;;; helm-spotify.el --- Control Spotify with Helm. ;; Copyright 2013 Kris Jenkins ;; ;; Author: Kris Jenkins <krisajenkins@gmail.com> ;; Maintainer: Kris Jenkins <krisajenkins@gmail.com> ;; Keywords: helm spotify ;; Package-Version: 20160905.1447 ;; URL: https://github.com/krisajenkins/helm-spotify ;; Created: 14th October 2013 ;; Version: 0.1.1 ;; Package-Requires: ((helm "0.0.0") (multi "2.0.0")) ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; A search & play interface for Spotify. ;; ;; Currently supports OSX, Linux & Windows. ;; ;; (Want support for another platform? There's a guide in the github README.) ;;; Code: ;;; API Reference: https://developer.spotify.com/technologies/web-api/ (require 'url) (require 'json) (require 'helm) (require 'multi) (defun alist-get (symbols alist) "Look up the value for the chain of SYMBOLS in ALIST." (if symbols (alist-get (cdr symbols) (assoc (car symbols) alist)) (cdr alist))) (defmulti spotify-play-href (href) "Get the Spotify app to play the object with the given HREF." system-type) (defmulti-method spotify-play-href 'darwin (href) (shell-command (format "osascript -e 'tell application %S to play track %S'" "Spotify" href))) (defmulti-method spotify-play-href 'gnu/linux (href) (shell-command "dbus-send --print-reply --session --type=method_call --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Pause") (shell-command (format "dbus-send --session --type=method_call --dest=org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.OpenUri \"string:%s\"" href))) (defmulti-method spotify-play-href 'windows-nt (href) (shell-command (format "explorer %S" href))) (defmulti-method-fallback spotify-play-href (href) (message "Sorry, helm-spotify does not support playing tracks on %S." system-type)) (defun spotify-play-track (track) "Get the Spotify app to play the TRACK." (spotify-play-href (alist-get '(uri) track))) (defun spotify-get-track (album-href) (let ((response (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously album-href) (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers) (json-read)))) (aref (alist-get '(tracks items) response) 0))) (defun spotify-play-album (track) "Get the Spotify app to play the album for this TRACK." (let ((first-track (spotify-get-track (alist-get '(album href) track)))) (spotify-play-href (alist-get '(uri) first-track)))) (defun spotify-search (search-term) "Search spotify for SEARCH-TERM, returning the results as a Lisp structure." (let ((a-url (format "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=%s&type=track" search-term))) (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously a-url) (goto-char url-http-end-of-headers) (json-read)))) (defun spotify-format-track (track) "Given a TRACK, return a a formatted string suitable for display." (let ((track-name (alist-get '(name) track)) (track-length (/ (alist-get '(duration_ms) track) 1000)) (album-name (alist-get '(album name) track)) (artist-names (mapcar (lambda (artist) (alist-get '(name) artist)) (alist-get '(artists) track)))) (format "%s (%dm%0.2ds)\n%s - %s" track-name (/ track-length 60) (mod track-length 60) (mapconcat 'identity artist-names "/") album-name))) (defun spotify-search-formatted (search-term) (mapcar (lambda (track) (cons (spotify-format-track track) track)) (alist-get '(tracks items) (spotify-search search-term)))) (defun helm-spotify-search () (spotify-search-formatted helm-pattern)) (defun helm-spotify-actions-for-track (actions track) "Return a list of helm ACTIONS available for this TRACK." `((,(format "Play Track - %s" (alist-get '(name) track)) . spotify-play-track) (,(format "Play Album - %s" (alist-get '(album name) track)) . spotify-play-album) ("Show Track Metadata" . pp))) ;;;###autoload (defvar helm-source-spotify-track-search '((name . "Spotify") (volatile) (delayed) (multiline) (requires-pattern . 2) (candidates-process . helm-spotify-search) (action-transformer . helm-spotify-actions-for-track))) ;;;###autoload (defun helm-spotify () "Bring up a Spotify search interface in helm." (interactive) (helm :sources '(helm-source-spotify-track-search) :buffer "*helm-spotify*")) (provide 'helm-spotify) ;;; helm-spotify.el ends here