;;; gh-pull-comments.el --- pull request comments api for github ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Toni Reina ;; Author: Toni Reina ;; Keywords: ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; TODOS: ;; * Support listing all comments in a repository ;; Basic usage: ;; (setf api (gh-pull-comments-api "api" :sync nil :cache nil :num-retries 1)) ;; (setf comments (gh-pull-comments-list api "user" "repo" "pull request id")) ;; (setq my-comment (make-instance 'gh-pull-comments-comment ;; :body "This is great!" ;; :path "README.md" ;; :position 2 ;; :commit-id "commit sha")) ;; (gh-pull-comments-new api "user" "repo" "pull request id" my-comment) ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;;;###autoload (require 'eieio) (require 'gh-api) (require 'gh-auth) (require 'gh-common) (defclass gh-pull-comments-api (gh-api-v3) ((pull-comment-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-pull-comments-comment)) "GitHub Pull Request Comments API") (defclass gh-pull-comments-comment (gh-object) ((url :initarg :url) (html-url :initarg :html-url) (id :initarg :id) (body :initarg :body) (user :initarg :user :initform nil) (path :initarg :path) (diff-hunk :initarg :diff-hunk) (position :initarg :position) (original-position :initarg :original-position) (commit-id :initarg :commit-id) (original-commit-id :initarg :original-commit-id) (in-reply-to :initarg :in-reply-to :initform nil) (created-at :initarg :created_at) (updated-at :initarg :updated_at) (user-cls :allocation :class :initform gh-user)) "Class for Pull Requests comments") (defmethod gh-object-read-into ((comment gh-pull-comments-comment) data) (call-next-method) (with-slots (url html-url id body user path diff-hunk position original-position commit-id original-commit-id in-reply-to created-at updated-at) comment (setq url (gh-read data 'url) html-url (gh-read data 'html_url) id (gh-read data 'id) body (gh-read data 'body) user (gh-object-read (or (oref comment :user) (oref comment user-cls)) (gh-read data 'user)) path (gh-read data 'path) diff-hunk (gh-read data 'diff_hunk) position (gh-read data 'position) original-position (gh-read data 'original_position) commit-id (gh-read data 'commit_id) original-commit-id (gh-read data 'original_commit_id) in-reply-to (gh-read data 'in_reply_to) created-at (gh-read data 'created_at) updated-at (gh-read data 'updated_at)))) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-list ((api gh-pull-comments-api) user repo pull-id) (gh-api-authenticated-request api (gh-object-list-reader (oref api pull-comment-cls)) "GET" (format "/repos/%s/%s/pulls/%s/comments" user repo pull-id))) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-get ((api gh-pull-comments-api) user repo pull-id) (gh-api-authenticated-request api (gh-object-reader (oref api pull-comment-cls)) "GET" (format "/repos/%s/%s/pulls/comments/%s" user repo pull-id))) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-req-to-create ((req gh-pull-comments-comment)) (let ((in-reply-to (oref req in-reply-to)) (to-update `(("body" . ,(oref req body))))) (if in-reply-to (nconc to-update `(("in_reply_to" . ,in-reply-to))) (nconc to-update `(("commit_id" . ,(oref req commit-id)) ("path" . ,(oref req path)) ("position" . ,(oref req position))))) to-update)) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-req-to-update ((req gh-pull-comments-comment)) `(("body" . ,(oref req body)))) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-update ((api gh-pull-comments-api) user repo comment-id comment) (gh-api-authenticated-request api (gh-object-reader (oref api pull-comment-cls)) "PATCH" (format "/repos/%s/%s/pulls/comments/%s" user repo comment-id) (gh-pull-comments-req-to-update comment))) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-new ((api gh-pull-comments-api) user repo pull-id comment) (gh-api-authenticated-request api (gh-object-reader (oref api pull-comment-cls)) "POST" (format "/repos/%s/%s/pulls/%s/comments" user repo pull-id) (gh-pull-comments-req-to-create comment))) (defmethod gh-pull-comments-delete ((api gh-pull-comments-api) user repo comment-id) (gh-api-authenticated-request api nil "DELETE" (format "/repos/%s/%s/pulls/comments/%s" user repo comment-id))) (provide 'gh-pull-comments) ;;; gh-pull-comments.el ends here ;; Local Variables: ;; indent-tabs-mode: nil ;; End: