0] <
darr[7])) {
*dret += d * direct;
/* the last time step must be added */
if (retval == OK)
*dret += 1.0 / 86400.0 * direct;
} /* if (1) */
if (serr_ret != NULL && *serr != '\0')
strcpy(serr_ret, serr);
return retval;
static int32
moon_event_vis_lim(double tjdstart, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
int32 TypeEvent, int32 helflag, double *dret,
char *serr_ret)
double tjd, trise;
char serr[AS_MAXCH];
char ObjectName[30];
int32 iflag, ipl, retval, helflag2, direct;
int32 epheflag = helflag & (SEFLG_JPLEPH | SEFLG_SWIEPH | SEFLG_MOSEPH);
dret[0] = tjdstart; /* will be returned in error case */
if (TypeEvent == 1 || TypeEvent == 2) {
if (serr != NULL)
"error: the moon has no morning first or evening last");
return ERR;
strcpy(ObjectName, "moon");
ipl = SE_MOON;
helflag2 = helflag;
/* check Synodic/phase Period */
tjd = tjdstart - 30; /* -50 makes sure, that no event is missed,
* but may return an event before start date */
if ((retval =
find_conjunct_sun(tjd, ipl, helflag, TypeEvent, &tjd, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
/* find the day and minute on which the object becomes visible */
retval =
get_heliacal_day(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag2,
TypeEvent, &tjd, serr);
if (retval != OK)
goto moon_event_err;
dret[0] = tjd;
/* find next optimum visibility */
retval =
time_optimum_visibility(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
&tjd, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
goto moon_event_err;
dret[1] = tjd;
/* find moment of becoming visible */
/* Note: The on the day of fist light the moon may become visible
* already during day. It also may appear during day, disappear again
* and then reappear after sunset */
direct = 1;
if (TypeEvent == 4)
direct = -1;
retval =
time_limit_invisible(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
direct, &tjd, serr);
if (retval == ERR)
goto moon_event_err;
dret[2] = tjd;
/* find moment of end of visibility */
direct *= -1;
retval =
time_limit_invisible(dret[1], dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, helflag,
direct, &tjd, serr);
dret[0] = tjd;
if (retval == ERR)
goto moon_event_err;
/* if the moon is visible before sunset, we return sunset as start time */
if (TypeEvent == 3) {
if ((retval =
my_rise_trans(tjd, SE_SUN, "", SE_CALC_SET, helflag, dgeo, datm,
&trise, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (trise < dret[1]) {
dret[0] = trise;
/* do not warn, it happens too often */
/*strcpy(serr, "start time given is sunset, but moon is observable before that"); */
/* if the moon is visible after sunrise, we return sunrise as end time */
else {
if ((retval =
my_rise_trans(dret[1], SE_SUN, "", SE_CALC_RISE, helflag, dgeo,
datm, &trise, serr)) == ERR)
return ERR;
if (dret[0] > trise) {
dret[0] = trise;
/* do not warn, it happens too often */
/*strcpy(serr, "end time given is sunrise, but moon is observable after that"); */
/* correct order of the three times: */
if (TypeEvent == 4) {
tjd = dret[0];
dret[0] = dret[2];
dret[2] = tjd;
if (serr_ret != NULL && *serr != '\0')
strcpy(serr_ret, serr);
return retval;
static int32
MoonEventJDut(double JDNDaysUTStart, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
int32 TypeEvent, int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr)
int32 avkind = helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND;
if (avkind)
return moon_event_arc_vis(JDNDaysUTStart, dgeo, datm, dobs, TypeEvent,
helflag, dret, serr);
return moon_event_vis_lim(JDNDaysUTStart, dgeo, datm, dobs, TypeEvent,
helflag, dret, serr);
static int32
heliacal_ut(double JDNDaysUTStart, double *dgeo, double *datm, double *dobs,
char *ObjectName, int32 TypeEventIn, int32 helflag, double *dret,
char *serr_ret)
int32 avkind = helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND;
if (avkind)
return heliacal_ut_arc_vis(JDNDaysUTStart, dgeo, datm, dobs,
ObjectName, TypeEventIn, helflag, dret,
return heliacal_ut_vis_lim(JDNDaysUTStart, dgeo, datm, dobs,
ObjectName, TypeEventIn, helflag, dret,
/*' Magn [-]
' tjd_ut start date (JD) for event search
' dgeo[3] geogr. longitude, latitude, eye height (m above sea level)
' datm[4] atm. pressure, temperature, RH, and VR
' - pressure atmospheric pressure (mbar, =hPa) default 1013.25hPa
' - temperature deg C, default 15 deg C (if at
' If both attemp and atpress are 0, a temperature and
' atmospheric pressure are estimated from the above-mentioned
' default values and the height above sea level.
' - RH relative humidity in %
' - VR VR>=1: the Meteorological range: default 40 km
' 1>VR>0: the ktot (so the total atmospheric coefficient):
' a good default would be 0.25
' VR=-1: the ktot is calculated from the other atmospheric
' constants.
' age [Year] default 36, experienced sky observer in ancient times
' optimum age is 23
' SN Snellen factor of the visual aquity of the observer
' default 1
' see:
' TypeEvent 1 morning first
' 2 evening last
' 3 evening first
' 4 morning last
' dret output: time (tjd_ut) of heliacal event
' see
swe_heliacal_ut(double JDNDaysUTStart, double *dgeo, double *datm,
double *dobs, char *ObjectNameIn, int32 TypeEvent,
int32 helflag, double *dret, char *serr_ret)
int32 retval, Planet, itry;
char ObjectName[AS_MAXCH], serr[AS_MAXCH], s[AS_MAXCH];
double tjd0 = JDNDaysUTStart, tjd, dsynperiod, tjdmax, tadd;
int32 MaxCountSynodicPeriod = MAX_COUNT_SYNPER;
char *sevent[7] = { "", "morning first", "evening last", "evening first",
"morning last", "acronychal rising", "acronychal setting"
MaxCountSynodicPeriod = MAX_COUNT_SYNPER_MAX;
/* if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_SEARCH_1_PERIOD)
MaxCountSynodicPeriod = 1; */
*serr = '\0';
if (serr_ret != NULL)
*serr_ret = '\0';
/* note, the fixed stars functions rewrite the star name. The input string
* may be too short, so we have to make sure we have enough space */
strcpy_VBsafe(ObjectName, ObjectNameIn);
default_heliacal_parameters(datm, dgeo, dobs, helflag);
swe_set_topo(dgeo[0], dgeo[1], dgeo[2]);
Planet = DeterObject(ObjectName);
* Moon events
if (Planet == SE_MOON) {
if (TypeEvent == 1 || TypeEvent == 2) {
if (serr_ret != NULL)
"%s (event type %d) does not exist for the moon\n",
sevent[TypeEvent], TypeEvent);
return ERR;
tjd = tjd0;
retval =
MoonEventJDut(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, TypeEvent, helflag, dret,
while (retval != -2 && *dret < tjd0) {
tjd += 15;
*serr = '\0';
retval =
MoonEventJDut(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, TypeEvent, helflag, dret,
if (serr_ret != NULL && *serr != '\0')
strcpy(serr_ret, serr);
return retval;
* planets and fixed stars
if (!(helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND)) {
if (Planet == -1 || Planet >= SE_MARS) {
if (TypeEvent == 3 || TypeEvent == 4) {
if (serr_ret != NULL) {
if (Planet == -1)
strcpy(s, ObjectName);
swe_get_planet_name(Planet, s);
"%s (event type %d) does not exist for %s\n",
sevent[TypeEvent], TypeEvent, s);
return ERR;
/* arcus visionis method: set the TypeEvent for acronychal events */
if (helflag & SE_HELFLAG_AVKIND) {
if (Planet == -1 || Planet >= SE_MARS) {
TypeEvent = 3;
TypeEvent = 4;
/* acronychal rising and setting (cosmic setting) are ill-defined.
* We do not calculate them with the "visibility limit method" */
else if (1) {
if (serr_ret != NULL) {
if (Planet == -1)
strcpy(s, ObjectName);
swe_get_planet_name(Planet, s);
"%s (event type %d) is not provided for %s\n",
sevent[TypeEvent], TypeEvent, s);
return ERR;
dsynperiod = get_synodic_period(Planet);
tjdmax = tjd0 + dsynperiod * MaxCountSynodicPeriod;
tadd = dsynperiod * 0.6;
if (Planet == SE_MERCURY)
tadd = 30;
* this is the outer loop over n synodic periods
tjd = tjd0;
retval = -2; /* indicates that another synodic period has to be done */
for (itry = 0; tjd < tjdmax && retval == -2; itry++, tjd += tadd) {
*serr = '\0';
retval =
heliacal_ut(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, TypeEvent, helflag,
dret, serr);
/* if resulting event date < start date for search (tjd0): retry starting
* from half a period later. The event must be found now, unless there
* is none, as is often the case with Mercury */
while (retval != -2 && *dret < tjd0) {
tjd += tadd;
*serr = '\0';
retval =
heliacal_ut(tjd, dgeo, datm, dobs, ObjectName, TypeEvent,
helflag, dret, serr);
* no event was found within MaxCountSynodicPeriod, return error
if ((helflag & SE_HELFLAG_SEARCH_1_PERIOD)
&& (retval == -2 || dret[0] > tjd0 + dsynperiod * 1.5)) {
strcpy(serr, "no heliacal date found within this synodic period");
retval = -2;
else if (retval == -2) {
sprintf(serr, "no heliacal date found within %d synodic periods",
retval = ERR;
if (serr_ret != NULL && *serr != '\0')
strcpy(serr_ret, serr);
return retval;