;;; magithub-ci.el --- Show CI status as a magit-status header  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2016  Sean Allred

;; Author: Sean Allred <code@seanallred.com>
;; Keywords: tools

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

;;; Commentary:

;; Provide the CI status of "origin" in the Magit status buffer.

;;; Code:

(require 'magit)
(require 'magit-section)
(require 'magit-popup)

(require 'magithub-core)
(require 'magithub-cache)

(defun magithub-ci-enabled-p ()
  "Non-nil if CI is enabled for this repository.
If magithub.ci.enabled is not set, CI is considered to be enabled."
  (when (member (magit-get "magithub" "ci" "enabled") '(nil "yes")) t))
(defun magithub-ci-disable ()
  "Disable CI for this repository."
  (magit-set "no" "magithub" "ci" "enabled"))
(defun magithub-ci-enable ()
  "Enable CI for this repository."
  (magit-set "yes" "magithub" "ci" "enabled"))

(defun magithub-maybe-insert-ci-status-header ()
  "If this is a GitHub repository, insert the CI status header."
  (when (and (magithub-ci-enabled-p)

(defun magithub-ci-toggle ()
  "Toggle CI integration."
  (if (magithub-ci-enabled-p)
  (when (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode)

(magit-define-popup-action 'magithub-dispatch-popup
  ?~ "Toggle CI for this repository" #'magithub-ci-toggle ?`)

(defun magithub-ci-status ()
  "One of 'success, 'error, 'failure, 'pending, or 'no-status."
  (let ((same-commit
         (string-equal (magit-rev-parse "HEAD")
    (unless same-commit
      (magithub-cache-clear (magithub-repo-id) :ci-status))
    (if (eq (magithub-cache-value (magithub-repo-id) :ci-status)
      (magithub-cache (magithub-repo-id) :ci-status

(defun magithub-ci-status-current-commit (&optional new-value)
  "The commit our cached value corresponds to."
  (let ((keys (list "magithub" "ci" "lastCommit")))
    (if new-value (apply #'magit-set new-value keys)
      (apply #'magit-get keys))))

(defun magithub-ci-status--internal (&optional for-commit)
  "One of 'success, 'error, 'failure, 'pending, or 'no-status."
  (with-temp-message "Updating CI status..."
    (let* ((current-commit (magit-rev-parse "HEAD"))
           (last-commit (or for-commit current-commit))
           (output (car (magithub--command-output "ci-status" `("-v" ,last-commit)))))
      (if (string-match (rx bos (group (+ (any alpha space)))
                            (? ": " (group (+ (not (any " "))))) eos)
          (let (status url)
            (setq status (intern (replace-regexp-in-string "\s" "-" (match-string 1 output)))
                  url (match-string 2 output))
            (when url (magit-set url "magithub" "ci" "url"))
            (if (and (not for-commit) (eq status 'no-status))
                (let ((last-commit (magithub-ci-status--last-commit)))
                  (unless (string-equal current-commit last-commit)
                    (magithub-ci-status--internal last-commit))
                  (magithub-ci-status-current-commit current-commit)
              (magithub-ci-status-current-commit current-commit)
        (setq magithub-hub-error
               (concat "Hub didn't have any output for \"ci-status\"!\n"
                       "Are you connected to the internet?\n"
                       "Consider submitting an issue to github/hub.")))

(defun magithub-ci-status--last-commit ()
  "Find the commit considered to have the current CI status.
Right now, this finds the most recent commit without

    [ci skip]


    [skip ci]

in the commit message.

See the following resources:

 - https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/customizing-the-build#Skipping-a-build
 - https://circleci.com/docs/skip-a-build/"
  (let* ((args '("--invert-grep"
                 "--grep=\\[ci skip\\]"
                 "--grep=\\[skip ci\\]"
         (output (magit-git-lines "log" args)))
    (car (split-string (car output)))))

(defvar magithub-ci-status-alist
  '((no-status . "None")
    (error . "Error")
    (internal-error . magithub-ci--hub-error-string)
    (failure . "Failure")
    (pending . "Pending")
    (success . "Success")))

(defun magithub-ci--hub-error-string ()
  "Internal error string."
  (format "Internal error!\n%s" magithub-hub-error))

(defface magithub-ci-no-status
  '((((class color)) :inherit magit-dimmed))
  "Face used when CI status is `no-status'."
  :group 'magithub-faces)

(defface magithub-ci-error
  '((((class color)) :inherit magit-signature-untrusted))
  "Face used when CI status is `error'."
  :group 'magithub-faces)

(defface magithub-ci-pending
  '((((class color)) :inherit magit-signature-untrusted))
  "Face used when CI status is `pending'."
  :group 'magithub-faces)

(defface magithub-ci-success
  '((((class color)) :inherit magit-signature-good))
  "Face used when CI status is `success'."
  :group 'magithub-faces)

(defface magithub-ci-failure
  '((((class color)) :inherit magit-signature-bad))
  "Face used when CI status is `'"
  :group 'magithub-faces)

(defface magithub-ci-unknown
  '((((class color)) :inherit magit-signature-untrusted))
  "Face used when CI status is `unknown'."
  :group 'magithub-faces)

(defun magithub-ci-visit ()
  "Browse the CI.
Sets up magithub.ci.url if necessary."
  (let ((var-value (magit-get "magithub" "ci" "url")))
    (unless var-value
       (setq var-value (read-from-minibuffer "I don't know the CI URL yet -- what is it?  I'll remember: ")
             var-value (if (string-equal "" var-value) nil var-value))
       "magithub" "ci" "url"))
    (browse-url var-value)))

(defvar magit-magithub-ci-status-section-map
  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key map [remap magit-visit-thing] #'magithub-ci-visit)
    (define-key map [remap magit-refresh] #'magithub-ci-refresh)
  "Keymap for `magithub-ci-status' header section.")

(defun magithub-ci-refresh ()
  "Invalidate the CI cache and refresh the buffer."
  (magithub-cache-clear (magithub-repo-id) :ci-status)
  (when (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode)

(defun magithub-insert-ci-status-header ()
  (let* ((status (magithub-ci-status))
         (face   (intern (format "magithub-ci-%s"
                                 (symbol-name status))))
         (status-val (cdr (assq status magithub-ci-status-alist))))
    (magit-insert-section (magithub-ci-status)
      (insert (format "%-10s" "CI: "))
      (insert (propertize
                ((stringp status-val) status-val)
                ((functionp status-val) (funcall status-val))
                (t (format "%S" status-val)))
               'face (if (facep face) face 'magithub-ci-unknown)))
      (insert ?\n))))

(defun magithub-toggle-ci-status-header ()
  (if (memq #'magithub-maybe-insert-ci-status-header magit-status-headers-hook)
      (remove-hook 'magit-status-headers-hook #'magithub-maybe-insert-ci-status-header)
    (if (executable-find magithub-hub-executable)
        (add-hook 'magit-status-headers-hook #'magithub-maybe-insert-ci-status-header t)
      (message "Magithub: (magithub-toggle-ci-status-header) `hub' isn't installed, so I can't insert the CI header")))
  (when (derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode)


(provide 'magithub-ci)
;;; magithub-ci.el ends here