;;; seq-tests.el --- Tests for sequences.el ;; Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Nicolas Petton <nicolas@petton.fr> ;; Maintainer: emacs-devel@gnu.org ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ;;; Commentary: ;; Tests for seq.el ;;; Code: (require 'ert) (require 'seq) (defmacro with-test-sequences (spec &rest body) "Successively bind VAR to a list, vector, and string built from SEQ. Evaluate BODY for each created sequence. \(fn (var seq) body)" (declare (indent 1) (debug ((symbolp form) body))) (let ((initial-seq (make-symbol "initial-seq"))) `(let ((,initial-seq ,(cadr spec))) ,@(mapcar (lambda (s) `(let ((,(car spec) (apply (function ,s) ,initial-seq))) ,@body)) '(list vector string))))) (defun same-contents-p (seq1 seq2) "Return t if SEQ1 and SEQ2 have the same contents, nil otherwise." (equal (append seq1 '()) (append seq2 '()))) (defun test-sequences-evenp (integer) "Return t if INTEGER is even." (eq (logand integer 1) 0)) (defun test-sequences-oddp (integer) "Return t if INTEGER is odd." (not (test-sequences-evenp integer))) (ert-deftest test-seq-drop () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4)) (should (equal (seq-drop seq 0) seq)) (should (equal (seq-drop seq 1) (seq-subseq seq 1))) (should (equal (seq-drop seq 2) (seq-subseq seq 2))) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-drop seq 4))) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-drop seq 10)))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-drop seq 0))) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-drop seq 1))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-take () (with-test-sequences (seq '(2 3 4 5)) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-take seq 0))) (should (= (seq-length (seq-take seq 1)) 1)) (should (= (seq-elt (seq-take seq 1) 0) 2)) (should (same-contents-p (seq-take seq 3) '(2 3 4))) (should (equal (seq-take seq 10) seq)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-drop-while () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 3 2 4)) (should (equal (seq-drop-while #'test-sequences-oddp seq) (seq-drop seq 2))) (should (equal (seq-drop-while #'test-sequences-evenp seq) seq)) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-drop-while #'numberp seq)))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-drop-while #'test-sequences-oddp seq))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-take-while () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 3 2 4)) (should (equal (seq-take-while #'test-sequences-oddp seq) (seq-take seq 2))) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-take-while #'test-sequences-evenp seq))) (should (equal (seq-take-while #'numberp seq) seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-take-while #'test-sequences-oddp seq))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-map-indexed () (should (equal (seq-map-indexed (lambda (elt i) (list elt i)) nil) nil)) (should (equal (seq-map-indexed (lambda (elt i) (list elt i)) '(a b c d)) '((a 0) (b 1) (c 2) (d 3))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-filter () (with-test-sequences (seq '(6 7 8 9 10)) (should (equal (seq-filter #'test-sequences-evenp seq) '(6 8 10))) (should (equal (seq-filter #'test-sequences-oddp seq) '(7 9))) (should (equal (seq-filter (lambda (elt) nil) seq) '()))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (equal (seq-filter #'test-sequences-evenp seq) '())))) (ert-deftest test-seq-remove () (with-test-sequences (seq '(6 7 8 9 10)) (should (equal (seq-remove #'test-sequences-evenp seq) '(7 9))) (should (equal (seq-remove #'test-sequences-oddp seq) '(6 8 10))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-remove (lambda (elt) nil) seq) seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (equal (seq-remove #'test-sequences-evenp seq) '())))) (ert-deftest test-seq-count () (with-test-sequences (seq '(6 7 8 9 10)) (should (equal (seq-count #'test-sequences-evenp seq) 3)) (should (equal (seq-count #'test-sequences-oddp seq) 2)) (should (equal (seq-count (lambda (elt) nil) seq) 0))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (equal (seq-count #'test-sequences-evenp seq) 0)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-reduce () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4)) (should (= (seq-reduce #'+ seq 0) 10)) (should (= (seq-reduce #'+ seq 5) 15))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (eq (seq-reduce #'+ seq 0) 0)) (should (eq (seq-reduce #'+ seq 7) 7)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-some () (with-test-sequences (seq '(4 3 2 1)) (should (seq-some #'test-sequences-evenp seq)) (should (seq-some #'test-sequences-oddp seq)) (should-not (seq-some (lambda (elt) (> elt 10)) seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should-not (seq-some #'test-sequences-oddp seq))) (should (seq-some #'null '(1 nil 2)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-find () (with-test-sequences (seq '(4 3 2 1)) (should (= 4 (seq-find #'test-sequences-evenp seq))) (should (= 3 (seq-find #'test-sequences-oddp seq))) (should-not (seq-find (lambda (elt) (> elt 10)) seq))) (should-not (seq-find #'null '(1 nil 2))) (should-not (seq-find #'null '(1 nil 2) t)) (should-not (seq-find #'null '(1 2 3))) (should (seq-find #'null '(1 2 3) 'sentinel))) (ert-deftest test-seq-contains () (with-test-sequences (seq '(3 4 5 6)) (should (seq-contains seq 3)) (should-not (seq-contains seq 7))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should-not (seq-contains seq 3)) (should-not (seq-contains seq nil)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-every-p () (with-test-sequences (seq '(43 54 22 1)) (should (seq-every-p (lambda (elt) t) seq)) (should-not (seq-every-p #'test-sequences-oddp seq)) (should-not (seq-every-p #'test-sequences-evenp seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '(42 54 22 2)) (should (seq-every-p #'test-sequences-evenp seq)) (should-not (seq-every-p #'test-sequences-oddp seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (seq-every-p #'identity seq)) (should (seq-every-p #'test-sequences-evenp seq)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-empty-p () (with-test-sequences (seq '(0)) (should-not (seq-empty-p seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '(0 1 2)) (should-not (seq-empty-p seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (seq-empty-p seq)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-sort () (should (equal (seq-sort #'< "cbaf") "abcf")) (should (equal (seq-sort #'< '(2 1 9 4)) '(1 2 4 9))) (should (equal (seq-sort #'< [2 1 9 4]) [1 2 4 9])) (should (equal (seq-sort #'< "") ""))) (ert-deftest test-seq-uniq () (with-test-sequences (seq '(2 4 6 8 6 4 3)) (should (equal (seq-uniq seq) '(2 4 6 8 3)))) (with-test-sequences (seq '(3 3 3 3 3)) (should (equal (seq-uniq seq) '(3)))) (with-test-sequences (seq '()) (should (equal (seq-uniq seq) '())))) (ert-deftest test-seq-subseq () (with-test-sequences (seq '(2 3 4 5)) (should (equal (seq-subseq seq 0 4) seq)) (should (same-contents-p (seq-subseq seq 2 4) '(4 5))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-subseq seq 1 3) '(3 4))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-subseq seq 1 -1) '(3 4)))) (should (vectorp (seq-subseq [2 3 4 5] 2))) (should (stringp (seq-subseq "foo" 2 3))) (should (listp (seq-subseq '(2 3 4 4) 2 3))) (should-error (seq-subseq '(1 2 3) 4)) (should-not (seq-subseq '(1 2 3) 3)) (should (seq-subseq '(1 2 3) -3)) (should-error (seq-subseq '(1 2 3) 1 4)) (should (seq-subseq '(1 2 3) 1 3))) (ert-deftest test-seq-concatenate () (with-test-sequences (seq '(2 4 6)) (should (equal (seq-concatenate 'string seq [8]) (string 2 4 6 8))) (should (equal (seq-concatenate 'list seq '(8 10)) '(2 4 6 8 10))) (should (equal (seq-concatenate 'vector seq '(8 10)) [2 4 6 8 10])) (should (equal (seq-concatenate 'vector nil '(8 10)) [8 10])) (should (equal (seq-concatenate 'vector seq nil) [2 4 6])))) (ert-deftest test-seq-mapcat () (should (equal (seq-mapcat #'seq-reverse '((3 2 1) (6 5 4))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))) (should (equal (seq-mapcat #'seq-reverse '[(3 2 1) (6 5 4)]) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))) (should (equal (seq-mapcat #'seq-reverse '((3 2 1) (6 5 4)) 'vector) '[1 2 3 4 5 6]))) (ert-deftest test-seq-partition () (should (same-contents-p (seq-partition '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 3) '((0 1 2) (3 4 5) (6 7)))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-partition '[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] 3) '([0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7]))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-partition "Hello world" 2) '("He" "ll" "o " "wo" "rl" "d"))) (should (equal (seq-partition '() 2) '())) (should (equal (seq-partition '(1 2 3) -1) '()))) (ert-deftest test-seq-group-by () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4)) (should (equal (seq-group-by #'test-sequences-oddp seq) '((t 1 3) (nil 2 4))))) (should (equal (seq-group-by #'car '((a 1) (b 3) (c 4) (a 2))) '((b (b 3)) (c (c 4)) (a (a 1) (a 2)))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-reverse () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4)) (should (same-contents-p (seq-reverse seq) '(4 3 2 1))) (should (equal (type-of (seq-reverse seq)) (type-of seq))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-into () (let* ((vector [1 2 3]) (list (seq-into vector 'list))) (should (same-contents-p vector list)) (should (listp list))) (let* ((list '(hello world)) (vector (seq-into list 'vector))) (should (same-contents-p vector list)) (should (vectorp vector))) (let* ((string "hello") (list (seq-into string 'list))) (should (same-contents-p string list)) (should (stringp string))) (let* ((string "hello") (vector (seq-into string 'vector))) (should (same-contents-p string vector)) (should (stringp string))) (let* ((list nil) (vector (seq-into list 'vector))) (should (same-contents-p list vector)) (should (vectorp vector)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-intersection () (let ((v1 [2 3 4 5]) (v2 [1 3 5 6 7])) (should (same-contents-p (seq-intersection v1 v2) '(3 5)))) (let ((l1 '(2 3 4 5)) (l2 '(1 3 5 6 7))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-intersection l1 l2) '(3 5)))) (let ((v1 [2 4 6]) (v2 [1 3 5])) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-intersection v1 v2))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-difference () (let ((v1 [2 3 4 5]) (v2 [1 3 5 6 7])) (should (same-contents-p (seq-difference v1 v2) '(2 4)))) (let ((l1 '(2 3 4 5)) (l2 '(1 3 5 6 7))) (should (same-contents-p (seq-difference l1 l2) '(2 4)))) (let ((v1 [2 4 6]) (v2 [2 4 6])) (should (seq-empty-p (seq-difference v1 v2))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-let () (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4)) (seq-let (a b c d e) seq (should (= a 1)) (should (= b 2)) (should (= c 3)) (should (= d 4)) (should (null e))) (seq-let (a b &rest others) seq (should (= a 1)) (should (= b 2)) (should (same-contents-p others (seq-drop seq 2))))) (let ((seq '(1 (2 (3 (4)))))) (seq-let (_ (_ (_ (a)))) seq (should (= a 4)))) (let (seq) (seq-let (a b c) seq (should (null a)) (should (null b)) (should (null c))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-min-max () (with-test-sequences (seq '(4 5 3 2 0 4)) (should (= (seq-min seq) 0)) (should (= (seq-max seq) 5)))) (ert-deftest test-seq-position () (with-test-sequences (seq '(2 4 6)) (should (null (seq-position seq 1))) (should (= (seq-position seq 4) 1))) (let ((seq '(a b c))) (should (null (seq-position seq 'd #'eq))) (should (= (seq-position seq 'a #'eq) 0)) (should (null (seq-position seq (make-symbol "a") #'eq))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-mapn () (should-error (seq-mapn #'identity)) (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) (should (equal (append seq nil) (seq-mapn #'identity seq))) (should (equal (seq-mapn #'1+ seq) (seq-map #'1+ seq))) (with-test-sequences (seq-2 '(10 20 30 40 50)) (should (equal (seq-mapn #'+ seq seq-2) '(11 22 33 44 55))) (should (equal (seq-mapn #'+ seq seq-2 nil) nil))))) (ert-deftest test-seq-sort-by () (let ((seq ["x" "xx" "xxx"])) (should (equal (seq-sort-by #'seq-length #'> seq) ["xxx" "xx" "x"])))) (provide 'seq-tests) ;;; seq-tests.el ends here