#!/bin/env perl package SweGlib; use utf8; use strict; use POSIX; use Glib::Object::Introspection; use Data::Dumper; binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; Glib::Object::Introspection->setup(basename => 'SweGlib', version => '2.0', package => 'SweGlib'); package main; SweGlib::init(); my $timestamp = SweGlib::Timestamp->new(); $timestamp->set_gregorian_full(1983, 3, 7, 11, 54, 45, 0, 1); my $moment = SweGlib::Moment->new(); $moment->set_timestamp($timestamp); $moment->set_coordinates(19.0390999, 47.49801000, 280); $moment->set_house_system("placidus"); $moment->add_all_planets(); my $all_planets = $moment->get_all_planets(); foreach my $planet (@{$all_planets}) { my $position = $planet->get_position(); my $sign_position = POSIX::fmod($position, 30); my $degree = POSIX::floor($sign_position); my $minute = POSIX::floor(($sign_position - $degree) * 60); my $second = POSIX::floor((($sign_position - $degree) * 60 - $minute) * 60); printf("%s: %f (%d°%d′%d″ %s)\n", $planet->get_planet_info()->get_name(), $position, $degree, $minute, $second, $planet->get_sign_info()->get_name()); } my $all_aspects = $moment->get_all_aspects(); foreach my $aspect (@{$all_aspects}) { if ($aspect->get_aspect() ne "none") { my $planet1 = $aspect->get_planet1(); my $planet2 = $aspect->get_planet2(); printf("%s in %s with %s (±%.2f%%)\n", $planet1->get_planet_info()->get_name(), $aspect->get_aspect_info->get_name(), $planet2->get_planet_info()->get_name(), $aspect->get_difference()); } } my $all_antiscia = $moment->get_all_antiscia(); foreach my $antiscion (@{$all_antiscia}) { if ($antiscion->get_axis() ne "none") { my $planet1 = $antiscion->get_planet1(); my $planet2 = $antiscion->get_planet2(); printf("%s is antiscion of %s on axis %s (±%.2f%%)\n", $planet1->get_planet_info()->get_name(), $planet2->get_planet_info()->get_name(), $antiscion->get_antiscion_axis_info()->get_name(), $antiscion->get_difference()); } }