;;; magithub-issue.el --- Browse issues with Magithub  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2016  Sean Allred

;; Author: Sean Allred <code@seanallred.com>
;; Keywords: tools

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Jump to issues from `magit-status'!

;;; Code:

(require 'magit)
(require 'magit-section)

(require 'magithub-core)
(require 'magithub-cache)

(magit-define-popup magithub-issues-popup
  "Popup console for creating GitHub issues."
  :man-page "hub"
  :options '((?l "Add labels" "--label=" magithub-issue-read-labels))
  :actions '((?c "Create new issue" magithub-issue-new)))

(defvar magithub-issue-format
  (list :number " %3d "
        :title " %s ")
  "These properties will be inserted in the order in which their
found.  See `magithub-issue--process-line'.")

(defun magithub-issue-new ()
  "Create a new issue on GitHub."
  (unless (magithub-github-repository-p)
    (user-error "Not a GitHub repository"))
   "issue" (cons "create" (magithub-issues-arguments))))

(defun magithub-issue-label-list ()
  "Return a list of issue labels.
This is a hard-coded list right now."
  (list "bug" "duplicate" "enhancement"
        "help wanted" "invalid" "question" "wontfix"))

(defun magithub-issue-read-labels (prompt &optional default)
  "Read some issue labels and return a comma-separated string.
Available issues are provided by `magithub-issue-label-list'.

DEFAULT is a comma-separated list of issues -- those issues that
are in DEFAULT are not prompted for again."
  ;; todo: probably need to add DEFAULT to the top here
    (format "%s... %s" prompt "Issue labels (or \"\" to quit): ")
    (let* ((default-labels (when default (s-split "," default t))))
      (cl-set-difference (magithub-issue-label-list) default-labels)))))

(defun magithub-issue--process-line (s)
  "Process a line S into an issue.

Returns a plist with the following properties:

  :number  issue or pull request number
  :type    either 'pull-request or 'issue
  :title   the title of the issue or pull request
  :url     link to issue or pull request"
  (let (number title url)
    (if (ignore-errors
            (insert s)
            (goto-char 0)
            (search-forward "]")
            (setq number (string-to-number (substring s 0 (point))))
            (setq title (substring s (point)
                                     (goto-char (point-max))
                                     (- (search-backward "(") 2))))
            (goto-char (point-max))
            (delete-char -2)
            (search-backward "(")
            (forward-char 2)
            (setq url (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-max)))
        (list :number number
              :type (if (string-match-p (rx "/pull/" (+ digit) eos) url)
                        'pull-request 'issue)
              :title title
              :url url)
       "failed to parse issue"
       "There was an error parsing issues."))))

(defun magithub-issue-list ()
  "Return a list of issues for the current repository."
  (magithub-cache (magithub-repo-id) :issues
    '(with-temp-message "Retrieving issue list..."

(defun magithub-issue-list--internal ()
  (sort (mapcar #'magithub-issue--process-line
                (magithub--command-output "issue"))
        (lambda (a b) (< (plist-get a :number)
                         (plist-get b :number)))))

(defun magithub-issue--insert (issue)
  "Insert an `issue' as a Magit section into the buffer."
  (when issue
    (magit-insert-section (magithub-issue issue)
      (let ((formats (or magithub-issue-format
                         (list :number " %3d " :title " %s ")))
        (while formats
          (let ((key (car formats)) (fmt (cadr formats)))
            (setq s (concat s (format fmt (plist-get issue key)))))
          (setq formats (cddr formats)))
          s 'face
          (when (eq (plist-get issue :type) 'pull-request)
      (insert ?\n))))

(defun magithub-issue-browse (issue)
  "Visits `issue' in the browser.
Interactively, this finds the issue at point.

If `issue' is nil, open the repository's issues page."
  (interactive (list (magit-section-value
   (if (plist-member issue :url)
       (plist-get issue :url)
     (car (magithub--command-output "browse" '("--url-only" "--" "issues"))))))

(defun magithub-issue-refresh ()
  (magithub-cache-clear (magithub-repo-id) :issues)
  (when (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode)

(defvar magit-magithub-issue-section-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map [remap magit-visit-thing] #'magithub-issue-browse)
    (define-key map [remap magit-refresh] #'magithub-issue-refresh)
  "Keymap for `magithub-issue' sections.")

(defvar magit-magithub-issue-list-section-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map [remap magit-visit-thing] #'magithub-issue-browse)
    (define-key map [remap magit-refresh] #'magithub-issue-refresh)
  "Keymap for `magithub-issue-list' sections.")

(defun magithub-issue--insert-section ()
  "Insert GitHub issues if appropriate."
  (when (magithub-usable-p)
    (let* ((issues (magithub-issue-list)))
      (magit-insert-section (magithub-issue-list)
        (magit-insert-heading "Issues and Pull Requests:")
        (if issues (mapc #'magithub-issue--insert issues)
          (insert "  No issues.\n"))))))

;;; Hook into the status buffer
(defun magithub-toggle-issues ()
  (if (memq #'magithub-issue--insert-section magit-status-sections-hook)
      (remove-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook #'magithub-issue--insert-section)
    (if (executable-find magithub-hub-executable)
        (add-hook ' magit-status-sections-hook #'magithub-issue--insert-section t)
      (message "Magithub: (magithub-toggle-issues) `hub' isn't installed, so I can't insert issues")))
  (when (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode)
  (memq #'magithub-issue--insert-section magit-status-sections-hook))


(provide 'magithub-issue)
;;; magithub-issue.el ends here