;;; helm-core-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads ;; ;;; Code: (add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))) ;;;### (autoloads nil "helm" "helm.el" (22523 21247 808436 501000)) ;;; Generated autoloads from helm.el (autoload 'helm-define-multi-key "helm" "\ In KEYMAP, define key sequence KEY for function list FUNCTIONS. Each function runs sequentially for each KEY press. If DELAY is specified, switch back to initial function of FUNCTIONS list after DELAY seconds. The functions in FUNCTIONS list take no args. e.g (defun foo () (message \"Run foo\")) (defun bar () (message \"Run bar\")) (defun baz () (message \"Run baz\")) \(helm-define-multi-key global-map \"<f5> q\" '(foo bar baz) 2) Each time \"<f5> q\" is pressed, the next function is executed. Waiting more than 2 seconds between key presses switches back to executing the first function on the next hit. \(fn KEYMAP KEY FUNCTIONS &optional DELAY)" nil nil) (autoload 'helm-multi-key-defun "helm" "\ Define NAME as a multi-key command running FUNS. After DELAY seconds, the FUNS list is reinitialized. See `helm-define-multi-key'. \(fn NAME DOCSTRING FUNS &optional DELAY)" nil t) (function-put 'helm-multi-key-defun 'lisp-indent-function '2) (autoload 'helm-define-key-with-subkeys "helm" "\ Defines in MAP a KEY and SUBKEY to COMMAND. This allows typing KEY to call COMMAND the first time and type only SUBKEY on subsequent calls. Arg MAP is the keymap to use, SUBKEY is the initial short key-binding to call COMMAND. Arg OTHER-SUBKEYS is an alist specifying other short key-bindings to use once started e.g: (helm-define-key-with-subkeys global-map (kbd \"C-x v n\") ?n 'git-gutter:next-hunk '((?p . git-gutter:previous-hunk))) In this example, `C-x v n' will run `git-gutter:next-hunk' subsequent \"n\"'s run this command again and subsequent \"p\"'s run `git-gutter:previous-hunk'. Arg MENU is a string displayed in minibuffer that describes SUBKEY and OTHER-SUBKEYS. Arg EXIT-FN specifies a function to run on exit. For any other keys pressed, run their assigned command as defined in MAP and then exit the loop running EXIT-FN, if specified. NOTE: SUBKEY and OTHER-SUBKEYS bindings support char syntax only \(e.g ?n), so don't use strings or vectors to define them. \(fn MAP KEY SUBKEY COMMAND &optional OTHER-SUBKEYS MENU EXIT-FN)" nil nil) (function-put 'helm-define-key-with-subkeys 'lisp-indent-function '1) (autoload 'helm-debug-open-last-log "helm" "\ Open helm log file or buffer of last helm session. \(fn)" t nil) (autoload 'helm "helm" "\ Main function to execute helm sources. Keywords supported: :sources :input :prompt :resume :preselect :buffer :keymap :default :history :allow-nest Extra LOCAL-VARS keywords are supported, see below. PLIST is a list like (:key1 val1 :key2 val2 ...) or \(&optional sources input prompt resume preselect buffer keymap default history). Basic keywords are the following: :sources A list of sources used for this session. It also accepts a symbol, interpreted as a variable of a helm source i.e (a symbol can be passed instead of a list of sources). It also accepts an alist representing a helm source, which is detected by (assq 'name ANY-SOURCES). NOTE: In this case the source is embedded in the helm command and have no symbol name, so it is not reachable from outside. It will be referenced in `helm-sources' as a whole alist. :input Temporary value of `helm-pattern', ie. initial input of minibuffer. :prompt Prompt other than \"pattern: \". :resume If t, Resurrect previously instance of `helm'. Skip the initialization. If 'noresume, this instance of `helm' cannot be resumed. :preselect Initially selected candidate. Specified by exact candidate or a regexp. :buffer `helm-buffer' instead of *helm*. :keymap `helm-map' for current `helm' session. :default A default argument that will be inserted in minibuffer with \\<minibuffer-local-map>\\[next-history-element]. When nil or not present `thing-at-point' will be used instead. If `helm--maybe-use-default-as-input' is non-`nil' display will be updated using :default arg as input unless :input is specified, which in this case will take precedence over :default. This is a string or a list. If list, car of the list becomes initial default input. \\<minibuffer-local-map>\\[next-history-element] cycles through the list items. :history Minibuffer input, by default, is pushed to `minibuffer-history'. When an argument HISTORY is provided, input is pushed to HISTORY. The HISTORY element should be a valid symbol. :allow-nest Allow running this helm command in a running helm session. Standard arguments are supported. These two are the same: \(helm :sources sources :input input :prompt prompt :resume resume :preselect preselect :buffer buffer :keymap keymap :default default :history history) and \(helm sources input prompt resume preselect buffer keymap default history) are the same for now. However, the use of non-keyword args is deprecated and should not be used. Other keywords are interpreted as local variables of this helm session. The `helm-' prefix can be omitted. For example, \(helm :sources 'helm-source-buffers-list :buffer \"*helm buffers*\" :candidate-number-limit 10) starts helm session with `helm-source-buffers' source in *helm buffers* buffer and sets variable `helm-candidate-number-limit' to 10 as a session local variable. \(fn &key SOURCES INPUT PROMPT RESUME PRESELECT BUFFER KEYMAP DEFAULT HISTORY ALLOW-NEST OTHER-LOCAL-VARS)" nil nil) (autoload 'helm-other-buffer "helm" "\ Simplified `helm' interface with other `helm-buffer'. Call `helm' only with ANY-SOURCES and ANY-BUFFER as args. \(fn ANY-SOURCES ANY-BUFFER)" nil nil) (autoload 'helm-debug-toggle "helm" "\ Enable/disable helm debugging from outside of helm session. \(fn)" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("helm-core-pkg.el" "helm-lib.el" "helm-multi-match.el" ;;;;;; "helm-source.el") (22523 21247 820436 589000)) ;;;*** ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; helm-core-autoloads.el ends here