[![No Maintenance Intended](http://unmaintained.tech/badge.svg)](http://unmaintained.tech/) This project is not maintained in any way. Feel free to clone and modify to your own likes, but expect no work on it from my side. # SmsSenderBundle This bundle integrates with [gergelypolonkai/smssender](https://github.com/gergelypolonkai/smssender) to send SMS messages through [gergelypolonkai/smsgateway](https://github.com/gergelypolonkai/smsgateway). ## Installation Simply add gergelypolonkai/smssender-bundle to your Symfony2 project's composer.json file, and run php composer.phar update ## Configuration Everything is configurable through the Symfony project's configuration files. In YML format, the possibilities are: gergely_polonkai_sms_sender: # This must be set, as it has no default value sender_url: http://localhost/smsgateway # The username/password to use to login to SmsGateway. No default values # are available, either username: gateway-user password: gateway-password # This defaults to true. You should set this to false if you use # self-signed certificates verify_ssl: true # This is the default value. Currently SmsGateway requires this to be # be set to application/json content_type: application/json # The content-encoding of the data you send to the server. This must be # UTF-8 if you want to send an SMS with non-ascii characters. content-encoding: utf-8 # This should be turned on only for debugging purposes. It makes CURL to # log every traffic it makes with SmsGateway. verbose_curl: false ## Usage Everything is done via the `gergely_polonkai_sms_sender.sender` service: $sender = $container->get('gergely_polonkai_sms_sender.sender'); $sender->login(); $sender->send('+155523456789', 'Hello world!', array()); $sender->logout();