var max_search_results = 8; var groups_visible = true; var passwords_visible = false; function pwitem_update() { $('#error').html(''); $('#passwordinfo').html('Fetching...'); $.post('getpw.php', { id: $(this).attr('id').replace(/^pw_/, '') }, function(pwxml) { pwinfo = $('result', pwxml); if (pwinfo.length > 0) { $('#passwordinfo').html( '' ); } }); }; $(document).ready(function() { $('#passwords').hide(); $('#query').keyup(function(e) { if ($('#query').val().length > 2) { $('#error').html(''); $('#results').html('Searching...'); $('#passwordgroups').hide(); $('#passwords').hide(); output = ''; $.post('results.php', { querytext: $('#query').val() }, function(listxml) { results = $('row', listxml); $('#info').html('Search for "' + $('query', listxml).text() + '" ready after ' + $('elapsed-time', listxml).text() + ' seconds. ' + results.length + ' records found' + ((results.length > max_search_results) ? ' (top ' + max_search_results + ' shown)' : '') + '.'); if (results.length > 0) { output += ''; } $('#results').html(output); $('.pwitem').click(pwitem_update); }); } else { $('#error').html('The search string must be at least 3 characters long to search'); $('#results').html(''); $('#info').html(''); if (groups_visible) { $('#passwordgroups').show(); } else if (passwords_visible) { $('#passwords').show(); } } }); $('#clearsearch').click(function(e) { $('#error').html(''); $('#info').html(''); $('#results').html(''); $('#passwordinfo').html(''); $('#query').val(''); if (groups_visible) { $('#passwordgroups').show(); } else if (passwords_visible) { $('#passwords').show(); } }); pwgnames = $('.pwgname'); for (a = 0; a < pwgnames.length; a++) { $.post('getpwgname.php', { name: pwgnames[a].id.replace(/^pwgname_/, '') }, function (pwgxml) { name = $('name', pwgxml).text(); $('#pwgname_' + name).html($('description', pwgxml).text()); }); } $('.pwgname').click(function(e) { pwgid =^pwgname_/, ''); $('#openedgroupname').html(pwgid); $('#passwordlist').html('Fetching, please wait...'); $.post('getpwgname.php', { name: pwgid }, function (pwgxml) { $('#openedgroupname').html($('description', pwgxml).text()); }); $.post('getpasswordlist.php', { group: pwgid }, function (listxml) { results = $('row', listxml); if (results.length > 0) { output = ''; } $('#passwordlist').html(output); $('.pwitem').click(pwitem_update); }); $('#passwordgroups').hide(); $('#passwords').show(); }); $('#showpasswordgroups').click(function(e) { $('#passwordgroups').show(); $('#passwords').hide(); $('#passwordinfo').html(''); }); });