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$Header: swepdate.c,v 1.65 2003/06/14 13:02:01 alois Exp $
Placalc compatibility interface for Swiss Ephemeris.
date functions
/* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2008 Astrodienst AG, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
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This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
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or she says so in writing.
Swiss Ephemeris is made available by its authors under a dual licensing
system. The software developer, who uses any part of Swiss Ephemeris
in his or her software, must choose between one of the two license models,
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b) Swiss Ephemeris Professional License
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If the developer choses the Swiss Ephemeris Professional license,
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The License grants you the right to use, copy, modify and redistribute
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Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notices and
this notice be preserved on all copies.
Authors of the Swiss Ephemeris: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl
The authors of Swiss Ephemeris have no control or influence over any of
the derived works, i.e. over software or services created by other
programmers which use Swiss Ephemeris functions.
The names of the authors or of the copyright holder (Astrodienst) must not
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* This file is part of the PLACALC compatibility interface for Swiss Ephemeris.
* It allows very easy porting of older Placalc application to the SwissEph.
* A user has to replace #include "placalc.h" and "housasp.h" with
* #include "swepcalc.h"
* If he has used "ourdef.h" he replaces it with "sweodef.h".
* Then he links his application with swepcalc.o and runs it against the
* Swiss Ephemeris DLL or linkable library.
* All calls which were present in the placalc sources are contained
* here, and either implemented directly or translated into Swiss Ephemeris
* calls.
#include "swepcalc.h"
#include "swephexp.h"
/*************** julday ********************************************
* This function returns the absolute Julian day number (JD)
* for a given calendar date.
* The arguments are a calendar date: day, month, year as integers,
* hour as double with decimal fraction.
* If gregflag = 1, Gregorian calendar is assumed, gregflag = 0
* Julian calendar is assumed.
The Julian day number is system of numbering all days continously
within the time range of known human history. It should be familiar
for every astrological or astronomical programmer. The time variable
in astronomical theories is usually expressed in Julian days or
Julian centuries (36525 days per century) relative to some start day;
the start day is called 'the epoch'.
The Julian day number is a double representing the number of
days since JD = 0.0 on 1 Jan -4712, 12:00 noon.
Midnight has always a JD with fraction .5, because traditionally
the astronomical day started at noon. This was practical because
then there was no change of date during a night at the telescope.
From this comes also the fact the noon ephemerides were printed
before midnight ephemerides were introduced early in the 20th century.
NOTE: The Julian day number is named after the monk Julianus. It must
not be confused with the Julian calendar system, which is named after
Julius Cesar, the Roman politician who introduced this calendar.
The Julian century is named after Cesar, i.e. a century in the Julian
calendar. The 'gregorian' century has a variable length.
Be aware the we always use astronomical year numbering for the years
before Christ, not the historical year numbering.
Astronomical years are done with negative numbers, historical
years with indicators BC or BCE (before common era).
Year 0 (astronomical) = 1 BC
year -1 (astronomical) = 2 BC
Original author: Marc Pottenger, Los Angeles.
with bug fix for year < -4711 15-aug-88 by Alois Treindl
(The parameter sequence m,d,y still indicates the US origin,
be careful because the similar function date_conversion() uses
other parameter sequence and also Astrodienst relative juldate.)
References: Oliver Montenbruck, Grundlagen der Ephemeridenrechnung,
Verlag Sterne und Weltraum (1987), p.49 ff
related functions: revjul() reverse Julian day number: compute the
calendar date from a given JD
date_conversion() includes test for legal date values
and notifies errors like 32 January.
double julday(int month, int day, int year, double hour, int gregflag)
double jd;
jd = swe_julday(year, month, day, hour, gregflag);
return jd;
* monday = 0, ... sunday = 6
int day_of_week(double jd)
return (((int) floor (jd - 2433282 - 1.5) %7) + 7) % 7;
/*************** julday ******************
get absolute julian day number (author: Marc Pottenger)
with bug fix for year < -4711 15-aug-88
double juldays(int gregflag, ADATE *adp )
return swe_julday(adp->year, adp->month, adp->day, adp->csec / 360000.0, gregflag);
/*** revjul ******************************************************
revjul() is the inverse function to julday(), see the description
Arguments are julian day number, calendar flag (0=julian, 1=gregorian)
return values are the calendar day, month, year and the hour of
the day with decimal fraction (0 .. 23.999999).
Be aware the we use astronomical year numbering for the years
before Christ, not the historical year numbering.
Astronomical years are done with negative numbers, historical
years with indicators BC or BCE (before common era).
Year 0 (astronomical) = 1 BC historical year
year -1 (astronomical) = 2 BC historical year
year -234 (astronomical) = 235 BC historical year
Original author Mark Pottenger, Los Angeles.
with bug fix for year < -4711 16-aug-88 Alois Treindl
void revjul (double jd, int gregflag,
int *jmon, int *jday, int *jyear, double *jut)
swe_revjul(jd, gregflag, jyear, jmon, jday, jut);
/************************************* revjul *********
get calendar date from julian day #
with bug fix for year < -4711 16-aug-88
arguments are julian day #, calendar flag (0=julian, 1=gregorian)
void revjuls(double jd, int gregflag, struct adate *adp)
double jut;
swe_revjul(jd, gregflag, &adp->year, &adp->month, &adp->day, &jut);
adp->csec = jut * 360000.0 + 0.5;
$Header: swepdate.c,v 1.65 2003/06/14 13:02:01 alois Exp $
version 15-feb-89 16:30
This function converts some date+time input {d,m,y,utime}
into the Julian day number tgmt, which is an Astrodienst relative
Julian date.
The function checks that the input is a legal combination
of dates; for illegal dates like 32 January 1993 it returns ERR
but still converts the date correctly, i.e. like 1 Feb 1993.
The function is usually used to convert user input of birth data
into the Julian day number. Illegal dates should be notified to the user.
Be aware the we always use astronomical year numbering for the years
before Christ, not the historical year numbering.
Astronomical years are done with negative numbers, historical
years with indicators BC or BCE (before common era).
Year 0 (astronomical) = 1 BC historical.
year -1 (astronomical) = 2 BC
Many users of Astro programs do not know about this difference.
Return: OK or ERR (for illegal date)
int date_conversion (int d ,
int m ,
int y , /* day, month, year */
centisec gutime, /* greenwich time in centiseconds */
char c, /* calendar g[regorian]|j[ulian]|a[stro = greg] */
double *tgmt
/* julian date relative 0.Jan.1950 12:00 gmt */
/* shift is 2433282 from absolute Julian date */
int rday, rmon, ryear;
double rut, jd;
int gregflag = SE_JUL_CAL;
if (c == 'g' || c == 'a')
gregflag = SE_GREG_CAL;
rut = gutime / 360000.0; /* hours GMT */
jd = julday(m, d, y, rut, gregflag);
revjul(jd, gregflag, &rmon, &rday, &ryear, &rut);
*tgmt = jd - JUL_OFFSET;
if (rmon == m && rday == d && ryear == y) {
return OK;
} else {
return ERR;
} /* end date_conversion */