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2021-03-11 05:58:49 +01:00
# org-clock-waybar Export the currently clocked-in task to be displayed on Waybar
## Installation
Put `org-clock-waybar.el` somewhere in your `load-path`, and `(require 'org-clock-waybar)`.
MELPA version may come soon.
You can set the file to be written by customizing `org-clock-waybar-filename`; it defaults to
`$XDG_CACHE_HOME/waybar-current-task.json` (`$XDG_CACHE_HOME` defaults to `$HOME/.cache` on XDG
compatible systems, like Linux.)
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## Waybar configuration
To add the current task to Waybar, add this snippet to your config:
2021-03-11 05:58:49 +01:00
"custom/org": {
"format": " {}",
"return-type": "json",
"restart-interval": 5,
"exec": "cat /home/yourusername/.cache/waybar-current-task.json"
Then, add `custom/org` to `modules-left`/`modules-center`/`module-right` if your bars
configuration. You can find a minimal working configuration in the [`examples`](./examples)
### Additional Configuration
2021-03-11 15:50:47 +00:00
You can also display an icon specific to the clocked tasks category with the `format-icons` key:
"custom/org": {
"format": "{icon} {}",
"return-type": "json",
"restart-interval": 1,
"format-icons": {
"refile": "",
"ToDo": "",
"exec": "cat /home/yourusername/.cache/waybar-current-task.json"
If you use Emacs as a daemon (e.g. starting it as `emacs --daemon` or calling `(server-start)`),
you can change the `exec` command to invoke `emacsclient` directly. Note that, since Emacsclient
cant actually write stuff to the terminal, it will output an Emacs string full of backslashes
(see [this Emacs SE answer for details](; thus, you
2021-03-11 15:50:47 +00:00
have to pipe the output through `jq fromjson`.
If you run emacs in this mode you can also eval commands on click, middle click or scroll.:
"custom/org": {
2021-03-11 15:50:47 +00:00
"format": "{icon} {}",
"return-type": "json",
"restart-interval": 1,
"format-icons": {
"refile": "",
"ToDo": "",
"exec": "emacsclient --eval '(org-clock-waybar-ouptut-task)' | jq fromjson --unbuffered --compact-output",
"on-click": "emacsclient --eval '(org-clock-out)'",
"on-middle-click": "emacsclient --eval '(org-clock-in-last)'",
If you want the taskbar to show nothing or some other content if the emacs server is not running then you need to write a short bash script to catch when the emacsclient command returns a non-zero exit code. An example of this is:
json=$(emacsclient --eval '(org-clock-waybar-ouptut-task)' 2> /dev/null)
[ $status -eq 0 ] && echo $(echo $json | jq fromjson --unbuffered --compact-output) || echo ""
## Customization
To see a list of configurable parts, use `M-x customize-group <RET> org-clock-waybar`.