/* gswe-moment.c - Planetary moment object for SWE-GLib * * Copyright © 2013 Gergely Polonkai * * SWE-GLib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SWE-GLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, see . */ #include "swe-glib.h" #include "swe-glib-private.h" #include "../swe/src/swephexp.h" #define glforeach(a, b) for ((a) = (b); (a); (a) = g_list_next((a))) /** * SECTION:gswe-moment * @short_description: an exact moment of the sky, as seen from a given point * of Earth at a given time * @title: GsweMoment * @stability: Stable * @include: swe-glib/swe-glib.h * * This class represents an exact moment of the sky, as it can be seen from * one given point on Earth at a given time. */ #define GSWE_MOMENT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE( \ (obj), \ GSWE_TYPE_MOMENT, \ GsweMomentPrivate)) /** * GsweMomentPrivate: * @timestamp: a #GsweTimestmp object representing the current local time at * the given position specified by @coordinates. Be warned though, * that the time zone is NOT checked against the coordinates! * @coordinates: the coordinates of the observers position * @house_system: the house system this object uses * @revision: an internal counter which is incremented whenever the timestamp * or the coordinates change. When this number changes, every data * that has a *_revision value here will be recalculated before the * data is served * @house_list: (element-type GsweHouseData): the list of house data * @house_revision: the revision of the calculated house data * @planet_list: (element-type GswePlanetData): the list of planets * @points_revision: the revision of the points * @element_points: the table of the element points * @quality_points: the table of the quality points * @moon_phase_revision: the revision of the Moon phase data * @moon_phase: the calculated Moon phase data * @aspect_list: (element-type GsweAspectData): the list of calculated aspects * @aspect_revision: the revision of the aspect data * @antiscia_list: (element-type GsweAntisciaData): the list of calculated * antiscia (mirror points) * @antiscia_revision: the revision of the antiscia data * * The private parts of #GsweMoment */ struct _GsweMomentPrivate { GsweTimestamp *timestamp; GsweCoordinates coordinates; GsweHouseSystem house_system; guint revision; GList *house_list; guint house_revision; GList *planet_list; guint points_revision; GHashTable *element_points; GHashTable *quality_points; guint moon_phase_revision; GsweMoonPhaseData *moon_phase; GList *aspect_list; guint aspect_revision; GList *antiscia_list; guint antiscia_revision; gulong timestamp_signal_handler; }; enum { SIGNAL_CHANGED, SIGNAL_PLANET_ADDED, SIGNAL_LAST }; enum { PROP_0, PROP_TIMESTAMP, PROP_COORDINATES, PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM, PROP_COUNT }; struct GsweAspectFinder { GswePlanet planet1; GswePlanet planet2; }; static guint gswe_moment_signals[SIGNAL_LAST] = {0}; static void gswe_moment_dispose(GObject *gobject); static void gswe_moment_finalize(GObject *gobject); static void gswe_moment_set_property( GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void gswe_moment_get_property( GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static GParamSpec *properties[PROP_COUNT]; G_DEFINE_TYPE(GsweMoment, gswe_moment, G_TYPE_OBJECT); static void gswe_moment_class_init(GsweMomentClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(GsweMomentPrivate)); gobject_class->dispose = gswe_moment_dispose; gobject_class->finalize = gswe_moment_finalize; gobject_class->set_property = gswe_moment_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = gswe_moment_get_property; /** * GsweMoment::changed: * @moment: the GsweMoment object that received the signal * * The ::changed signal is emitted each time the time, coordinates * or the house system changes. */ gswe_moment_signals[SIGNAL_CHANGED] = g_signal_new( "changed", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 0 ); /** * GsweMoment::planet-added: * @moment: the GsweMoment object that received the signal * @planet: the planet that was just added to @moment * * The ::planet-added signal is emitted each time a planet is * added to @moment. */ gswe_moment_signals[SIGNAL_PLANET_ADDED] = g_signal_new( "planet-added", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass), G_SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, 0, NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_generic, G_TYPE_NONE, 1, GSWE_TYPE_PLANET ); /** * GsweMoment:timestamp: * * The timestamp associated with this moment */ properties[PROP_TIMESTAMP] = g_param_spec_object( "timestamp", "Timestamp", "Timestamp of this moment", GSWE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, PROP_TIMESTAMP, properties[PROP_TIMESTAMP] ); /** * GsweMoment:coordinates: * * The geographical coordinates associated with this moment */ properties[PROP_COORDINATES] = g_param_spec_boxed( "coordinates", "Coordinates", "Geographical coordinates", GSWE_TYPE_COORDINATES, G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, PROP_COORDINATES, properties[PROP_COORDINATES] ); /** * GsweMoment:house-system: * * The house system associated with this moment */ properties[PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM] = g_param_spec_enum( "house-system", "House System", "Astrological house system", GSWE_TYPE_HOUSE_SYSTEM, GSWE_HOUSE_SYSTEM_PLACIDUS, G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK | G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME | G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB | G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM, properties[PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM] ); } static void gswe_moment_emit_changed(GsweMoment *moment) { g_signal_emit(moment, gswe_moment_signals[SIGNAL_CHANGED], 0); } static void gswe_moment_init(GsweMoment *moment) { moment->priv = GSWE_MOMENT_GET_PRIVATE(moment); moment->priv->timestamp = NULL; moment->priv->house_list = NULL; moment->priv->planet_list = NULL; moment->priv->aspect_list = NULL; moment->priv->antiscia_list = NULL; moment->priv->moon_phase = gswe_moon_phase_data_new(); moment->priv->element_points = g_hash_table_new_full( g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL ); moment->priv->quality_points = g_hash_table_new_full( g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, NULL, NULL ); moment->priv->house_revision = 0; moment->priv->points_revision = 0; moment->priv->moon_phase_revision = 0; moment->priv->aspect_revision = 0; moment->priv->antiscia_revision = 0; moment->priv->revision = 1; } static void gswe_moment_timestamp_changed(GsweTimestamp *timestamp, GsweMoment *moment) { moment->priv->revision++; gswe_moment_emit_changed(moment); } /* Dispose object */ static void gswe_moment_dispose(GObject *gobject) { GsweMoment *moment = GSWE_MOMENT(gobject); g_signal_handler_disconnect( moment->priv->timestamp, moment->priv->timestamp_signal_handler ); g_clear_object(&moment->priv->timestamp); G_OBJECT_CLASS(gswe_moment_parent_class)->dispose(gobject); } /* Reset object to the initialized state */ static void gswe_moment_finalize(GObject *gobject) { GsweMoment *moment = GSWE_MOMENT(gobject); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->house_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_house_data_unref ); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->planet_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_planet_data_unref ); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->aspect_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_aspect_data_unref ); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->antiscia_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_antiscion_data_unref ); g_clear_object(&moment->priv->timestamp); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->house_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_house_data_unref ); moment->priv->house_list = NULL; g_list_free_full( moment->priv->planet_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_planet_data_unref ); moment->priv->planet_list = NULL; g_list_free_full( moment->priv->aspect_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_aspect_data_unref ); moment->priv->aspect_list = NULL; g_list_free_full( moment->priv->antiscia_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_antiscion_data_unref ); moment->priv->antiscia_list = NULL; g_hash_table_remove_all(moment->priv->element_points); g_hash_table_remove_all(moment->priv->quality_points); moment->priv->house_revision = 0; moment->priv->points_revision = 0; moment->priv->moon_phase_revision = 0; moment->priv->aspect_revision = 0; moment->priv->antiscia_revision = 0; moment->priv->revision = 1; G_OBJECT_CLASS(gswe_moment_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void gswe_moment_set_property( GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GsweMoment *moment = GSWE_MOMENT(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TIMESTAMP: gswe_moment_set_timestamp(moment, (g_value_get_object(value))); break; case PROP_COORDINATES: { GsweCoordinates *coords = g_value_get_boxed(value); gswe_moment_set_coordinates( moment, coords->longitude, coords->latitude, coords->altitude ); } break; case PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM: gswe_moment_set_house_system(moment, g_value_get_enum(value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void gswe_moment_get_property( GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec ) { GsweMoment *moment = GSWE_MOMENT(object); GsweMomentPrivate *priv = moment->priv; switch (prop_id) { case PROP_TIMESTAMP: g_value_set_object(value, priv->timestamp); break; case PROP_COORDINATES: { GsweCoordinates *coords = gswe_coordinates_copy( &(priv->coordinates) ); g_value_set_boxed(value, coords); } break; case PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM: g_value_set_enum(value, priv->house_system); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } /** * gswe_moment_set_timestamp: * @moment: A GsweMoment object * @timestamp: A GsweTimestamp object. The moment object holds a reference on * timestamp, which is cleared when a new timestamp is set, or the * moment object is disposed. * * Sets a new timestamp for this planetary moment. Also emits the ::changed * signal to notify owner of this change. This helps redrawing screen data * according to the new time value. */ void gswe_moment_set_timestamp(GsweMoment *moment, GsweTimestamp *timestamp) { if (moment->priv->timestamp == timestamp) { return; } if (moment->priv->timestamp != NULL) { g_signal_handler_disconnect( moment->priv->timestamp, moment->priv->timestamp_signal_handler ); g_clear_object(&moment->priv->timestamp); } moment->priv->revision++; moment->priv->timestamp = timestamp; g_object_ref(timestamp); moment->priv->timestamp_signal_handler = g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(timestamp), "changed", G_CALLBACK(gswe_moment_timestamp_changed), moment ); /* Emit the changed signal to notify registrants of the change */ gswe_moment_emit_changed(moment); g_object_notify_by_pspec(G_OBJECT(moment), properties[PROP_TIMESTAMP]); } /** * gswe_moment_get_timestamp: * @moment: a GsweMoment object * * Gets the #GsweTimestamp object associated with @moment * * Returns: (transfer none): the GsweTimestamp object associated with @moment. * The returned object is used by @moment exclusively. If you need it even * after @moment is destroyed, call g_object_ref() on it. */ GsweTimestamp * gswe_moment_get_timestamp(GsweMoment *moment) { return moment->priv->timestamp; } /** * gswe_moment_set_coordinates: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @longitude: the longitude part of the coordinates, in degrees * @latitude: the latitude part of the coordinates, in degrees * @altitude: the altitude part of the coordinates, in meters. As also noted in * the README, it is safe to pass a value of around 400.0, unless * you want to create a *really* precise chart * * Sets the coordinates associated with @moment. Emits the ::changed signal on * @moment. All values depending on the coordinates (planetary and house cusp * positions, aspects, antiscion, so basically everything) should be * re-fetched after changing it. */ void gswe_moment_set_coordinates( GsweMoment *moment, gdouble longitude, gdouble latitude, gdouble altitude) { GsweCoordinates *current_coords = &(moment->priv->coordinates); if ( (current_coords->longitude == longitude) && (current_coords->latitude == latitude) && (current_coords->altitude == altitude) ) { return; } moment->priv->coordinates.longitude = longitude; moment->priv->coordinates.latitude = latitude; moment->priv->coordinates.altitude = altitude; moment->priv->revision++; gswe_moment_emit_changed(moment); g_object_notify_by_pspec(G_OBJECT(moment), properties[PROP_COORDINATES]); } /** * gswe_moment_get_coordinates: * @moment: a GsweMoment * * Gets the coordinates associated with @moment. * * Returns: (transfer full): a newly allocated GsweCoordinates structure with * the coordinates associated with @moment. The returned pointer * should be freed with g_free if you don't need it any more. */ GsweCoordinates * gswe_moment_get_coordinates(GsweMoment *moment) { return gswe_coordinates_copy(&(moment->priv->coordinates)); } /** * gswe_moment_set_house_system: * @moment: a GsweMoment object * @house_system: the new house system to associate with @moment * * Associates a new house system with @moment. Emits the ::changed signal. * House cusp positions are recalculated upon next fetch. */ void gswe_moment_set_house_system(GsweMoment *moment, GsweHouseSystem house_system) { if (moment->priv->house_system != house_system) { moment->priv->house_system = house_system; moment->priv->revision++; gswe_moment_emit_changed(moment); g_object_notify_by_pspec(G_OBJECT(moment), properties[PROP_HOUSE_SYSTEM]); } } /** * gswe_moment_get_house_system: * @moment: a GsweMoment object * * Gets the house system associated with @moment. * * Returns: The house system currently associated with @moment */ GsweHouseSystem gswe_moment_get_house_system(GsweMoment *moment) { return moment->priv->house_system; } /** * gswe_moment_new: * * Creates a new, empty GsweMoment object. The object created this way can not * be used for any calculations yet, you need to call various gswe_moment_set_* * functions first. It is preferred to call gswe_moment_new_full() instead. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new GsweMoment object */ GsweMoment * gswe_moment_new(void) { gswe_init(); return (GsweMoment *)g_object_new(GSWE_TYPE_MOMENT, NULL); } /** * gswe_moment_new_full: * @timestamp: a #GsweTimestamp, the exact time of your calculations * @longitude: the longitude part of the observer's position, in degrees * @latitude: the latitude part of the observer's position, in degrees * @altitude: the altitude part of the coordinates, in meters. As also noted in * the README, it is safe to pass a value of around 400.0, unless * you want to create a *really* precise chart * @house_system: the house system you want to use * * Creates a new GsweMoment object with the timestamp, coordinates and house * system set. This is the preferred way to create a GsweMoment object. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new GsweMoment object, which is usable out of * the box */ GsweMoment * gswe_moment_new_full( GsweTimestamp *timestamp, gdouble longitude, gdouble latitude, gdouble altitude, GsweHouseSystem house_system) { GsweMoment *moment = gswe_moment_new(); moment->priv->timestamp = timestamp; g_object_ref(timestamp); g_signal_connect( G_OBJECT(timestamp), "changed", G_CALLBACK(gswe_moment_timestamp_changed), moment ); moment->priv->coordinates.longitude = longitude; moment->priv->coordinates.latitude = latitude; moment->priv->coordinates.altitude = altitude; moment->priv->house_system = house_system; return moment; } static gint find_planet_by_id(GswePlanetData *planet_data, GswePlanet *planet) { if (planet_data->planet_info == NULL) { return -1; } if (planet_data->planet_info->planet == *planet) { return 0; } return 1; } static void calculate_data_by_position( GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet, gdouble position, GError **err) { GswePlanetData *planet_data; GsweZodiac sign; GsweSignInfo *sign_info; GList *result; if ((result = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->planet_list, &planet, (GCompareFunc)find_planet_by_id )) == NULL) { return; } if ((planet_data = (GswePlanetData *)(result->data)) == NULL) { return; } if (planet_data->revision == moment->priv->revision) { return; } sign = (GsweZodiac)ceil(position / 30.0); // If position happens to be exactly 0, this calculation yields // GSWE_SIGN_NONE, but should be GSWE_SIGN_ARIES if (sign == GSWE_SIGN_NONE) { sign = GSWE_SIGN_ARIES; } if ((sign_info = g_hash_table_lookup( gswe_sign_info_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(sign) )) == NULL) { g_error("Calculations brought an unknown sign!"); } planet_data->position = position; planet_data->retrograde = FALSE; planet_data->house = gswe_moment_get_house(moment, position, err); planet_data->sign_info = gswe_sign_info_ref(sign_info); planet_data->revision = moment->priv->revision; } static void gswe_moment_calculate_house_positions(GsweMoment *moment, GError **err) { gdouble cusps[13], ascmc[10], jd; gint i; GsweHouseSystemInfo *house_system_info; if (moment->priv->house_revision == moment->priv->revision) { return; } g_list_free_full( moment->priv->house_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_house_data_unref ); moment->priv->house_list = NULL; // If no house system is set, we need no calculations at all. Just leave // the list empty and return if (moment->priv->house_system == GSWE_HOUSE_SYSTEM_NONE) { moment->priv->house_revision = moment->priv->revision; return; } if ((house_system_info = g_hash_table_lookup( gswe_house_system_info_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(moment->priv->house_system) )) == NULL) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HSYS, "Unknown house system" ); return; } jd = gswe_timestamp_get_julian_day_et(moment->priv->timestamp, err); // If Julian Day calculation yields error, we don't do anything. err is // already filled with the error message, so let's just return if ((err) && (*err)) { return; } swe_houses( jd, moment->priv->coordinates.latitude, moment->priv->coordinates.longitude, house_system_info->sweph_id, cusps, ascmc ); /* TODO: SWE house system 'G' (Gauquelin sector cusps) have 36 houses; we * should detect that somehow (house system 'G' is not implemented yet in * GsweHouseSystem, and all other house systems have exactly 12 houses, so * this should not cause trouble yet, though) */ for (i = 12; i >= 1; i--) { GsweSignInfo *sign_info; GsweHouseData *house_data = gswe_house_data_new(); house_data->house = i; house_data->cusp_position = cusps[i]; if ((sign_info = g_hash_table_lookup( gswe_sign_info_table, GINT_TO_POINTER((gint)ceilf(cusps[i] / 30.0)) )) == NULL) { g_list_free_full( moment->priv->house_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_house_data_unref ); moment->priv->house_list = NULL; moment->priv->house_revision = 0; g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_SIGN, "Calculation brought an unknown sign" ); return; } house_data->sign_info = gswe_sign_info_ref(sign_info); moment->priv->house_list = g_list_prepend( moment->priv->house_list, house_data ); } moment->priv->house_revision = moment->priv->revision; // The Ascendant, MC and Vertex points are also calculated by swe_houses(), // so let's update them. if (gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, GSWE_PLANET_ASCENDANT)) { calculate_data_by_position( moment, GSWE_PLANET_ASCENDANT, ascmc[0], err ); } if (gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, GSWE_PLANET_MC)) { calculate_data_by_position(moment, GSWE_PLANET_MC, ascmc[1], err); } if (gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, GSWE_PLANET_VERTEX)) { calculate_data_by_position(moment, GSWE_PLANET_VERTEX, ascmc[3], err); } } /** * gswe_moment_get_house_cusps: * @moment: The GsweMoment object to operate on * @err: a #GError * * Calculate house cusp positions based on the house system, location and time * set in @moment. * * Returns: (element-type GsweHouseData) (transfer none): a GList of * #GsweHouseData */ GList * gswe_moment_get_house_cusps(GsweMoment *moment, GError **err) { if (moment->priv->house_revision != moment->priv->revision) { gswe_moment_calculate_house_positions(moment, err); } return moment->priv->house_list; } /** * gswe_moment_has_planet: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @planet: the planet whose existence is queried * * Checks if @planet is added to @moment, e.g. its position and related data is * calculated. * * Returns: #TRUE if @planet is already added to @moment, #FALSE otherwise */ gboolean gswe_moment_has_planet(GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet) { return (g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->planet_list, &planet, (GCompareFunc)find_planet_by_id ) != NULL); } /** * gswe_moment_add_planet: * @moment: a GsweMoment object * @planet: the planet to add * @err: a #GError * * Adds @planet to the calculated planets of @moment. @err is populated with * GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET if the given planet is not known to SWE-GLib. */ void gswe_moment_add_planet(GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet, GError **err) { GswePlanetData *planet_data; GswePlanetInfo *planet_info; if (gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet)) { return; } if ((planet_info = g_hash_table_lookup( gswe_planet_info_table, GINT_TO_POINTER(planet) )) == NULL) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "Unknown planet" ); return; } planet_data = gswe_planet_data_new(); planet_data->planet_info = gswe_planet_info_ref(planet_info); planet_data->revision = 0; moment->priv->planet_list = g_list_append( moment->priv->planet_list, planet_data ); g_signal_emit(moment, gswe_moment_signals[SIGNAL_PLANET_ADDED], 0, planet); } static void planet_add(gpointer key, gpointer value, GsweMoment *moment) { GswePlanet planet = (GswePlanet)GPOINTER_TO_INT(key); gswe_moment_add_planet(moment, planet, NULL); } /** * gswe_moment_add_all_planets: * @moment: a GsweMoment object * * Adds all known planets to @moment. */ void gswe_moment_add_all_planets(GsweMoment *moment) { g_hash_table_foreach(gswe_planet_info_table, (GHFunc)planet_add, moment); } static void gswe_moment_calculate_planet(GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet, GError **err) { GswePlanetData *planet_data; gpointer data = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->planet_list, &planet, (GCompareFunc)find_planet_by_id ); g_return_if_fail(data != NULL); planet_data = (GswePlanetData *)(g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->planet_list, &planet, (GCompareFunc)find_planet_by_id )->data); gchar serr[AS_MAXCH]; gint ret; gdouble x2[6], jd; GError *calc_err = NULL; if (planet_data == NULL) { return; } if (planet_data->revision == moment->priv->revision) { return; } swe_set_topo( moment->priv->coordinates.longitude, moment->priv->coordinates.latitude, moment->priv->coordinates.altitude ); jd = gswe_timestamp_get_julian_day_et(moment->priv->timestamp, err); if (planet_data->planet_info->real_body == FALSE) { if ( (planet_data->planet_info->planet != GSWE_PLANET_ASCENDANT) && (planet_data->planet_info->planet != GSWE_PLANET_MC) && (planet_data->planet_info->planet != GSWE_PLANET_VERTEX) ) { g_warning( "The position data of planet %d can not be " "calculated by this function", planet ); return; } else { // gswe_moment_calculate_house_positions() calculates house cusp // positions, together with Ascendant, MC and Vertex points gswe_moment_calculate_house_positions(moment, err); return; } } if ((err) && (*err)) { return; } if ((ret = swe_calc( jd, planet_data->planet_info->sweph_id, SEFLG_SPEED | SEFLG_TOPOCTR, x2, serr )) < 0) { g_warning("Swiss Ephemeris error: %s", serr); g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_SWE_FATAL, "Swiss Ephemeris fatal error: %s", serr ); return; } else if (ret != (SEFLG_SPEED | SEFLG_TOPOCTR)) { g_warning("Swiss Ephemeris non-fatal error: %s", serr); g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_SWE_NONFATAL, "Swiss Ephemeris error: %s", serr ); } calculate_data_by_position(moment, planet, x2[0], &calc_err); if (calc_err != NULL) { g_clear_error(err); if (err) { *err = calc_err; } } planet_data->retrograde = (x2[3] < 0); } static void calculate_planet(GswePlanetData *planet_data, GsweMoment *moment) { if (planet_data->planet_info) { gswe_moment_calculate_planet( moment, planet_data->planet_info->planet, NULL ); } else { g_warning( "planet_data holds no planet. This is a possible " "bug in SWE-GLib, or in your application." ); } } static void gswe_moment_calculate_all_planets(GsweMoment *moment) { g_list_foreach(moment->priv->planet_list, (GFunc)calculate_planet, moment); } /** * gswe_moment_get_all_planets: * @moment: The GsweMoment to operate on * * Get all the planets added to @moment. * * Returns: (element-type GswePlanetData) (transfer none): A #GList of * #GswePlanetData. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_all_planets(GsweMoment *moment) { gswe_moment_calculate_all_planets(moment); return moment->priv->planet_list; } /** * gswe_moment_get_sign_planets: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @sign: the sign of whose planets are requested * * Gets the list of planets in @sign. * * Returns: (transfer container) (element-type GswePlanetData): a #GList of * #GswePlanetData. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_sign_planets(GsweMoment *moment, GsweZodiac sign) { GList *ret = NULL, *planet; gswe_moment_calculate_all_planets(moment); glforeach (planet, moment->priv->planet_list) { GswePlanetData *pd = planet->data; if (pd->sign_info->sign == sign) { ret = g_list_prepend(ret, pd); } } return ret; } /** * gswe_moment_get_house_planets: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @house: a house number * * Gets the list of planets in house @house. * * Returns: (transfer container) (element-type GswePlanetData): a #GList of * #GswePlanetData */ GList * gswe_moment_get_house_planets(GsweMoment *moment, guint house) { GList *ret = NULL, *planet; // If the house system is none, we always return NULL if (moment->priv->house_system == GSWE_HOUSE_SYSTEM_NONE) { return NULL; } gswe_moment_calculate_all_planets(moment); glforeach (planet, moment->priv->planet_list) { GswePlanetData *pd = planet->data; if (pd->house == house) { ret = g_list_prepend(ret, pd); } } return ret; } /** * gswe_moment_get_house: * @moment: a GsweMoment object * @position: an ecliptic position * @err: a #GError * * Returns the number of the house in which @position is. * * Returns: the number of the house in which @position is. This function always * yields 0 if the associated house system is #GSWE_HOUSE_SYSTEM_NONE. */ gint gswe_moment_get_house(GsweMoment *moment, gdouble position, GError **err) { gint i; if (moment->priv->house_system == GSWE_HOUSE_SYSTEM_NONE) { return 0; } gswe_moment_calculate_house_positions(moment, err); /* TODO: SWE house system 'G' (Gauquelin sector cusps) have 36 houses; we * should detect that somehow (house system 'G' is not implemented yet in * GsweHouseSystem, and all other house systems have exactly 12 houses, so * this should not cause trouble yet, though) */ for (i = 1; i <= 12; i++) { gint j = (i < 12) ? i + 1 : 1; gdouble cusp_i = *(gdouble *)g_list_nth_data( moment->priv->house_list, i - 1 ), cusp_j = *(gdouble *)g_list_nth_data( moment->priv->house_list, j - 1 ); if (cusp_j < cusp_i) { if ((position >= cusp_i) || (position < cusp_j)) { return i; } } else { if ((position >= cusp_i) && (position < cusp_j)) { return i; } } } return 0; } /** * gswe_moment_get_planet: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @planet: the planet whose data is requested * @err: a #GError * * Gets @planet's data, like its position, house number, sign, etc. @err is * populated if the planetary information can not be calculated. * * WARNING! @err may be populated if the Swiss Ephemeris data files are not * found. For some planets, position data still can be calculated (the results * will not be that exact, though). @err is populatet only to carry this * warning. Thus, you should always provide a non-NULL value for @err, and * always check it after calling this function. * * Returns: (transfer full): @planet's data */ GswePlanetData * gswe_moment_get_planet(GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet, GError **err) { GList *planet_element; GswePlanetData *planet_data; if ((planet_element = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->planet_list, &planet, (GCompareFunc)find_planet_by_id )) == NULL) { return NULL; } planet_data = (GswePlanetData *)(planet_element->data); if (planet_data == NULL) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "Specified planet is not added to the moment object" ); return NULL; } gswe_moment_calculate_planet(moment, planet, err); return gswe_planet_data_ref(planet_data); } static void add_points(GswePlanetData *planet_data, GsweMoment *moment) { guint point; GsweSignInfo *sign_info; GswePlanetInfo *planet_info; GsweElement element; GsweQuality quality; gswe_moment_calculate_planet( moment, planet_data->planet_info->planet, NULL ); sign_info = gswe_planet_data_get_sign_info(planet_data); if (G_UNLIKELY(sign_info == NULL)) { g_error("Planet data calculation failed"); } planet_info = gswe_planet_data_get_planet_info(planet_data); if (G_UNLIKELY(planet_info == NULL)) { g_error("Planet data calculation failed. No planet info."); } element = gswe_sign_info_get_element(sign_info); point = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup( moment->priv->element_points, GINT_TO_POINTER(element) )) + gswe_planet_info_get_points(planet_info); g_hash_table_replace( moment->priv->element_points, GINT_TO_POINTER(element), GINT_TO_POINTER(point) ); quality = gswe_sign_info_get_quality(sign_info); point = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup( moment->priv->quality_points, GINT_TO_POINTER(quality) )) + gswe_planet_info_get_points(planet_info); g_hash_table_replace( moment->priv->quality_points, GINT_TO_POINTER(quality), GINT_TO_POINTER(point) ); } static void gswe_moment_calculate_points(GsweMoment *moment) { if (moment->priv->points_revision == moment->priv->revision) { return; } g_hash_table_remove_all(moment->priv->element_points); g_hash_table_remove_all(moment->priv->quality_points); g_list_foreach(moment->priv->planet_list, (GFunc)add_points, moment); moment->priv->points_revision = moment->priv->revision; } /** * gswe_moment_get_element_points: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @element: the element whose point value is requested * * Gets the point value of the @element element. * * Returns: the point value */ guint gswe_moment_get_element_points(GsweMoment *moment, GsweElement element) { guint point; gswe_moment_calculate_points(moment); point = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup( moment->priv->element_points, GINT_TO_POINTER(element) )); return point; } /** * gswe_moment_get_quality_points: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @quality: the quality whose point value is requested * * Gets the point value of the @quality quality. * * Returns: the point value */ guint gswe_moment_get_quality_points(GsweMoment *moment, GsweQuality quality) { guint point; gswe_moment_calculate_points(moment); point = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup( moment->priv->quality_points, GINT_TO_POINTER(quality) )); return point; } /** * gswe_moment_get_moon_phase: * @moment: a GsweMoment * @err: a #GError * * Gets the phase of the Moon. * * Returns: (transfer full): a #GsweMoonPhaseData representing the phase of the * Moon */ GsweMoonPhaseData * gswe_moment_get_moon_phase(GsweMoment *moment, GError **err) { if (moment->priv->moon_phase_revision == moment->priv->revision) { return moment->priv->moon_phase; } gswe_moon_phase_data_calculate_by_timestamp( moment->priv->moon_phase, moment->priv->timestamp, err ); if (!err || !*err) { moment->priv->moon_phase_revision = moment->priv->revision; } return gswe_moon_phase_data_ref(moment->priv->moon_phase); } static gint find_aspect_by_both_planets( GsweAspectData *aspect, struct GsweAspectFinder *aspect_finder) { if ( ( (aspect->planet1->planet_info->planet == aspect_finder->planet1) && (aspect->planet2->planet_info->planet == aspect_finder->planet2) ) || ( (aspect->planet1->planet_info->planet == aspect_finder->planet2) && (aspect->planet2->planet_info->planet == aspect_finder->planet1) ) ) { return 0; } return 1; } static void gswe_moment_calculate_aspects(GsweMoment *moment) { GList *oplanet, *iplanet; if (moment->priv->aspect_revision == moment->priv->revision) { return; } gswe_moment_calculate_all_planets(moment); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->aspect_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_aspect_data_unref ); moment->priv->aspect_list = NULL; for ( oplanet = moment->priv->planet_list; oplanet; oplanet = g_list_next(oplanet)) { for ( iplanet = moment->priv->planet_list; iplanet; iplanet = g_list_next(iplanet)) { GswePlanetData *outer_planet = oplanet->data, *inner_planet = iplanet->data; struct GsweAspectFinder aspect_finder; GsweAspectData *aspect_data; GList *aspect_data_element; if (outer_planet->planet_info->planet == inner_planet->planet_info->planet ) { continue; } aspect_finder.planet1 = outer_planet->planet_info->planet; aspect_finder.planet2 = inner_planet->planet_info->planet; if ((aspect_data_element = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->aspect_list, &aspect_finder, (GCompareFunc)find_aspect_by_both_planets )) != NULL) { gswe_aspect_data_calculate(aspect_data_element->data); } else { aspect_data = gswe_aspect_data_new_with_planets( inner_planet, outer_planet ); moment->priv->aspect_list = g_list_prepend( moment->priv->aspect_list, aspect_data ); } } } moment->priv->aspect_revision = moment->priv->revision; } /** * gswe_moment_get_all_aspects: * @moment: the GsweMoment to operate on * * Gets all planetary aspects between the planets added by * gswe_moment_add_planet() or gswe_moment_add_all_planets(). * * Returns: (element-type GsweAspectData) (transfer none): a GList of * #GsweAspectData. Both the GList and GsweAspectData objects belong * to @moment, and should not be freed or modified. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_all_aspects(GsweMoment *moment) { gswe_moment_calculate_aspects(moment); return moment->priv->aspect_list; } /** * gswe_moment_get_planet_aspects: * @moment: the GsweMoment to operate on * @planet: the planet whose aspects you want to get * @err: a #GError * * Get all the aspects between @planet and all the other planets added with * gswe_moment_add_planet() or gswe_moment_add_all_planets(). * * Returns: (element-type GsweAspectData) (transfer container): a #GList of * #GsweAspectData. The GsweAspectData structures belong to @moment, * but the GList should be freed using g_list_free(). If the planet * has no aspects, or the planet has not been added to @moment, * returns NULL. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_planet_aspects( GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet, GError **err) { GList *ret = NULL, *aspect; if (!gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet)) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "Specified planet is not added to the moment object" ); return NULL; } gswe_moment_calculate_aspects(moment); for ( aspect = moment->priv->aspect_list; aspect; aspect = g_list_next(aspect) ) { GsweAspectData *aspect_data = aspect->data; if ( (aspect_data->planet1->planet_info->planet == planet) || (aspect_data->planet2->planet_info->planet == planet) ) { ret = g_list_prepend(ret, aspect_data); } } return ret; } /** * gswe_moment_get_aspect_by_planets: * @moment: the GsweMoment to operate on * @planet1: the first planet * @planet2: the second planet * @err: a #GError * * Get the aspect between two given planets. The order of @planet1 and @planet2 * doesn’t matter. * * Returns: (transfer none): a #GsweAspectData containing the aspect data of the * two planets. If an error occurs, like when one of the planets are * not added to the planet list, returns NULL, and @err is set * accordingly. */ GsweAspectData * gswe_moment_get_aspect_by_planets( GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet1, GswePlanet planet2, GError **err) { struct GsweAspectFinder aspect_finder; GList *aspect_data_element; if ( !gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet1) || !gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet2) ) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "One of the requested planets is not found in the planet list" ); return NULL; } aspect_finder.planet1 = planet1; aspect_finder.planet2 = planet2; if ((aspect_data_element = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->aspect_list, &aspect_finder, (GCompareFunc)find_aspect_by_both_planets )) != NULL) { return aspect_data_element->data; } return NULL; } static gint find_antiscion_by_both_planets( GsweAntiscionData *antiscion, struct GsweAspectFinder *antiscion_finder) { if ( ( (antiscion->planet1->planet_info->planet == antiscion_finder->planet1) && (antiscion->planet2->planet_info->planet == antiscion_finder->planet2) ) || ( (antiscion->planet1->planet_info->planet == antiscion_finder->planet2) && (antiscion->planet2->planet_info->planet == antiscion_finder->planet1) ) ) { return 0; } return 1; } static void gswe_moment_calculate_antiscia(GsweMoment *moment) { GList *oplanet, *iplanet; if (moment->priv->antiscia_revision == moment->priv->revision) { return; } gswe_moment_calculate_all_planets(moment); g_list_free_full( moment->priv->antiscia_list, (GDestroyNotify)gswe_antiscion_data_unref ); moment->priv->antiscia_list = NULL; for ( oplanet = moment->priv->planet_list; oplanet; oplanet = g_list_next(oplanet) ) { for ( iplanet = moment->priv->planet_list; iplanet; iplanet = g_list_next(iplanet) ) { GswePlanetData *outer_planet = oplanet->data, *inner_planet = iplanet->data; struct GsweAspectFinder antiscion_finder; GsweAntiscionData *antiscion_data; GList *antiscion_data_element; if (outer_planet->planet_info->planet == inner_planet->planet_info->planet ) { continue; } antiscion_finder.planet1 = outer_planet->planet_info->planet; antiscion_finder.planet2 = inner_planet->planet_info->planet; if ((antiscion_data_element = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->antiscia_list, &antiscion_finder, (GCompareFunc)find_antiscion_by_both_planets) ) != NULL) { gswe_antiscion_data_calculate(antiscion_data_element->data); } else { antiscion_data = gswe_antiscion_data_new_with_planets( inner_planet, outer_planet ); moment->priv->antiscia_list = g_list_prepend( moment->priv->antiscia_list, antiscion_data ); } } } moment->priv->antiscia_revision = moment->priv->revision; } /** * gswe_moment_get_all_antiscia: * @moment: The GsweMoment object to operate on. * * Get all found antiscia between planets in @moment. * * Returns: (element-type GsweAntiscionData) (transfer none): A #GList of * #GsweAntiscionData. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_all_antiscia(GsweMoment *moment) { gswe_moment_calculate_antiscia(moment); return moment->priv->antiscia_list; } /** * gswe_moment_get_all_planet_antiscia: * @moment: The GsweMoment object to operate on. * @planet: The planet whose antiscion planets are requested. * @err: a #GError * * Get all the antiscion planets on all registered axes for @planet. * * Returns: (element-type GsweAntiscionData) (transfer container): a #GList of * #GsweAntiscionData. The GsweAntiscionData structures belong to * @moment, but the GList should be freed using g_list_free(). If no * planet has any antiscia, or the planet has not been added to * @moment, returns NULL. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_all_planet_antiscia( GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet, GError **err) { GList *ret = NULL, *antiscion_l; if (!gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet)) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "Specified planet is not added to the moment object" ); return NULL; } gswe_moment_calculate_antiscia(moment); glforeach (antiscion_l, moment->priv->antiscia_list) { GsweAntiscionData *antiscion_data = antiscion_l->data; if ( (antiscion_data->planet1->planet_info->planet == planet) || (antiscion_data->planet2->planet_info->planet == planet) ) { ret = g_list_prepend(ret, antiscion_data); } } return ret; } /** * gswe_moment_get_axis_all_antiscia: * @moment: The GsweMoment object to operate on. * @axis: The axis on which you want to search for antiscion planets. * * Get all the antiscion planets on the specified axis @axis. * * Returns: (element-type GsweAntiscionData) (transfer container): a #GList of * #GsweAntiscionData. The GsweAntiscionData structures belong to * @moment, but the GList should be freed using g_list_free(). If * there are no antiscion planets on the given axis, returns NULL. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_axis_all_antiscia(GsweMoment *moment, GsweAntiscionAxis axis) { GList *ret = NULL, *antiscion_l; gswe_moment_calculate_antiscia(moment); glforeach (antiscion_l, moment->priv->antiscia_list) { GsweAntiscionData *antiscion_data = antiscion_l->data; if (antiscion_data->antiscion_axis_info->axis == axis) { ret = g_list_prepend(ret, antiscion_data); } } return ret; } /** * gswe_moment_get_axis_planet_antiscia: * @moment: the GsweMoment object to operate on * @axis: the axis on which you want to search for antiscion planets * @planet: the planet whose antiscion planets are requested * @err: a #GError * * Get the antiscion planets of @planet as seen in @axis. * * Returns: (element-type GsweAntiscionData) (transfer container): a #GList of * #GsweAntiscionData. The GsweAntiscionData structires belong to * @moment, but the GList should be freed using g_list_free(). If the * planet has no antiscia, or the planet has not been added to * @moment, returns NULL. */ GList * gswe_moment_get_axis_planet_antiscia( GsweMoment *moment, GsweAntiscionAxis axis, GswePlanet planet, GError **err) { GList *ret = NULL, *antiscion_l; if (!gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet)) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "Specified planet is not added to the moment object" ); return NULL; } gswe_moment_calculate_antiscia(moment); glforeach (antiscion_l, moment->priv->antiscia_list) { GsweAntiscionData *antiscion_data = antiscion_l->data; if ( ( (antiscion_data->planet1->planet_info->planet == planet) || (antiscion_data->planet2->planet_info->planet == planet) ) && (antiscion_data->antiscion_axis_info->axis == axis) ) { ret = g_list_prepend(ret, antiscion_data); } } return ret; } /** * gswe_moment_get_antiscion_by_planets: * @moment: the GsweMoment to operate on * @planet1: the first planet * @planet2: the second planet * @err: a #GError * * Get the aspect between two given planets. The order of @planet1 and @planet2 * doesn’t matter. * * Returns: (transfer none): a #GsweAspectData containing the aspect data of the * two planets. If an error occurs, like when one of the planets are * not added to the planet list, returns NULL, and @err is set * accordingly. */ GsweAntiscionData * gswe_moment_get_antiscion_by_planets( GsweMoment *moment, GswePlanet planet1, GswePlanet planet2, GError **err) { struct GsweAspectFinder antiscion_finder; GList *antiscion_data_element; if ( !gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet1) || !gswe_moment_has_planet(moment, planet2) ) { g_set_error( err, GSWE_ERROR, GSWE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PLANET, "One of the planets is not found in the planet list" ); return NULL; } antiscion_finder.planet1 = planet1; antiscion_finder.planet2 = planet2; if ((antiscion_data_element = g_list_find_custom( moment->priv->antiscia_list, &antiscion_finder, (GCompareFunc)find_antiscion_by_both_planets )) != NULL) { return antiscion_data_element->data; } return NULL; }