/* gswe-timestamp.c - Converter GObject between Gregorian calendar date and * Julian day * * Copyright © 2013 Gergely Polonkai * * SWE-GLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SWE-GLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, see . */ #include #include #include "../swe/src/swephexp.h" #include "swe-glib-private.h" #include "swe-glib.h" #include "gswe-timestamp.h" /** * SECTION:gswe-timestamp * @short_description: conversion between Gregorian dates and Julian day values * @title: GsweTimestamp * @stability: Stable * @include: swe-glib/swe-glib.h * * This object converts Gregorian dates to Julian days and vice versa. */ #define GSWE_TIMESTAMP_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), GSWE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, GsweTimestampPrivate)) typedef enum { VALID_GREGORIAN = 1 << 0, VALID_JULIAN_DAY = 1 << 1 } TimestampValidity; struct _GsweTimestampPrivate { gboolean instant_recalc; TimestampValidity valid_dates; gint gregorian_year; gint gregorian_month; gint gregorian_day; gint gregorian_hour; gint gregorian_minute; gint gregorian_second; gint gregorian_microsecond; gdouble gregorian_timezone_offset; gdouble julian_day; }; enum { SIGNAL_CHANGED, SIGNAL_LAST }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_INSTANT_RECALC, PROP_GREGORIAN_VALID, PROP_GREGORIAN_YEAR, PROP_GREGORIAN_MONTH, PROP_GREGORIAN_DAY, PROP_GREGORIAN_HOUR, PROP_GREGORIAN_MINUTE, PROP_GREGORIAN_SECOND, PROP_GREGORIAN_MICROSECOND, PROP_GREGORIAN_TIMEZONE_OFFSET, PROP_JULIAN_DAY_VALID }; static guint gswe_timestamp_signals[SIGNAL_LAST] = { 0 }; static void gswe_timestamp_dispose(GObject *gobject); static void gswe_timestamp_finalize(GObject *gobject); static void gswe_timestamp_set_property(GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void gswe_timestamp_get_property(GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err); static void gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err); static void gswe_timestamp_calculate_julian(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err); G_DEFINE_TYPE(GsweTimestamp, gswe_timestamp, G_TYPE_OBJECT); static void gswe_timestamp_class_init(GsweTimestampClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); GDateTime *local_time = g_date_time_new_now_local(); GTimeZone *local_timezone = g_time_zone_new_local(); g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(GsweTimestampPrivate)); gobject_class->dispose = gswe_timestamp_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = gswe_timestamp_finalize; gobject_class->set_property = gswe_timestamp_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gswe_timestamp_get_property; /** * GsweTimestamp::changed: * @timestamp: the GsweTimestamp that receives the signal * * The ::changed signal is emitted each time the timestamp is changed */ gswe_timestamp_signals[SIGNAL_CHANGED] = g_signal_new("changed", G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE(gobject_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); /** * GsweTimestamp:instant-recalc: * * If set to TRUE, recalculate timestamp values instantly, when changing a * parameter (e.g. recalculate Julian date when changing Gregorian year). * Otherwise, the values are recalculated only upon request (e.g. on * calling gswe_timestamp_get_julian_day()). */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_INSTANT_RECALC, g_param_spec_boolean("instant-recalc", "Instant recalculation", "Instantly recalculate values upon parameter change", FALSE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-valid: * * If TRUE, the Gregorian value stored in the GsweTimestamp object is * currently considered as valid, thus, no recalculation is needed. * Otherwise, the Gregorian date components will be recalculated upon * request. */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_VALID, g_param_spec_boolean("gregorian-valid", "Gregorian date is valid", "TRUE if the Gregorian date components are considered as valid.", TRUE, G_PARAM_READABLE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-year: * * The Gregorian year of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_YEAR, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-year", "Gregorian year", "The year according to the Gregorian calendar", G_MININT, G_MAXINT, g_date_time_get_year(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-month: * * The Gregorian month of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_MONTH, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-month", "Gregorian month", "The month according to the Gregorian calendar", 1, 12, g_date_time_get_month(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-day: * * The Gregorian day of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_DAY, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-day", "Gregorian day", "The day according to the Gregorian calendar", 1, 31, g_date_time_get_day_of_month(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-hour: * * The Gregorian hour of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_HOUR, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-hour", "Gregorian hour", "The hour according to the Gregorian calendar", 0, 23, g_date_time_get_hour(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-minute: * * The Gregorian minute of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_MINUTE, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-minute", "Gregorian minute", "The minute according to the Gregorian calendar", 0, 59, g_date_time_get_minute(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-second: * * The Gregorian second of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_SECOND, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-second", "Gregorian second", "The second according to the Gregorian calendar", 0, 61, g_date_time_get_second(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-microsecond: * * The Gregorian microsecond of the timestamp */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_MICROSECOND, g_param_spec_int("gregorian-microsecond", "Gregorian microsecond", "The microsecond according to the Gregorian calendar", 0, G_MAXINT, g_date_time_get_microsecond(local_time), G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:gregorian-timezone-offset: * * The time zone offset in hours, relative to UTC */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_GREGORIAN_TIMEZONE_OFFSET, g_param_spec_double("gregorian-timezone-offset", "Gregorian timezone offset", "The offset relative to UTC in the Gregorian calendar", -24.0, 24.0, g_time_zone_get_offset(local_timezone, 1) / 3600.0, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); /** * GsweTimestamp:julian-day-valid: * * If TRUE, the Julian day value stored in the GsweTimestamp object is * currently considered as valid, thus, no recalculation is needed. * Otherwise, the Julian day components will be recalculated upon request. */ g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_JULIAN_DAY_VALID, g_param_spec_boolean("julian-day-valid", "Julian day is valid", "TRUE if the Julian day components are considered as valid.", TRUE, G_PARAM_READABLE)); g_date_time_unref(local_time); } static void gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(GsweTimestamp *timestamp) { g_signal_emit(timestamp, gswe_timestamp_signals[SIGNAL_CHANGED], 0); } void gswe_timestamp_init(GsweTimestamp *self) { self->priv = GSWE_TIMESTAMP_GET_PRIVATE(self); } static void gswe_timestamp_dispose(GObject *gobject) { G_OBJECT_CLASS(gswe_timestamp_parent_class)->dispose(gobject); } static void gswe_timestamp_finalize(GObject *gobject) { G_OBJECT_CLASS(gswe_timestamp_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void gswe_timestamp_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GsweTimestamp *timestamp = GSWE_TIMESTAMP(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_INSTANT_RECALC: gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_YEAR: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_year(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_MONTH: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_month(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_DAY: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_day(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_HOUR: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_hour(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_MINUTE: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_minute(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_SECOND: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_second(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_MICROSECOND: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_microsecond(timestamp, g_value_get_int(value), NULL); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_TIMEZONE_OFFSET: gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_timezone(timestamp, g_value_get_double(value), NULL); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gswe_timestamp_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GsweTimestamp *timestamp = GSWE_TIMESTAMP(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_INSTANT_RECALC: g_value_set_boolean(value, timestamp->priv->instant_recalc); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_VALID: g_value_set_boolean(value, ((timestamp->priv->valid_dates & VALID_GREGORIAN) == VALID_GREGORIAN)); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_YEAR: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_year); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_MONTH: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_month); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_DAY: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_day); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_HOUR: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_hour); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_MINUTE: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_minute); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_SECOND: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_second); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_MICROSECOND: gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, NULL); g_value_set_int(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_microsecond); break; case PROP_GREGORIAN_TIMEZONE_OFFSET: g_value_set_double(value, timestamp->priv->gregorian_timezone_offset); break; case PROP_JULIAN_DAY_VALID: g_value_set_boolean(value, ((timestamp->priv->valid_dates & VALID_JULIAN_DAY) == VALID_JULIAN_DAY)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { if ((timestamp->priv->valid_dates & VALID_JULIAN_DAY) != VALID_JULIAN_DAY) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_julian(timestamp, err); } if ((timestamp->priv->valid_dates & VALID_GREGORIAN) != VALID_GREGORIAN) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); } } static void gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gint utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute; gdouble utc_second, local_second; if ((timestamp->priv->valid_dates & VALID_GREGORIAN) == VALID_GREGORIAN) { return; } if (timestamp->priv->valid_dates == 0) { g_set_error(err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_NO_VALID_VALUE, "This timestamp object holds no valid values"); return; } swe_jdet_to_utc(timestamp->priv->julian_day, SE_GREG_CAL, &utc_year, &utc_month, &utc_day, &utc_hour, &utc_minute, &utc_second); swe_utc_time_zone(utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute, utc_second, 0 - timestamp->priv->gregorian_timezone_offset, ×tamp->priv->gregorian_year, ×tamp->priv->gregorian_month, ×tamp->priv->gregorian_day, ×tamp->priv->gregorian_hour, ×tamp->priv->gregorian_minute, &local_second); timestamp->priv->gregorian_second = floor(local_second); timestamp->priv->gregorian_microsecond = (local_second - floor(local_second)) * 1000; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_instant_recalc: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @instant_recalc: the new value * @err: a #GError * * Sets the value of the instant-recalc property. For details, see the * property's description. @err is populated with calculation errors if * @instant_recalc is TRUE and a calculation error happens. */ void gswe_timestamp_set_instant_recalc(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gboolean instant_recalc, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->instant_recalc = instant_recalc; if (instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_instant_recalc: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * * Gets the value of the instant-recalc property. For * details, see the property's description. */ gboolean gswe_timestamp_get_instant_recalc(GsweTimestamp *timestamp) { return timestamp->priv->instant_recalc; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_full: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @year: the new Gregorian year * @month: the new Gregorian month * @day: the new Gregorian day * @hour: the new hour value * @minute: the new minute value * @second: the new second value * @microsecond: the new microsecond value * @time_zone_offset: the time zone offset, in hours * @err: a #GError * * Sets the Gregorian date of @timestamp. @err is populated with calculation * errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_full(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint year, gint month, gint day, gint hour, gint minute, gint second, gint microsecond, gdouble time_zone_offset, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_year = year; timestamp->priv->gregorian_month = month; timestamp->priv->gregorian_day = day; timestamp->priv->gregorian_hour = hour; timestamp->priv->gregorian_minute = minute; timestamp->priv->gregorian_second = second; timestamp->priv->gregorian_microsecond = microsecond; timestamp->priv->gregorian_timezone_offset = time_zone_offset; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_year: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_year: the new Gregorian year * @err: a #GError * * Sets the Gregorian year of @timestamp. @err is populated with calculation * errors if the instant-recalc property is TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_year(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_year, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_year = gregorian_year; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_year: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the Gregorian year of @timestamp. * * Returns: the year part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_year(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_year; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_month: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_month: the new Gregorian month * @err: a #GError * * Sets the Gregorian month of @timestamp. @err is populated with calculation * errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_month(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_month, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_month = gregorian_month; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_month: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the Gregorian month of @timestamp. * * Returns: the month part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_month(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_month; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_day: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_day: the new Gregorian day * @err: a #GError * * Sets the Gregorian day of @timestamp. @err is populated with calculation * errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_day(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_day, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_day = gregorian_day; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_day: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the Gregorian day of @timestamp. * * Returns: the day part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_day(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_day; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_hour: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_hour: the new hour value * @err: a #GError * * Sets the hour value of @timestamp, which may be modified by the time zone. * @err is populated with calculation errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_hour(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_hour, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_hour = gregorian_hour; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_hour: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the hour of @timestamp. * * Returns: the hour part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_hour(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_hour; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_minute: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_minute: the new minute value * @err: a #GError * * Sets the minute value of @timestamp, which may be modified by the timezone. * @err is populated with calculation errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_minute(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_minute, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_minute = gregorian_minute; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_minute: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the minute of @timestamp. * * Returns: the minute part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_minute(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_minute; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_second: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_second: the new second value * @err: a #GError * * Sets the second value of @timestamp, which may be modified by the timezone. * @err is populated with calculation errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE. */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_second(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_second, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_second = gregorian_second; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_second: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the second of @timestamp. * * Returns: the second part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_second(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_second; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_microsecond: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_microsecond: the new microsecond value * @err: a #GError * * Sets the microsecond value of @timestamp. @err is populated with calculation * errors if the instant-recalc property is * TRUE */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_microsecond(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gint gregorian_microsecond, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_microsecond = gregorian_microsecond; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_microsecond: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Returns the microsecond of @timestamp. * * Returns: the microsecond part of @timestamp's Gregorian Date value. */ gint gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_microsecond(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_gregorian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->gregorian_microsecond; } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_timezone: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @gregorian_timezone_offset: the offset of the desired time zone, in hours * @err: a #GError * * Sets the time zone used in Gregorian date calculations. @err is populated * with calculation errors if the instant-recalc property's value is TRUE and a * calculation error happens. */ void gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_timezone(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gdouble gregorian_timezone_offset, GError **err) { timestamp->priv->gregorian_timezone_offset = gregorian_timezone_offset; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, err); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_timezone: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * * Gets the time zone used in Gregorian date calculations. */ gdouble gswe_timestamp_get_gregorian_timezone(GsweTimestamp *timestamp) { return timestamp->priv->gregorian_timezone_offset; } static void gswe_timestamp_calculate_julian(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gint utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute, retval; gdouble utc_second, dret[2]; gchar serr[AS_MAXCH]; if ((timestamp->priv->valid_dates & VALID_JULIAN_DAY) == VALID_JULIAN_DAY) { return; } if (timestamp->priv->valid_dates == 0) { g_set_error(err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_NO_VALID_VALUE, "This timestamp object holds no valid values"); return; } swe_utc_time_zone(timestamp->priv->gregorian_year, timestamp->priv->gregorian_month, timestamp->priv->gregorian_day, timestamp->priv->gregorian_hour, timestamp->priv->gregorian_minute, timestamp->priv->gregorian_second + timestamp->priv->gregorian_microsecond / 1000.0, timestamp->priv->gregorian_timezone_offset, &utc_year, &utc_month, &utc_day, &utc_hour, &utc_minute, &utc_second); if ((retval = swe_utc_to_jd(utc_year, utc_month, utc_day, utc_hour, utc_minute, utc_second, SE_GREG_CAL, dret, serr)) == ERR) { g_set_error(err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_SWE_FATAL, "Swiss Ephemeris error: %s", serr); } else { timestamp->priv->julian_day = dret[0]; timestamp->priv->valid_dates |= VALID_JULIAN_DAY; } } /** * gswe_timestamp_set_julian_day: * @timestamp: A GsweTimestamp * @julian_day: The Julian day number, with hours included as fractions * * Sets the Julian day value of the timestamp. The Gregorian date will be * calculated as requested. */ void gswe_timestamp_set_julian_day(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gdouble julian_day) { timestamp->priv->julian_day = julian_day; timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_JULIAN_DAY; if (timestamp->priv->instant_recalc == TRUE) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_all(timestamp, NULL); } gswe_timestamp_emit_changed(timestamp); } /** * gswe_timestamp_get_julian_day: * @timestamp: a GsweTimestamp * @err: a #GError * * Gets the Julian day value of @timestamp. @err is populated if a calculations * error arises. */ gdouble gswe_timestamp_get_julian_day(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GError **err) { gswe_timestamp_calculate_julian(timestamp, err); return timestamp->priv->julian_day; } /** * gswe_timestamp_new: * * Creates a new GsweTimestamp object. The object is initialized with current * date and time in the local timezone. * * Returns: a new GsweTimestamp object */ GsweTimestamp * gswe_timestamp_new(void) { return GSWE_TIMESTAMP(g_object_new(GSWE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, NULL)); } /** * gswe_timestamp_new_from_gregorian_full: * @year: the year * @month: the month * @day: the day * @hour: the hour * @minute: the minute * @second: the second * @microsecond: the microsecond * @time_zone_offset: the time zone offset in hours * * Creates a new GsweTimestamp object, initialized with the Gregorian date specified by the function parameters. * * Returns: a new GsweTimestamp object. */ GsweTimestamp * gswe_timestamp_new_from_gregorian_full(gint year, gint month, gint day, gint hour, gint minute, gint second, gint microsecond, gdouble time_zone_offset) { GsweTimestamp *timestamp = GSWE_TIMESTAMP(g_object_new(GSWE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, "gregorian-year", year, "gregorian-month", month, "gregorian-day", day, "gregorian-hour", hour, "gregorian-minute", minute, "gregorian-second", second, "gregorian-microsecond", microsecond, "gregorian-timezone-offset", time_zone_offset, NULL)); timestamp->priv->valid_dates = VALID_GREGORIAN; return timestamp; } /** * gswe_timestamp_new_from_julian_day: * @julian_day: a Julian day value, with time included as fractions. * * Creates a new GsweTimestamp object with @julian_day as its initial date * value. The object can be used for astronomical calculations, e.g. with * #GsweMoment, but unless a time zone is provided with * gswe_timestamp_set_gregorian_timezone(), exact Gregorian dates can not be * calculated. * * Returns: a new GsweTimestamp object. */ GsweTimestamp * gswe_timestamp_new_from_julian_day(gdouble julian_day) { GsweTimestamp *timestamp = gswe_timestamp_new(); gswe_timestamp_set_julian_day(timestamp, julian_day); return timestamp; }