diff --git a/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-autoloads.el b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-autoloads.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66e958e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-autoloads.el
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+;;; hydra-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
+;;; Code:
+(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "hydra" "hydra.el" (22501 5659 447421 78000))
+;;; Generated autoloads from hydra.el
+(autoload 'defhydra "hydra" "\
+Create a Hydra - a family of functions with prefix NAME.
+NAME should be a symbol, it will be the prefix of all functions
+defined here.
+BODY has the format:
+DOCSTRING will be displayed in the echo area to identify the
+Hydra. When DOCSTRING starts with a newline, special Ruby-style
+substitution will be performed by `hydra--format'.
+Functions are created on basis of HEADS, each of which has the
+ (KEY CMD &optional HINT &rest PLIST)
+BODY-MAP is a keymap; `global-map' is used quite often. Each
+function generated from HEADS will be bound in BODY-MAP to
+BODY-KEY + KEY (both are strings passed to `kbd'), and will set
+the transient map so that all following heads can be called
+though KEY only. BODY-KEY can be an empty string.
+CMD is a callable expression: either an interactive function
+name, or an interactive lambda, or a single sexp (it will be
+wrapped in an interactive lambda).
+HINT is a short string that identifies its head. It will be
+printed beside KEY in the echo erea if `hydra-is-helpful' is not
+nil. If you don't even want the KEY to be printed, set HINT
+explicitly to nil.
+The heads inherit their PLIST from BODY-PLIST and are allowed to
+override some keys. The keys recognized are :exit and :bind.
+:exit can be:
+- nil (default): this head will continue the Hydra state.
+- t: this head will stop the Hydra state.
+:bind can be:
+- nil: this head will not be bound in BODY-MAP.
+- a lambda taking KEY and CMD used to bind a head.
+It is possible to omit both BODY-MAP and BODY-KEY if you don't
+want to bind anything. In that case, typically you will bind the
+generated NAME/body command. This command is also the return
+result of `defhydra'.
+\(fn NAME BODY &optional DOCSTRING &rest HEADS)" nil t)
+(put 'defhydra 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
+;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("hydra-examples.el" "hydra-ox.el" "hydra-pkg.el"
+;;;;;; "lv.el") (22501 5659 473131 612000))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; version-control: never
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; no-update-autoloads: t
+;; End:
+;;; hydra-autoloads.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-examples.el b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-examples.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f75b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-examples.el
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+;;; hydra-examples.el --- Some applications for Hydra
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Oleh Krehel
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; These are the sample Hydras.
+;; If you want to use them plainly, set `hydra-examples-verbatim' to t
+;; before requiring this file. But it's probably better to only look
+;; at them and use them as templates for building your own.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'hydra)
+;;* Examples
+;;** Example 1: text scale
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "")
+ "zoom"
+ ("g" text-scale-increase "in")
+ ("l" text-scale-decrease "out")))
+;; This example generates three commands:
+;; `hydra-zoom/text-scale-increase'
+;; `hydra-zoom/text-scale-decrease'
+;; `hydra-zoom/body'
+;; In addition, two of them are bound like this:
+;; (global-set-key (kbd " g") 'hydra-zoom/text-scale-increase)
+;; (global-set-key (kbd " l") 'hydra-zoom/text-scale-decrease)
+;; Note that you can substitute `global-map' with e.g. `emacs-lisp-mode-map' if you need.
+;; The functions generated will be the same, except the binding code will change to:
+;; (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map [f2 103]
+;; (function hydra-zoom/text-scale-increase))
+;; (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map [f2 108]
+;; (function hydra-zoom/text-scale-decrease))
+;;** Example 2: move window splitter
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (defhydra hydra-splitter (global-map "C-M-s")
+ "splitter"
+ ("h" hydra-move-splitter-left)
+ ("j" hydra-move-splitter-down)
+ ("k" hydra-move-splitter-up)
+ ("l" hydra-move-splitter-right)))
+;;** Example 3: jump to error
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (defhydra hydra-error (global-map "M-g")
+ "goto-error"
+ ("h" first-error "first")
+ ("j" next-error "next")
+ ("k" previous-error "prev")
+ ("v" recenter-top-bottom "recenter")
+ ("q" nil "quit")))
+;; This example introduces only one new thing: since the command
+;; passed to the "q" head is nil, it will quit the Hydra without doing
+;; anything. Heads that quit the Hydra instead of continuing are
+;; referred to as having blue :color. All the other heads have red
+;; :color, unless other is specified.
+;;** Example 4: toggle rarely used modes
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (defvar whitespace-mode nil)
+ (global-set-key
+ (kbd "C-c C-v")
+ (defhydra hydra-toggle-simple (:color blue)
+ "toggle"
+ ("a" abbrev-mode "abbrev")
+ ("d" toggle-debug-on-error "debug")
+ ("f" auto-fill-mode "fill")
+ ("t" toggle-truncate-lines "truncate")
+ ("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace")
+ ("q" nil "cancel"))))
+;; Note that in this case, `defhydra' returns the `hydra-toggle-simple/body'
+;; symbol, which is then passed to `global-set-key'.
+;; Another new thing is that both the keymap and the body prefix are
+;; skipped. This means that `defhydra' will bind nothing - that's why
+;; `global-set-key' is necessary.
+;; One more new thing is that you can assign a :color to the body. All
+;; heads will inherit this color. The code above is very much equivalent to:
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v a") 'abbrev-mode)
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v d") 'toggle-debug-on-error)
+;; The differences are:
+;; * You get a hint immediately after "C-c C-v"
+;; * You can cancel and call a command immediately, e.g. "C-c C-v C-n"
+;; is equivalent to "C-n" with Hydra approach, while it will error
+;; that "C-c C-v C-n" isn't bound with the usual approach.
+;;** Example 5: mini-vi
+(defun hydra-vi/pre ()
+ (set-cursor-color "#e52b50"))
+(defun hydra-vi/post ()
+ (set-cursor-color "#ffffff"))
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (global-set-key
+ (kbd "C-z")
+ (defhydra hydra-vi (:pre hydra-vi/pre :post hydra-vi/post :color amaranth)
+ "vi"
+ ("l" forward-char)
+ ("h" backward-char)
+ ("j" next-line)
+ ("k" previous-line)
+ ("m" set-mark-command "mark")
+ ("a" move-beginning-of-line "beg")
+ ("e" move-end-of-line "end")
+ ("d" delete-region "del" :color blue)
+ ("y" kill-ring-save "yank" :color blue)
+ ("q" nil "quit")))
+ (hydra-set-property 'hydra-vi :verbosity 1))
+;; This example introduces :color amaranth. It's similar to red,
+;; except while you can quit red with any binding which isn't a Hydra
+;; head, you can quit amaranth only with a blue head. So you can quit
+;; this mode only with "d", "y", "q" or "C-g".
+;; Another novelty are the :pre and :post handlers. :pre will be
+;; called before each command, while :post will be called when the
+;; Hydra quits. In this case, they're used to override the cursor
+;; color while Hydra is active.
+;;** Example 6: selective global bind
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (defhydra hydra-next-error (global-map "C-x")
+ "next-error"
+ ("`" next-error "next")
+ ("j" next-error "next" :bind nil)
+ ("k" previous-error "previous" :bind nil)))
+;; This example will bind "C-x `" in `global-map', but it will not
+;; bind "C-x j" and "C-x k".
+;; You can still "C-x `jjk" though.
+;;** Example 7: toggle with Ruby-style docstring
+(defvar whitespace-mode nil)
+(defhydra hydra-toggle (:color pink)
+ "
+_a_ abbrev-mode: %`abbrev-mode
+_d_ debug-on-error: %`debug-on-error
+_f_ auto-fill-mode: %`auto-fill-function
+_t_ truncate-lines: %`truncate-lines
+_w_ whitespace-mode: %`whitespace-mode
+ ("a" abbrev-mode nil)
+ ("d" toggle-debug-on-error nil)
+ ("f" auto-fill-mode nil)
+ ("t" toggle-truncate-lines nil)
+ ("w" whitespace-mode nil)
+ ("q" nil "quit"))
+;; Recommended binding:
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v") 'hydra-toggle/body)
+;; Here, using e.g. "_a_" translates to "a" with proper face.
+;; More interestingly:
+;; "foobar %`abbrev-mode" means roughly (format "foobar %S" abbrev-mode)
+;; This means that you actually see the state of the mode that you're changing.
+;;** Example 8: the whole menu for `Buffer-menu-mode'
+(defhydra hydra-buffer-menu (:color pink
+ :hint nil)
+ "
+^Mark^ ^Unmark^ ^Actions^ ^Search
+^^^^^^^^----------------------------------------------------------------- (__)
+_m_: mark _u_: unmark _x_: execute _R_: re-isearch (oo)
+_s_: save _U_: unmark up _b_: bury _I_: isearch /------\\/
+_d_: delete ^ ^ _g_: refresh _O_: multi-occur / | ||
+_D_: delete up ^ ^ _T_: files only: % -28`Buffer-menu-files-only^^ * /\\---/\\
+_~_: modified ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ~~ ~~
+ ("m" Buffer-menu-mark)
+ ("u" Buffer-menu-unmark)
+ ("U" Buffer-menu-backup-unmark)
+ ("d" Buffer-menu-delete)
+ ("D" Buffer-menu-delete-backwards)
+ ("s" Buffer-menu-save)
+ ("~" Buffer-menu-not-modified)
+ ("x" Buffer-menu-execute)
+ ("b" Buffer-menu-bury)
+ ("g" revert-buffer)
+ ("T" Buffer-menu-toggle-files-only)
+ ("O" Buffer-menu-multi-occur :color blue)
+ ("I" Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers :color blue)
+ ("R" Buffer-menu-isearch-buffers-regexp :color blue)
+ ("c" nil "cancel")
+ ("v" Buffer-menu-select "select" :color blue)
+ ("o" Buffer-menu-other-window "other-window" :color blue)
+ ("q" quit-window "quit" :color blue))
+;; Recommended binding:
+;; (define-key Buffer-menu-mode-map "." 'hydra-buffer-menu/body)
+;;** Example 9: s-expressions in the docstring
+;; You can inline s-expresssions into the docstring like this:
+(defvar dired-mode-map)
+(declare-function dired-mark "dired")
+(when (bound-and-true-p hydra-examples-verbatim)
+ (require 'dired)
+ (defhydra hydra-marked-items (dired-mode-map "")
+ "
+Number of marked items: %(length (dired-get-marked-files))
+ ("m" dired-mark "mark")))
+;; This results in the following dynamic docstring:
+;; (format "Number of marked items: %S\n"
+;; (length (dired-get-marked-files)))
+;; You can use `format'-style width specs, e.g. % 10(length nil).
+;;** Example 10: apropos family
+(defhydra hydra-apropos (:color blue
+ :hint nil)
+ "
+_a_propos _c_ommand
+_d_ocumentation _l_ibrary
+_v_ariable _u_ser-option
+^ ^ valu_e_"
+ ("a" apropos)
+ ("d" apropos-documentation)
+ ("v" apropos-variable)
+ ("c" apropos-command)
+ ("l" apropos-library)
+ ("u" apropos-user-option)
+ ("e" apropos-value))
+;; Recommended binding:
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c h") 'hydra-apropos/body)
+;;** Example 11: rectangle-mark-mode
+(require 'rect)
+(defhydra hydra-rectangle (:body-pre (rectangle-mark-mode 1)
+ :color pink
+ :post (deactivate-mark))
+ "
+ ^_k_^ _d_elete _s_tring
+_h_ _l_ _o_k _y_ank
+ ^_j_^ _n_ew-copy _r_eset
+^^^^ _e_xchange _u_ndo
+^^^^ ^ ^ _p_aste
+ ("h" rectangle-backward-char nil)
+ ("l" rectangle-forward-char nil)
+ ("k" rectangle-previous-line nil)
+ ("j" rectangle-next-line nil)
+ ("e" hydra-ex-point-mark nil)
+ ("n" copy-rectangle-as-kill nil)
+ ("d" delete-rectangle nil)
+ ("r" (if (region-active-p)
+ (deactivate-mark)
+ (rectangle-mark-mode 1)) nil)
+ ("y" yank-rectangle nil)
+ ("u" undo nil)
+ ("s" string-rectangle nil)
+ ("p" kill-rectangle nil)
+ ("o" nil nil))
+;; Recommended binding:
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-x SPC") 'hydra-rectangle/body)
+;;** Example 12: org-agenda-view
+(defun org-agenda-cts ()
+ (and (eq major-mode 'org-agenda-mode)
+ (let ((args (get-text-property
+ (min (1- (point-max)) (point))
+ 'org-last-args)))
+ (nth 2 args))))
+(defhydra hydra-org-agenda-view (:hint none)
+ "
+_d_: ?d? day _g_: time grid=?g? _a_: arch-trees
+_w_: ?w? week _[_: inactive _A_: arch-files
+_t_: ?t? fortnight _f_: follow=?f? _r_: clock report=?r?
+_m_: ?m? month _e_: entry text=?e? _D_: include diary=?D?
+_y_: ?y? year _q_: quit _L__l__c_: log = ?l?"
+ ("SPC" org-agenda-reset-view)
+ ("d" org-agenda-day-view (if (eq 'day (org-agenda-cts)) "[x]" "[ ]"))
+ ("w" org-agenda-week-view (if (eq 'week (org-agenda-cts)) "[x]" "[ ]"))
+ ("t" org-agenda-fortnight-view (if (eq 'fortnight (org-agenda-cts)) "[x]" "[ ]"))
+ ("m" org-agenda-month-view (if (eq 'month (org-agenda-cts)) "[x]" "[ ]"))
+ ("y" org-agenda-year-view (if (eq 'year (org-agenda-cts)) "[x]" "[ ]"))
+ ("l" org-agenda-log-mode (format "% -3S" org-agenda-show-log))
+ ("L" (org-agenda-log-mode '(4)))
+ ("c" (org-agenda-log-mode 'clockcheck))
+ ("f" org-agenda-follow-mode (format "% -3S" org-agenda-follow-mode))
+ ("a" org-agenda-archives-mode)
+ ("A" (org-agenda-archives-mode 'files))
+ ("r" org-agenda-clockreport-mode (format "% -3S" org-agenda-clockreport-mode))
+ ("e" org-agenda-entry-text-mode (format "% -3S" org-agenda-entry-text-mode))
+ ("g" org-agenda-toggle-time-grid (format "% -3S" org-agenda-use-time-grid))
+ ("D" org-agenda-toggle-diary (format "% -3S" org-agenda-include-diary))
+ ("!" org-agenda-toggle-deadlines)
+ ("[" (let ((org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps t))
+ (org-agenda-check-type t 'timeline 'agenda)
+ (org-agenda-redo)
+ (message "Display now includes inactive timestamps as well")))
+ ("q" (message "Abort") :exit t)
+ ("v" nil))
+;; Recommended binding:
+;; (define-key org-agenda-mode-map "v" 'hydra-org-agenda-view/body)
+;;* Helpers
+(require 'windmove)
+(defun hydra-move-splitter-left (arg)
+ "Move window splitter left."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
+ (windmove-find-other-window 'right))
+ (shrink-window-horizontally arg)
+ (enlarge-window-horizontally arg)))
+(defun hydra-move-splitter-right (arg)
+ "Move window splitter right."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
+ (windmove-find-other-window 'right))
+ (enlarge-window-horizontally arg)
+ (shrink-window-horizontally arg)))
+(defun hydra-move-splitter-up (arg)
+ "Move window splitter up."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
+ (windmove-find-other-window 'up))
+ (enlarge-window arg)
+ (shrink-window arg)))
+(defun hydra-move-splitter-down (arg)
+ "Move window splitter down."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (let ((windmove-wrap-around))
+ (windmove-find-other-window 'up))
+ (shrink-window arg)
+ (enlarge-window arg)))
+(defvar rectangle-mark-mode)
+(defun hydra-ex-point-mark ()
+ "Exchange point and mark."
+ (interactive)
+ (if rectangle-mark-mode
+ (rectangle-exchange-point-and-mark)
+ (let ((mk (mark)))
+ (rectangle-mark-mode 1)
+ (goto-char mk))))
+(provide 'hydra-examples)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; End:
+;;; hydra-examples.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-ox.el b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-ox.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a992efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-ox.el
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+;;; hydra-ox.el --- Org mode export widget implemented in Hydra
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Oleh Krehel
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This shows how a complex dispatch menu can be built with Hydra.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'hydra)
+(require 'org)
+(declare-function org-html-export-as-html 'ox-html)
+(declare-function org-html-export-to-html 'ox-html)
+(declare-function org-latex-export-as-latex 'ox-latex)
+(declare-function org-latex-export-to-latex 'ox-latex)
+(declare-function org-latex-export-to-pdf 'ox-latex)
+(declare-function org-ascii-export-as-ascii 'ox-ascii)
+(declare-function org-ascii-export-to-ascii 'ox-ascii)
+(defhydradio hydra-ox ()
+ (body-only "Export only the body.")
+ (export-scope "Export scope." [buffer subtree])
+ (async-export "When non-nil, export async.")
+ (visible-only "When non-nil, export visible only")
+ (force-publishing "Toggle force publishing"))
+(defhydra hydra-ox-html (:color blue)
+ "ox-html"
+ ("H" (org-html-export-as-html
+ hydra-ox/async-export
+ (eq hydra-ox/export-scope 'subtree)
+ hydra-ox/visible-only
+ hydra-ox/body-only)
+ "As HTML buffer")
+ ("h" (org-html-export-to-html
+ hydra-ox/async-export
+ (eq hydra-ox/export-scope 'subtree)
+ hydra-ox/visible-only
+ hydra-ox/body-only) "As HTML file")
+ ("o" (org-open-file
+ (org-html-export-to-html
+ hydra-ox/async-export
+ (eq hydra-ox/export-scope 'subtree)
+ hydra-ox/visible-only
+ hydra-ox/body-only)) "As HTML file and open")
+ ("b" hydra-ox/body "back")
+ ("q" nil "quit"))
+(defhydra hydra-ox-latex (:color blue)
+ "ox-latex"
+ ("L" org-latex-export-as-latex "As LaTeX buffer")
+ ("l" org-latex-export-to-latex "As LaTeX file")
+ ("p" org-latex-export-to-pdf "As PDF file")
+ ("o" (org-open-file (org-latex-export-to-pdf)) "As PDF file and open")
+ ("b" hydra-ox/body "back")
+ ("q" nil "quit"))
+(defhydra hydra-ox-text (:color blue)
+ "ox-text"
+ ("A" (org-ascii-export-as-ascii
+ nil nil nil nil
+ '(:ascii-charset ascii))
+ "As ASCII buffer")
+ ("a" (org-ascii-export-to-ascii
+ nil nil nil nil
+ '(:ascii-charset ascii))
+ "As ASCII file")
+ ("L" (org-ascii-export-as-ascii
+ nil nil nil nil
+ '(:ascii-charset latin1))
+ "As Latin1 buffer")
+ ("l" (org-ascii-export-to-ascii
+ nil nil nil nil
+ '(:ascii-charset latin1))
+ "As Latin1 file")
+ ("U" (org-ascii-export-as-ascii
+ nil nil nil nil
+ '(:ascii-charset utf-8))
+ "As UTF-8 buffer")
+ ("u" (org-ascii-export-to-ascii
+ nil nil nil nil
+ '(:ascii-charset utf-8))
+ "As UTF-8 file")
+ ("b" hydra-ox/body "back")
+ ("q" nil "quit"))
+(defhydra hydra-ox ()
+ "
+_C-b_ Body only: % -15`hydra-ox/body-only^^^ _C-v_ Visible only: %`hydra-ox/visible-only
+_C-s_ Export scope: % -15`hydra-ox/export-scope _C-f_ Force publishing: %`hydra-ox/force-publishing
+_C-a_ Async export: %`hydra-ox/async-export
+ ("C-b" (hydra-ox/body-only) nil)
+ ("C-v" (hydra-ox/visible-only) nil)
+ ("C-s" (hydra-ox/export-scope) nil)
+ ("C-f" (hydra-ox/force-publishing) nil)
+ ("C-a" (hydra-ox/async-export) nil)
+ ("h" hydra-ox-html/body "Export to HTML" :exit t)
+ ("l" hydra-ox-latex/body "Export to LaTeX" :exit t)
+ ("t" hydra-ox-text/body "Export to Plain Text" :exit t)
+ ("q" nil "quit"))
+(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-,") 'hydra-ox/body)
+(provide 'hydra-ox)
+;;; hydra-ox.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-pkg.el b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-pkg.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02e88ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra-pkg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(define-package "hydra" "20160913.216" "Make bindings that stick around."
+ '((cl-lib "0.5"))
+ :url "https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra" :keywords
+ '("bindings"))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; End:
diff --git a/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra.el b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61fb01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/hydra.el
@@ -0,0 +1,1273 @@
+;;; hydra.el --- Make bindings that stick around. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Oleh Krehel
+;; Maintainer: Oleh Krehel
+;; URL: https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra
+;; Version: 0.13.6
+;; Keywords: bindings
+;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5"))
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package can be used to tie related commands into a family of
+;; short bindings with a common prefix - a Hydra.
+;; Once you summon the Hydra (through the prefixed binding), all the
+;; heads can be called in succession with only a short extension.
+;; The Hydra is vanquished once Hercules, any binding that isn't the
+;; Hydra's head, arrives. Note that Hercules, besides vanquishing the
+;; Hydra, will still serve his orignal purpose, calling his proper
+;; command. This makes the Hydra very seamless, it's like a minor
+;; mode that disables itself automagically.
+;; Here's an example Hydra, bound in the global map (you can use any
+;; keymap in place of `global-map'):
+;; (defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "")
+;; "zoom"
+;; ("g" text-scale-increase "in")
+;; ("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))
+;; It allows to start a command chain either like this:
+;; " gg4ll5g", or " lgllg".
+;; Here's another approach, when you just want a "callable keymap":
+;; (defhydra hydra-toggle (:color blue)
+;; "toggle"
+;; ("a" abbrev-mode "abbrev")
+;; ("d" toggle-debug-on-error "debug")
+;; ("f" auto-fill-mode "fill")
+;; ("t" toggle-truncate-lines "truncate")
+;; ("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace")
+;; ("q" nil "cancel"))
+;; This binds nothing so far, but if you follow up with:
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v") 'hydra-toggle/body)
+;; you will have bound "C-c C-v a", "C-c C-v d" etc.
+;; Knowing that `defhydra' defines e.g. `hydra-toggle/body' command,
+;; you can nest Hydras if you wish, with `hydra-toggle/body' possibly
+;; becoming a blue head of another Hydra.
+;; If you want to learn all intricacies of using `defhydra' without
+;; having to figure it all out from this source code, check out the
+;; wiki: https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra/wiki. There's a wealth of
+;; information there. Everyone is welcome to bring the existing pages
+;; up to date and add new ones.
+;; Additionally, the file hydra-examples.el serves to demo most of the
+;; functionality.
+;;; Code:
+;;* Requires
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'lv)
+(require 'ring)
+(defvar hydra-curr-map nil
+ "The keymap of the current Hydra called.")
+(defvar hydra-curr-on-exit nil
+ "The on-exit predicate for the current Hydra.")
+(defvar hydra-curr-foreign-keys nil
+ "The current :foreign-keys behavior.")
+(defvar hydra-curr-body-fn nil
+ "The current hydra-.../body function.")
+(defvar hydra-deactivate nil
+ "If a Hydra head sets this to t, exit the Hydra.
+This will be done even if the head wasn't designated for exiting.")
+(defvar hydra-amaranth-warn-message "An amaranth Hydra can only exit through a blue head"
+ "Amaranth Warning message. Shown when the user tries to press an unbound/non-exit key while in an amaranth head.")
+(defun hydra-set-transient-map (keymap on-exit &optional foreign-keys)
+ "Set KEYMAP to the highest priority.
+Call ON-EXIT when the KEYMAP is deactivated.
+FOREIGN-KEYS determines the deactivation behavior, when a command
+that isn't in KEYMAP is called:
+nil: deactivate KEYMAP and run the command.
+run: keep KEYMAP and run the command.
+warn: keep KEYMAP and issue a warning instead of running the command."
+ (if hydra-deactivate
+ (hydra-keyboard-quit)
+ (setq hydra-curr-map keymap)
+ (setq hydra-curr-on-exit on-exit)
+ (setq hydra-curr-foreign-keys foreign-keys)
+ (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'hydra--clearfun)
+ (internal-push-keymap keymap 'overriding-terminal-local-map)))
+(defun hydra--clearfun ()
+ "Disable the current Hydra unless `this-command' is a head."
+ (unless (eq this-command 'hydra-pause-resume)
+ (when (or
+ (memq this-command '(handle-switch-frame
+ keyboard-quit))
+ (null overriding-terminal-local-map)
+ (not (or (eq this-command
+ (lookup-key hydra-curr-map (this-single-command-keys)))
+ (cl-case hydra-curr-foreign-keys
+ (warn
+ (setq this-command 'hydra-amaranth-warn))
+ (run
+ t)
+ (t nil)))))
+ (hydra-disable))))
+(defvar hydra--ignore nil
+ "When non-nil, don't call `hydra-curr-on-exit'.")
+(defvar hydra--input-method-function nil
+ "Store overridden `input-method-function' here.")
+(defun hydra-disable ()
+ "Disable the current Hydra."
+ (setq hydra-deactivate nil)
+ (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'hydra--clearfun)
+ (unless hydra--ignore
+ (if (fboundp 'remove-function)
+ (remove-function input-method-function #'hydra--imf)
+ (when hydra--input-method-function
+ (setq input-method-function hydra--input-method-function)
+ (setq hydra--input-method-function nil))))
+ (dolist (frame (frame-list))
+ (with-selected-frame frame
+ (when overriding-terminal-local-map
+ (internal-pop-keymap hydra-curr-map 'overriding-terminal-local-map))))
+ (unless hydra--ignore
+ (when hydra-curr-on-exit
+ (let ((on-exit hydra-curr-on-exit))
+ (setq hydra-curr-on-exit nil)
+ (funcall on-exit)))))
+(unless (fboundp 'internal-push-keymap)
+ (defun internal-push-keymap (keymap symbol)
+ (let ((map (symbol-value symbol)))
+ (unless (memq keymap map)
+ (unless (memq 'add-keymap-witness (symbol-value symbol))
+ (setq map (make-composed-keymap nil (symbol-value symbol)))
+ (push 'add-keymap-witness (cdr map))
+ (set symbol map))
+ (push keymap (cdr map))))))
+(unless (fboundp 'internal-pop-keymap)
+ (defun internal-pop-keymap (keymap symbol)
+ (let ((map (symbol-value symbol)))
+ (when (memq keymap map)
+ (setf (cdr map) (delq keymap (cdr map))))
+ (let ((tail (cddr map)))
+ (and (or (null tail) (keymapp tail))
+ (eq 'add-keymap-witness (nth 1 map))
+ (set symbol tail))))))
+(defun hydra-amaranth-warn ()
+ "Issue a warning that the current input was ignored."
+ (interactive)
+ (message hydra-amaranth-warn-message))
+;;* Customize
+(defgroup hydra nil
+ "Make bindings that stick around."
+ :group 'bindings
+ :prefix "hydra-")
+(defcustom hydra-is-helpful t
+ "When t, display a hint with possible bindings in the echo area."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'hydra)
+(defcustom hydra-default-hint ""
+ "Default :hint property to use for heads when not specified in
+the body or the head."
+ :type 'sexp
+ :group 'hydra)
+(defcustom hydra-lv t
+ "When non-nil, `lv-message' (not `message') will be used to display hints."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom hydra-verbose nil
+ "When non-nil, hydra will issue some non essential style warnings."
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defcustom hydra-key-format-spec "%s"
+ "Default `format'-style specifier for _a_ syntax in docstrings.
+When nil, you can specify your own at each location like this: _ 5a_."
+ :type 'string)
+(defcustom hydra-doc-format-spec "%s"
+ "Default `format'-style specifier for ?a? syntax in docstrings."
+ :type 'string)
+ 'hydra-key-format-spec
+ "Since the docstrings are aligned by hand anyway, this isn't very useful."
+ "0.13.1")
+(defface hydra-face-red
+ '((t (:foreground "#FF0000" :bold t)))
+ "Red Hydra heads don't exit the Hydra.
+Every other command exits the Hydra."
+ :group 'hydra)
+(defface hydra-face-blue
+ '((((class color) (background light))
+ :foreground "#0000FF" :bold t)
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ :foreground "#8ac6f2" :bold t))
+ "Blue Hydra heads exit the Hydra.
+Every other command exits as well.")
+(defface hydra-face-amaranth
+ '((t (:foreground "#E52B50" :bold t)))
+ "Amaranth body has red heads and warns on intercepting non-heads.
+Exitable only through a blue head.")
+(defface hydra-face-pink
+ '((t (:foreground "#FF6EB4" :bold t)))
+ "Pink body has red heads and runs intercepted non-heads.
+Exitable only through a blue head.")
+(defface hydra-face-teal
+ '((t (:foreground "#367588" :bold t)))
+ "Teal body has blue heads and warns on intercepting non-heads.
+Exitable only through a blue head.")
+;;* Fontification
+(defun hydra-add-font-lock ()
+ "Fontify `defhydra' statements."
+ (font-lock-add-keywords
+ 'emacs-lisp-mode
+ '(("(\\(defhydra\\)\\_> +\\(.*?\\)\\_>"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-type-face))
+ ("(\\(defhydradio\\)\\_> +\\(.*?\\)\\_>"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (2 font-lock-type-face)))))
+;;* Find Function
+(eval-after-load 'find-func
+ '(defadvice find-function-search-for-symbol
+ (around hydra-around-find-function-search-for-symbol-advice
+ (symbol type library) activate)
+ "Navigate to hydras with `find-function-search-for-symbol'."
+ ad-do-it
+ ;; The orignial function returns (cons (current-buffer) (point))
+ ;; if it found the point.
+ (unless (cdr ad-return-value)
+ (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect library)
+ (let ((sn (symbol-name symbol)))
+ (when (and (null type)
+ (string-match "\\`\\(hydra-[a-z-A-Z0-9]+\\)/\\(.*\\)\\'" sn)
+ (re-search-forward (concat "(defhydra " (match-string 1 sn))
+ nil t))
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
+ (cons (current-buffer) (point)))))))
+;;* Universal Argument
+(defvar hydra-base-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map [?\C-u] 'hydra--universal-argument)
+ (define-key map [?-] 'hydra--negative-argument)
+ (define-key map [?0] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?1] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?2] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?3] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?4] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?5] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?6] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?7] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?8] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [?9] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-0] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-1] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-2] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-3] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-4] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-5] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-6] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-7] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-8] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-9] 'hydra--digit-argument)
+ (define-key map [kp-subtract] 'hydra--negative-argument)
+ map)
+ "Keymap that all Hydras inherit. See `universal-argument-map'.")
+(defun hydra--universal-argument (arg)
+ "Forward to (`universal-argument' ARG)."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq prefix-arg (if (consp arg)
+ (list (* 4 (car arg)))
+ (if (eq arg '-)
+ (list -4)
+ '(4)))))
+(defun hydra--digit-argument (arg)
+ "Forward to (`digit-argument' ARG)."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let* ((char (if (integerp last-command-event)
+ last-command-event
+ (get last-command-event 'ascii-character)))
+ (digit (- (logand char ?\177) ?0)))
+ (setq prefix-arg (cond ((integerp arg)
+ (+ (* arg 10)
+ (if (< arg 0)
+ (- digit)
+ digit)))
+ ((eq arg '-)
+ (if (zerop digit)
+ '-
+ (- digit)))
+ (t
+ digit)))))
+(defun hydra--negative-argument (arg)
+ "Forward to (`negative-argument' ARG)."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (setq prefix-arg (cond ((integerp arg) (- arg))
+ ((eq arg '-) nil)
+ (t '-))))
+;;* Repeat
+(defvar hydra-repeat--prefix-arg nil
+ "Prefix arg to use with `hydra-repeat'.")
+(defvar hydra-repeat--command nil
+ "Command to use with `hydra-repeat'.")
+(defun hydra-repeat (&optional arg)
+ "Repeat last command with last prefix arg.
+When ARG is non-nil, use that instead."
+ (interactive "p")
+ (if (eq arg 1)
+ (unless (string-match "hydra-repeat$" (symbol-name last-command))
+ (setq hydra-repeat--command last-command)
+ (setq hydra-repeat--prefix-arg last-prefix-arg))
+ (setq hydra-repeat--prefix-arg arg))
+ (setq current-prefix-arg hydra-repeat--prefix-arg)
+ (funcall hydra-repeat--command))
+;;* Misc internals
+(defun hydra--callablep (x)
+ "Test if X is callable."
+ (or (functionp x)
+ (and (consp x)
+ (memq (car x) '(function quote)))))
+(defun hydra--make-callable (x)
+ "Generate a callable symbol from X.
+If X is a function symbol or a lambda, return it. Otherwise, it
+should be a single statement. Wrap it in an interactive lambda."
+ (cond ((or (symbolp x) (functionp x))
+ x)
+ ((and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'function))
+ (cadr x))
+ (t
+ `(lambda ()
+ (interactive)
+ ,x))))
+(defun hydra-plist-get-default (plist prop default)
+ "Extract a value from a property list.
+PLIST is a property list, which is a list of the form
+Return the value corresponding to PROP, or DEFAULT if PROP is not
+one of the properties on the list."
+ (if (memq prop plist)
+ (plist-get plist prop)
+ default))
+(defun hydra--head-property (h prop &optional default)
+ "Return for Hydra head H the value of property PROP.
+Return DEFAULT if PROP is not in H."
+ (hydra-plist-get-default (cl-cdddr h) prop default))
+(defun hydra--body-foreign-keys (body)
+ "Return what BODY does with a non-head binding."
+ (or
+ (plist-get (cddr body) :foreign-keys)
+ (let ((color (plist-get (cddr body) :color)))
+ (cl-case color
+ ((amaranth teal) 'warn)
+ (pink 'run)))))
+(defun hydra--body-exit (body)
+ "Return the exit behavior of BODY."
+ (or
+ (plist-get (cddr body) :exit)
+ (let ((color (plist-get (cddr body) :color)))
+ (cl-case color
+ ((blue teal) t)
+ (t nil)))))
+(defalias 'hydra--imf #'list)
+(defun hydra-default-pre ()
+ "Default setup that happens in each head before :pre."
+ (when (eq input-method-function 'key-chord-input-method)
+ (if (fboundp 'add-function)
+ (add-function :override input-method-function #'hydra--imf)
+ (unless hydra--input-method-function
+ (setq hydra--input-method-function input-method-function)
+ (setq input-method-function nil)))))
+(defvar hydra-timeout-timer (timer-create)
+ "Timer for `hydra-timeout'.")
+(defvar hydra-message-timer (timer-create)
+ "Timer for the hint.")
+(defvar hydra--work-around-dedicated t
+ "When non-nil, assume there's no bug in `pop-to-buffer'.
+`pop-to-buffer' should not select a dedicated window.")
+(defun hydra-keyboard-quit ()
+ "Quitting function similar to `keyboard-quit'."
+ (interactive)
+ (hydra-disable)
+ (cancel-timer hydra-timeout-timer)
+ (cancel-timer hydra-message-timer)
+ (setq hydra-curr-map nil)
+ (unless (and hydra--ignore
+ (null hydra--work-around-dedicated))
+ (if hydra-lv
+ (lv-delete-window)
+ (message "")))
+ nil)
+(defvar hydra-head-format "[%s]: "
+ "The formatter for each head of a plain docstring.")
+(defvar hydra-key-doc-function 'hydra-key-doc-function-default
+ "The function for formatting key-doc pairs.")
+(defun hydra-key-doc-function-default (key key-width doc doc-width)
+ "Doc"
+ (format (format "%%%ds: %%%ds" key-width (- -1 doc-width))
+ key doc))
+(defun hydra--to-string (x)
+ (if (stringp x)
+ x
+ (eval x)))
+(defun hydra--hint (body heads)
+ "Generate a hint for the echo area.
+BODY, and HEADS are parameters to `defhydra'."
+ (let (alist)
+ (dolist (h heads)
+ (let ((val (assoc (cadr h) alist))
+ (pstr (hydra-fontify-head h body)))
+ (unless (null (cl-caddr h))
+ (if val
+ (setf (cadr val)
+ (concat (cadr val) " " pstr))
+ (push
+ (cons (cadr h)
+ (cons pstr (cl-caddr h)))
+ alist)))))
+ (let ((keys (nreverse (mapcar #'cdr alist)))
+ (n-cols (plist-get (cddr body) :columns))
+ res)
+ (setq res
+ (if n-cols
+ (let ((n-rows (1+ (/ (length keys) n-cols)))
+ (max-key-len (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (x) (length (car x))) keys)))
+ (max-doc-len (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (length (hydra--to-string (cdr x)))) keys))))
+ `(concat
+ "\n"
+ (mapconcat #'identity
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (x)
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (y)
+ (and y
+ (funcall hydra-key-doc-function
+ (car y)
+ ,max-key-len
+ (hydra--to-string (cdr y))
+ ,max-doc-len))) x ""))
+ ',(hydra--matrix keys n-cols n-rows))
+ "\n")))
+ `(concat
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (let ((str (hydra--to-string (cdr x))))
+ (format
+ (if (> (length str) 0)
+ (concat hydra-head-format str)
+ "%s")
+ (car x))))
+ ',keys
+ ", ")
+ ,(if keys "." ""))))
+ (if (cl-every #'stringp
+ (mapcar 'cddr alist))
+ (eval res)
+ res))))
+(defvar hydra-fontify-head-function nil
+ "Possible replacement for `hydra-fontify-head-default'.")
+(defun hydra-fontify-head-default (head body)
+ "Produce a pretty string from HEAD and BODY.
+HEAD's binding is returned as a string with a colored face."
+ (let* ((foreign-keys (hydra--body-foreign-keys body))
+ (head-exit (hydra--head-property head :exit))
+ (head-color
+ (if head-exit
+ (if (eq foreign-keys 'warn)
+ 'teal
+ 'blue)
+ (cl-case foreign-keys
+ (warn 'amaranth)
+ (run 'pink)
+ (t 'red)))))
+ (when (and (null (cadr head))
+ (not head-exit))
+ (hydra--complain "nil cmd can only be blue"))
+ (propertize (if (string= (car head) "%")
+ "%%"
+ (car head))
+ 'face
+ (or (hydra--head-property head :face)
+ (cl-case head-color
+ (blue 'hydra-face-blue)
+ (red 'hydra-face-red)
+ (amaranth 'hydra-face-amaranth)
+ (pink 'hydra-face-pink)
+ (teal 'hydra-face-teal)
+ (t (error "Unknown color for %S" head)))))))
+(defun hydra-fontify-head-greyscale (head _body)
+ "Produce a pretty string from HEAD and BODY.
+HEAD's binding is returned as a string wrapped with [] or {}."
+ (format
+ (if (hydra--head-property head :exit)
+ "[%s]"
+ "{%s}") (car head)))
+(defun hydra-fontify-head (head body)
+ "Produce a pretty string from HEAD and BODY."
+ (funcall (or hydra-fontify-head-function 'hydra-fontify-head-default)
+ head body))
+(defun hydra--strip-align-markers (str)
+ "Remove ^ from STR, unless they're escaped: \\^."
+ (let ((start 0))
+ (while (setq start (string-match "\\\\?\\^" str start))
+ (if (eq (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0)) 2)
+ (progn
+ (setq str (replace-match "^" nil nil str))
+ (cl-incf start))
+ (setq str (replace-match "" nil nil str))))
+ str))
+(defvar hydra-docstring-keys-translate-alist
+ '(("↑" . "")
+ ("↓" . "")
+ ("→" . "")
+ ("←" . "")
+ ("⌫" . "DEL")
+ ("⌦" . "")
+ ("⏎" . "RET")))
+(defconst hydra-width-spec-regex " ?-?[0-9]*?"
+ "Regex for the width spec in keys and %` quoted sexps.")
+(defvar hydra-key-regex "\\[\\|]\\|[-[:alnum:] ~.,;:/|?<>={}*+#%@!&^↑↓←→⌫⌦⏎'`()\"$]+?"
+ "Regex for the key quoted in the docstring.")
+(defun hydra--format (_name body docstring heads)
+ "Generate a `format' statement from STR.
+\"%`...\" expressions are extracted into \"%S\".
+_NAME, BODY, DOCSTRING and HEADS are parameters of `defhydra'.
+The expressions can be auto-expanded according to NAME."
+ (setq docstring (hydra--strip-align-markers docstring))
+ (setq docstring (replace-regexp-in-string "___" "_β_" docstring))
+ (let ((rest (if (eq (plist-get (cddr body) :hint) 'none)
+ ""
+ (hydra--hint body heads)))
+ (start 0)
+ varlist
+ offset)
+ (while (setq start
+ (string-match
+ (format
+ "\\(?:%%\\( ?-?[0-9]*s?\\)\\(`[a-z-A-Z/0-9]+\\|(\\)\\)\\|\\(?:[_?]\\(%s\\)\\(%s\\)[_?]\\)"
+ hydra-width-spec-regex
+ hydra-key-regex)
+ docstring start))
+ (cond ((eq ?? (aref (match-string 0 docstring) 0))
+ (let* ((key (match-string 4 docstring))
+ (head (assoc key heads)))
+ (if head
+ (progn
+ (push (nth 2 head) varlist)
+ (setq docstring
+ (replace-match
+ (or
+ hydra-doc-format-spec
+ (concat "%" (match-string 3 docstring) "s"))
+ t nil docstring)))
+ (setq start (match-end 0))
+ (warn "Unrecognized key: ?%s?" key))))
+ ((eq ?_ (aref (match-string 0 docstring) 0))
+ (let* ((key (match-string 4 docstring))
+ (key (if (equal key "β") "_" key))
+ normal-key
+ (head (or (assoc key heads)
+ (when (setq normal-key
+ (cdr (assoc
+ key hydra-docstring-keys-translate-alist)))
+ (assoc normal-key heads)))))
+ (if head
+ (progn
+ (push (hydra-fontify-head (if normal-key
+ (cons key (cdr head))
+ head)
+ body)
+ varlist)
+ (let ((replacement
+ (or
+ hydra-key-format-spec
+ (concat "%" (match-string 3 docstring) "s"))))
+ (setq docstring
+ (replace-match replacement t nil docstring))
+ (setq start (+ start (length replacement)))))
+ (setq start (match-end 0))
+ (warn "Unrecognized key: _%s_" key))))
+ (t
+ (let* ((varp (if (eq ?` (aref (match-string 2 docstring) 0)) 1 0))
+ (spec (match-string 1 docstring))
+ (lspec (length spec)))
+ (setq offset
+ (with-temp-buffer
+ (insert (substring docstring (+ 1 start varp
+ (length spec))))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (push (read (current-buffer)) varlist)
+ (- (point) (point-min))))
+ (when (or (zerop lspec)
+ (/= (aref spec (1- (length spec))) ?s))
+ (setq spec (concat spec "S")))
+ (setq docstring
+ (concat
+ (substring docstring 0 start)
+ "%" spec
+ (substring docstring (+ start offset 1 lspec varp))))))))
+ (if (eq ?\n (aref docstring 0))
+ `(concat (format ,(substring docstring 1) ,@(nreverse varlist))
+ ,rest)
+ (let ((r `(replace-regexp-in-string
+ " +$" ""
+ (concat ,docstring ": "
+ (replace-regexp-in-string
+ "\\(%\\)" "\\1\\1" ,rest)))))
+ (if (stringp rest)
+ `(format ,(eval r))
+ `(format ,r))))))
+(defun hydra--complain (format-string &rest args)
+ "Forward to (`message' FORMAT-STRING ARGS) unless `hydra-verbose' is nil."
+ (if hydra-verbose
+ (apply #'error format-string args)
+ (apply #'message format-string args)))
+(defun hydra--doc (body-key body-name heads)
+ "Generate a part of Hydra docstring.
+BODY-KEY is the body key binding.
+BODY-NAME is the symbol that identifies the Hydra.
+HEADS is a list of heads."
+ (format
+ "Create a hydra with %s body and the heads:\n\n%s\n\n%s"
+ (if body-key
+ (format "a \"%s\"" body-key)
+ "no")
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (x)
+ (format "\"%s\": `%S'" (car x) (cadr x)))
+ heads ",\n")
+ (format "The body can be accessed via `%S'." body-name)))
+(defun hydra--call-interactively (cmd name)
+ "Generate a `call-interactively' statement for CMD.
+Set `this-command' to NAME."
+ (if (and (symbolp name)
+ (not (memq name '(nil body))))
+ `(progn
+ (setq this-command ',name)
+ (call-interactively #',cmd))
+ `(call-interactively #',cmd)))
+(defun hydra--make-defun (name body doc head
+ keymap body-pre body-before-exit
+ &optional body-after-exit)
+ "Make a defun wrapper, using NAME, BODY, DOC, HEAD, and KEYMAP.
+NAME and BODY are the arguments to `defhydra'.
+DOC was generated with `hydra--doc'.
+HEAD is one of the HEADS passed to `defhydra'.
+BODY-PRE is added to the start of the wrapper.
+BODY-BEFORE-EXIT will be called before the hydra quits.
+BODY-AFTER-EXIT is added to the end of the wrapper."
+ (let ((cmd-name (hydra--head-name head name))
+ (cmd (when (car head)
+ (hydra--make-callable
+ (cadr head))))
+ (doc (if (car head)
+ (format "%s\n\nCall the head: `%S'." doc (cadr head))
+ doc))
+ (hint (intern (format "%S/hint" name)))
+ (body-foreign-keys (hydra--body-foreign-keys body))
+ (body-timeout (plist-get body :timeout))
+ (body-idle (plist-get body :idle)))
+ `(defun ,cmd-name ()
+ ,doc
+ (interactive)
+ (hydra-default-pre)
+ ,@(when body-pre (list body-pre))
+ ,@(if (hydra--head-property head :exit)
+ `((hydra-keyboard-quit)
+ (setq hydra-curr-body-fn ',(intern (format "%S/body" name)))
+ ,@(if body-after-exit
+ `((unwind-protect
+ ,(when cmd
+ (hydra--call-interactively cmd (cadr head)))
+ ,body-after-exit))
+ (when cmd
+ `(,(hydra--call-interactively cmd (cadr head))))))
+ (delq
+ nil
+ `((let ((hydra--ignore ,(not (eq (cadr head) 'body))))
+ (hydra-keyboard-quit)
+ (setq hydra-curr-body-fn ',(intern (format "%S/body" name))))
+ ,(when cmd
+ `(condition-case err
+ ,(hydra--call-interactively cmd (cadr head))
+ ((quit error)
+ (message (error-message-string err))
+ (unless hydra-lv
+ (sit-for 0.8)))))
+ ,(if (and body-idle (eq (cadr head) 'body))
+ `(hydra-idle-message ,body-idle ,hint ',name)
+ `(hydra-show-hint ,hint ',name))
+ (hydra-set-transient-map
+ ,keymap
+ (lambda () (hydra-keyboard-quit) ,body-before-exit)
+ ,(when body-foreign-keys
+ (list 'quote body-foreign-keys)))
+ ,body-after-exit
+ ,(when body-timeout
+ `(hydra-timeout ,body-timeout))))))))
+(defvar hydra-props-alist nil)
+(defun hydra-set-property (name key val)
+ "Set hydra property.
+NAME is the symbolic name of the hydra.
+KEY and VAL are forwarded to `plist-put'."
+ (let ((entry (assoc name hydra-props-alist))
+ plist)
+ (when (null entry)
+ (add-to-list 'hydra-props-alist (list name))
+ (setq entry (assoc name hydra-props-alist)))
+ (setq plist (cdr entry))
+ (setcdr entry (plist-put plist key val))))
+(defun hydra-get-property (name key)
+ "Get hydra property.
+NAME is the symbolic name of the hydra.
+KEY is forwarded to `plist-get'."
+ (let ((entry (assoc name hydra-props-alist)))
+ (when entry
+ (plist-get (cdr entry) key))))
+(defun hydra-show-hint (hint caller)
+ (let ((verbosity (plist-get (cdr (assoc caller hydra-props-alist))
+ :verbosity)))
+ (cond ((eq verbosity 0))
+ ((eq verbosity 1)
+ (message (eval hint)))
+ (t
+ (when hydra-is-helpful
+ (if hydra-lv
+ (lv-message (eval hint))
+ (message (eval hint))))))))
+(defmacro hydra--make-funcall (sym)
+ "Transform SYM into a `funcall' to call it."
+ `(when (and ,sym (symbolp ,sym))
+ (setq ,sym `(funcall #',,sym))))
+(defun hydra--head-name (h name)
+ "Return the symbol for head H of hydra with NAME."
+ (let ((str (format "%S/%s" name
+ (cond ((symbolp (cadr h))
+ (cadr h))
+ ((and (consp (cadr h))
+ (eq (cl-caadr h) 'function))
+ (cadr (cadr h)))
+ (t
+ (concat "lambda-" (car h)))))))
+ (when (and (hydra--head-property h :exit)
+ (not (memq (cadr h) '(body nil))))
+ (setq str (concat str "-and-exit")))
+ (intern str)))
+(defun hydra--delete-duplicates (heads)
+ "Return HEADS without entries that have the same CMD part.
+In duplicate HEADS, :cmd-name is modified to whatever they duplicate."
+ (let ((ali '(((hydra-repeat . nil) . hydra-repeat)))
+ res entry)
+ (dolist (h heads)
+ (if (setq entry (assoc (cons (cadr h)
+ (hydra--head-property h :exit))
+ ali))
+ (setf (cl-cdddr h) (plist-put (cl-cdddr h) :cmd-name (cdr entry)))
+ (push (cons (cons (cadr h)
+ (hydra--head-property h :exit))
+ (plist-get (cl-cdddr h) :cmd-name))
+ ali)
+ (push h res)))
+ (nreverse res)))
+(defun hydra--pad (lst n)
+ "Pad LST with nil until length N."
+ (let ((len (length lst)))
+ (if (= len n)
+ lst
+ (append lst (make-list (- n len) nil)))))
+(defmacro hydra-multipop (lst n)
+ "Return LST's first N elements while removing them."
+ `(if (<= (length ,lst) ,n)
+ (prog1 ,lst
+ (setq ,lst nil))
+ (prog1 ,lst
+ (setcdr
+ (nthcdr (1- ,n) (prog1 ,lst (setq ,lst (nthcdr ,n ,lst))))
+ nil))))
+(defun hydra--matrix (lst rows cols)
+ "Create a matrix from elements of LST.
+The matrix size is ROWS times COLS."
+ (let ((ls (copy-sequence lst))
+ res)
+ (dotimes (_c cols)
+ (push (hydra--pad (hydra-multipop ls rows) rows) res))
+ (nreverse res)))
+(defun hydra--cell (fstr names)
+ "Format a rectangular cell based on FSTR and NAMES.
+FSTR is a format-style string with two string inputs: one for the
+doc and one for the symbol name.
+NAMES is a list of variables."
+ (let ((len (cl-reduce
+ (lambda (acc it) (max (length (symbol-name it)) acc))
+ names
+ :initial-value 0)))
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (sym)
+ (if sym
+ (format fstr
+ (documentation-property sym 'variable-documentation)
+ (let ((name (symbol-name sym)))
+ (concat name (make-string (- len (length name)) ?^)))
+ sym)
+ ""))
+ names
+ "\n")))
+(defun hydra--vconcat (strs &optional joiner)
+ "Glue STRS vertically. They must be the same height.
+JOINER is a function similar to `concat'."
+ (setq joiner (or joiner #'concat))
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (s)
+ (if (string-match " +$" s)
+ (replace-match "" nil nil s)
+ s))
+ (apply #'cl-mapcar joiner
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (s) (split-string s "\n"))
+ strs))
+ "\n"))
+(defvar hydra-cell-format "% -20s %% -8`%s"
+ "The default format for docstring cells.")
+(defun hydra--table (names rows cols &optional cell-formats)
+ "Format a `format'-style table from variables in NAMES.
+The size of the table is ROWS times COLS.
+CELL-FORMATS are `format' strings for each column.
+If CELL-FORMATS is a string, it's used for all columns.
+If CELL-FORMATS is nil, `hydra-cell-format' is used for all columns."
+ (setq cell-formats
+ (cond ((null cell-formats)
+ (make-list cols hydra-cell-format))
+ ((stringp cell-formats)
+ (make-list cols cell-formats))
+ (t
+ cell-formats)))
+ (hydra--vconcat
+ (cl-mapcar
+ #'hydra--cell
+ cell-formats
+ (hydra--matrix names rows cols))
+ (lambda (&rest x)
+ (mapconcat #'identity x " "))))
+(defun hydra-reset-radios (names)
+ "Set varibles NAMES to their defaults.
+NAMES should be defined by `defhydradio' or similar."
+ (dolist (n names)
+ (set n (aref (get n 'range) 0))))
+(defun hydra-idle-message (secs hint name)
+ "In SECS seconds display HINT."
+ (cancel-timer hydra-message-timer)
+ (setq hydra-message-timer (timer-create))
+ (timer-set-time hydra-message-timer
+ (timer-relative-time (current-time) secs))
+ (timer-set-function
+ hydra-message-timer
+ (lambda ()
+ (hydra-show-hint hint name)
+ (cancel-timer hydra-message-timer)))
+ (timer-activate hydra-message-timer))
+(defun hydra-timeout (secs &optional function)
+ "In SECS seconds call FUNCTION, then function `hydra-keyboard-quit'.
+Cancel the previous `hydra-timeout'."
+ (cancel-timer hydra-timeout-timer)
+ (setq hydra-timeout-timer (timer-create))
+ (timer-set-time hydra-timeout-timer
+ (timer-relative-time (current-time) secs))
+ (timer-set-function
+ hydra-timeout-timer
+ `(lambda ()
+ ,(when function
+ `(funcall ,function))
+ (hydra-keyboard-quit)))
+ (timer-activate hydra-timeout-timer))
+;;* Macros
+(defmacro defhydra (name body &optional docstring &rest heads)
+ "Create a Hydra - a family of functions with prefix NAME.
+NAME should be a symbol, it will be the prefix of all functions
+defined here.
+BODY has the format:
+DOCSTRING will be displayed in the echo area to identify the
+Hydra. When DOCSTRING starts with a newline, special Ruby-style
+substitution will be performed by `hydra--format'.
+Functions are created on basis of HEADS, each of which has the
+ (KEY CMD &optional HINT &rest PLIST)
+BODY-MAP is a keymap; `global-map' is used quite often. Each
+function generated from HEADS will be bound in BODY-MAP to
+BODY-KEY + KEY (both are strings passed to `kbd'), and will set
+the transient map so that all following heads can be called
+though KEY only. BODY-KEY can be an empty string.
+CMD is a callable expression: either an interactive function
+name, or an interactive lambda, or a single sexp (it will be
+wrapped in an interactive lambda).
+HINT is a short string that identifies its head. It will be
+printed beside KEY in the echo erea if `hydra-is-helpful' is not
+nil. If you don't even want the KEY to be printed, set HINT
+explicitly to nil.
+The heads inherit their PLIST from BODY-PLIST and are allowed to
+override some keys. The keys recognized are :exit and :bind.
+:exit can be:
+- nil (default): this head will continue the Hydra state.
+- t: this head will stop the Hydra state.
+:bind can be:
+- nil: this head will not be bound in BODY-MAP.
+- a lambda taking KEY and CMD used to bind a head.
+It is possible to omit both BODY-MAP and BODY-KEY if you don't
+want to bind anything. In that case, typically you will bind the
+generated NAME/body command. This command is also the return
+result of `defhydra'."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ (cond ((stringp docstring))
+ ((and (consp docstring)
+ (memq (car docstring) '(hydra--table concat format)))
+ (setq docstring (concat "\n" (eval docstring))))
+ (t
+ (setq heads (cons docstring heads))
+ (setq docstring "hydra")))
+ (when (keywordp (car body))
+ (setq body (cons nil (cons nil body))))
+ (condition-case-unless-debug err
+ (let* ((keymap (copy-keymap hydra-base-map))
+ (keymap-name (intern (format "%S/keymap" name)))
+ (body-name (intern (format "%S/body" name)))
+ (body-key (cadr body))
+ (body-plist (cddr body))
+ (body-map (or (car body)
+ (plist-get body-plist :bind)))
+ (body-pre (plist-get body-plist :pre))
+ (body-body-pre (plist-get body-plist :body-pre))
+ (body-before-exit (or (plist-get body-plist :post)
+ (plist-get body-plist :before-exit)))
+ (body-after-exit (plist-get body-plist :after-exit))
+ (body-inherit (plist-get body-plist :inherit))
+ (body-foreign-keys (hydra--body-foreign-keys body))
+ (body-exit (hydra--body-exit body)))
+ (dolist (base body-inherit)
+ (setq heads (append heads (copy-sequence (eval base)))))
+ (dolist (h heads)
+ (let ((len (length h)))
+ (cond ((< len 2)
+ (error "Each head should have at least two items: %S" h))
+ ((= len 2)
+ (setcdr (cdr h)
+ (list
+ (hydra-plist-get-default
+ body-plist :hint hydra-default-hint)))
+ (setcdr (nthcdr 2 h) (list :exit body-exit)))
+ (t
+ (let ((hint (cl-caddr h)))
+ (unless (or (null hint)
+ (stringp hint)
+ (consp hint))
+ (let ((inherited-hint
+ (hydra-plist-get-default
+ body-plist :hint hydra-default-hint)))
+ (setcdr (cdr h) (cons
+ (if (eq 'none inherited-hint)
+ nil
+ inherited-hint)
+ (cddr h))))))
+ (let ((hint-and-plist (cddr h)))
+ (if (null (cdr hint-and-plist))
+ (setcdr hint-and-plist (list :exit body-exit))
+ (let* ((plist (cl-cdddr h))
+ (h-color (plist-get plist :color)))
+ (if h-color
+ (progn
+ (plist-put plist :exit
+ (cl-case h-color
+ ((blue teal) t)
+ (t nil)))
+ (cl-remf (cl-cdddr h) :color))
+ (let ((h-exit (hydra-plist-get-default plist :exit 'default)))
+ (plist-put plist :exit
+ (if (eq h-exit 'default)
+ body-exit
+ h-exit))))))))))
+ (plist-put (cl-cdddr h) :cmd-name (hydra--head-name h name))
+ (when (null (cadr h)) (plist-put (cl-cdddr h) :exit t)))
+ (let ((doc (hydra--doc body-key body-name heads))
+ (heads-nodup (hydra--delete-duplicates heads)))
+ (mapc
+ (lambda (x)
+ (define-key keymap (kbd (car x))
+ (plist-get (cl-cdddr x) :cmd-name)))
+ heads)
+ (hydra--make-funcall body-pre)
+ (hydra--make-funcall body-body-pre)
+ (hydra--make-funcall body-before-exit)
+ (hydra--make-funcall body-after-exit)
+ (when (memq body-foreign-keys '(run warn))
+ (unless (cl-some
+ (lambda (h)
+ (hydra--head-property h :exit))
+ heads)
+ (error
+ "An %S Hydra must have at least one blue head in order to exit"
+ body-foreign-keys)))
+ `(progn
+ ;; create keymap
+ (set (defvar ,keymap-name
+ nil
+ ,(format "Keymap for %S." name))
+ ',keymap)
+ ;; declare heads
+ (set (defvar ,(intern (format "%S/heads" name))
+ nil
+ ,(format "Heads for %S." name))
+ ',(mapcar (lambda (h)
+ (let ((j (copy-sequence h)))
+ (cl-remf (cl-cdddr j) :cmd-name)
+ j))
+ heads))
+ (set
+ (defvar ,(intern (format "%S/hint" name)) nil
+ ,(format "Dynamic hint for %S." name))
+ ',(hydra--format name body docstring heads))
+ ;; create defuns
+ ,@(mapcar
+ (lambda (head)
+ (hydra--make-defun name body doc head keymap-name
+ body-pre
+ body-before-exit
+ body-after-exit))
+ heads-nodup)
+ ;; free up keymap prefix
+ ,@(unless (or (null body-key)
+ (null body-map)
+ (hydra--callablep body-map))
+ `((unless (keymapp (lookup-key ,body-map (kbd ,body-key)))
+ (define-key ,body-map (kbd ,body-key) nil))))
+ ;; bind keys
+ ,@(delq nil
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (head)
+ (let ((name (hydra--head-property head :cmd-name)))
+ (when (and (cadr head)
+ (or body-key body-map))
+ (let ((bind (hydra--head-property head :bind body-map))
+ (final-key
+ (if body-key
+ (vconcat (kbd body-key) (kbd (car head)))
+ (kbd (car head)))))
+ (cond ((null bind) nil)
+ ((hydra--callablep bind)
+ `(funcall ,bind ,final-key (function ,name)))
+ ((and (symbolp bind)
+ (if (boundp bind)
+ (keymapp (symbol-value bind))
+ t))
+ `(define-key ,bind ,final-key (quote ,name)))
+ (t
+ (error "Invalid :bind property `%S' for head %S" bind head)))))))
+ heads))
+ ,(hydra--make-defun
+ name body doc '(nil body)
+ keymap-name
+ (or body-body-pre body-pre) body-before-exit
+ '(setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg)))))
+ (error
+ (hydra--complain "Error in defhydra %S: %s" name (cdr err))
+ nil)))
+(defmacro defhydradio (name _body &rest heads)
+ "Create radios with prefix NAME.
+_BODY specifies the options; there are none currently.
+HEADS have the format:
+TOGGLE-NAME will be used along with NAME to generate a variable
+name and a function that cycles it with the same name. VALUE
+should be an array. The first element of VALUE will be used to
+inialize the variable.
+VALUE defaults to [nil t].
+DOC defaults to TOGGLE-NAME split and capitalized."
+ (declare (indent defun))
+ `(progn
+ ,@(apply #'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (h)
+ (hydra--radio name h))
+ heads))
+ (defvar ,(intern (format "%S/names" name))
+ ',(mapcar (lambda (h) (intern (format "%S/%S" name (car h))))
+ heads))))
+(defun hydra--radio (parent head)
+ "Generate a hydradio with PARENT from HEAD."
+ (let* ((name (car head))
+ (full-name (intern (format "%S/%S" parent name)))
+ (doc (cadr head))
+ (val (or (cl-caddr head) [nil t])))
+ `((defvar ,full-name ,(hydra--quote-maybe (aref val 0)) ,doc)
+ (put ',full-name 'range ,val)
+ (defun ,full-name ()
+ (hydra--cycle-radio ',full-name)))))
+(defun hydra--quote-maybe (x)
+ "Quote X if it's a symbol."
+ (cond ((null x)
+ nil)
+ ((symbolp x)
+ (list 'quote x))
+ (t
+ x)))
+(defun hydra--cycle-radio (sym)
+ "Set SYM to the next value in its range."
+ (let* ((val (symbol-value sym))
+ (range (get sym 'range))
+ (i 0)
+ (l (length range)))
+ (setq i (catch 'done
+ (while (< i l)
+ (if (equal (aref range i) val)
+ (throw 'done (1+ i))
+ (cl-incf i)))
+ (error "Val not in range for %S" sym)))
+ (set sym
+ (aref range
+ (if (>= i l)
+ 0
+ i)))))
+(defvar hydra-pause-ring (make-ring 10)
+ "Ring for paused hydras.")
+(defun hydra-pause-resume ()
+ "Quit the current hydra and save it to the stack.
+If there's no active hydra, pop one from the stack and call its body.
+If the stack is empty, call the last hydra's body."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond (hydra-curr-map
+ (ring-insert hydra-pause-ring hydra-curr-body-fn)
+ (hydra-keyboard-quit))
+ ((zerop (ring-length hydra-pause-ring))
+ (funcall hydra-curr-body-fn))
+ (t
+ (funcall (ring-remove hydra-pause-ring 0)))))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; outline-regexp: ";;\\([;*]+ [^\s\t\n]\\|###autoload\\)\\|("
+;; indent-tabs-mode: nil
+;; End:
+(provide 'hydra)
+;;; hydra.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/lv.el b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/lv.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87f7e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/hydra-20160913.216/lv.el
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+;;; lv.el --- Other echo area
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Oleh Krehel
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This package provides `lv-message' intended to be used in place of
+;; `message' when semi-permanent hints are needed, in order to not
+;; interfere with Echo Area.
+;; "Я тихо-тихо пiдглядаю,
+;; І тiшуся собi, як бачу то,
+;; Шо страшить i не пiдпускає,
+;; А iншi п’ють тебе, як воду пiсок."
+;; -- Андрій Кузьменко, L.V.
+;;; Code:
+(defgroup lv nil
+ "The other echo area."
+ :group 'minibuffer
+ :group 'hydra)
+(defcustom lv-use-separator nil
+ "Whether to draw a line between the LV window and the Echo Area."
+ :group 'lv
+ :type 'boolean)
+(defface lv-separator
+ '((((class color) (background light)) :background "grey80")
+ (((class color) (background dark)) :background "grey30"))
+ "Face used to draw line between the lv window and the echo area.
+This is only used if option `lv-use-separator' is non-nil.
+Only the background color is significant."
+ :group 'lv)
+(defvar lv-wnd nil
+ "Holds the current LV window.")
+(defun lv-window ()
+ "Ensure that LV window is live and return it."
+ (if (window-live-p lv-wnd)
+ lv-wnd
+ (let ((ori (selected-window))
+ buf)
+ (prog1 (setq lv-wnd
+ (select-window
+ (let ((ignore-window-parameters t))
+ (split-window
+ (frame-root-window) -1 'below))))
+ (if (setq buf (get-buffer " *LV*"))
+ (switch-to-buffer buf)
+ (switch-to-buffer " *LV*")
+ (set-window-hscroll lv-wnd 0)
+ (setq window-size-fixed t)
+ (setq mode-line-format nil)
+ (setq cursor-type nil)
+ (set-window-dedicated-p lv-wnd t)
+ (set-window-parameter lv-wnd 'no-other-window t))
+ (select-window ori)))))
+(defvar golden-ratio-mode)
+(defvar lv-force-update nil
+ "When non-nil, `lv-message' will refresh even for the same string.")
+(defun lv-message (format-string &rest args)
+ "Set LV window contents to (`format' FORMAT-STRING ARGS)."
+ (let* ((str (apply #'format format-string args))
+ (n-lines (cl-count ?\n str))
+ deactivate-mark
+ golden-ratio-mode)
+ (with-selected-window (lv-window)
+ (unless (and (string= (buffer-string) str)
+ (null lv-force-update))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert str)
+ (when (and (window-system) lv-use-separator)
+ (unless (looking-back "\n" nil)
+ (insert "\n"))
+ (insert
+ (propertize "__" 'face 'lv-separator 'display '(space :height (1)))
+ (propertize "\n" 'face 'lv-separator 'line-height t)))
+ (set (make-local-variable 'window-min-height) n-lines)
+ (setq truncate-lines (> n-lines 1))
+ (let ((window-resize-pixelwise t)
+ (window-size-fixed nil))
+ (fit-window-to-buffer nil nil 1)))
+ (goto-char (point-min)))))
+(defun lv-delete-window ()
+ "Delete LV window and kill its buffer."
+ (when (window-live-p lv-wnd)
+ (let ((buf (window-buffer lv-wnd)))
+ (delete-window lv-wnd)
+ (kill-buffer buf))))
+(provide 'lv)
+;;; lv.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager-autoloads.el b/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager-autoloads.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1096db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager-autoloads.el
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;;; id-manager-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
+;;; Code:
+(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "id-manager" "id-manager.el" (22501 4892 376900
+;;;;;; 628000))
+;;; Generated autoloads from id-manager.el
+(autoload 'idm-open-list-command "id-manager" "\
+Load the id-password DB and open a list buffer.
+\(fn &optional DB)" t nil)
+(autoload 'idm-helm-command "id-manager" "\
+Helm interface for id-manager.
+\(fn)" t nil)
+;; Local Variables:
+;; version-control: never
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; no-update-autoloads: t
+;; End:
+;;; id-manager-autoloads.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager-pkg.el b/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager-pkg.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0da938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager-pkg.el
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(define-package "id-manager" "20160425.216" "id-password management" 'nil :keywords '("password" "convenience"))
diff --git a/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager.el b/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..253486a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/id-manager-20160425.216/id-manager.el
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+;;; id-manager.el --- id-password management
+;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 SAKURAI Masashi
+;; Time-stamp: <2015-06-06 12:38:31 sakurai>
+;; Author: SAKURAI Masashi
+;; Keywords: password, convenience
+;; Package-Version: 20160425.216
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; ID-password management utility.
+;; This utility manages ID-password list and generates passwords.
+;; The ID-password DB is saved in the tab-separated file. The default
+;; file name of the DB `idm-database-file' is "~/.idm-db.gpg".
+;; The file format is following:
+;; (name)^t(ID)^t(password)^t(Update date "YYYY/MM/DD")[^t(memo)]
+;; . One can prepare an initial data or modify the data by hand or
+;; the Excel.
+;; Implicitly, this elisp program expects that the DB file is
+;; encrypted by the some GPG encryption elisp, such as EasyPG or
+;; alpaca.
+;; Excuting the command `idm-open-list-command', you can open the
+;; ID-password list buffer. Check the function `describe-bindings'.
+;;; Installation:
+;; To use this program, locate this file to load-path directory,
+;; and add the following code to your .emacs.
+;; ------------------------------
+;; (require 'id-manager)
+;; ------------------------------
+;; If you have helm.el, bind `id-manager' to key,
+;; like (global-set-key (kbd "M-7") 'id-manager).
+;;; Setting example:
+;; For EasyPG users:
+;; (autoload 'id-manager "id-manager" nil t)
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-7") 'id-manager) ; helm UI
+;; (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ; saving password
+;; (setenv "GPG_AGENT_INFO" nil) ; non-GUI password dialog.
+;; For alpaca users:
+;; (autoload 'id-manager "id-manager" nil t)
+;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-7") 'id-manager) ; helm UI
+;; (setq idm-db-buffer-save-function ; adjustment for alpaca.el
+;; (lambda (file)
+;; (set-visited-file-name file)
+;; (alpaca-save-buffer))
+;; idm-db-buffer-password-var ; if you are using `alpaca-cache-passphrase'.
+;; 'alpaca-passphrase)
+;;; Current implementation:
+;; This program generates passwords by using external command:
+;; `idm-gen-password-cmd'. If you have some better idea, please let me
+;; know.
+;; I think that this program makes lazy password management more
+;; securely. But I'm not sure that this program is secure enough.
+;; I'd like many people to check and advice me.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
+(require 'widget)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'wid-edit))
+;; Setting
+(defvar idm-database-file "~/.idm-db.gpg"
+ "Encripted id-password database file. The file name may
+ end with '.gpg' for encryption by the GnuPG.")
+(defvar idm-gen-password-cmd
+ "head -c 10 < /dev/random | uuencode -m - | tail -n 2 |head -n 1 | head -c10"
+ "[String] Password generation command. If a function symbol or
+ lambda whose receive no parameter is set to this variable,
+ id-manager calls the function to generate the password.")
+;; "openssl rand 32 | uuencode -m - | tail -n 2 |head -n 1 | head -c10"
+;; ...any other password generation ?
+(defvar idm-copy-action
+ (lambda (text) (x-select-text text))
+ "Action for copying a password text into clipboard.")
+(defvar idm-db-buffer-load-function
+ 'find-file-noselect
+ "File loading function. This function has one argument FILENAME and returns a buffer,
+ like `find-file-noselect'. Some decryption should work at this
+ function.")
+(defvar idm-db-buffer-save-function
+ 'write-file
+ "File saving function. This function has one arguments FILENAME,
+ like `write-file'. Some encryption should work at this
+ function.")
+(defvar idm-db-buffer-password-var nil
+ "Password variable. See the text of settings for alpaca.el. ")
+(defvar idm-clipboard-expire-time-sec 5
+ "Expire time for the clipboard content.")
+(defvar idm-clipboard-expire-timer nil
+ "The timer object that will expire the clipboard content.")
+;; Macros
+(defmacro idm--aif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms)
+ `(let ((it ,test-form))
+ (if it ,then-form ,@else-forms)))
+(put 'idm--aif 'lisp-indent-function 2)
+;; Management API
+(defun idm-gen-password ()
+ "Generate a password."
+ (cond
+ ((functionp idm-gen-password-cmd)
+ (funcall idm-gen-password-cmd))
+ ((stringp idm-gen-password-cmd)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *idm-work*")) ret)
+ (call-process-shell-command
+ idm-gen-password-cmd
+ nil buf nil)
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (setq ret (buffer-string)))
+ (kill-buffer buf)
+ ret))
+ (t (error "idm-gen-password-cmd is set to wrong value. [%S]"
+ idm-gen-password-cmd))))
+;; record struct
+(defstruct (idm-record
+ (:constructor make-idm-record-bylist
+ (name account-id password update-time
+ &optional memo)))
+ name account-id password update-time memo)
+(defun idm-load-db ()
+ "Load the DB file `idm-database-file' and make a DB object."
+ (let* ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
+ (tmpbuf
+ (funcall idm-db-buffer-load-function
+ (expand-file-name idm-database-file)))
+ db-object)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((db (idm--make-db tmpbuf)))
+ (when idm-db-buffer-password-var
+ (with-current-buffer tmpbuf
+ (funcall db 'file-password
+ (symbol-value idm-db-buffer-password-var))))
+ db)
+ (kill-buffer tmpbuf))))
+(defun idm--save-db (records file-vars &optional password)
+ "Save RECORDS into the DB file `idm-database-file'. This
+function is called by a DB object."
+ (let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
+ (tmpbuf (get-buffer-create " *idm-tmp*")))
+ (with-current-buffer tmpbuf
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (loop for (sym . v) in file-vars do
+ (set (make-local-variable sym) v))
+ (insert (format
+ ";; -*- %s -*-"
+ (loop for (n . v) in file-vars concat
+ (format "%s: %S; " n v))) "\n")
+ (dolist (i records)
+ (insert (concat (idm-record-name i) "\t"
+ (idm-record-account-id i) "\t"
+ (idm-record-password i) "\t"
+ (idm-record-update-time i)
+ (idm--aif (idm-record-memo i)
+ (concat "\t" it))
+ "\n")))
+ (when password
+ (set idm-db-buffer-password-var password))
+ (funcall idm-db-buffer-save-function idm-database-file)
+ (kill-buffer tmpbuf))))
+(defun idm--make-db (tmpbuf)
+ "Build a database management object from the given buffer text.
+The object is a dispatch function. One can access the methods
+`funcall' with the method name symbol and some method arguments."
+ (lexical-let (records
+ (db-modified nil)
+ file-vars ; file variables
+ file-password) ; password for alpaca
+ (setq file-vars (buffer-local-value 'file-local-variables-alist tmpbuf))
+ (idm--each-line
+ tmpbuf
+ (lambda (line)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "^;; " line) ; file variables
+ ) ; ignore
+ (t ; entry lines
+ (let ((cols (split-string line "\t")))
+ (if (or (= 4 (length cols))
+ (= 5 (length cols)))
+ (push (apply 'make-idm-record-bylist cols)
+ records)))))))
+ (lambda (method &rest args)
+ (cond
+ ((eq method 'get) ; get record object by name
+ (lexical-let ((name (car args)) ret)
+ (mapc (lambda (i)
+ (if (equal name (idm-record-name i))
+ (setq ret i)))
+ records)
+ ret))
+ ((eq method 'get-all-records) records) ; get-all-records
+ ((eq method 'add-record) ; add-record
+ (progn
+ (lexical-let* ((record (car args))
+ (name (idm-record-name record)))
+ (setf records (loop for i in records
+ unless (equal (idm-record-name i) name)
+ collect i))
+ (push record records)
+ (setq db-modified t))))
+ ((eq method 'delete-record-by-name) ; delete-record-by-name
+ (lexical-let ((name (car args)))
+ (setf records (loop for i in records
+ unless (equal (idm-record-name i) name)
+ collect i))
+ (setq db-modified t)))
+ ((eq method 'set-modified) ; set-modified
+ (setq db-modified t))
+ ((eq method 'save) ; save
+ (when db-modified
+ (idm--save-db records file-vars file-password)
+ (setq db-modified nil)))
+ ((eq method 'file-password) ; file-password
+ (setq file-password (car args)) nil)
+ (t (error "Unknown method [%s]" method))))))
+(defun idm--each-line (buf task)
+ "Execute the function TASK with each lines in the buffer
+`buf'. This function is called by `idm--make-db'."
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (unless (eobp)
+ (while
+ (let ((line
+ (buffer-substring-no-properties
+ (line-beginning-position)
+ (line-end-position))))
+ (funcall task line)
+ (forward-line 1)
+ (not (eobp)))))))
+(defun idm--strtime (time)
+ "Translate emacs time to formatted string."
+ (format-time-string "%Y/%m/%d" time))
+(defun idm--parsetime (str)
+ "Translate formatted string to emacs time."
+ (when (string-match "\\([0-9]+\\)\\/\\([0-9]+\\)\\/\\([0-9]+\\)" str)
+ (apply 'encode-time
+ (let (ret)
+ (dotimes (i 6)
+ (push (string-to-number (match-string (+ i 1) str)) ret))
+ ret))))
+(defun idm--message (&rest args)
+ "Show private text in the echo area without message buffer
+ (let (message-log-max)
+ (apply 'message args)))
+;; GUI
+(defvar idm-show-password nil
+ "Display passwords switch. If this variable is non-nil, some
+ functions show the password as plain text.")
+(defun idm-toggle-show-password ()
+ "Toggle the switch for display passwords. This function does not update views."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq idm-show-password (not idm-show-password)))
+(defun idm-add-record-dialog (db on-ok-func)
+ "Make an account record interactively and register it with DB."
+ (lexical-let ((db db) (on-ok-func on-ok-func))
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog
+ (make-idm-record)
+ (lambda (r)
+ (cond
+ ((funcall db 'get (idm-record-name r))
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog r on-ok-func nil "Record [%s] exists!"))
+ (t (funcall on-ok-func r)))))))
+(defun idm-edit-record-dialog (record on-ok-func &optional password-show error-msg)
+ "Pop up the edit buffer for the given record.
+If the user pushes the `ok' button, the function
+`idm-edit-record-dialog-commit' is called."
+ (let ((before-win-num (length (window-list)))
+ (main-buf (current-buffer))
+ (edit-buf (idm--edit-record-dialog-buffer record on-ok-func password-show error-msg)))
+ (with-current-buffer edit-buf
+ (set (make-local-variable 'idm-before-win-num) before-win-num)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'idm-main-buf) main-buf))
+ (pop-to-buffer edit-buf)))
+(defun idm--edit-record-dialog-buffer (record on-ok-func &optional password-show error-msg)
+ "Return the editing buffer for the given record."
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*idm-record-dialog*")))
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) (erase-buffer))
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (remove-overlays)
+ (widget-insert
+ (format "Record: %s\n\n"
+ (idm--aif (idm-record-name record) it "(new record)")))
+ (when error-msg
+ (widget-insert
+ (let ((text (substring-no-properties error-msg)))
+ (put-text-property 0 (length text) 'face 'font-lock-warning-face text)
+ text))
+ (widget-insert "\n\n"))
+ (lexical-let
+ ((record record) (on-ok-func on-ok-func) (error-msg error-msg)
+ fname fid fpassword fmemo cbshow bgenerate fields)
+ ;; create dialog fields
+ (setq fname (widget-create
+ 'editable-field
+ :size 20 :format " Account Name: %v \n"
+ :value (or (idm-record-name record) ""))
+ fid (widget-create
+ 'editable-field
+ :size 20 :format " Account ID : %v \n"
+ :value (or (idm-record-account-id record) ""))
+ fpassword (widget-create
+ 'editable-field
+ :size 20 :format " Password: %v \n"
+ :secret (and (not password-show) ?*)
+ :value (or (idm-record-password record) "")))
+ (widget-insert " (show password ")
+ (setq cbshow
+ (widget-create 'checkbox :value password-show))
+ (widget-insert " ) ")
+ (setq bgenerate
+ (widget-create 'push-button "Generate"))
+ (widget-insert "\n")
+ (setq fmemo (widget-create
+ 'editable-field
+ :size 20
+ :format " Memo : %v \n"
+ :value (or (idm-record-memo record) "")))
+ (setq fields
+ (list 'name fname 'id fid 'password fpassword 'memo fmemo 'password-show cbshow))
+ ;; OK / Cancel
+ (widget-insert "\n")
+ (widget-create
+ 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog-commit record fields on-ok-func))
+ "Ok")
+ (widget-insert " ")
+ (widget-create
+ 'push-button
+ :notify (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (idm-edit-record-kill-buffer))
+ "Cancel")
+ (widget-insert "\n")
+ ;; add event actions
+ (widget-put cbshow
+ :notify
+ (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (let ((current-record
+ (make-idm-record
+ :name (widget-value fname)
+ :account-id (widget-value fid)
+ :password (widget-value fpassword)
+ :memo (widget-value fmemo)))
+ (password-show (widget-value cbshow)))
+ (message "CLICK : %s" password-show)
+ (idm-edit-record-kill-buffer)
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog
+ current-record on-ok-func password-show error-msg)
+ (widget-forward 3))))
+ (widget-put bgenerate
+ :notify
+ (lambda (&rest ignore)
+ (widget-value-set fpassword (idm-gen-password))
+ (widget-setup)))
+ ;; setup widgets
+ (use-local-map widget-keymap)
+ (widget-setup)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (widget-forward 1)))
+ buf))
+(defun idm-edit-record-dialog-commit (record fields on-ok-func)
+ "edit-record-dialog-commit"
+ (let ((name-value (widget-value (plist-get fields 'name))))
+ (cond
+ ((or (null name-value)
+ (string-equal "" name-value))
+ (idm-edit-record-kill-buffer)
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog
+ record on-ok-func
+ (widget-value (plist-get fields 'password-show))
+ "Should not be empty!"))
+ (t
+ (setf (idm-record-name record) name-value
+ (idm-record-account-id record)
+ (widget-value (plist-get fields 'id))
+ (idm-record-password record)
+ (widget-value (plist-get fields 'password))
+ (idm-record-memo record)
+ (widget-value (plist-get fields 'memo))
+ (idm-record-update-time record) (idm--strtime (current-time)))
+ (idm-edit-record-kill-buffer)
+ (funcall on-ok-func record)))))
+(defun idm-edit-record-kill-buffer ()
+ "edit-record-kill-buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((cbuf (current-buffer))
+ (win-num (length (window-list)))
+ (next-win (get-buffer-window idm-main-buf)))
+ (when (and (not (one-window-p))
+ (> win-num idm-before-win-num))
+ (delete-window))
+ (kill-buffer cbuf)
+ (when next-win (select-window next-win))))
+;; id-password list buffer
+(defun idm-open-list (db)
+ "Open id-password list buffer."
+ (lexical-let ((buf (get-buffer-create "ID-Password List"))
+ (db db))
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (idm--layout-list db)
+ (idm--set-list-mode db)
+ )
+ (set-buffer buf)))
+(defun idm--put-text-property (text attr val)
+ "Put a text property on the whole text."
+ (put-text-property 0 (length text) attr val text) text)
+(defun idm--put-record-id (text id)
+ "Put the record id with the text property `idm-record-id'."
+ (idm--put-text-property text 'idm-record-id id))
+(defun idm--get-record-id ()
+ "Get the record id on the current point."
+ (get-text-property (point) 'idm-record-id))
+(defun idm--layout-list (db &optional order)
+ "Erase the content in the current buffer and insert record
+lines. ORDER is sort key, which can be `time', `name' and `id'."
+ (unless order
+ (setq order 'name))
+ (let* ((name-max (length "Account Name"))
+ (id-max (length "ID"))
+ (pw-max (length "Password"))
+ (pw-mask "********")
+ (pw-getter (lambda (record)
+ (if idm-show-password
+ (idm-record-password record)
+ pw-mask)))
+ (cut (lambda (str) (substring str 0 (min (length str) 20))))
+ numcolm (count 1)
+ (line-format "%%-%ds|%%-10s | %%-%ds | %%-%ds : %%-%ds : %%s\n")
+ (records (funcall db 'get-all-records)))
+ (when records
+ (setq numcolm (fceiling (log10 (length records))))
+ (dolist (i records)
+ (setq name-max (min 20 (max name-max (length (idm-record-name i))))
+ id-max (min 20 (max id-max (length (idm-record-account-id i))))
+ pw-max (max pw-max (length (funcall pw-getter i)))))
+ (setq line-format (format line-format numcolm name-max id-max pw-max))
+ (let ((buffer-read-only nil) (prev-line (line-number-at-pos)))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (insert (format line-format
+ " " "Time" "Name" "ID" "Password" "Memo"))
+ (insert (make-string (- (window-width) 1) ?-) "\n")
+ (dolist (i (idm--sort-records records order))
+ (insert
+ (idm--put-record-id
+ (format line-format
+ count
+ (idm-record-update-time i)
+ (funcall cut (idm-record-name i))
+ (funcall cut (idm-record-account-id i))
+ (funcall pw-getter i)
+ (idm-record-memo i))
+ (idm-record-name i)))
+ (incf count))
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (when (< 1 prev-line)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (forward-line (1- prev-line))))))))
+(defun idm--sort-records (records order)
+ "Sort records by the key ORDER, which can be `time', `name',
+`memo' and `id'."
+ (let*
+ ((comparator
+ (lambda (ref)
+ (lexical-let ((ref ref))
+ (lambda (i j)
+ (let ((ii (funcall ref i))
+ (jj (funcall ref j)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= ii jj) 0)
+ ((string< ii jj) -1)
+ (t 1)))))))
+ (to-bool
+ (lambda (f)
+ (lexical-let ((f f))
+ (lambda (i j)
+ (< (funcall f i j) 0)))))
+ (cmp-id (funcall comparator 'idm-record-account-id))
+ (cmp-name (funcall comparator 'idm-record-name))
+ (cmp-time (funcall comparator 'idm-record-update-time))
+ (cmp-memo (funcall comparator 'idm-record-memo))
+ (chain
+ (lambda (a b)
+ (lexical-let ((a a) (b b))
+ (lambda (i j)
+ (let ((v (funcall a i j)))
+ (if (= 0 v)
+ (funcall b i j)
+ v)))))))
+ (sort
+ (loop for i in records collect i) ; copy-list
+ (cond
+ ((eq order 'id) ; id -> id, name
+ (funcall to-bool (funcall chain cmp-id cmp-name)))
+ ((eq order 'name) ; name -> name
+ (funcall to-bool cmp-name))
+ ((eq order 'time) ; time -> time, name
+ (funcall to-bool (funcall chain cmp-time cmp-name)))
+ ((eq order 'memo) ; memo -> time, name
+ (funcall to-bool (funcall chain cmp-memo cmp-name)))
+ (t ; default
+ (funcall to-bool cmp-name))))))
+(defvar idm-list-mode-map nil
+ "Keymap for `idm-list-mode'.")
+(setq idm-list-mode-map nil) ; for debug
+(unless idm-list-mode-map
+ (setq idm-list-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
+ (mapc (lambda (i)
+ (define-key idm-list-mode-map (car i) (cdr i)))
+ `(("q" . idm-list-mode-quit)
+ ("Q" . idm-list-mode-quit-without-save)
+ ("n" . next-line)
+ ("p" . previous-line)
+ ("j" . next-line)
+ ("k" . previous-line)
+ ("d" . idm-list-mode-delete)
+ ("-" . idm-list-mode-delete)
+ ("e" . idm-list-mode-edit-dialog)
+ ("m" . idm-list-mode-edit-dialog)
+ ("a" . idm-list-mode-add)
+ ("+" . idm-list-mode-add)
+ ("u" . idm-list-mode-reload)
+ ("r" . idm-list-mode-reload)
+ ("T" . idm-list-mode-sortby-time)
+ ("N" . idm-list-mode-sortby-name)
+ ("I" . idm-list-mode-sortby-id)
+ ("M" . idm-list-mode-sortby-memo)
+ ("S" . idm-list-mode-toggle-show-password)
+ ("s" . idm-list-mode-show-password)
+ ([return] . idm-list-mode-copy)
+ )))
+(defun idm-list-mode-copy ()
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--aif (idm--get-record-id)
+ (let ((record (funcall idm-db 'get it)))
+ (when record
+ (idm--copy-password-action record)))))
+(defun idm--copy-password-action (record)
+ (interactive)
+ (message (concat "Copied the password for the account ID: "
+ (idm-record-account-id record)))
+ (funcall idm-copy-action (idm-record-password record))
+ (idm-set-clipboard-expiry))
+(defun idm--copy-id-action (record)
+ (interactive)
+ (message (concat "Copied account ID: "
+ (idm-record-account-id record)))
+ (funcall idm-copy-action (idm-record-account-id record))
+ (idm-set-clipboard-expiry))
+(defun idm-set-clipboard-expiry ()
+ (when idm-clipboard-expire-timer
+ (cancel-timer idm-clipboard-expire-timer))
+ (when idm-clipboard-expire-time-sec
+ (setq idm-clipboard-expire-timer
+ (run-at-time idm-clipboard-expire-time-sec nil 'idm-expire-clipboard))))
+(defun idm-expire-clipboard ()
+ "Clear clipboard"
+ (funcall idm-copy-action "")
+ (idm--message "ID Manager: expired."))
+(defun idm-list-mode-sortby-id ()
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db 'id))
+(defun idm-list-mode-sortby-name ()
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db 'name))
+(defun idm-list-mode-sortby-time ()
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db 'time))
+(defun idm-list-mode-sortby-memo ()
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db 'memo))
+(defun idm-list-mode-reload ()
+ "Reload the id-password database file."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq idm-db (idm-load-db))
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db))
+(defun idm-list-mode-toggle-show-password ()
+ "Toggle whether to show passwords."
+ (interactive)
+ (idm-toggle-show-password)
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db))
+(defun idm-list-mode-show-password ()
+ "Show password of the selected record."
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--aif (idm--get-record-id)
+ (let ((record (funcall idm-db 'get it)))
+ (if record
+ (idm--message
+ (concat
+ "ID: " (idm-record-account-id record)
+ " / PW: "(idm-record-password record)))))))
+(defun idm--set-list-mode (db)
+ "Set up major mode for id-password list mode."
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (make-local-variable 'idm-db)
+ (setq idm-db db)
+ (setq truncate-lines t)
+ (use-local-map idm-list-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'idm-list-mode
+ mode-name "ID-Password List")
+ (hl-line-mode 1))
+(defun idm-list-mode-quit ()
+ "Save the DB and kill buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (funcall idm-db 'save)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+(defun idm-list-mode-quit-without-save ()
+ "Kill buffer without saving the DB."
+ (interactive)
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
+(defun idm-list-mode-delete ()
+ "Delete a selected record from the DB. After deleting, update
+the list buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--aif (idm--get-record-id)
+ (progn
+ (when (y-or-n-p (format "Delete this record[%s] ?" it))
+ (funcall idm-db 'delete-record-by-name it)
+ (idm--layout-list idm-db)))))
+(defun idm-list-mode-add ()
+ "Add a new record. After adding, update the list buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (lexical-let ((db idm-db)
+ (curbuf (current-buffer)))
+ (idm-add-record-dialog db
+ (lambda (r)
+ (with-current-buffer curbuf
+ (funcall db 'add-record r)
+ (idm--layout-list db))))))
+(defun idm-list-mode-edit-dialog ()
+ "Edit the selected record. After editting, update the list
+ (interactive)
+ (idm--aif (idm--get-record-id)
+ (let ((record (funcall idm-db 'get it)))
+ (if record
+ (lexical-let ((db idm-db) (prev record)
+ (curbuf (current-buffer)))
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog
+ record
+ (lambda (r)
+ (with-current-buffer curbuf
+ (funcall db 'delete-record-by-name (idm-record-name prev))
+ (funcall db 'add-record r)
+ (idm--layout-list db)))))))))
+(defun idm-open-list-command (&optional db)
+ "Load the id-password DB and open a list buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless db
+ (setq db (idm-load-db)))
+ (switch-to-buffer (idm-open-list db)))
+;; Helm UI
+(defun idm--helm-add-dialog (db)
+ "Add a new record by the helm interface."
+ (interactive)
+ (lexical-let ((db db))
+ (idm-add-record-dialog db
+ (lambda (r)
+ (funcall db 'add-record r)
+ (funcall db 'save)
+ (when (eq major-mode 'idm-list-mode)
+ (idm--layout-list db))))))
+(defun idm--helm-edit-dialog (db record)
+ "Edit a record selected by the helm interface."
+ (interactive)
+ (lexical-let ((db db) (prev record))
+ (idm-edit-record-dialog
+ record
+ (lambda (r)
+ (funcall db 'delete-record-by-name (idm-record-name prev))
+ (funcall db 'add-record r)
+ (funcall db 'save)
+ (when (eq major-mode 'idm-list-mode)
+ (idm--layout-list db))))))
+(defun idm-helm-command ()
+ "Helm interface for id-manager."
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((db (idm-load-db))
+ (source-commands
+ (helm-build-sync-source "id-manager-global-command"
+ :name "Global Command : "
+ :candidates '(("Add a record" . (lambda ()
+ (idm--helm-add-dialog db)))
+ ("Show all records" . (lambda ()
+ (idm-open-list-command db))))
+ :action (helm-make-actions "Execute" (lambda (i) (funcall i)))))
+ (souce-records
+ (helm-build-sync-source "id-manager-source-commands"
+ :name "Accounts : "
+ :candidates (lambda ()
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (record)
+ (cons (concat
+ (idm-record-name record)
+ " (" (idm-record-account-id record) ") "
+ " " (idm-record-memo record))
+ record))
+ (funcall db 'get-all-records)))
+ :action (helm-make-actions "Copy password" (lambda (record)
+ (idm--copy-password-action record))
+ "Copy id" (lambda (record)
+ (idm--copy-id-action record))
+ "Show ID / Password" (lambda (record)
+ (idm--message
+ (concat
+ "ID: " (idm-record-account-id record)
+ " / PW: "(idm-record-password record))))
+ "Edit fields" (lambda (record)
+ (idm--helm-edit-dialog db record)))
+ :migemo t)))
+ (helm
+ :sources '(source-commands souce-records)
+ :buffer "ID-Password Management : ")))
+(defalias 'id-manager 'idm-open-list-command)
+(eval-after-load "helm"
+ '(defalias 'id-manager 'idm-helm-command))
+(provide 'id-manager)
+;;; id-manager.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/bbdb-identica.el b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/bbdb-identica.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77d3016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/bbdb-identica.el
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+;;; bbdb-identica.el ---
+;; Filename: bbdb-identica.el
+;; Description:
+;; Author: Christian
+;; Maintainer:
+;; Created: dom oct 2 22:15:13 2011 (-0300)
+;; Version:
+;; Last-Updated:
+;; By:
+;; Update #: 0
+;; URL:
+;; Keywords:
+;; Compatibility:
+;; Features that might be required by this library:
+;; BBDB
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This should work in BBDB V.3.x for now...
+;; It is in heavy, really heavy, development.
+;; As far I tried, I couldn't make it work in the way proposed by BBDB.
+;; I couldn't find any documentation of how to use the MUA API.
+;; For now, I will use every possible command despite it is not desirable
+;; for BBDB developers(I think :-S ).
+;;; Change Log:
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'bbdb)
+(require 'bbdb-com)
+(require 'bbdb-mua)
+(require 'identica-mode)
+(require 'identica-friends)
+ ; Identica-friends-buffer
+;; Identica friends buffer must have a way to introduce people into BBDB.
+;; There's need of creating a new field into a record. This field will be called "identica".
+;; We'll define a ':' key for introducing a new record into BBDB or updating a record.
+(defcustom bbdb/identica-update-records-p
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((bbdb-update-records-p 'query ))
+ (bbdb-select-message)))
+ "How `bbdb-mua-update-records' processes mail addresses in Identica and Identica-friends.
+Allowed values are:
+ nil Do nothing.
+ search Search for existing records.
+ query Update existing records or query for creating new ones.
+ create or t Update existing records or create new ones.
+A function which returns one of the above values."
+ :group 'bbdb-mua-identica
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "do nothing" nil)
+ (const :tag "search for existing records"
+ (lambda () (let ((bbdb-update-records-p 'search))
+ (bbdb-select-message))))
+ (const :tag "query annotation of all messages"
+ (lambda () (let ((bbdb-update-records-p 'query))
+ (bbdb-select-message))))
+ ;; (const :tag "annotate (query) only new messages"
+ ;; (lambda ()
+ ;; (let ((bbdb-update-records-p
+ ;; (if (bbdb/rmail-new-flag) 'query 'search)))
+ ;; (bbdb-select-message))))
+ (const :tag "annotate all messages"
+ (lambda () (let ((bbdb-update-records-p 'create))
+ (bbdb-select-message))))
+ (const :tag "accept messages" bbdb-accept-message)
+ (const :tag "ignore messages" bbdb-ignore-message)
+ (const :tag "select messages" bbdb-select-message)
+ (sexp :tag "user defined function")))
+;; (defun bbdb/identica-header (header)
+;; ""
+;; )
+ ; --------------------
+ ; Insinuation
+ ; --------------------
+;; It doesn't work :-( Is still under development.
+;; ;;;###autoload
+;; (defun bbdb-insinuate-identica ()
+;; "Add every keymap and hooks necesary for using BBDB into `identica-friends-mode'.
+;; You shouldn't call this in your init file, instead use `bbdb-initialize'"
+;; (define-key identica-friends-mode-map ":" 'bbdb-mua-display-sender)
+;; (define-key identica-friends-mode-map ";" 'bbdb-mua-edit-notes-sender)
+;; )
+;; ;; We have to make bbdb-mua recognice identica-friends-mode, if not it will fall-back with error.
+;; (defadvice bbdb-mua (before identica-bbdb-mua ())
+;; "This advice add into `bbdb-mua' the necessary for BBDB to recognice identica-friends-mode, and identica-mode."
+;; (if (member major-mode '(identica-mode identica-friends-mode))
+;; 'identica)
+;; )
+;; Activate identica-bbdb-mua advice
+;; (ad-activate 'bbdb-mua)
+;; (ad-deactivate 'bbdb-mua)
+ ; ____________________
+(defun bbdb-identica-friends-next-usr ()
+ "This function is supposed to be used as a hook to the function `identica-friends-next-user'.
+Check if the actual user is in BBDB. If not, add it *without query the user*.
+Adding into the BBDB means:
+1) to create a new BBDB record with the same name of the identica user name(NOT NICK!)
+2) Add the nick into a new field called \"identica\"."
+ (setq usr (identica-friends-get-current-user))
+ ;; Our idea is to show the user if founded...
+ ;; Search for the *first mach* in the BBDB:
+ (setq record
+ (let ((usr-name (nth 1 usr)))
+ (car (bbdb-search (bbdb-records) usr-name))
+ )
+ )
+ ;; check if exist, if not add it(or query to add it).
+ (if record
+ (progn
+ (bbdb-display-records (cons record '()))
+ (unless (bbdb-identica-check-record record usr)
+ ;; It has to be updated!
+ (bbdb-identica-query-update-record record usr)
+ (bbdb-display-records (cons record '()))
+ )
+ )
+ (progn
+ ;; No record available... query to add it..
+ (bbdb-identica-query-add-record record usr)
+ ;; Show new record...
+ (setq record
+ (let ((usr-name (nth 1 usr)))
+ (car (bbdb-search (bbdb-records) usr-name))
+ )
+ )
+ (when record
+ (bbdb-display-records (cons record '()))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-query-update-record (record usr)
+ "Query the user if she/he wants to update the BBDB record.
+If she/he answer \"yes\", update it.
+If she/he answer \"no\", do nothing."
+ (when (bbdb-identica-prompt-yepnop "Do you want to update this record?(y/n)")
+ (bbdb-identica-update-record record usr)
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-update-record (record usr)
+ "Update the record usr with new values:
+1) Update the \"identica\" field.
+2) No need to update anything else..."
+ (bbdb-record-set-note record 'identica (nth 0 usr))
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-prompt-yepnop (prompt)
+ "Ask a question to the user for a yes-no answer.
+Return t when user answer yes.
+Return nil when user answer no."
+ (let (
+ (yepnop (read-char prompt)))
+ (cond
+ ((eq ?y yepnop)
+ t)
+ ((eq ?n yepnop)
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (message "Please, answer 'y' or 'n'.")
+ (bbdb-identica-prompt-yepnop prompt))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-query-add-record (record usr)
+ "Query the user if she/he wants to add this identica user into BBDB.
+If she/he answer \"yes\", add it.
+If she/he answer \"no\", don't add it of course."
+ (when (bbdb-identica-prompt-yepnop "Do you want to add this user and identica nick?(y/n)")
+ (bbdb-identica-add-record usr)
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-add-record (usr)
+ "Add friend/follower into BBDB."
+ (bbdb-create-internal
+ (nth 1 usr) ;;name
+ nil ;; affix
+ nil ;; aka
+ nil ;; organizations
+ nil ;; mail
+ nil ;; phones
+ nil ;; addresses
+ (cons
+ (cons 'identica (nth 0 usr))
+ '()
+ ) ;; notes
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-check-record (record usr)
+ "Check if the record has the same value in the \"identica\" field and the name field.
+If it is the same return t.
+If it is different return nil.
+If the \"identica\" field does not exists return nil(it means it has different value).
+ ;; Get if exists the field
+ (if (and
+ record
+ usr)
+ (string=
+ (bbdb-record-note record 'identica)
+ (car usr)
+ )
+ nil
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-ask-for-save ()
+ "This is intended when the user wants to quit identica.
+As soon he/she wants to quit, is necessary to ask if she/he wants to update BBDB database."
+ (bbdb-save t t)
+ )
+ (add-hook 'identica-friends-good-bye-hooks 'bbdb-identica-ask-for-save)
+ (add-hook 'identica-friends-next-user-hooks 'bbdb-identica-friends-next-usr)
+ (add-hook 'identica-friends-prev-user-hooks 'bbdb-identica-friends-next-usr)
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-next-usr ()
+ "Go to next identica user in the identica buffer, find its BBDB record and show it if exists."
+ (interactive)
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (bbdb-identica-find-next-usr-pos))
+ ;; Get user nick
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-forward-regexp "[^[:blank:]]+" nil t)
+ (setq usrnick (match-string-no-properties 0))
+ )
+ ;; Remove the '@'
+ (when (string= "@" (substring usrnick 0 1))
+ ;;Has a '@', take it out.
+ (setq usrnick (substring usrnick 0 1))
+ )
+ ;; Remove the ','
+ (when (string= "," (substring usrnick -1))
+ (setq usrnick (substring usrnick 0 -1))
+ )
+ ;; Find usrnick in the BBDB
+ (bbdb-search-notes "identica" usrnick)
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-find-next-usr-1-pos ()
+ "Find the next identica nick starting with '@'."
+ (with-current-buffer identica-buffer
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-forward-regexp "@[^[:blank:]]*" nil t)
+ (match-beginning 0)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-find-next-usr-2-pos ()
+ "Find the next identica nick as the first element that appear of a status. For example:
+ rms, 10:26 septiembre 26, 2011:
+ hola, esto es un estado // from web [algúnlado] in reply to someone
+in this case the return value is 'rms'."
+ (with-current-buffer identica-buffer
+ (identica-get-next-username-face-pos (point))
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-find-next-usr-pos ()
+ "Return the position of the first identica nick after the current point, no matters if it is a '@user' form or just
+the name of the status's remitent."
+ (let ((usr1 (bbdb-identica-find-next-usr-1-pos))
+ (usr2 (bbdb-identica-find-next-usr-2-pos))
+ )
+ ;; Look wich one is first, and return that one
+ (if (< usr1 usr2)
+ usr1
+ usr2
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-down-key ()
+ "Go to down, and then show the next possible nick BBDB record."
+ (interactive)
+ (next-line)
+ (bbdb-identica-next-usr)
+ )
+(defun bbdb-identica-up-key ()
+ "Go to up and then show the next possible nick BBDB record."
+ (interactive)
+ (previous-line)
+ (bbdb-identica-next-usr)
+ )
+;; I see that this could be a bit destructive.
+;; If down or up key are setted to other functions, this will make identica to ignore them!
+ ;; If you want, at every position, to search for BBDB uncomment this:
+ ;;(define-key identica-mode-map [down] 'bbdb-identica-down-key)
+ ;;(define-key identica-mode-map [up] 'bbdb-identica-up-key)
+ )
+;; This is better: at each j and k key(identica-goto-next-status) search for its BBDB record.
+(defadvice identica-goto-next-status (after bbdb-identica-next-status)
+ "Search for BBDB record of the next nearest nick."
+ (save-excursion
+ (backward-char)
+ (bbdb-identica-next-usr)
+ )
+ )
+(defadvice identica-goto-previous-status (after bbdb-identica-next-status)
+ "Search for BBDB record of the next nearest nick."
+ (save-excursion
+ (backward-char)
+ (bbdb-identica-next-usr)
+ )
+ )
+ (ad-activate 'identica-goto-next-status)
+ (ad-activate 'identica-goto-previous-status)
+ )
+(provide 'bbdb-identica)
+;;; bbdb-identica.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/dir b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/dir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59e5e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/dir
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the
+topmost node of the Info hierarchy, called (dir)Top.
+The first time you invoke Info you start off looking at this node.
+File: dir, Node: Top This is the top of the INFO tree
+ This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.
+ Typing "q" exits, "?" lists all Info commands, "d" returns here,
+ "h" gives a primer for first-timers,
+ "mEmacs" visits the Emacs manual, etc.
+ In Emacs, you can click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference
+ to select it.
+* Menu:
+* Identica mode: (identica-mode).
+ Emacs mode for microblogging services.
diff --git a/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/fdl.info b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/fdl.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68a21fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/fdl.info
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+This is fdl.info, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from fdl.texi.
+ Version 1.2, November 2002
+ Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+ functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
+ assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
+ with or without modifying it, either commercially or
+ noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
+ author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
+ being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
+ This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+ works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
+ It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
+ license designed for free software.
+ We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
+ free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
+ free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
+ that the software does. But this License is not limited to
+ software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
+ of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We
+ recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
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+ This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
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+ is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not
+ explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of
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+ The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
+ titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the
+ notice that says that the Document is released under this License.
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+ contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify
+ any Invariant Sections then there are none.
+ The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
+ listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
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+ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
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+their use in free software.
+Tag Table:
+End Tag Table
diff --git a/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/identica-friends.el b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/identica-friends.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1efaef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/identica-friends.el
@@ -0,0 +1,793 @@
+;;; identica-friends.el ---
+;; Filename: identica-friends.el
+;; Description: A library that provides some functions to look who are your friends in your identi.ca account.
+;; Author: Christian Giménez
+;; Maintainer:
+;; Created: dom sep 25 17:58:40 2011 (-0300)
+;; Version:
+;; Last-Updated:
+;; By:
+;; Update #: 0
+;; URL:
+;; Keywords:
+;; Compatibility:
+;; Features that might be required by this library:
+;; None
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Use M-x identica first, if you are not connected, this library
+;; will not work.
+;; You can check who are your friends on Identi.ca using the function
+;; M-x identica-show-friends
+;; If you want to check who are following you, type:
+;; M-x identica-show-followers
+;; I divided the code into sections. This sections are tabbed asside
+;; and commented by an only one ";". Also are overlined and underlined
+;; so, they are very visible.
+;; Convention:
+;; All functions and variables in this modules has the prefix
+;; "identica-friends" so you can identify easyly.
+;; The main functions may not have this prefix so users don't get
+;; confused.
+;;; Change Log:
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'xml)
+(require 'identica-mode)
+ ; ____________________
+ ;
+ ; Variables
+ ; ____________________
+(defvar identica-friends-buffer nil
+ "Friend's Buffer. Internal use of identica-friends.el."
+ )
+(defvar identica-friends-buffer-name "*identica-friends*"
+ "Friends buffer's name. Changing this variable will effect after you
+recall identica-friends functions.
+Be aware of no function or actual buffers exists. Reboot all identica-friends functions."
+ )
+(defvar identica-friends-buffer-type nil
+ "If the buffer contains a list of users, the this is setted into 'users.
+If the buffer contains a list of groups, this is setted into 'groups.
+Nil means, no buffer or just the programmer forgot to set it! :-S ."
+ )
+ ; ----
+ ; Hooks Variables
+ ; ----
+(defcustom identica-friends-good-bye-hooks
+ 'nil
+ "These functions are called as soon as the `identica-friends-good-bye' functions finnish."
+ :type '(hook)
+ )
+(defcustom identica-friends-mode-hooks
+ 'nil
+ "These functions are called as soon as the `identica-friends-mode' functions finnish."
+ :type '(hook)
+ )
+(defcustom identica-friends-show-friends-hooks
+ 'nil
+ "These functions are called as soon as the `identica-show-friends' functions finnish."
+ :type '(hook)
+ )
+(defcustom identica-friends-show-followers-hooks
+ 'nil
+ "These functions are called as soon as the `identica-show-followers' functions finnish."
+ :type '(hook)
+ )
+(defcustom identica-friends-next-user-hooks
+ 'nil
+ "These functions are called as soon as the `identica-friends-next-user' functions finnish."
+ :type '(hook)
+ )
+(defcustom identica-friends-prev-user-hooks
+ 'nil
+ "These functions are called as soon as the `identica-friends-prev-user' functions finnish."
+ :type '(hook)
+ )
+ ; ____________________
+ ;
+ ; Faces and font-lock
+ ; ____________________
+(defface identica-friends-mode-id
+ '(
+ ; If there's dark background...
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ :foreground "yellow"
+ )
+ ; If there's light background...
+ (((class color) (background light))
+ :foreground "red"
+ )
+ (t :background "white"
+ :foreground "blue")
+ )
+ ""
+ )
+(defface identica-friends-mode-bar
+ '(
+ ; If there's dark background...
+ (((class color) (background dark))
+ :bold t
+ )
+ ; If there's light background...
+ (((class color) (background light))
+ :bold t
+ )
+ (t :background "white"
+ :foreground "blue"
+ :bold t)
+ )
+ ""
+ )
+(defvar identica-friends-mode-font-lock
+ '(
+ ;; font-lock-keywords
+ (
+ ("^Id: .*$" . 'identica-friends-mode-id)
+ ("^Nick: .*$" . 'identica-username-face)
+ ("^--------------------$" . 'identica-friends-mode-bar)
+ )
+ ;; Otros...
+ )
+ ;;
+ "Font lock for `identica-friends--mode'"
+ )
+ ; ____________________
+ ;
+ ; Keymaps
+ ; ____________________
+;; Keymaps calls functions from the "Interactive API Commands" sections(see below).
+(defvar identica-friends-mode-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map "q" 'identica-friends-good-bye)
+ (define-key map "n" 'identica-friends-next-user)
+ (define-key map "p" 'identica-friends-prev-user)
+ (define-key map [down] 'identica-friends-next-user)
+ (define-key map [up] 'identica-friends-prev-user)
+ (define-key map [left] 'identica-friends-prev-user)
+ (define-key map [right] 'identica-friends-next-user)
+ (define-key map [return] 'identica-friends-goto-timeline-at-point)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for `identica-friends-mode'."
+ )
+ ; ____________________
+ ;
+ ; Major Mode
+ ; ____________________
+(define-derived-mode identica-friends-mode nil "Identica-friends-mode"
+ "Major mode for identica-friends buffer.
+Use `identica-show-friends' to call this buffer."
+ ;; font lock para ej-mode
+ (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+ identica-friends-mode-font-lock)
+ (set (make-local-variable 'buffer-read-only) t)
+ (make-local-variable 'inhibit-read-only)
+ (run-hooks 'identica-friends-mode-hooks)
+ )
+ ; ________________________________________
+ ;
+ ; Interactive API Commands
+ ; ________________________________________
+(defun identica-friends-good-bye ()
+ "Bury the *identica-friends* buffer"
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (bury-buffer)
+ (run-hooks 'identica-friends-good-bye-hooks)
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-next-user ()
+ "Put the pointer in the next friend or follower in the identica-friend buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (goto-char (identica-friends-find-next-user-position))
+ )
+ (run-hooks 'identica-friends-next-user-hooks)
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-prev-user ()
+ "Put the pointer in the previous friend or follower in the identica-friend buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (goto-char (identica-friends-find-prev-user-position))
+ )
+ (run-hooks 'identica-friends-prev-user-hooks)
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-goto-timeline-at-point ()
+ "Check whenever we are in user-list or group-list. If we are listing user, call `identica-friends-goto-user-timeline-at-point',
+if not call `identica-friends-goto-group-timeline-at-point'."
+ (interactive)
+ (cond
+ ((eq identica-friends-buffer-type 'users)
+ (identica-friends-goto-user-timeline-at-point)
+ )
+ ((eq identica-friends-buffer-type 'groups)
+ (identica-friends-goto-group-timeline-at-point)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-goto-user-timeline-at-point ()
+ "Search for the username and go to his timeline."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((username (identica-friends-find-username))
+ )
+ (identica-user-timeline username)
+ (switch-to-buffer identica-buffer)
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-goto-group-timeline-at-point ()
+ "Search for the group name and go to his timeline."
+ (interactive)
+ ;; Look that `identica-friends-find-username' can be used for getting anything that starts with the "Nick: " string,
+ ;; so is usefull here as well!
+ (let ((groupname (identica-friends-find-username))
+ )
+ (identica-group-timeline groupname)
+ (switch-to-buffer identica-buffer)
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ ; Main function:
+ ; Followers Commands
+ ;
+(defun identica-show-followers()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-friends-buffer-type 'users)
+ (identica-http-get (sn-account-server sn-current-account)
+ (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account)
+ "statuses" "followers" nil 'identica-friends-show-user-sentinel '("follower"))
+ (run-hooks 'identica-friends-show-followers-hooks)
+ )
+ ;
+ ; Main function:
+ ; Friends Commands
+ ;
+(defun identica-show-friends ()
+ (interactive)
+; (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+; (setq identica-method "friends")
+; (identica-http-get identica-method-class identica-method identica-show-friend-sentinel)
+ (setq identica-friends-buffer-type 'users)
+ (identica-http-get (sn-account-server sn-current-account) ;; server
+ (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account);; auth-mode
+ "statuses" "friends" nil 'identica-friends-show-user-sentinel '("friend"))
+ (run-hooks 'identica-friends-show-friends-hooks)
+ )
+(defun identica-show-groups ()
+ (interactive)
+;; (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+;; (setq identica-method "friends")
+;; (identica-http-get identica-method-class identica-method identica-show-friend-sentinel)
+ (setq identica-friends-buffer-type 'groups)
+ (identica-http-get (sn-account-server sn-current-account) ;; server
+ (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account);; auth-mode
+ "statusnet" "groups/list" nil 'identica-friends-show-user-sentinel '("group"))
+ ;;(run-hooks 'identica-friends-show-groups-hooks)
+ )
+ ; ____________________
+ ;
+ ; Auxiliary Functions
+ ; ____________________
+(defun identica-friends-find-username ()
+ "Find the username in the nearby at current position.
+I suppose that the cursor is on the nickname and not anywhere."
+ (save-excursion
+ (if (search-forward-regexp "Nick: \\(.*\\)" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ nil
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-buffer ()
+ "Show a new buffer with all the friends. "
+ (setq identica-friends-buffer (get-buffer-create identica-friends-buffer-name))
+ (switch-to-buffer identica-friends-buffer)
+ (identica-friends-mode)
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-get-current-user ()
+ "Return the current user(friend or follower) that we are pointing now in the *identica-buffer*.
+This will be returned as a list wich components are in these order:
+ (setq usr '())
+ (save-excursion
+ ;; Position at the beginning of the user.
+ (search-backward-regexp "^--------------------$" nil t)
+ (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+ (setq usr (cons (identica-friends-get-location) usr))
+ (setq usr (cons (identica-friends-get-desc) usr))
+ (setq usr (cons (identica-friends-get-name) usr))
+ (setq usr (cons (identica-friends-get-nick) usr))
+ )
+ usr
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-get-nick ()
+ "Get the *next* user(friend or follower) nick.
+If there are no user, return nil."
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-forward-regexp "Nick: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-get-name ()
+ "Get the *next* user(friend or follower) nick.
+If there are no user, return nil."
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-forward-regexp "Name: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-get-desc ()
+ "Get the current user(friend or follower) nick.
+If there are no user, return nil."
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-forward-regexp "Description: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-get-location ()
+ "Get the current user(friend or follower) nick.
+If there are no user, return nil."
+ (with-current-buffer identica-friends-buffer
+ (save-excursion
+ (search-forward-regexp "Location: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+(defun identica-friends-show-user-sentinel
+ (&optional status method-class method parameters type-of-user)
+ "Sentinel executed after recieving all the information from identi.ca.
+This sentinel needs to know if the TYPE-OF-USER(or type of list) is one of these:
+- \"friend\"
+- \"follower\"
+- \"group\"
+First, its parse the XML file recieved by identi.ca. While parsing, it show the user data into a buffer.
+ ;; cnngimenez: This I used for debug HTTP
+ (identica-friends-copiar-http-buffer)
+ ;; Search for the begining of the xml...
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (search-forward "
+;; Last update: 2011-10-20
+;; Version: 1.3.1
+;; Keywords: identica web
+;; URL: http://blog.gabrielsaldana.org/identica-mode-for-emacs/
+;; Contributors:
+;; Jason McBrayer (minor updates for working under Emacs 23)
+;; Alex Schröder (mode map patches)
+;; Christian Cheng (fixed long standing xml parsing bug)
+;; Carlos A. Perilla from denting-mode
+;; Alberto Garcia (integrated patch from twittering-mode for retrieving multiplemethods)
+;; Bradley M. Kuhn (editing status from edit-buffer rather than minibuffer)
+;; Jason McBrayer (replace group tags with hashtags on redents, longlines use)
+;; Sean Neakums (patches of bugs flagged by byte-compiler)
+;; Shyam Karanatt (several patches and code cleanup, new http backend based on url.el)
+;; Tezcatl Franco (ur1.ca support)
+;; Anthony Garcia (fix for icon-mode)
+;; Alexande Oliva (fix for icon placement on reverse order dents, bug fixes)
+;; Aidan Gauland (variable scope code cleanup)
+;; Joel J. Adamson Added countdown minibuffer-prompt style
+;; Kevin Granade (OAuth support)
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Identica Mode is a major mode to check friends timeline, and update your
+;; status on Emacs.
+;; identica-mode.el is a major mode for Identica. Based on the twittering mode
+;; version 0.6 by Y. Hayamizu and Tsuyoshi CHO found at
+;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FORCouldn't findSE. See the
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth floor,
+;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;; Requirements
+;; if using Emacs22 or previous, you'll need json.el
+;; get it from http://edward.oconnor.cx/2006/03/json.el
+;; json.el is part of Emacs23
+;; To use the OAuth support, you need oauth.el
+;; Downloadable from http://github.com/psanford/emacs-oauth/
+;; If using Oauth with Emacs earlier than 23.3 you'll also need w3m.
+;;; Install:
+;; You can use M-x customize-group identica-mode to setup all settings or simply
+;; add the following to your .emacs or your prefered customizations file
+;; (require 'identica-mode)
+;; (setq identica-username "yourusername")
+;; If you want to use simple authentication add your password
+;; (setq identica-password "yourpassword")
+;; It is recommended to create a file ~/.authinfo with your login credentials
+;; instead of storing your password in plain text, the file should have the
+;; following contents:
+;; machine servername login yourusername password yourpassword
+;; Replace servername with your server (if Identica server use identi.ca)
+;; yourusername and yourpassword with your information. If you setup your
+;; authinfo file, you don't need to set identica-password variable anywhere
+;; If you want to use OAuth authentication add the following
+;; (setq identica-auth-mode "oauth")
+;; If you want to post from the minibufer without having identica buffer active, add the following global keybinding.
+;; Add this to send status updates
+;; (global-set-key "\C-cip" 'identica-update-status-interactive)
+;; Add this to send direct messages
+;; (global-set-key "\C-cid" 'identica-direct-message-interactive)
+;; If you want to connect to a custom statusnet server add this and change
+;; identi.ca with your server's doman name.
+;; (setq statusnet-server "identi.ca")
+;; Start using with M-x identica
+;; Follow me on identica: http://identi.ca/gabrielsaldana
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl)
+(require 'xml)
+(require 'parse-time)
+(require 'url)
+(require 'url-http)
+(require 'json)
+(require 'image)
+(defconst identica-mode-version "1.3.1")
+;;url-basepath fix for emacs22
+(unless (fboundp 'url-basepath)
+ (defalias 'url-basepath 'url-file-directory))
+;;workaround for url-unhex-string bug that was fixed in emacs 23.3
+(defvar identica-unhex-broken nil
+ "Predicate indicating broken-ness of `url-unhex-string'.
+If non-nil, indicates that `url-unhex-string' is broken and
+must be worked around when using oauth.")
+(defgroup identica-mode nil
+ "Identica Mode for microblogging"
+ :tag "Microblogging"
+ :link '(url-link http://blog.gabrielsaldana.org/identica-mode-for-emacs/)
+ :group 'applications )
+(defun identica-mode-version ()
+ "Display a message for identica-mode version."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((version-string
+ (format "identica-mode-v%s" identica-mode-version)))
+ (if (interactive-p)
+ (message "%s" version-string)
+ version-string)))
+(defvar identica-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap "Identi.ca"))
+(defvar menu-bar-identica-mode-menu nil)
+(defvar identica-timer nil "Timer object for timeline refreshing will be stored here. DO NOT SET VALUE MANUALLY.")
+(defvar identica-urlshortening-services-map
+ '((tinyurl . "http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=")
+ (toly . "http://to.ly/api.php?longurl=")
+ (google . "http://ggl-shortener.appspot.com/?url=")
+ (ur1ca . "http://ur1.ca/?longurl=")
+ (tighturl . "http://2tu.us/?save=y&url=")
+ (isgd . "http://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url="))
+ "Alist of tinyfy services.")
+(defvar identica-new-dents-count 0
+ "Number of new tweets when `identica-new-dents-hook' is run.")
+(defvar identica-new-dents-hook nil
+ "Hook run when new twits are received.
+You can read `identica-new-dents-count' to get the number of new
+tweets received when this hook is run.")
+(defvar identica-display-max-dents nil
+ "How many dents to keep on the displayed timeline.
+If non-nil, dents over this amount will bre removed.")
+;; Menu
+(unless menu-bar-identica-mode-menu
+ (easy-menu-define
+ menu-bar-identica-mode-menu identica-mode-map ""
+ '("Identi.ca"
+ ["Send an update" identica-update-status-interactive t]
+ ["Send a direct message" identica-direct-message-interactive t]
+ ["Re-dent someone's update" identica-redent t]
+ ["Repeat someone's update" identica-repeat t]
+ ["Add as favorite" identica-favorite t]
+ ["Follow user" identica-follow]
+ ["Unfollow user" identica-unfollow]
+ ["--" nil nil]
+ ["Friends timeline" identica-friends-timeline t]
+ ["Public timeline" identica-public-timeline t]
+ ["Replies timeline" identica-replies-timeline t]
+ ["User timeline" identica-user-timeline t]
+ ["Tag timeline" identica-tag-timeline t]
+ ["--" nil nil]
+ ;; ["Group timeline" identica-group-timeline t]
+ ;; ["Join to this group" identica-group-join t]
+ ["Leave this group" identica-group-leave t]
+ )))
+(defcustom identica-idle-time 20
+ "Idle time."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-timer-interval 90
+ "Timer interval to refresh the timeline."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-username nil
+ "Your identi.ca username. If nil, you will be prompted."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Ask" nil) (string))
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-password nil
+ "Your identi.ca password. If nil, you will be prompted."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Ask" nil) (string))
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-auth-mode "password"
+ "Authorization mode used, options are password and oauth."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defun identica-enable-oauth ()
+ "Enables oauth for identica-mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (require 'oauth)
+ ;Test if we're running on an emacs version with broken unhex and apply workaround.
+ (unless (eq (url-unhex-string (url-hexify-string "²")) "²")
+ (setq identica-unhex-broken t)
+ (require 'w3m))
+ (setq identica-auth-mode "oauth"))
+(defvar identica-mode-oauth-consumer-key
+ "53e8e7bf7d1be8e58ef1024b31478d2b")
+(defvar identica-mode-oauth-consumer-secret
+ "1ab0876f14bd82c4eb450f720a0e84ae")
+(defcustom statusnet-server "identi.ca"
+ "Statusnet instance url."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom statusnet-request-url
+ "https://identi.ca/api/oauth/request_token"
+ "Statusnet oauth request_token url."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom statusnet-access-url
+ "https://identi.ca/api/oauth/access_token"
+ "Statusnet oauth access_token url."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom statusnet-authorize-url
+ "https://identi.ca/api/oauth/authorize"
+ "Statusnet authorization url."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom statusnet-server-textlimit 140
+ "Number of characters allowed in a status."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defvar oauth-access-token nil)
+(defcustom statusnet-port 80
+ "Port on which StatusNet instance listens."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-default-timeline "friends_timeline"
+ "Default timeline to retrieve."
+ :type 'string
+ :options '("friends_timeline" "public_timeline" "replies")
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-statuses-count 20
+ "Default number of statuses to retrieve."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-display-success-messages nil
+ "Display messages when the timeline is successfully retrieved."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-oldest-first nil
+ "If t, display older messages before newer ones."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-update-status-edit-confirm-cancellation nil
+ "If t, ask user if they are sure when aborting editing of an
+identica status update when using an edit-buffer"
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-soft-wrap-status t
+ "If non-nil, don't fill status messages in the timeline as
+paragraphs. Instead, use visual-line-mode or longlines-mode if
+ available to wrap messages. This may work better for narrow
+ timeline windows."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-update-status-method 'minibuffer
+ "Method for performaing status updates.
+The available choices are:
+ 'minibuffer - edit the status update in the minibuffer.
+ 'edit-buffer - edit the status update in an independent buffer."
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Edit status in minibuffer" minibuffer)
+ (const :tag "Edit status in independent buffer" edit-buffer))
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-http-get-timeout 10
+ "Controls how long to wait for a response from the server."
+ :type 'integer
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+;; Initialize with default timeline
+(defvar identica-method identica-default-timeline)
+(defvar identica-method-class "statuses")
+(defvar identica-remote-server nil)
+(defvar identica-scroll-mode nil)
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'identica-scroll-mode)
+(defvar identica-source "identica-mode")
+(defcustom identica-redent-format "♻"
+ "The format/symbol to represent redents."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-blacklist '()
+ "List of regexes used to filter statuses, evaluated after status formatting is applied."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-status-format "%i %s, %@:\n %h%t // from %f%L%r\n\n"
+ "The format used to display the status updates."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+;; %s - screen_name
+;; %S - name
+;; %i - profile_image
+;; %d - description
+;; %l - location
+;; %L - " [location]"
+;; %r - in reply to status
+;; %u - url
+;; %j - user.id
+;; %p - protected?
+;; %c - created_at (raw UTC string)
+;; %C{time-format-str} - created_at (formatted with time-format-str)
+;; %@ - X seconds ago
+;; %t - text
+;; %' - truncated
+;; %h - favorited
+;; %f - source
+;; %# - id
+(defcustom identica-urlshortening-service 'ur1ca
+ "The service to use for URL shortening.
+Values understood are ur1ca, tighturl, tinyurl, toly, google and isgd."
+ :type 'symbol
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defvar identica-buffer "*identica*")
+(defun identica-buffer (&optional method)
+ "Create a buffer for use by identica-mode.
+Initialize the global method with the default, or with METHOD, if present."
+ (unless method
+ (setq method "friends_timeline"))
+ (get-buffer-create identica-buffer))
+(defstruct (statusnet-oauth-data
+ (:conc-name sn-oauth-))
+ "The oauth configuration associated with a statusnet account."
+ consumer-key ; string
+ consumer-secret ; string
+ request-url ; string
+ access-url ; string
+ authorize-url ; string
+ access-token ; string
+ )
+(defstruct (statusnet-account
+ (:conc-name sn-account-))
+ "Container for account information."
+ server ; string
+ port ; integer
+ username ; string
+ auth-mode ; string, either "password" or "oauth"
+ password ; string
+ textlimit ; integer
+ oauth-data ; statusnet-account-oauth-data
+ last-timeline-retrieved ; string
+ )
+(defvar statusnet-accounts nil
+ "A list of login credentials for statusnet instances.")
+(defvar sn-current-account nil
+ "A pointer to the statusnet account being processed.")
+(defvar identica-http-buffer nil
+ "Pointer to the current http response buffer.")
+(defvar identica-timeline-data nil)
+(defvar identica-timeline-last-update nil)
+(defvar identica-highlighted-entries nil
+ "List of entry ids selected for highlighting.")
+(defcustom identica-enable-highlighting nil
+ "If non-nil, set the background of every selected entry to the background
+of identica-highlight-face."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-enable-striping nil
+ "If non-nil, set the background of every second entry to the background
+of identica-stripe-face."
+ :type 'boolean
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defvar identica-username-face 'identica-username-face)
+(defvar identica-uri-face 'identica-uri-face)
+(defvar identica-reply-face 'identica-reply-face)
+(defvar identica-stripe-face 'identica-stripe-face)
+(defvar identica-highlight-face 'identica-highlight-face)
+(defcustom identica-reply-bg-color "DarkSlateGray"
+ "The background color on which replies are displayed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-stripe-bg-color "SlateGray"
+ "The background color on which striped entries are displayed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defcustom identica-highlight-bg-color "DarkSlateGray"
+ "The background color on which highlighted entries are displayed."
+ :type 'string
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+;;; Proxy
+(defvar identica-proxy-use nil)
+(defvar identica-proxy-server nil)
+(defvar identica-proxy-port 8080)
+(defvar identica-proxy-user nil)
+(defvar identica-proxy-password nil)
+(defun identica-toggle-proxy ()
+ "Toggle whether identica-mode uses a proxy."
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-proxy-use
+ (not identica-proxy-use))
+ (message "%s %s"
+ "Use Proxy:"
+ (if identica-proxy-use
+ "on" "off")))
+(defun identica-user-agent-default-function ()
+ "Identica mode default User-Agent function."
+ (concat "Emacs/"
+ (int-to-string emacs-major-version) "." (int-to-string
+ emacs-minor-version)
+ " "
+ "Identica-mode/"
+ identica-mode-version))
+(defvar identica-user-agent-function 'identica-user-agent-default-function)
+(defun identica-user-agent ()
+ "Return User-Agent header string."
+ (funcall identica-user-agent-function))
+;;; to show image files
+(defvar identica-tmp-dir
+ (expand-file-name (concat "identicamode-images-" (user-login-name))
+ temporary-file-directory))
+(defvar identica-icon-mode nil "You MUST NOT CHANGE this variable directory. You should change through function'identica-icon-mode'.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'identica-icon-mode)
+(defun identica-icon-mode (&optional arg)
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-icon-mode
+ (if identica-icon-mode
+ (if (null arg)
+ nil
+ (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))
+ (when (or (null arg)
+ (and arg (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
+ (when (file-writable-p identica-tmp-dir)
+ (progn
+ (if (not (file-directory-p identica-tmp-dir))
+ (make-directory identica-tmp-dir))
+ t)))))
+ (identica-current-timeline))
+(defun identica-scroll-mode (&optional arg)
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-scroll-mode
+ (if (null arg)
+ (not identica-scroll-mode)
+ (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0))))
+(defvar identica-image-stack nil)
+(defun identica-image-type (file-name)
+ (cond
+ ((string-match "\\.jpe?g" file-name) 'jpeg)
+ ((string-match "\\.png" file-name) 'png)
+ ((string-match "\\.gif" file-name) 'gif)
+ (t nil)))
+(defun identica-setftime (fmt string uni)
+ (format-time-string fmt ; like "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ (apply 'encode-time (parse-time-string string))
+ uni))
+(defun identica-local-strftime (fmt string)
+ (identica-setftime fmt string nil))
+(defun identica-global-strftime (fmt string)
+ (identica-setftime fmt string t))
+(defvar identica-debug-mode nil)
+(defvar identica-debug-buffer "*identica-debug*")
+(defun identica-debug-buffer ()
+ (get-buffer-create identica-debug-buffer))
+(defmacro debug-print (obj)
+ (let ((obsym (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,obsym ,obj))
+ (if identica-debug-mode
+ (with-current-buffer (identica-debug-buffer)
+ (insert (prin1-to-string ,obsym))
+ (newline)
+ ,obsym)
+ ,obsym))))
+(defun identica-debug-mode ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-debug-mode
+ (not identica-debug-mode))
+ (message (if identica-debug-mode "debug mode:on" "debug mode:off")))
+(defun identica-delete-notice ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((id (get-text-property (point) 'id))
+ (usern (get-text-property (point) 'username)))
+ (if (string= usern (sn-account-username sn-current-account))
+ (when (y-or-n-p "Delete this notice? ")
+ (identica-http-post "statuses/destroy" (number-to-string id))
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+ (message "Can't delete a notice that isn't yours"))))
+(if identica-mode-map
+ (let ((km identica-mode-map))
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-f" 'identica-friends-timeline)
+ ;; (define-key km "\C-c\C-i" 'identica-direct-messages-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-r" 'identica-replies-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-a" 'identica-public-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-g" 'identica-group-timeline)
+ ;; (define-ley km "\C-c\C-j" 'identica-group-join)
+ ;; (define-ley km "\C-c\C-l" 'identica-group-leave)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-t" 'identica-tag-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-k" 'identica-stop)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-u" 'identica-user-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-c" 'identica-conversation-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-o" 'identica-remote-user-timeline)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-s" 'identica-update-status-interactive)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-d" 'identica-direct-message-interactive)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-m" 'identica-redent)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-h" 'identica-toggle-highlight)
+ (define-key km "r" 'identica-repeat)
+ (define-key km "F" 'identica-favorite)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-e" 'identica-erase-old-statuses)
+ (define-key km "\C-m" 'identica-enter)
+ (define-key km "R" 'identica-reply-to-user)
+ (define-key km "A" 'identica-reply-to-all)
+ (define-key km "\t" 'identica-next-link)
+ (define-key km [backtab] 'identica-prev-link)
+ (define-key km [mouse-1] 'identica-click)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-v" 'identica-view-user-page)
+ (define-key km "q" 'bury-buffer)
+ (define-key km "e" 'identica-expand-replace-at-point)
+ (define-key km "j" 'identica-goto-next-status)
+ (define-key km "k" 'identica-goto-previous-status)
+ (define-key km "l" 'forward-char)
+ (define-key km "h" 'backward-char)
+ (define-key km "0" 'beginning-of-line)
+ (define-key km "^" 'beginning-of-line-text)
+ (define-key km "$" 'end-of-line)
+ (define-key km "n" 'identica-goto-next-status-of-user)
+ (define-key km "p" 'identica-goto-previous-status-of-user)
+ (define-key km [backspace] 'scroll-down)
+ (define-key km " " 'scroll-up)
+ (define-key km "G" 'end-of-buffer)
+ (define-key km "g" 'identica-current-timeline)
+ (define-key km "H" 'beginning-of-buffer)
+ (define-key km "i" 'identica-icon-mode)
+ (define-key km "s" 'identica-scroll-mode)
+ (define-key km "t" 'identica-toggle-proxy)
+ (define-key km "\C-k" 'identica-delete-notice)
+ (define-key km "\C-c\C-p" 'identica-toggle-proxy)
+ nil))
+(defvar identica-mode-syntax-table nil "")
+(if identica-mode-syntax-table
+ ()
+ (setq identica-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
+ ;; (modify-syntax-entry ? "" identica-mode-syntax-table)
+ (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "w" identica-mode-syntax-table))
+(defun identica-mode-init-variables ()
+ ;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'variable)
+ ;; (setq variable nil)
+ (make-variable-buffer-local 'identica-active-mode)
+ (set-default 'identica-active-mode t)
+ (font-lock-mode -1)
+ (defface identica-username-face
+ `((t nil)) "" :group 'faces)
+ (defface identica-reply-face
+ `((t nil)) "" :group 'faces)
+ (defface identica-stripe-face
+ `((t nil)) "" :group 'faces)
+ (defface identica-highlight-face
+ `((t nil)) "" :group 'faces)
+ (defface identica-uri-face
+ `((t nil)) "" :group 'faces)
+ (defface identica-heart-face
+ `((t nil)) "" :group 'faces)
+ (add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist '(identica-icon-mode " id-icon"))
+ (add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist '(identica-scroll-mode " id-scroll"))
+ ;; make face properties nonsticky
+ (unless (boundp 'identica-text-property-nonsticky-adjustment)
+ (setq identica-text-property-nonsticky-adjustment t)
+ (nconc text-property-default-nonsticky
+ '((face . t)(mouse-face . t)(uri . t)(source . t)(uri-in-text . t))))
+ (identica-create-account))
+(defun identica-create-account ()
+ "Create an account object based on the various custom variables.
+ Insert it into the statusnet accounts list.
+This needs to be called from any globally-accessable entry point."
+ (unless (boundp 'statusnet-account-created)
+ (setq statusnet-account-created t)
+ (setq statusnet-accounts
+ (cons (make-statusnet-account
+ :server statusnet-server
+ :port statusnet-port
+ :username identica-username
+ :auth-mode identica-auth-mode
+ :password identica-password
+ :textlimit statusnet-server-textlimit
+ :oauth-data (if (string= identica-auth-mode "oauth")
+ (make-statusnet-oauth-data
+ :consumer-key identica-mode-oauth-consumer-key
+ :consumer-secret identica-mode-oauth-consumer-secret
+ :request-url statusnet-request-url
+ :access-url statusnet-access-url
+ :authorize-url statusnet-authorize-url
+ :access-token nil)
+ nil)
+ :last-timeline-retrieved nil)
+ statusnet-accounts))
+ (setq sn-current-account (car statusnet-accounts))))
+(defmacro case-string (str &rest clauses)
+ `(cond
+ ,@(mapcar
+ (lambda (clause)
+ (let ((keylist (car clause))
+ (body (cdr clause)))
+ `(,(if (listp keylist)
+ `(or ,@(mapcar (lambda (key) `(string-equal ,str ,key)) keylist))
+ 't)
+ ,@body)))
+ clauses)))
+;; If you use Emacs21, decode-char 'ucs will fail unless Mule-UCS is loaded.
+;; TODO: Show error messages if Emacs 21 without Mule-UCS
+(defmacro identica-ucs-to-char (num)
+ (if (functionp 'ucs-to-char)
+ `(ucs-to-char ,num)
+ `(decode-char 'ucs ,num)))
+(defvar identica-mode-string identica-method)
+(defun identica-set-mode-string (loading)
+ (with-current-buffer (identica-buffer)
+ (let ((timeline-url
+ (concat (or identica-remote-server
+ (sn-account-server sn-current-account))
+ "/" identica-method)))
+ (setq mode-name
+ (if loading (concat
+ (if (stringp loading) loading "loading")
+ " " timeline-url "...")
+ timeline-url))
+ (debug-print mode-name))))
+(defvar identica-mode-hook nil
+ "Identica-mode hook.")
+(defcustom identica-load-hook nil
+ "Hook that is run after identica-mode.el has been loaded."
+ :group 'identica-mode
+ :type 'hook)
+(defun identica-kill-buffer-function ()
+ (when (eq major-mode 'identica-mode)
+ (identica-stop)))
+(defun identica-autoload-oauth ()
+ "Autoloads oauth.el when needed."
+ (autoload 'oauth-authorize-app "oauth")
+ (autoload 'oauth-hexify-string "oauth")
+ (autoload 'make-oauth-access-token "oauth"))
+(defun identica-mode ()
+ "Major mode for Identica.
+ \\{identica-mode-map}"
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-autoload-oauth)
+ (switch-to-buffer (identica-buffer))
+ (buffer-disable-undo (identica-buffer))
+ (kill-all-local-variables)
+ (identica-mode-init-variables)
+ (use-local-map identica-mode-map)
+ (setq major-mode 'identica-mode)
+ (setq mode-name identica-mode-string)
+ (setq mode-line-buffer-identification
+ `(,(default-value 'mode-line-buffer-identification)
+ (:eval (identica-mode-line-buffer-identification))))
+ (identica-update-mode-line)
+ (set-syntax-table identica-mode-syntax-table)
+ (font-lock-mode -1)
+ (if identica-soft-wrap-status
+ (if (fboundp 'visual-line-mode)
+ (visual-line-mode t)
+ (if (fboundp 'longlines-mode)
+ (longlines-mode t))))
+ (identica-retrieve-configuration)
+ (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'identica-kill-buffer-function)
+ (run-mode-hooks 'identica-mode-hook))
+;;; Basic HTTP functions
+(defun identica-set-proxy (&optional url username passwd server port)
+ "Sets the proxy authentication variables as required by url library.
+When called with no arguments, it reads `identica-mode' proxy
+variables to get the authentication parameters.URL is either a string
+or parsed URL. If URL is non-nil and valid, proxy authentication
+values are read from it. The rest of the arguments can be used to
+directly set proxy authentication. This function essentially adds
+authentication parameters from one of the above methods to the double
+alist `url-http-proxy-basic-auth-storage' and sets `url-using-proxy'."
+ (let* ((href (if (stringp url)
+ (url-generic-parse-url url)
+ url))
+ (port (or (and href (url-port href))
+ port identica-proxy-port))
+ (port (if (integerp port) (int-to-string port) port))
+ (server (or (and href (url-host href))
+ server identica-proxy-server))
+ (server (and server
+ (concat server (when port (concat ":" port)))))
+ (file (if href (let ((file-url (url-filename href)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= "" file-url) "/")
+ ((string-match "/$" file-url) file-url)
+ (t (url-basepath file-url))))
+ "Proxy"))
+ (password (or (and href (url-password href))
+ passwd identica-proxy-password))
+ (auth (concat (or (and href (url-user href))
+ username identica-proxy-user)
+ (and password (concat ":" password)))))
+ (when (and identica-proxy-use
+ (not (string= "" server))
+ (not (string= "" auth)))
+ (setq url-using-proxy server)
+ (let* ((proxy-double-alist
+ (or (assoc server
+ url-http-proxy-basic-auth-storage)
+ (car (push (cons server nil)
+ url-http-proxy-basic-auth-storage))))
+ (proxy-auth-alist (assoc file proxy-double-alist)))
+ (if proxy-auth-alist
+ (setcdr proxy-auth-alist (base64-encode-string auth))
+ (setcdr proxy-double-alist
+ (cons (cons file
+ (base64-encode-string auth))
+ (cdr-safe proxy-double-alist))))))))
+(defun identica-change-user ()
+ (interactive)
+ "Interactive function to instantly change user authentication.
+Directly reads parameters from user. This function only sets the
+identica-mode variables `(sn-account-username sn-current-account)' and
+`(sn-account-password sn-current-account)'.
+It is the `identica-set-auth' function that eventually sets the
+url library variables according to the above variables which does the
+authentication. This will be done automatically in normal use cases
+enabling dynamic change of user authentication."
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-ask-credentials)
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+(defun identica-ask-credentials ()
+ "Asks for your username and password."
+ (setf (sn-account-username sn-current-account)
+ (read-string (concat "Username [for " (sn-account-server sn-current-account)
+ ":" (int-to-string (sn-account-port sn-current-account)) "]: ")
+ nil nil (sn-account-username sn-current-account))
+ (sn-account-password sn-current-account)
+ (read-passwd "Password: " nil (sn-account-password sn-current-account))))
+(defun identica-set-auth (&optional url username passwd server port)
+ "Sets the authentication parameters as required by url library.
+If URL is non-nil and valid, it reads user authentication
+parameters from url. If URL is nil, Rest of the arguments can be
+used to directly set user authentication.
+When called with no arguments, user authentication parameters are
+read from identica-mode variables `(sn-account-username sn-current-account)'
+`(sn-account-password sn-current-account)' `(sn-account-server sn-current-account)'
+ `(sn-account-port sn-current-account)'.
+The username and password can also be set on ~/.authinfo,
+~/.netrc or ~/.authinfo.gpg files for better security.
+In this case `(sn-account-password sn-current-account)' should
+not be predefined in any .emacs or init.el files, only
+`(sn-account-username sn-current-account)' should be set."
+ (unless (sn-account-username sn-current-account)
+ (identica-ask-credentials))
+ (let* ((href (if (stringp url)
+ (url-generic-parse-url url)
+ url))
+ (port (or (and href (url-port href))
+ port (sn-account-port sn-current-account)))
+ (port (if (integerp port) (int-to-string port) port))
+ (server (or (and href (url-host href))
+ server (sn-account-server sn-current-account)))
+ (servername server)
+ (server (and server
+ (concat server (when port (concat ":" port)))))
+ (file (if href (let ((file-url (url-filename href)))
+ (cond
+ ((string= "" file-url) "/")
+ ((string-match "/$" file-url) file-url)
+ (t (url-basepath file-url))))
+ "Identi.ca API"))
+ (auth-user (if (functionp 'auth-source-search)
+ (plist-get (car (auth-source-search :host servername :max 1)) :user)
+ (auth-source-user-or-password "login" server "http")))
+ (auth-pass (if (functionp 'auth-source-search)
+ (if (functionp (plist-get (car (auth-source-search :host servername :max 1)) :secret))
+ (funcall (plist-get (car (auth-source-search :host servername :max 1)) :secret))
+ (plist-get (car (auth-source-search :host servername :max 1)) :secret))
+ (auth-source-user-or-password "password" server "http")))
+ (password (or auth-pass (and href (url-password href))
+ passwd (sn-account-password sn-current-account)))
+ (auth (concat (or auth-user (and href (url-user href))
+ username (sn-account-username sn-current-account))
+ (and password (concat ":" password)))))
+ (when (and (not (string= "" server))
+ (not (string= "" auth)))
+ (let* ((server-double-alist
+ (or (assoc server
+ url-http-real-basic-auth-storage)
+ (car (push (cons server nil)
+ url-http-real-basic-auth-storage))))
+ (api-auth-alist (assoc file server-double-alist)))
+ (if api-auth-alist
+ (setcdr api-auth-alist (base64-encode-string auth))
+ (setcdr server-double-alist
+ (cons (cons file
+ (base64-encode-string auth))
+ (cdr-safe server-double-alist))))))))
+(defun identica-initialize-oauth ()
+ "Get authentication token unless we have one stashed already.
+Shamelessly stolen from yammer.el"
+ (let ((filename (concat "~/." (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "-"
+ (sn-account-username sn-current-account) "-oauth-token")))
+ (when (file-exists-p filename)
+ (save-excursion
+ (find-file filename)
+ (let ((str (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
+ (if (string-match "\\([^:]*\\):\\(.*\\)"
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (setf (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (make-oauth-access-token
+ :consumer-key (sn-oauth-consumer-key (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ :consumer-secret (sn-oauth-consumer-secret (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ :auth-t (make-oauth-t
+ :token (match-string 1 str)
+ :token-secret (match-string 2 str))))))
+ (save-buffer)
+ (kill-this-buffer)))
+ (unless (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (setf (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (oauth-authorize-app (sn-oauth-consumer-key (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (sn-oauth-consumer-secret (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (sn-oauth-request-url (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (sn-oauth-access-url (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (sn-oauth-authorize-url (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))))
+ (save-excursion
+ (find-file filename)
+ (end-of-buffer)
+ (let ((token (oauth-access-token-auth-t (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account)))))
+ (insert (format "%s:%s\n"
+ (oauth-t-token token)
+ (oauth-t-token-secret token))))
+ (save-buffer)
+ (kill-this-buffer))))
+ (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account)))
+(defun identica-http-get
+ (server auth-mode method-class method &optional parameters sentinel sentinel-arguments)
+ "Basic function which communicates with server.
+METHOD-CLASS and METHOD are parameters for getting dents messages and
+other information from SERVER as specified in api documentation.
+Third optional arguments specify the additional parameters required by
+the above METHOD. It is specified as an alist with parameter name and
+its corresponding value SENTINEL represents the callback function to
+be called after the http response is completely retrieved.
+SENTINEL-ARGUMENTS is the list of arguments (if any) of the SENTINEL
+ (or sentinel (setq sentinel 'identica-http-get-default-sentinel))
+ (let ((url (concat "http://" server "/api/"
+ (when (not (string-equal method-class "none"))
+ (concat method-class "/" ))
+ method ".xml"
+ (when parameters
+ (concat "?"
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (param-pair)
+ (format "%s=%s"
+ (identica-percent-encode (car param-pair))
+ (identica-percent-encode (cdr param-pair))))
+ parameters
+ "&")))))
+ (url-package-name "emacs-identica-mode")
+ (url-package-version identica-mode-version)
+ (url-show-status nil))
+ (identica-set-proxy)
+ (unless (equal auth-mode "none")
+ (if (equal auth-mode "oauth")
+ (or (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (identica-initialize-oauth))
+ (identica-set-auth url)))
+ (when (get-buffer-process identica-http-buffer)
+ (delete-process identica-http-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer identica-http-buffer))
+ (setq identica-http-buffer
+ (identica-url-retrieve url sentinel method-class
+ method parameters sentinel-arguments auth-mode))
+ (set-buffer identica-buffer)
+ (identica-set-mode-string t)))
+(defun identica-render-pending-dents ()
+ (interactive)
+ "If at the time an HTTP request for new dents finishes,
+identica-buffer is not active, we defer its update, to make sure
+we adjust point within the right frame."
+ (identica-render-timeline)
+ (when (> identica-new-dents-count 0)
+ (run-hooks 'identica-new-dents-hook)
+ (setq identica-new-dents-count 0))
+ (when identica-display-success-messages
+ (message "Success: Get")))
+(defun identica-http-get-default-sentinel
+ (&optional status method-class method parameters success-message)
+ (debug-print (window-buffer))
+ (let ((error-object (assoc-workaround :error status))
+ (active-p (eq (window-buffer) (identica-buffer))))
+ (cond (error-object
+ (let ((error-data (format "%s" (caddr error-object))))
+ (when (cond
+ ((string= error-data "deleted\n") t)
+ ((and (string= error-data "404") method
+ (= 13 (string-match "/" method)))
+ (message "No Such User: %s" (substring method 14))
+ t)
+ ((y-or-n-p
+ (format "Identica-Mode: Network error:%s Retry? "
+ status))
+ (identica-http-get (sn-account-server sn-current-account)
+ (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account)
+ method-class method parameters)
+ nil))
+ ;; when the network process is deleted by another query
+ ;; or the user queried is not found , query is _finished_
+ ;; unsuccessful and we want to restore identica-method
+ ;; to loose track of this unsuccessful attempt
+ (setq identica-method (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account)))))
+ ((< (- (point-max) (or (re-search-forward ">\r?\n\r*$" nil t) 0)) 2)
+ ;;Checking the whether the message is complete by
+ ;;searching for > that closes the last tag, followed by
+ ;;CRLF at (point-max)
+ (let ((body (identica-get-response-body)))
+ (if (not body)
+ (identica-set-mode-string nil)
+ (setq identica-new-dents-count
+ (+ identica-new-dents-count
+ (count t (mapcar
+ #'identica-cache-status-datum
+ (reverse (identica-xmltree-to-status
+ body))))))
+ ; Shorten the timeline if necessary
+ (if (and identica-display-max-dents
+ (> (safe-length identica-timeline-data)
+ identica-display-max-dents))
+ (cl-set-nthcdr identica-display-max-dents
+ identica-timeline-data nil))
+ (if active-p
+ (identica-render-pending-dents)
+ (identica-set-mode-string "pending"))))))))
+(defun merge-text-attribute (start end new-face attribute)
+ "Merge the ATTRIBUTE of NEW-FACE into the text between START and END.
+If we just add the new face its attributes somehow get overridden by
+the attributes of the underlying face, so instead we just add the attribute
+we are interested in."
+ (while (not (eq start end))
+ (let ((bg (face-attribute new-face attribute))
+ (prop (get-text-property start 'face))
+ (next-change
+ (next-single-property-change start 'face (current-buffer) end)))
+ (if prop
+ (add-text-properties start next-change
+ (list 'face
+ (list prop
+ (list attribute bg))))
+ (add-text-properties start next-change
+ (list 'face (list attribute bg))))
+ (setq start next-change))))
+(defun identica-render-timeline ()
+ (with-current-buffer (identica-buffer)
+ (set-face-attribute 'identica-username-face nil
+ :underline t)
+ (set-face-attribute 'identica-reply-face nil
+ :background identica-reply-bg-color)
+ (set-face-attribute 'identica-stripe-face nil
+ :background identica-stripe-bg-color)
+ (set-face-attribute 'identica-highlight-face nil
+ :background identica-highlight-bg-color)
+ (set-face-attribute 'identica-uri-face nil
+ :underline t)
+ (set-face-attribute 'identica-heart-face nil
+ :foreground "firebrick1" :height 2.0)
+ (let ((point (point))
+ (end (point-max))
+ (wrapped (cond (visual-line-mode 'visual-line-mode)
+ (longlines-mode 'longlines-mode)
+ (t nil)))
+ (stripe-entry nil))
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (when wrapped (funcall wrapped -1))
+ (mapc (lambda (status)
+ (let ((before-status (point-marker))
+ (blacklisted 'nil)
+ (formatted-status (identica-format-status
+ status identica-status-format)))
+ (mapc (lambda (regex)
+ (when (string-match-p regex formatted-status)
+ (setq blacklisted 't)))
+ identica-blacklist)
+ (unless blacklisted
+ (when identica-enable-striping
+ (setq stripe-entry (not stripe-entry)))
+ (insert formatted-status)
+ (when (not wrapped)
+ (fill-region-as-paragraph
+ (save-excursion (beginning-of-line -1) (point)) (point)))
+ (insert-and-inherit "\n")
+ ;; Apply highlight overlays to status
+ (when (or (string-equal (sn-account-username sn-current-account)
+ (assoc-default 'in-reply-to-screen-name status))
+ (string-match
+ (concat "@" (sn-account-username sn-current-account)
+ "\\([^[:word:]_-]\\|$\\)") (assoc-default 'text status)))
+ (merge-text-attribute before-status (point) 'identica-reply-face :background))
+ (when (and identica-enable-highlighting
+ (memq (assoc-default 'id status) identica-highlighted-entries))
+ (merge-text-attribute before-status (point) 'identica-highlight-face :background))
+ (when stripe-entry
+ (merge-text-attribute before-status (point) 'identica-stripe-face :background))
+ (when identica-oldest-first (goto-char (point-min))))))
+ identica-timeline-data)
+ (when (and identica-image-stack window-system) (clear-image-cache))
+ (when wrapped (funcall wrapped 1))
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)
+ (debug-print (current-buffer))
+ (goto-char (+ point (if identica-scroll-mode (- (point-max) end) 0)))
+ (identica-set-mode-string nil)
+ (setf (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account) identica-method)
+ (if transient-mark-mode (deactivate-mark)))))
+(defun identica-format-status (status format-str)
+ (flet ((attr (key)
+ (assoc-default key status))
+ (profile-image
+ ()
+ (let ((profile-image-url (attr 'user-profile-image-url)))
+ (when (string-match "/\\([^/?]+\\)\\(?:\\?\\|$\\)" profile-image-url)
+ (let ((filename (match-string-no-properties 1 profile-image-url))
+ (xfilename (match-string-no-properties 0 profile-image-url)))
+ ;; download icons if does not exist
+ (unless (file-exists-p (concat identica-tmp-dir filename))
+ (if (file-exists-p (concat identica-tmp-dir xfilename))
+ (setq filename xfilename)
+ (setq filename nil)
+ (add-to-list 'identica-image-stack profile-image-url)))
+ (when (and identica-icon-mode filename)
+ (let ((avatar (create-image (concat identica-tmp-dir filename))))
+ ;; Make sure the avatar is 48 pixels (which it should already be!, but hey...)
+ ;; For offenders, the top left slice of 48 by 48 pixels is displayed
+ ;; TODO: perhaps make this configurable?
+ (insert-image avatar nil nil `(0 0 48 48)))
+ nil))))))
+ (let ((cursor 0)
+ (result ())
+ c
+ found-at)
+ (setq cursor 0)
+ (setq result '())
+ (while (setq found-at (string-match "%\\(C{\\([^}]+\\)}\\|[A-Za-z#@']\\)" format-str cursor))
+ (setq c (string-to-char (match-string-no-properties 1 format-str)))
+ (if (> found-at cursor)
+ (push (substring format-str cursor found-at) result)
+ "|")
+ (setq cursor (match-end 1))
+ (case c
+ ((?s) ; %s - screen_name
+ (push (attr 'user-screen-name) result))
+ ((?S) ; %S - name
+ (push (attr 'user-name) result))
+ ((?i) ; %i - profile_image
+ (push (profile-image) result))
+ ((?d) ; %d - description
+ (push (attr 'user-description) result))
+ ((?l) ; %l - location
+ (push (attr 'user-location) result))
+ ((?L) ; %L - " [location]"
+ (let ((location (attr 'user-location)))
+ (unless (or (null location) (string= "" location))
+ (push (concat " [" location "]") result)) ))
+ ((?u) ; %u - url
+ (push (attr 'user-url) result))
+ ((?U) ; %U - profile url
+ (push (cadr (split-string (attr 'user-profile-url) "https*://")) result))
+ ((?j) ; %j - user.id
+ (push (format "%d" (attr 'user-id)) result))
+ ((?r) ; %r - in_reply_to_status_id
+ (let ((reply-id (attr 'in-reply-to-status-id))
+ (reply-name (attr 'in-reply-to-screen-name)))
+ (unless (or (null reply-id) (string= "" reply-id)
+ (null reply-name) (string= "" reply-name))
+ (let ((in-reply-to-string (format "in reply to %s" reply-name))
+ (url (identica-get-status-url reply-id)))
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (length in-reply-to-string)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ face identica-uri-face
+ uri ,url)
+ in-reply-to-string)
+ (push (concat " " in-reply-to-string) result)))))
+ ((?p) ; %p - protected?
+ (let ((protected (attr 'user-protected)))
+ (when (string= "true" protected)
+ (push "[x]" result))))
+ ((?c) ; %c - created_at (raw UTC string)
+ (push (attr 'created-at) result))
+ ((?C) ; %C{time-format-str} - created_at (formatted with time-format-str)
+ (push (identica-local-strftime
+ (or (match-string-no-properties 2 format-str) "%H:%M:%S")
+ (attr 'created-at))
+ result))
+ ((?@) ; %@ - X seconds ago
+ (let ((created-at
+ (apply
+ 'encode-time
+ (parse-time-string (attr 'created-at))))
+ (now (current-time)))
+ (let ((secs (+ (* (- (car now) (car created-at)) 65536)
+ (- (cadr now) (cadr created-at))))
+ time-string url)
+ (setq time-string
+ (cond ((< secs 5) "less than 5 seconds ago")
+ ((< secs 10) "less than 10 seconds ago")
+ ((< secs 20) "less than 20 seconds ago")
+ ((< secs 30) "half a minute ago")
+ ((< secs 60) "less than a minute ago")
+ ((< secs 150) "1 minute ago")
+ ((< secs 2400) (format "%d minutes ago"
+ (/ (+ secs 30) 60)))
+ ((< secs 5400) "about 1 hour ago")
+ ((< secs 84600) (format "about %d hours ago"
+ (/ (+ secs 1800) 3600)))
+ (t (format-time-string "%I:%M %p %B %d, %Y" created-at))))
+ (setq url (identica-get-status-url (attr 'id)))
+ ;; make status url clickable
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (length time-string)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ face identica-uri-face
+ uri ,url)
+ time-string)
+ (push time-string result))))
+ ((?t) ; %t - text
+ (push ;(clickable-text)
+ (attr 'text)
+ result))
+ ((?') ; %' - truncated
+ (let ((truncated (attr 'truncated)))
+ (when (string= "true" truncated)
+ (push "..." result))))
+ ((?f) ; %f - source
+ (push (attr 'source) result))
+ ((?F) ; %F - ostatus-aware source
+ (push (if (string= (attr 'source) "ostatus")
+ (cadr (split-string (attr 'user-profile-url) "https*://"))
+ (attr 'source)) result))
+ ((?#) ; %# - id
+ (push (format "%d" (attr 'id)) result))
+ ((?x) ; %x - conversation id (conteXt) - default 0
+ (push (attr 'conversation-id) result))
+ ((?h)
+ (let ((likes (attr 'favorited)))
+ (when (string= "true" likes)
+ (push (propertize "❤" 'face 'identica-heart-face) result))))
+ (t
+ (push (char-to-string c) result))))
+ (push (substring format-str cursor) result)
+ (let ((formatted-status (apply 'concat (nreverse result))))
+ (add-text-properties 0 (length formatted-status)
+ `(username, (attr 'user-screen-name)
+ id, (attr 'id)
+ text, (attr 'text)
+ profile-url, (attr 'user-profile-url)
+ conversation-id, (attr 'conversation-id))
+ formatted-status)
+ formatted-status))))
+(defun identica-url-retrieve
+ (url sentinel method-class method parameters sentinel-arguments &optional auth-mode unhex-workaround)
+ "Call url-retrieve or oauth-url-retrieve dsepending on the mode.
+Apply url-unhex-string workaround if necessary."
+ (if (and (equal auth-mode "oauth")
+ (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account)))
+ (if unhex-workaround
+ (flet ((oauth-extract-url-params
+ (req)
+ "Modified oauth-extract-url-params using w3m-url-decode-string to work around
+bug in url-unhex-string present in emacsen previous to 23.3."
+ (let ((url (oauth-request-url req)))
+ (when (string-match (regexp-quote "?") url)
+ (mapcar (lambda (pair)
+ `(,(car pair) . ,(w3m-url-decode-string (cadr pair))))
+ (url-parse-query-string (substring url (match-end 0))))))))
+ (identica-url-retrieve url sentinel method-class method parameters sentinel-arguments auth-mode))
+ (oauth-url-retrieve (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account)) url sentinel
+ (append (list method-class method parameters)
+ sentinel-arguments)))
+ (url-retrieve url sentinel
+ (append (list method-class method parameters)
+ sentinel-arguments))))
+(defun identica-http-post
+ (method-class method &optional parameters sentinel sentinel-arguments)
+ "Send HTTP POST request to statusnet server.
+METHOD-CLASS must be one of Identica API method classes(statuses, users or direct_messages).
+METHOD must be one of Identica API method which belongs to METHOD-CLASS.
+PARAMETERS is alist of URI parameters. ex) ((\"mode\" . \"view\") (\"page\" . \"6\")) => ?mode=view&page=6"
+ (or sentinel (setq sentinel 'identica-http-post-default-sentinel))
+ (let ((url-request-method "POST")
+ (url (concat "http://"(sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/api/" method-class "/" method ".xml"
+ (when parameters
+ (concat "?"
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (param-pair)
+ (format "%s=%s"
+ (identica-percent-encode (car param-pair))
+ (identica-percent-encode (cdr param-pair))))
+ parameters
+ "&")))))
+ (url-package-name "emacs-identicamode")
+ (url-package-version identica-mode-version)
+ ;; (if (assoc `media parameters)
+ ;; (url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "multipart/form-data")))
+ (url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Length" . "0")))
+ (url-show-status nil))
+ (identica-set-proxy)
+ (if (equal (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account) "oauth")
+ (or (sn-oauth-access-token (sn-account-oauth-data sn-current-account))
+ (identica-initialize-oauth))
+ (identica-set-auth url))
+ (when (get-buffer-process identica-http-buffer)
+ (delete-process identica-http-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer identica-http-buffer))
+ (identica-url-retrieve url sentinel method-class method parameters
+ sentinel-arguments (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account) identica-unhex-broken)))
+(defun identica-http-post-default-sentinel
+ (&optional status method-class method parameters success-message)
+ (let ((error-object (assoc-workaround :error status)))
+ (cond ((and
+ error-object
+ (y-or-n-p (format "Network error:%s %s Retry? "
+ (cadr error-object)
+ (caddr error-object))))
+ (identica-http-post method-class method parameters nil success-message))
+ (identica-display-success-messages
+ (message (or success-message "Success: Post")))))
+ (unless (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
+ (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+(defun identica-get-response-header (&optional buffer)
+ "Exract HTTP response header from HTTP response.
+BUFFER may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer.
+ If BUFFER is omitted, 'current-buffer' is parsed."
+ (or buffer
+ (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (let ((end (or (and (search-forward-regexp "\r?\n\r?\n" (point-max) t)
+ (match-beginning 0))
+ 0)))
+ (and (> end 1)
+ (buffer-substring (point-min) end))))
+(defun identica-get-response-body (&optional buffer)
+ "Exract HTTP response body from HTTP response, parse it as XML, and return a XML tree as list.
+`buffer' may be a buffer or the name of an existing buffer.
+ If `buffer' is omitted, current-buffer is parsed."
+ (or buffer
+ (setq buffer (current-buffer)))
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (set-buffer-multibyte t)
+ (let ((start (save-excursion
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (and (re-search-forward "<\\?xml" (point-max) t)
+ (match-beginning 0)))))
+ (identica-clean-response-body)
+ (and start
+ (prog1
+ (xml-parse-region start (point-max))
+ (if identica-debug-mode
+ t
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))))
+(defun identica-clean-weird-chars (&optional buffer)
+ (with-current-buffer identica-http-buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\
+?" nil t)
+(replace-match ""))
+(defun identica-clean-response-body ()
+ "Remove weird strings (e.g., 1afc, a or 0) from the response body.
+Known Statusnet issue. Mostly harmless except if in tags."
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (while (re-search-forward "\r?\n[0-9a-z]+\r?\n" nil t)
+ (replace-match "")))
+(defun identica-compare-statuses (a b)
+ "Compare a pair of statuses.
+For use as a predicate for sort."
+ (< (assoc-default 'id b) (assoc-default 'id a)))
+(defun identica-cache-status-datum (status-datum &optional data-var)
+ "Cache status datum into data-var(default `identica-timeline-data')
+If STATUS-DATUM is already in DATA-VAR, return nil. If not, return t."
+ (when (null data-var)
+ (setf data-var 'identica-timeline-data))
+ (let ((id (cdr (assq 'id status-datum))))
+ (if (or (null (symbol-value data-var))
+ (not (find-if
+ (lambda (item)
+ (eql id (cdr (assq 'id item))))
+ (symbol-value data-var))))
+ (progn
+ (set data-var (sort (cons status-datum (symbol-value data-var))
+ 'identica-compare-statuses))
+ t)
+ nil)))
+(defun identica-status-to-status-datum (status)
+ (flet ((assq-get (item seq)
+ (car (cddr (assq item seq)))))
+ (let* ((status-data (cddr status))
+ id text source created-at truncated favorited
+ in-reply-to-status-id
+ in-reply-to-screen-name
+ (user-data (cddr (assq 'user status-data)))
+ user-id user-name
+ conversation-id
+ user-screen-name
+ user-location
+ user-description
+ user-profile-image-url
+ user-profile-url
+ user-url
+ user-protected
+ regex-index)
+ (setq id (string-to-number (assq-get 'id status-data)))
+ (setq text (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'text status-data)))
+ (setq source (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'source status-data)))
+ (setq created-at (assq-get 'created_at status-data))
+ (setq truncated (assq-get 'truncated status-data))
+ (setq favorited (assq-get 'favorited status-data))
+ (setq in-reply-to-status-id
+ (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'in_reply_to_status_id status-data)))
+ (setq in-reply-to-screen-name
+ (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'in_reply_to_screen_name status-data)))
+ (setq conversation-id (or (assq-get 'statusnet:conversation_id status-data) "0"))
+ (setq user-id (string-to-number (assq-get 'id user-data)))
+ (setq user-name (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'name user-data)))
+ (setq user-screen-name (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'screen_name user-data)))
+ (setq user-location (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'location user-data)))
+ (setq user-description (identica-decode-html-entities
+ (assq-get 'description user-data)))
+ (setq user-profile-image-url (assq-get 'profile_image_url user-data))
+ (setq user-url (assq-get 'url user-data))
+ (setq user-protected (assq-get 'protected user-data))
+ (setq user-profile-url (assq-get 'statusnet:profile_url user-data))
+ ;; make username clickable
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (length user-name)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ uri ,user-profile-url
+ face identica-username-face)
+ user-name)
+ ;; make screen-name clickable
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (length user-screen-name)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ face identica-username-face
+ uri ,user-profile-url
+ face identica-username-face)
+ user-screen-name)
+ ;; make URI clickable
+ (setq regex-index 0)
+ (while regex-index
+ (setq regex-index
+ (string-match "@\\([_[:word:]0-9]+\\)\\|!\\([_[:word:]0-9\-]+\\)\\|#\\([_[:word:]0-9\-]+\\)\\|\\(ur1\.ca/[a-z0-9]+/?\\|https?://[-_.!~*'()[:word:]0-9\;/?:@&=+$,%#]+\\)"
+ text
+ regex-index))
+ (when regex-index
+ (let* ((matched-string (match-string-no-properties 0 text))
+ (screen-name (match-string-no-properties 1 text))
+ (group-name (match-string-no-properties 2 text))
+ (tag-name (match-string-no-properties 3 text))
+ (uri (match-string-no-properties 4 text)))
+ (add-text-properties
+ (if (or screen-name group-name tag-name)
+ (+ 1 (match-beginning 0))
+ (match-beginning 0))
+ (match-end 0)
+ (if (or screen-name group-name tag-name)
+ `(mouse-face
+ highlight
+ face identica-uri-face
+ uri ,(if screen-name
+ (concat "https://" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/" screen-name)
+ (if group-name
+ (concat "https://" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/group/" group-name)
+ (concat "https://" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/tag/" tag-name)))
+ uri-in-text ,(if screen-name
+ (concat "https://" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/" screen-name)
+ (if group-name
+ (concat "https://" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/group/" group-name)
+ (concat "https://" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) "/tag/" tag-name)))
+ tag ,tag-name
+ group ,group-name)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ face identica-uri-face
+ uri ,uri
+ uri-in-text ,uri))
+ text))
+ (setq regex-index (match-end 0)) ))
+ ;; make source pretty and clickable
+ (when (string-match "\\(.*\\)" source)
+ (let ((uri (match-string-no-properties 1 source))
+ (caption (match-string-no-properties 2 source)))
+ (setq source caption)
+ (add-text-properties
+ 0 (length source)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ face identica-uri-face
+ source ,source)
+ source)))
+ ;; save last update time
+ (setq identica-timeline-last-update created-at)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (sym)
+ `(,sym . ,(symbol-value sym)))
+ '(id text source created-at truncated favorited
+ in-reply-to-status-id
+ in-reply-to-screen-name
+ conversation-id
+ user-id user-name user-screen-name user-location
+ user-description
+ user-profile-image-url
+ user-profile-url
+ user-url
+ user-protected)))))
+(defun identica-xmltree-to-status (xmltree)
+ (mapcar #'identica-status-to-status-datum
+ ;; quirk to treat difference between xml.el in Emacs21 and Emacs22
+ ;; On Emacs22, there may be blank strings
+ (let ((ret nil) (statuses (reverse (cddr (car xmltree)))))
+ (while statuses
+ (when (consp (car statuses))
+ (setq ret (cons (car statuses) ret)))
+ (setq statuses (cdr statuses)))
+ ret)))
+(defun identica-percent-encode (str &optional coding-system)
+ (if (equal (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account) "oauth")
+ (oauth-hexify-string str)
+ (when (or (null coding-system)
+ (not (coding-system-p coding-system)))
+ (setq coding-system 'utf-8))
+ (mapconcat
+ (lambda (c)
+ (cond
+ ((identica-url-reserved-p c)
+ (char-to-string c))
+ ((eq c ? ) "+")
+ (t (format "%%%x" c))))
+ (encode-coding-string str coding-system)
+ "")))
+(defun identica-url-reserved-p (ch)
+ (or (and (<= ?A ch) (<= ch ?z))
+ (and (<= ?0 ch) (<= ch ?9))
+ (eq ?. ch)
+ (eq ?- ch)
+ (eq ?_ ch)
+ (eq ?~ ch)))
+(defun identica-decode-html-entities (encoded-str)
+ (if encoded-str
+ (let ((cursor 0)
+ (found-at nil)
+ (result '()))
+ (while (setq found-at
+ (string-match "&\\(#\\([0-9]+\\)\\|\\([A-Za-z]+\\)\\);"
+ encoded-str cursor))
+ (when (> found-at cursor)
+ (push (substring encoded-str cursor found-at) result))
+ (let ((number-entity (match-string-no-properties 2 encoded-str))
+ (letter-entity (match-string-no-properties 3 encoded-str)))
+ (cond (number-entity
+ (push
+ (char-to-string
+ (identica-ucs-to-char
+ (string-to-number number-entity))) result))
+ (letter-entity
+ (cond ((string= "gt" letter-entity) (push ">" result))
+ ((string= "lt" letter-entity) (push "<" result))
+ (t (push "?" result))))
+ (t (push "?" result)))
+ (setq cursor (match-end 0))))
+ (push (substring encoded-str cursor) result)
+ (apply 'concat (nreverse result)))
+ ""))
+(defun identica-timer-action (func)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer identica-buffer)))
+ (if (null buf)
+ (identica-stop)
+ (funcall func))))
+(defun identica-update-status-if-not-blank (method-class method status &optional parameters reply-to-id)
+ (if (string-match "^\\s-*\\(?:@[-_a-z0-9]+\\)?\\s-*$" status)
+ nil
+ (if (equal method-class "statuses")
+ (identica-http-post method-class method
+ `(("status" . ,status)
+ ("source" . ,identica-source)
+ ,@(if (assoc `media parameters)
+ `(("media" . ,(cdr (assoc `media parameters))))
+ nil)
+ ,@(if reply-to-id
+ `(("in_reply_to_status_id"
+ . ,(number-to-string reply-to-id))))))
+ (identica-http-post method-class method
+ `(("text" . ,status)
+ ("user" . ,parameters) ;must change this to parse parameters as list
+ ("source" . ,identica-source))))
+ t))
+(defvar identica-update-status-edit-map
+ (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'identica-update-status-from-edit-buffer-send)
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'identica-update-status-from-edit-buffer-cancel)
+ map))
+(define-derived-mode identica-update-status-edit-mode text-mode "Identica Status Edit"
+ (use-local-map identica-update-status-edit-map))
+(defvar identica-update-status-edit-method-class)
+(defvar identica-update-status-edit-method)
+(defvar identica-update-status-edit-parameters)
+(defvar identica-update-status-edit-reply-to-id)
+(defun identica-update-status-edit-in-edit-buffer (init-str msgtype method-class method parameters &optional reply-to-id)
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer-create "*identica-status-update-edit*")))
+ (pop-to-buffer buf)
+ (with-current-buffer buf
+ (when (not (equal major-mode 'identica-update-status-edit-mode))
+ (progn
+ (identica-update-status-edit-mode)
+ (when identica-soft-wrap-status
+ (when (fboundp 'visual-line-mode)
+ (visual-line-mode t)))
+ (make-local-variable 'identica-update-status-edit-method-class)
+ (make-local-variable 'identica-update-status-edit-method)
+ (make-local-variable 'identica-update-status-edit-parameters)
+ (make-local-variable 'identica-update-status-edit-reply-to-id)
+ (if (> (length parameters) 0)
+ (setq mode-line-format
+ (cons (format "%s(%s) (%%i/%s) " msgtype parameters
+ (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))
+ mode-line-format))
+ t (setq mode-line-format
+ (cons (format "%s (%%i/%s) " msgtype (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))
+ mode-line-format)))))
+ (setq identica-update-status-edit-method-class method-class)
+ (setq identica-update-status-edit-method method)
+ (setq identica-update-status-edit-parameters parameters)
+ (setq identica-update-status-edit-reply-to-id reply-to-id)
+ (message identica-update-status-edit-method-class)
+ (insert init-str)
+ (message "Type C-c C-c to post status update (C-c C-k to cancel)."))))
+(defcustom identica-minibuffer-length-prompt-style nil
+ "The preferred style of counting characters in the minibuffer.
+prompt; \"Down\" counts down from (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account); \"Up\" counts
+ up from 0"
+ :type '(choice (const :tag "Down" nil)
+ (const :tag "Up" t))
+ :group 'identica-mode)
+(defun identica-show-minibuffer-length (&optional beg end len)
+ "Show the number of characters in minibuffer."
+ (when (minibuffer-window-active-p (selected-window))
+ (let* ((status-len (- (buffer-size) (minibuffer-prompt-width)))
+ (mes (format "%d" (if identica-minibuffer-length-prompt-style
+ status-len
+ (- (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account) status-len)))))
+ (if (<= 23 emacs-major-version)
+ (minibuffer-message mes) ; Emacs23 or later
+ (minibuffer-message (concat " (" mes ")"))))))
+(defun identica-setup-minibuffer ()
+ (identica-show-minibuffer-length)
+ (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'identica-show-minibuffer-length t t))
+(defun identica-finish-minibuffer ()
+ (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'identica-show-minibuffer-length t))
+(defun identica-update-status (update-input-method &optional init-str reply-to-id method-class method parameters)
+ (identica-create-account)
+ (when (null init-str) (setq init-str ""))
+ (let ((msgtype "")
+ (status init-str)
+ (not-posted-p t)
+ (user nil)
+ (map minibuffer-local-map)
+ (minibuffer-message-timeout nil))
+ (define-key map (kbd "") 'identica-shortenurl-replace-at-point)
+ (if (null method-class)
+ (progn (setq msgtype "Status")
+ (setq method-class "statuses")
+ (setq method "update"))
+ (progn (setq msgtype "Direct message")
+ (setq method-class "direct_messages")
+ (setq parameters (read-from-minibuffer "To user: " user nil nil nil nil t))
+ (setq method "new")))
+ (cond ((eq update-input-method 'minibuffer)
+ (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'identica-setup-minibuffer t)
+ (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'identica-finish-minibuffer t)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (while not-posted-p
+ (setq status (read-from-minibuffer (concat msgtype ": ") status nil nil nil nil t))
+ (while (< (+ (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account) 1) (length status))
+ (setq status (read-from-minibuffer (format (concat msgtype "(%d): ")
+ (- (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account) (length status)))
+ status nil nil nil nil t)))
+ (setq not-posted-p
+ (not (identica-update-status-if-not-blank method-class method status parameters reply-to-id))))
+ (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'identica-setup-minibuffer)
+ (remove-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook 'identica-finish-minibuffer)))
+ ((eq update-input-method 'edit-buffer)
+ (identica-update-status-edit-in-edit-buffer init-str msgtype method-class method parameters reply-to-id))
+ (t (error "Unknown update-input-method in identica-update-status: %S" update-input-method)))))
+(defun identica-update-status-from-edit-buffer-send ()
+ (interactive)
+ (with-current-buffer "*identica-status-update-edit*"
+ (if longlines-mode
+ (longlines-encode-region (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (let* ((status (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
+ (status-len (length status)))
+ (if (< (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account) status-len)
+ (message (format "Beyond %s chars. Remove %d chars."
+ (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account)
+ (- status-len (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))))
+ (if (identica-update-status-if-not-blank identica-update-status-edit-method-class
+ identica-update-status-edit-method status
+ identica-update-status-edit-parameters
+ identica-update-status-edit-reply-to-id)
+ (progn
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (bury-buffer))
+ (message "Update failed!"))))))
+(defun identica-update-status-from-minibuffer (&optional init-str method-class method parameters reply-to-id)
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-update-status 'minibuffer init-str method-class method parameters reply-to-id))
+(defun identica-update-status-from-edit-buffer (&optional init-str method-class method parameters)
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-update-status 'edit-buffer init-str method-class method parameters))
+(defun identica-update-status-from-edit-buffer-cancel ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (or (not identica-update-status-edit-confirm-cancellation)
+ (yes-or-no-p
+ "Really cancel editing this status message (any changes will be lost)?"))
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (bury-buffer)))
+(defun identica-update-status-from-region (beg end)
+ (interactive "r")
+ (when (> (- end beg) (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))
+ (setq end (+ beg (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))))
+ (when (< (- end beg) (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))
+ (setq beg (+ end (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account))))
+ (identica-update-status-if-not-blank "statuses" "update" (buffer-substring beg end)))
+(defun identica-update-status-with-media (attachment &optional init-str method-class method parameters reply-to-id)
+ (interactive "f")
+ (identica-update-status 'minibuffer nil reply-to-id nil nil `((media . ,(insert-file-contents-literally attachment)))))
+(defun identica-tinyurl-unjson-google (result)
+ "Gets only the URL from JSON URL tinyfying service results.
+Google's shortening service, goo.gl, returns shortened URLs as a
+JSON dictionary. This function retrieves only the URL value from
+this dictionary, only if identica-urlshortening-service is 'google."
+ (if (eq identica-urlshortening-service 'google)
+ (cdr (assoc 'short_url (json-read-from-string result)))
+ result))
+(defun identica-ur1ca-get (api longurl)
+ "Shortens url through ur1.ca free service 'as in freedom'."
+ (let* ((apiurl (if (string-match "\\(http://.*\\)\\?\\(.*=\\)" api)
+ (match-string 1 api)))
+ (url-request-method "POST")
+ (url-request-extra-headers
+ '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
+ (datavar (match-string 2 api))
+ (url-request-data (concat datavar (url-hexify-string longurl)))
+ (buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously apiurl)))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (prog1
+ (if (string-equal identica-urlshortening-service "ur1ca")
+ (if (search-forward-regexp "Your .* is: .*>\\(http://ur1.ca/[0-9A-Za-z].*\\)" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ (error "URL shortening service failed: %s" longurl))
+ (if (search-forward-regexp "\\(http://[0-9A-Za-z/].*\\)" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ (error "URL shortening service failed: %s" longurl)))
+ (kill-buffer buffer)))))
+(defun identica-shortenurl-get (longurl)
+ "Shortens url through a url shortening service."
+ (let ((api (cdr (assoc identica-urlshortening-service
+ identica-urlshortening-services-map))))
+ (unless api
+ (error "`identica-urlshortening-service' was invalid. try one of %s"
+ (mapconcat (lambda (x)
+ (symbol-name (car x)))
+ identica-urlshortening-services-map ", ")
+ "."))
+ (if longurl
+ (if (not (eq identica-urlshortening-service 'google))
+ (identica-ur1ca-get api longurl)
+ (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat api longurl))))
+ (with-current-buffer buffer
+ (goto-char (point-min))
+ (prog1
+ (identica-tinyurl-unjson-google
+ (if (search-forward-regexp "\n\r?\n\\([^\n\r]*\\)" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ (error "URL shortening service failed: %s" longurl)))
+ (kill-buffer buffer))))
+ nil))))
+(defun identica-shortenurl-replace-at-point ()
+ "Replace the url at point with a tiny version."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((url-bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'url)))
+ (when url-bounds
+ (let ((url (identica-shortenurl-get (thing-at-point 'url))))
+ (when url
+ (save-restriction
+ (narrow-to-region (car url-bounds) (cdr url-bounds))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (insert url)))))))
+(defun identica-expand-replace-at-point ()
+ "Replace the url at point with a tiny version."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((url-bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'url))
+ (original-url (thing-at-point 'url)))
+ (when url-bounds
+ (message (concat "Expanding url: " original-url))
+ (let ((uri (identica-expand-shorturl original-url)))
+ (when uri
+ (set-buffer (get-buffer identica-buffer))
+ (save-restriction
+ (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+ (narrow-to-region (car url-bounds) (cdr url-bounds))
+ (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))
+ (add-text-properties 0 (length uri)
+ `(mouse-face highlight
+ face identica-uri-face
+ uri ,uri
+ uri-in-text ,uri) uri)
+ (insert uri)
+ (message (concat "Expanded Short URL " original-url "to Long URL: " uri))
+ (setq buffer-read-only t)))))))
+(defun identica-expand-shorturl (url)
+ "Return the redirected URL, or the original url if not found."
+ (let ((temp-buf (get-buffer-create "*HTTP headers*")))
+ (set-buffer temp-buf)
+ (erase-buffer)
+ (goto-char 0)
+ (let*
+ ((url (replace-regexp-in-string "http://" "" url))
+ (host (substring url 0 (string-match "/" url)))
+ (file (if (string-match "/" url)
+ (substring url (string-match "/" url))
+ "/"))
+ (tcp-connection (open-network-stream "Identica URLExpand"
+ temp-buf host 80))
+ (request (concat "GET http://" url " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
+ "Host:" host "\r\n"
+ "User-Agent: " (identica-user-agent) "\r\n"
+ "Authorization: None\r\n"
+ "Accept-Charset: utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n\r\n")))
+ (set-marker (process-mark tcp-connection) (point-min))
+ (set-process-sentinel tcp-connection 'identica-http-headers-sentinel)
+ (process-send-string tcp-connection request)
+ (sit-for 2)
+ (let ((location (identica-get-location-from-header (concat "http://" host file) tcp-connection)))
+ (delete-process tcp-connection)
+ (kill-buffer temp-buf)
+ location))))
+(defun identica-http-headers-sentinel (process string)
+ "Process the results from the efine network connection."
+ )
+(defun identica-get-location-from-header (url process)
+ "Parse HTTP header."
+ (let ((buffer)
+ (headers)
+ (location))
+ (setq buffer (get-buffer-create "*HTTP headers*"))
+ (set-buffer buffer)
+ (goto-char 0)
+ (setq location
+ (if (search-forward-regexp "^Location: \\(http://.*?\\)\r?$" nil t)
+ (match-string-no-properties 1)
+ url))
+ (replace-regexp-in-string "\r" "" location)))
+;;; Commands
+(defun identica-start (&optional action)
+ (interactive)
+ (when (null action)
+ (setq action #'identica-current-timeline))
+ (if identica-timer
+ nil
+ (setq identica-timer
+ (run-at-time "0 sec"
+ identica-timer-interval
+ #'identica-timer-action action)))
+ (set 'identica-active-mode t)
+ (identica-update-mode-line))
+(defun identica-stop ()
+ "Stop Current network activitiy (if any) and the reload-timer."
+ (interactive)
+ (when (get-buffer-process identica-http-buffer)
+ (delete-process identica-http-buffer)
+ (kill-buffer identica-http-buffer))
+ (setq identica-method (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account))
+ (identica-set-mode-string nil)
+ (and identica-timer
+ (cancel-timer identica-timer))
+ (setq identica-timer nil)
+ (set 'identica-active-mode nil)
+ (identica-update-mode-line))
+(defun identica-switch-account ()
+ "Update the current account and reload the default timeline."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((current-account (member* sn-current-account statusnet-accounts)))
+ (setq sn-current-account
+ (if (cdr current-account)
+ (cadr current-account)
+ (car statusnet-accounts))
+ identica-timeline-data nil)
+ (identica-current-timeline)))
+(defun identica-get-timeline (&optional server parameters)
+ (setq identica-remote-server server)
+ (unless parameters (setq parameters `(("count" . ,(int-to-string identica-statuses-count)))))
+ (when (not (eq (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account) identica-method))
+ (setq identica-timeline-last-update nil
+ identica-timeline-data nil))
+ (let ((buf (get-buffer identica-buffer)))
+ (if (not buf)
+ (identica-stop)
+ (progn
+ (when (not identica-method)
+ (setq identica-method "friends_timeline"))
+ (identica-http-get (or server (sn-account-server sn-current-account))
+ (if server "none"
+ (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account))
+ identica-method-class identica-method parameters))))
+ (identica-get-icons))
+(defun identica-get-icons ()
+ "Retrieve icons if icon-mode is active."
+ (if identica-icon-mode
+ (if (and identica-image-stack window-system)
+ (let ((proc
+ (apply
+ #'start-process
+ "wget-images"
+ nil
+ "wget"
+ (format "--directory-prefix=%s" identica-tmp-dir)
+ "--no-clobber"
+ "--quiet"
+ identica-image-stack)))
+ (set-process-sentinel
+ proc
+ (lambda (proc stat)
+ (clear-image-cache)
+ ))))))
+(defun identica-friends-timeline ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-method "friends_timeline")
+ (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+(defun identica-replies-timeline ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-method "replies")
+ (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+;; (defun identica-direct-messages-timeline ()
+;; (interactive)
+;; (setq identica-method "direct_messages")
+;; (setq identica-method-class "none")
+;; (identica-get-timeline))
+(defun identica-public-timeline ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-method "public_timeline")
+ (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+(defun identica-group-timeline (&optional group)
+ (interactive)
+ (unless group
+ (setq group (read-from-minibuffer "Group: " nil nil nil nil nil t)))
+ (setq identica-method-class "statusnet/groups")
+ (if (string-equal group "")
+ (setq identica-method "timeline")
+ (setq identica-method (concat "timeline/" group)))
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+(defun identica-tag-timeline (&optional tag)
+ (interactive)
+ (unless tag
+ (setq tag (read-from-minibuffer "Tag: " nil nil nil nil nil t)))
+ (setq identica-method-class "statusnet/tags")
+ (if (string-equal tag "")
+ (setq identica-method "timeline")
+ (setq identica-method (concat "timeline/" tag)))
+ (identica-get-timeline))
+(defun identica-user-timeline (&optional from-user)
+ "Retrieve user timeline given its username.
+FROM-USER can be an empty string (\"\") meaning that you want to retrieve your own timeline.
+If nil, will ask for username in minibuffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (unless from-user
+ (setq from-user (read-from-minibuffer "User [Empty for mine]: "
+ nil nil nil nil nil t)))
+ (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+ (if (string-equal from-user "")
+ (setq identica-method "user_timeline")
+ (setq identica-method (concat "user_timeline/" from-user)))
+ (identica-get-timeline)
+ )
+(defun identica-conversation-timeline ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((context-id (get-text-property (point) 'conversation-id)))
+ (setq identica-method-class "statusnet")
+ (setq identica-method (concat "conversation/" context-id)))
+ (identica-get-timeline identica-remote-server))
+(defun identica-remote-user-timeline ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let* ((profile (get-text-property (point) 'profile-url))
+ (username (get-text-property (point) 'username))
+ ;Strip potential trailing slashes and username references from profile url to get the server url
+ (server-url (if (string-match (concat "/?\\(" username "\\)?/?$") profile)
+ (replace-match "" nil t profile)
+ profile))
+ (server (if (string-match "^https?://" server-url)
+ (replace-match "" nil t server-url)
+ server-url)))
+ (setq identica-method-class "statuses")
+ (setq identica-method (concat "user_timeline/" username))
+ (identica-get-timeline server)))
+(defun identica-current-timeline (&optional count)
+ "Load newer notices, with an argument load older notices, and with a numeric argument load that number of notices."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (if (> identica-new-dents-count 0)
+ (identica-render-pending-dents)
+ (identica-get-timeline
+ identica-remote-server
+ (if count
+ (cons `("count" .
+ ,(int-to-string
+ (if (listp count) identica-statuses-count count)))
+ (if (listp count)
+ `(("max_id" .
+ ,(int-to-string
+ (- (assoc-default 'id (car (last identica-timeline-data))) 1))))
+ ()))
+ nil))))
+(defun identica-update-status-interactive ()
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-update-status identica-update-status-method))
+(defun identica-direct-message-interactive ()
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-update-status identica-update-status-method nil nil "direct_messages" "new"))
+(defun identica-erase-old-statuses ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-timeline-data nil)
+ (when (not (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account))
+ (setf (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account) identica-method))
+ (identica-http-get (sn-account-server sn-current-account) (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account)
+ "statuses" (sn-account-last-timeline-retrieved sn-current-account)))
+(defun identica-click ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((uri (get-text-property (point) 'uri)))
+ (when uri (browse-url uri))))
+(defun identica-enter ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((username (get-text-property (point) 'username))
+ (id (get-text-property (point) 'id))
+ (uri (get-text-property (point) 'uri))
+ (group (get-text-property (point) 'group))
+ (tag (get-text-property (point) 'tag)))
+ (if group (identica-group-timeline group)
+ (if tag (identica-tag-timeline tag)
+ (if uri (browse-url uri)
+ (if username
+ (identica-update-status identica-update-status-method
+ (concat "@" username " ") id)))))))
+(defun identica-next-link nil
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'uri))
+ (when (not (get-text-property (point) 'uri))
+ (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'uri))))
+(defun identica-prev-link nil
+ (interactive)
+ (goto-char (previous-single-property-change (point) 'uri))
+ (when (not (get-text-property (point) 'uri))
+ (goto-char (previous-single-property-change (point) 'uri))))
+(defun identica-follow (&optional remove)
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((username (get-text-property (point) 'username))
+ (method (if remove "destroy" "create"))
+ (message (if remove "unfollowing" "following")))
+ (unless username
+ (setq username (read-from-minibuffer "user: ")))
+ (if (> (length username) 0)
+ (when (y-or-n-p (format "%s %s? " message username))
+ (identica-http-post (format "friendships/%s" method) username)
+ (message (format "Now %s %s" message username)))
+ (message "No user selected"))))
+(defun identica-unfollow ()
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-follow t))
+(defun identica-group-join (&optional leaving)
+ "Simple functions to join/leave a group we are visiting."
+ (setq identica-method-class "statusnet/groups")
+ (string-match "\\([^\\]*\\)\\(/.*\\)" identica-method)
+ (let ((group-method (replace-match
+ (if leaving "leave"
+ "join") nil nil identica-method 1)))
+ (identica-http-post identica-method-class group-method nil)))
+(defun identica-group-leave ()
+ (identica-group-join t))
+(defun identica-favorite ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (y-or-n-p "Do you want to favor this notice? ")
+ (let ((id (get-text-property (point) 'id)))
+ (identica-http-post "favorites/create" (number-to-string id))
+ (message "Notice saved as favorite"))))
+(defun identica-repeat ()
+ (interactive)
+ (when (y-or-n-p "Do you want to repeat this notice? ")
+ (let ((id (get-text-property (point) 'id)))
+ (identica-http-post "statuses/retweet" (number-to-string id))
+ (message "Notice repeated"))))
+(defun identica-view-user-page ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((uri (get-text-property (point) 'uri)))
+ (when uri (browse-url uri))))
+(defun identica-redent ()
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((username (get-text-property (point) 'username))
+ (id (get-text-property (point) 'id))
+ (text (replace-regexp-in-string "!\\(\\b\\)" "#\\1" (get-text-property (point) 'text))))
+ (when username
+ (identica-update-status identica-update-status-method
+ (concat identica-redent-format " @" username ": " text) id))))
+(defun identica-reply-to-user (all)
+ "Open a minibuffer initialized to type a reply to the notice at point.
+With no argument, populate with the username of the author of the notice.
+With an argument, populate with the usernames of the author and any usernames mentioned in the notice."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((username (get-text-property (point) 'username))
+ (notice-text (get-text-property (point) 'text))
+ (id (get-text-property (point) 'id))
+ (usernames nil)
+ (usernames-string ""))
+ (when all
+ (setq usernames
+ (mapcar (lambda (string)
+ (when (and (char-equal (aref string 0) ?@)
+ (memq-face identica-uri-face
+ (get-text-property 2 'face string)))
+ (concat string " ")))
+ (split-string notice-text))))
+ (when username (setq usernames (cons (concat "@" username " ") usernames)))
+ (setq usernames (delete-dups usernames))
+ (setq usernames (delete (concat "@" (sn-account-username sn-current-account) " ") usernames))
+ (setq usernames-string (apply 'concat usernames))
+ (identica-update-status identica-update-status-method usernames-string id)))
+(defun identica-reply-to-all ()
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-reply-to-user t))
+(defun identica-get-password ()
+ (or (sn-account-password sn-current-account)
+ (setf (sn-account-password sn-current-account) (read-passwd "password: "))))
+(defun identica-goto-next-status ()
+ "Go to next status."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pos))
+ (setq pos (identica-get-next-username-face-pos (point)))
+ (if pos
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (progn (goto-char (buffer-end 1)) (message "End of status.")))))
+(defun identica-toggle-highlight (&optional arg)
+ "Toggle the highlighting of entry at 'point'.
+With no arg or prefix, toggle the highlighting of the entry at 'point'.
+With arg (or prefix, if interactive), highlight the current entry and
+un-highlight all other entries."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((id (get-text-property (point) 'id)))
+ (setq identica-highlighted-entries
+ (if arg (list id)
+ (if (memq id identica-highlighted-entries)
+ (delq id identica-highlighted-entries)
+ (cons id identica-highlighted-entries)))))
+ (identica-render-timeline))
+(defun memq-face (face property)
+ "Check whether FACE is present in PROPERTY."
+ (if (listp property)
+ (memq face property)
+ (eq property face)))
+(defun identica-get-next-username-face-pos (pos &optional object)
+ "Returns the position of the next username after POS, or nil when end of string or buffer is reached."
+ (interactive "P")
+ (let ((prop))
+ (catch 'not-found
+ (while (and pos (not (memq-face identica-username-face prop)))
+ (setq pos (next-single-property-change pos 'face object))
+ (when (eq pos nil) (throw 'not-found nil))
+ (setq prop (get-text-property pos 'face object)))
+ pos)))
+(defun identica-goto-previous-status ()
+ "Go to previous status."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((pos))
+ (setq pos (identica-get-previous-username-face-pos (point)))
+ (if pos
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (message "Start of status."))))
+(defun identica-get-previous-username-face-pos (pos &optional object)
+ "Returns the position of the previous username before POS, or nil when start of string or buffer is reached."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((prop))
+ (catch 'not-found
+ (while (and pos (not (memq-face identica-username-face prop)))
+ (setq pos (previous-single-property-change pos 'face object))
+ (when (eq pos nil) (throw 'not-found nil))
+ (setq prop (get-text-property pos 'face object)))
+ pos)))
+(defun identica-goto-next-status-of-user ()
+ "Go to next status of user."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((user-name (identica-get-username-at-pos (point)))
+ (pos (identica-get-next-username-face-pos (point))))
+ (while (and (not (eq pos nil))
+ (not (equal (identica-get-username-at-pos pos) user-name)))
+ (setq pos (identica-get-next-username-face-pos pos)))
+ (if pos
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (if user-name
+ (message "End of %s's status." user-name)
+ (message "Invalid user-name.")))))
+(defun identica-goto-previous-status-of-user ()
+ "Go to previous status of user."
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((user-name (identica-get-username-at-pos (point)))
+ (pos (identica-get-previous-username-face-pos (point))))
+ (while (and (not (eq pos nil))
+ (not (equal (identica-get-username-at-pos pos) user-name)))
+ (setq pos (identica-get-previous-username-face-pos pos)))
+ (if pos
+ (goto-char pos)
+ (if user-name
+ (message "Start of %s's status." user-name)
+ (message "Invalid user-name.")))))
+(defun identica-get-username-at-pos (pos)
+ (let ((start-pos pos)
+ (end-pos))
+ (catch 'not-found
+ (while (memq-face identica-username-face (get-text-property start-pos 'face))
+ (setq start-pos (1- start-pos))
+ (when (or (eq start-pos nil) (eq start-pos 0)) (throw 'not-found nil)))
+ (setq start-pos (1+ start-pos))
+ (setq end-pos (next-single-property-change pos 'face))
+ (buffer-substring start-pos end-pos))))
+(defun assoc-workaround (tag array)
+ "Workaround odd semi-associative array returned by url-http."
+ (or (assoc tag array)
+ (and (equal tag (car array))
+ (cadr array))))
+(defun identica-get-status-url (id)
+ "Generate status URL."
+ (format "https://%s/notice/%s" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) id))
+(defun identica-get-context-url (id)
+ "Generate status URL."
+ (format "https://%s/conversation/%s" (sn-account-server sn-current-account) id))
+(defun identica-retrieve-configuration ()
+ "Retrieve the configuration for the current statusnet server."
+ (identica-http-get (sn-account-server sn-current-account) (sn-account-auth-mode sn-current-account)
+ "statusnet" "config" nil 'identica-http-get-config-sentinel))
+(defun identica-http-get-config-sentinel
+ (&optional status method-class method parameters success-message)
+ "Process configuration page retrieved from statusnet server."
+ (let ((error-object (assoc-workaround :error status)))
+ (unless error-object
+ (let* ((body (identica-get-response-body))
+ (site (xml-get-children (car body) 'site))
+ (textlimit (xml-get-children (car site) 'textlimit))
+ (textlimit-value (caddar textlimit)))
+ (when (> (string-to-number textlimit-value) 0)
+ (setf (sn-account-textlimit sn-current-account) (string-to-number textlimit-value))))))
+ (identica-start))
+(defun identica-get-config-url ()
+ "Generate configuration URL."
+ (format "http://%s/api/statusnet/config.xml" (sn-account-server sn-current-account)))
+;; Icons
+(defconst identica-active-indicator-image
+ (when (image-type-available-p 'xpm)
+ '(image :type xpm
+ :ascent center
+ :data
+ "/* XPM */
+static char * statusnet_xpm[] = {
+\"16 16 14 1\",
+\" c None\",
+\". c #8F0000\",
+\"+ c #AB4040\",
+\"@ c #D59F9F\",
+\"# c #E3BFBF\",
+\"$ c #CE8F8F\",
+\"% c #C78080\",
+\"& c #FFFFFF\",
+\"* c #B96060\",
+\"= c #DCAFAF\",
+\"- c #C07070\",
+\"; c #F1DFDF\",
+\"> c #961010\",
+\", c #9D2020\",
+\" ....... \",
+\" ......... \",
+\" ........... \",
+\" ....+@#$+.... \",
+\"....%&&&&&*.... \",
+\"...+&&&&&&&+... \",
+\"...=&&&&&&&$... \",
+\"...#&&&&&&... \",
+\"...=&&&&&&&@... \",
+\"...*&&&&&&&-... \",
+\"....@&&&&&&=... \",
+\" ....-#$;&>.. \",
+\" ..........,>.. \",
+\" ............. \",
+\" ............\",
+\" . ..\"};")))
+(defconst identica-inactive-indicator-image
+ (when (image-type-available-p 'xpm)
+ '(image :type xpm
+ :ascent center
+ :data
+ "/* XPM */
+static char * statusnet_off_xpm[] = {
+\"16 16 13 1\",
+\" g None\",
+\". g #5B5B5B\",
+\"+ g #8D8D8D\",
+\"@ g #D6D6D6\",
+\"# g #EFEFEF\",
+\"$ g #C9C9C9\",
+\"% g #BEBEBE\",
+\"& g #FFFFFF\",
+\"* g #A5A5A5\",
+\"= g #E3E3E3\",
+\"- g #B2B2B2\",
+\"; g #676767\",
+\"> g #747474\",
+\" ....... \",
+\" ......... \",
+\" ........... \",
+\" ....+@#$+.... \",
+\"....%&&&&&*.... \",
+\"...+&&&&&&&+... \",
+\"...=&&&&&&&$... \",
+\"...#&&&&&&... \",
+\"...=&&&&&&&@... \",
+\"...*&&&&&&&-... \",
+\"....@&&&&&&=... \",
+\" ....-#$&&;.. \",
+\" ..........>;.. \",
+\" ............. \",
+\" ............\",
+\" . ..\"};")))
+(let ((props
+ (when (display-mouse-p)
+ `(local-map
+ ,(purecopy (make-mode-line-mouse-map
+ 'mouse-2 #'identica-toggle-activate-buffer))
+ help-echo "mouse-2 toggles automatic updates"))))
+ (defconst identica-modeline-active
+ (if identica-active-indicator-image
+ (apply 'propertize " "
+ `(display ,identica-active-indicator-image ,@props))
+ " "))
+ (defconst identica-modeline-inactive
+ (if identica-inactive-indicator-image
+ (apply 'propertize "INACTIVE"
+ `(display ,identica-inactive-indicator-image ,@props))
+(defun identica-toggle-activate-buffer ()
+ (interactive)
+ (setq identica-active-mode (not identica-active-mode))
+ (if (not identica-active-mode)
+ (identica-stop)
+ (identica-start)))
+(defun identica-mode-line-buffer-identification ()
+ (if identica-active-mode
+ identica-modeline-active
+ identica-modeline-inactive))
+(defun identica-update-mode-line ()
+ "Update mode line."
+ (force-mode-line-update))
+(defun identica ()
+ "Start identica-mode."
+ (interactive)
+ (identica-mode))
+(provide 'identica-mode)
+(add-hook 'identica-load-hook 'identica-autoload-oauth)
+(run-hooks 'identica-load-hook)
+;;; identica-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/identica-mode.info b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/identica-mode.info
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0082c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/identica-mode-20130204.1453/identica-mode.info
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+This is identica-mode.info, produced by makeinfo version 5.2 from
+Copyright (C) 2009 Chris Bryant (). Permission is
+granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms
+of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections,
+no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is
+included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
+* Identica mode: (identica-mode). Emacs mode for microblogging services.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Top, Next: About Identica mode and obtaining it, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
+This manual is for identica-mode.el, version 0.9.
+* Menu:
+* About Identica mode and obtaining it::
+* Installation and configuration::
+* Using identica-mode.el::
+* Credits and contributing::
+* GNU Free Documentation License::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: About Identica mode and obtaining it, Next: Installation and configuration, Prev: Top, Up: Top
+1 About Identica mode and obtaining it
+* Menu:
+* About identica-mode.el and this manual::
+* Getting a copy::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: About identica-mode.el and this manual, Next: Getting a copy, Prev: About Identica mode and obtaining it, Up: About Identica mode and obtaining it
+1.1 About identica-mode.el and this manual
+This manual instructs in the use of identica-mode.el, a major mode for
+GNU Emacs used to perform useful actions with StatusNet
+(http://status.net) microblogging services, like identi.ca
+ identica-mode.el was developed by Gabriel Saldana
+(mailto:gsaldana@gmail.com) and other contributors (*note Credits::).
+It is originally based on Twittering mode version 0.6 by Y. Hayamizu and
+Tsuyoshi CHO.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Getting a copy, Prev: About identica-mode.el and this manual, Up: About Identica mode and obtaining it
+1.2 Getting a copy
+Identica mode can be obtained from the Savannah
+(https://savannah.gnu.org) software forge. The URLs for the Identica
+mode project are:
+ * http://www.nongnu.org/identica-mode
+ (http://www.nongnu.org/identica-mode/) - Main website
+ * https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/identica-mode
+ (https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/identica-mode/) - Software
+ forge
+ You can obtain identica-mode.el directly from the git repository at
+Savannah by executing a git clone command:
+ git clone git://git.savannah.nongnu.org/identica-mode.git
+ This action will fetch the latest identica-mode.el file as well as
+the latest manual, located under the 'doc/' directory.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Installation and configuration, Next: Using identica-mode.el, Prev: About Identica mode and obtaining it, Up: Top
+2 Installation and configuration
+* Menu:
+* Installing identica-mode.el::
+* Configuring GNU Emacs::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Installing identica-mode.el, Next: Configuring GNU Emacs, Prev: Installation and configuration, Up: Installation and configuration
+2.1 Installing identica-mode.el
+Installation of indentica-mode.el is fairly straightforward. Like most
+GNU Emacs customizations, it is recommended you place your
+identica-mode.el file under your 'emacs.d' directory. The location of
+this directory will vary between OSs, but it is generally under
+'~/.emacs.d/' for UNIX style systems. Consult your GNU Emacs
+(http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) documentation.
+ Alternatively, you can create your own directory for this GNU Emacs
+mode file, and others, if you choose. Read on for information on how to
+configure your '.emacs' file to find indentica-mode.el.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Configuring GNU Emacs, Prev: Installing identica-mode.el, Up: Installation and configuration
+2.2 Configuring GNU Emacs
+* Menu:
+* identica-mode requirements::
+* Configuring .emacs::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: identica-mode requirements, Next: Configuring .emacs, Prev: Configuring GNU Emacs, Up: Configuring GNU Emacs
+2.2.1 identica-mode requirements
+The following GNU Emacs libraries are required by identica-mode.el. A
+standard GNU Emacs installation should provide these, but if yours does
+not, fetch a copy of the GNU Emacs (http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)
+source. The libraries are generally found under the
+'emacs-/lisp/' directory.
+ * cl
+ * xml
+ * parse-time
+ * longlines
+ In addition to the library requirements, the following software is
+currently required:
+ * GNU Emacs 22 or later
+ * Curl
+ * Wget
+ * UNIX-like OS (GNU/Linux, BSD, etcetera)
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Configuring .emacs, Prev: identica-mode requirements, Up: Configuring GNU Emacs
+2.2.2 Configuring .emacs
+Some or all or the following settings can be configured from within GNU
+Emacs or written to your '.emacs' file. To configure within GNU Emacs,
+execute 'M-x' and type 'customize-group'. When prompted for the group
+to customize, enter 'identica-mode'. The settings are:
+ * Identica Idle Time
+ * Identica Timer Interval
+ * Identica Username
+ * Identica Password
+ * Laconica Server
+ * Identica Default Timeline
+ * Identica Display Success Messages
+ * Identica Update Status Edit Confirm Cancellation
+ * Identica Update Status Method
+ * Identica Http Get Timeout
+ * Identica Status Format
+ For general usage, the defaults for each of these settings (excluding
+Username and Password) should be fine to get started for use with
+identi.ca. If you wish to customize these settings, please see the
+StatusNet wiki (http://status.net/wiki/) for documentation of usage.
+Management of the customizations can also be performed from within your
+'.emacs' file. Below is a sample, explicitly calling the
+identica-mode.el file and with an added global keybinding to allow
+posting from the minibuffer without having the identica buffer active:
+ ;; Identica Mode
+ (load "/home/identicauser/.emacs.d/identica-mode.el")
+ (require 'identica-mode)
+ (setq identica-username "identicauser")
+ (setq identica-password "password")
+ (global-set-key "\C-cip" 'identica-update-status-interactive)
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Using identica-mode.el, Next: Credits and contributing, Prev: Installation and configuration, Up: Top
+3 Using identica-mode.el
+* Menu:
+* Basic usage::
+* Tips and tricks::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Basic usage, Next: Tips and tricks, Prev: Using identica-mode.el, Up: Using identica-mode.el
+3.1 Basic usage
+* Menu:
+* Introduction::
+* Startup::
+* Icons::
+* Replies timeline::
+* Public timeline::
+* Personal timeline::
+* Update status::
+* Send notice::
+* Shorten url::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Introduction, Next: Startup, Prev: Basic usage, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.1 Introduction
+Identica mode currently works under GNU Emacs in both terminal and
+graphical mode. Where there are special considerations for one or the
+other mode, they will be clearly highlighted. The purpose of Identica
+mode is to provide an easy method to send and view updates while working
+within a GNU Emacs environment. Thus, the command set detailed below is
+simple. If you are interested in more complex functionality, feel free
+to send suggestions through the Savannah project website. Additionally,
+keep up-to-date with the latest releases. Also, see *note Extending
+identica-mode:: for tips on writing your own functions.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Startup, Next: Icons, Prev: Introduction, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.2 Startup
+To get started using Identica mode, execute 'M-x' and type
+'identica-mode'. This will initiate the identica-mode buffer,
+*identica*, and display the default timeline. At any time you wish to
+refresh the timeline, press the 'G' key.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Icons, Next: Replies timeline, Prev: Startup, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.3 Icons
+If you are using GNU Emacs with a graphical interface, you can toggle
+the view of user icons by pressing the 'I' key.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Replies timeline, Next: Public timeline, Prev: Icons, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.4 Replies timeline
+To view your Replies timeline execute:
+ C-c C-r
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Public timeline, Next: Personal timeline, Prev: Replies timeline, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.5 Public timeline
+To view the Public timeline execute:
+ C-c C-g
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Personal timeline, Next: Update status, Prev: Public timeline, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.6 Personal timeline
+To view your Personal timeline execute:
+ C-c C-f
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Update status, Next: Send notice, Prev: Personal timeline, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.7 Update status
+To update your Identica status execute:
+ C-c C-s
+ At the 'Status:' prompt, type the content of your status, up to 140
+characters. When done, hit the 'Enter' key. The message 'Success:
+Post' will apper in the minibuffer.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Send notice, Next: Shorten url, Prev: Update status, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.8 Send notice
+To send a notice directly to a user execute:
+ C-c C-d
+ At the 'To user:' prompt type the exact user name and press the
+'Enter' key. At the 'Direct message:' prompt, type your message and
+press the 'Enter' key.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Shorten url, Prev: Send notice, Up: Basic usage
+3.1.9 Shorten url
+You can shorten a url while typing your update notice on the minibuffer
+by pressing the '' key while the cursor is in between or at the end
+of the long url you just typed.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Tips and tricks, Prev: Basic usage, Up: Using identica-mode.el
+3.2 Tips and tricks
+* Menu:
+* Run commands after recieving notices::
+* Extending identica-mode::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Run commands after recieving notices, Prev: Tips and tricks, Up: Tips and tricks
+3.2.1 Run commands after recieving notices
+You can now create "hooks" that will run after recieving new notices.
+Just add a hook function to 'identica-new-dents-hook'.
+ To display a notification message on KDE 4 you can add the following
+code on your .emacs file:
+ ;; KDE 4 Notification of new dents with kdialog
+ (add-hook 'identica-new-dents-hook (lambda ()
+ (let ((n identica-new-dents-count))
+ (start-process "identica-notify" nil "kdialog"
+ "--title"
+ "Emacs Identica-mode New dents"
+ "--passivepopup"
+ (format "You have %d new dent%s"
+ n (if (> n 1) "s" ""))
+ "3"
+ ))))
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Extending identica-mode, Prev: Tips and tricks, Up: Tips and tricks
+3.2.2 Extending identica-mode
+Because identica-mode.el is written in Emacs Lisp, there are many
+options to extend the mode to your liking. As this is the first release
+of the Identica mode manual, this section will serve to simply encourage
+you to experiment with the code, and to see *note Contributing:: for
+ways to let us know how you've extended identica-mode.el - maybe we'll
+add your extensions to the code, and this section, in further releases!
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Credits and contributing, Next: GNU Free Documentation License, Prev: Using identica-mode.el, Up: Top
+4 Credits and contributing
+* Menu:
+* Credits::
+* Contributing::
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Credits, Next: Contributing, Prev: Credits and contributing, Up: Credits and contributing
+4.1 Credits
+The following individuals have contributed to the Identica mode project.
+See the identica-mode.el file for more information.
+ * Christian Cheng
+ * Alberto Garcia
+ * Bradley M. Kuhn
+ * Jason McBrayer
+ * Carlos A. Perilla
+ * Alex Schröder
+ * Shyam Karanatt
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: Contributing, Prev: Credits, Up: Credits and contributing
+4.2 Contributing
+If you have any ideas for features, patches or bug fixes, please add
+them to the identica-mode bug tracking list
+(https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=identica-mode). If you are
+submitting something specifically for *note Extending identica-mode::,
+be sure to note this in your ticket.
+File: identica-mode.info, Node: GNU Free Documentation License, Prev: Credits and contributing, Up: Top
+GNU Free Documentation License
+ Version 1.2, November 2002
+ Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+ functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
+ assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
+ with or without modifying it, either commercially or
+ noncommercially. Secondarily, this License preserves for the
+ author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not
+ being considered responsible for modifications made by others.
+ This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+ works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
+ It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
+ license designed for free software.
+ We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
+ free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
+ free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
+ that the software does. But this License is not limited to
+ software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
+ of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book. We
+ recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
+ instruction or reference.
+ This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium,
+ that contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can
+ be distributed under the terms of this License. Such a notice
+ grants a world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration,
+ to use that work under the conditions stated herein. The
+ "Document", below, refers to any such manual or work. Any member
+ of the public is a licensee, and is addressed as "you". You accept
+ the license if you copy, modify or distribute the work in a way
+ requiring permission under copyright law.
+ A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
+ Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
+ modifications and/or translated into another language.
+ A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section
+ of the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
+ publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall
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+ fall directly within that overall subject. (Thus, if the Document
+ is in part a textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not
+ explain any mathematics.) The relationship could be a matter of
+ historical connection with the subject or with related matters, or
+ of legal, commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position
+ regarding them.
+ The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
+ titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the
+ notice that says that the Document is released under this License.
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+ is not allowed to be designated as Invariant. The Document may
+ contain zero Invariant Sections. If the Document does not identify
+ any Invariant Sections then there are none.
+ The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
+ listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
+ that says that the Document is released under this License. A
+ Front-Cover Text may be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may
+ be at most 25 words.
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+ works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title
+ Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the
+ work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
+ A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document
+ whose title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses
+ following text that translates XYZ in another language. (Here XYZ
+ stands for a specific section name mentioned below, such as
+ "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)
+ To "Preserve the Title" of such a section when you modify the
+ Document means that it remains a section "Entitled XYZ" according
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+ The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice
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+ may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading
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+ you may accept compensation in exchange for copies. If you
+ distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow the
+ conditions in section 3.
+ You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
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+ If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly
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+ Back-Cover Texts on the back cover. Both covers must also clearly
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+ front cover must present the full title with all words of the title
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+ conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects.
+ If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
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+ You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
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+ distribution and modification of the Modified Version to whoever
+ possesses a copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in
+ the Modified Version:
+ A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
+ distinct from that of the Document, and from those of previous
+ versions (which should, if there were any, be listed in the
+ History section of the Document). You may use the same title
+ as a previous version if the original publisher of that
+ version gives permission.
+ B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
+ entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in
+ the Modified Version, together with at least five of the
+ principal authors of the Document (all of its principal
+ authors, if it has fewer than five), unless they release you
+ from this requirement.
+ C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
+ Modified Version, as the publisher.
+ D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
+ E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
+ adjacent to the other copyright notices.
+ F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
+ notice giving the public permission to use the Modified
+ Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in
+ the Addendum below.
+ G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
+ Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's
+ license notice.
+ H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
+ I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title,
+ and add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
+ authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on the
+ Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the
+ Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and
+ publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page, then add
+ an item describing the Modified Version as stated in the
+ previous sentence.
+ J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
+ for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
+ likewise the network locations given in the Document for
+ previous versions it was based on. These may be placed in the
+ "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work
+ that was published at least four years before the Document
+ itself, or if the original publisher of the version it refers
+ to gives permission.
+ K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+ Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section
+ all the substance and tone of each of the contributor
+ acknowledgements and/or dedications given therein.
+ L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered
+ in their text and in their titles. Section numbers or the
+ equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
+ M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section
+ may not be included in the Modified Version.
+ N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled
+ "Endorsements" or to conflict in title with any Invariant
+ Section.
+ O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
+ If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+ appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
+ material copied from the Document, you may at your option designate
+ some or all of these sections as invariant. To do this, add their
+ titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's
+ license notice. These titles must be distinct from any other
+ section titles.
+ You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+ nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
+ parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text
+ has been approved by an organization as the authoritative
+ definition of a standard.
+ You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
+ and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of
+ the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version. Only one passage
+ of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
+ through arrangements made by) any one entity. If the Document
+ already includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added
+ by you or by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on
+ behalf of, you may not add another; but you may replace the old
+ one, on explicit permission from the previous publisher that added
+ the old one.
+ The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
+ License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to
+ assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
+ You may combine the Document with other documents released under
+ this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for
+ modified versions, provided that you include in the combination all
+ of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents,
+ unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your
+ combined work in its license notice, and that you preserve all
+ their Warranty Disclaimers.
+ The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+ multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
+ copy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name
+ but different contents, make the title of each such section unique
+ by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the
+ original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
+ unique number. Make the same adjustment to the section titles in
+ the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
+ combined work.
+ In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled
+ "History" in the various original documents, forming one section
+ Entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled
+ "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You
+ must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements."
+ You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
+ documents released under this License, and replace the individual
+ copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
+ that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the
+ rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the documents
+ in all other respects.
+ You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
+ distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert
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+Tag Table:
+Node: Top652
+Node: About Identica mode and obtaining it1020
+Node: About identica-mode.el and this manual1305
+Node: Getting a copy1996
+Node: Installation and configuration2855
+Node: Installing identica-mode.el3143
+Node: Configuring GNU Emacs3960
+Node: identica-mode requirements4208
+Node: Configuring .emacs4960
+Node: Using identica-mode.el6550
+Node: Basic usage6788
+Node: Introduction7115
+Node: Startup7883
+Node: Icons8244
+Node: Replies timeline8489
+Node: Public timeline8698
+Node: Personal timeline8915
+Node: Update status9136
+Node: Send notice9521
+Node: Shorten url9885
+Node: Tips and tricks10185
+Node: Run commands after recieving notices10406
+Node: Extending identica-mode11273
+Node: Credits and contributing11865
+Node: Credits12100
+Node: Contributing12526
+Node: GNU Free Documentation License12948
+End Tag Table
diff --git a/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-html.el b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-html.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e66bab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-html.el
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+;;; ng2-html.el --- Major mode for editing Angular 2 templates
+;; Copyright 2016 Adam Niederer
+;; Author: Adam Niederer
+;; URL: http://github.com/AdamNiederer/ng2-mode
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: typescript angular angular2
+;; Package-Requires: ()
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary
+;; The main features of this mode are syntax highlighting (enabled with
+;; `font-lock-mode' or `global-font-lock-mode'), and html-mode
+;; integration
+;; Exported names start with "ng2-html-"; private names start with
+;; "ng2-html--".
+;;; Code:
+(defconst ng2-html-var-regex
+ "#\\(\\w+\\)")
+(defconst ng2-html-interp-regex
+ "{{.*?}}")
+(defconst ng2-html-directive-regex
+ "\*\\(.*?\\)[\"= ]")
+(defconst ng2-html-binding-regex
+ "\\(\\[.*?\\]\\)=\\(\".*?\"\\)")
+(defconst ng2-html-event-regex
+ "\\((.*?)\\)=\".*?\"")
+(defconst ng2-html-pipe-regex
+ "{{.*?\\(|\\) *\\(.*?\\) *}}")
+(defcustom ng2-html-tab-width 2
+ "Tab width for ng2-html-mode"
+ :group 'ng2
+ :type 'integer)
+(defun ng2-html-goto-binding ()
+ "Opens the corresponding component TypeScript file, then places the cursor at the function corresponding to the binding"
+ (interactive)
+ (let ((fn-name (word-at-point)))
+ (ng2-open-counterpart)
+ (ng2-ts-goto-fn fn-name)))
+(defvar ng2-html-font-lock-keywords
+ `((,ng2-html-var-regex (1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ (,ng2-html-interp-regex . (0 font-lock-variable-name-face t))
+ (,ng2-html-directive-regex . (1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
+ (,ng2-html-binding-regex . (1 font-lock-type-face t))
+ (,ng2-html-event-regex . (1 font-lock-type-face t))
+ (,ng2-html-pipe-regex . (1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
+ (,ng2-html-pipe-regex . (2 font-lock-function-name-face t))))
+(defvar ng2-html-map
+ (let ((map (make-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c b") 'ng2-html-goto-binding)
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c c") 'ng2-open-counterpart)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for ng2-html-mode")
+(define-derived-mode ng2-html-mode
+ html-mode "ng2-html"
+ "Major mode for Angular 2 templates"
+ (use-local-map ng2-html-map)
+ (setq tab-width ng2-html-tab-width)
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil ng2-html-font-lock-keywords))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.component.html\\'" . ng2-html-mode))
+(provide 'ng2-html)
+;;; ng2-html.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode-autoloads.el b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode-autoloads.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b2f7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode-autoloads.el
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+;;; ng2-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
+;;; Code:
+(add-to-list 'load-path (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path)))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "ng2-html" "ng2-html.el" (22500 63829 326570
+;;;;;; 417000))
+;;; Generated autoloads from ng2-html.el
+(autoload 'ng2-html-mode "ng2-html" "\
+Major mode for Angular 2 templates
+\(fn)" t nil)
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.component.html\\'" . ng2-html-mode))
+;;;### (autoloads nil "ng2-mode" "ng2-mode.el" (22500 63829 338570
+;;;;;; 480000))
+;;; Generated autoloads from ng2-mode.el
+(autoload 'ng2-mode "ng2-mode" "\
+Activates the appropriate Angular 2-related mode for the buffer.
+\(fn)" t nil)
+;;;### (autoloads nil "ng2-ts" "ng2-ts.el" (22500 63829 318570 374000))
+;;; Generated autoloads from ng2-ts.el
+(autoload 'ng2-ts-mode "ng2-ts" "\
+Major mode for Angular 2 TypeScript
+\(fn)" t nil)
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.component.ts\\'" . ng2-ts-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.service.ts\\'" . ng2-ts-mode))
+;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("ng2-mode-pkg.el") (22500 63829 371106
+;;;;;; 271000))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; version-control: never
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; no-update-autoloads: t
+;; End:
+;;; ng2-mode-autoloads.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode-pkg.el b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode-pkg.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dccc41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode-pkg.el
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(define-package "ng2-mode" "20160910.820" "Major modes for editing Angular 2"
+ '((typescript-mode "0.1"))
+ :url "http://github.com/AdamNiederer/ng2-mode" :keywords
+ '("typescript" "angular" "angular2" "template"))
+;; Local Variables:
+;; no-byte-compile: t
+;; End:
diff --git a/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode.el b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa48c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+;;; ng2-mode.el --- Major modes for editing Angular 2
+;; Copyright 2016 Adam Niederer
+;; Author: Adam Niederer
+;; URL: http://github.com/AdamNiederer/ng2-mode
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: typescript angular angular2 template
+;; Package-Requires: ((typescript-mode "0.1"))
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The main features of the modes are syntax highlighting (enabled with
+;; `font-lock-mode' or `global-font-lock-mode'), and easy switching
+;; between templates and components.
+;; Exported names start with "ng2-"; private names start with
+;; "ng2--".
+;;; Code:
+(require 'typescript-mode)
+(require 'ng2-ts)
+(require 'ng2-html)
+(defgroup ng2 nil
+ "Major mode for AngularJS 2 files"
+ :prefix "ng2-"
+ :group 'languages
+ :link '(url-link :tag "Github" "https://github.com/AdamNiederer/ng2-mode")
+ :link '(emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "ng2-mode"))
+(defun ng2--counterpart-name (name)
+ "Return the file name of this file's counterpart. If a file has no counterpart, returns the name of the file. Ex. kek.component.html <-> kek.component.ts"
+ (when (not (ng2--is-component name)) name)
+ (let ((ext (file-name-extension name))
+ (base (file-name-sans-extension name)))
+ (if (equal ext "ts")
+ (concat base ".html")
+ (concat base ".ts"))))
+(defun ng2--sans-type (name)
+ "Return the file name, minus its extension an type. Ex. kek.component.ts -> kek"
+ (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-sans-extension name)))
+(defun ng2--is-component (name)
+ (equal (file-name-extension (file-name-sans-extension name)) "component"))
+(defun ng2-open-counterpart ()
+ "Opens the counterpart file to this one. If it's a component, open the corresponding template, and vice versa"
+ (interactive)
+ (find-file (ng2--counterpart-name (buffer-file-name))))
+(defun ng2-mode ()
+ "Activates the appropriate Angular 2-related mode for the buffer."
+ (interactive)
+ (if (equal buffer-file-name nil)
+ (message "This doesn't appear to be an Angular2 component or service.")
+ (let ((file-ext (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name))))
+ (cond
+ ((equal file-ext "html") (ng2-html-mode))
+ ((equal file-ext "ts") (ng2-ts-mode))
+ (t (message "This doesn't appear to be an Angular2 component or service."))))))
+(provide 'ng2-mode)
+;;; ng2-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-ts.el b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-ts.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74597b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elpa/ng2-mode-20160910.820/ng2-ts.el
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+;;; ng2-ts.el --- Major mode for editing Angular 2 TypeScript
+;; Copyright 2016 Adam Niederer
+;; Author: Adam Niederer
+;; URL: http://github.com/AdamNiederer/ng2-mode
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; Keywords: typescript angular angular2
+;; Package-Requires: ((typescript-mode "0.1"))
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see .
+;;; Commentary
+;; The main features of this mode are syntax highlighting (enabled with
+;; `font-lock-mode' or `global-font-lock-mode'), and typescript-mode
+;; integration
+;; Exported names start with "ng2-ts-"; private names start with
+;; "ng2-ts--".
+;;; Code:
+(defconst ng2-ts-decorator-keywords
+ '("@Component"
+ "@Directive"
+ "@Pipe"
+ "@NgModule"))
+(defconst ng2-ts-interp-regex
+ "${.*?}")
+(defconst ng2-ts-var-regex
+ "[^?/.] \\(\\w+\\) *[=:]")
+(defconst ng2-ts-fn-regex
+ "\\(\\w+\\)\(.*\).*{")
+(defconst ng2-ts-class-regex
+ "class \\(\\w+\\)")
+(defconst ng2-ts-lambda-regex
+ "\\(\\w+\\) *\\(=>\\)")
+(defconst ng2-ts-generic-regex
+ "<\\(\\w+\\)\\(\\[\\]\\)?>")
+(defcustom ng2-ts-tab-width 2
+ "Tab width for ng2-ts-mode"
+ :group 'ng2
+ :type 'integer)
+(defun ng2-ts-goto-fn (fn-name)
+ "Places the point on the function called fn-name"
+ (beginning-of-buffer)
+ (search-forward-regexp (format "\\(\\%s\\)\(.*\).*{" fn-name)))
+(defvar ng2-ts-map
+ (let ((map (make-keymap)))
+ (define-key map (kbd "C-c c") 'ng2-open-counterpart)
+ map)
+ "Keymap for ng2-ts-mode")
+(defvar ng2-ts-font-lock-keywords
+ `((,ng2-ts-interp-regex . (0 font-lock-constant-face t))
+ (,ng2-ts-var-regex (1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ (,ng2-ts-class-regex (1 font-lock-type-face))
+ (,ng2-ts-fn-regex (1 font-lock-function-name-face))
+ (,ng2-ts-generic-regex (1 font-lock-type-face))
+ (,ng2-ts-lambda-regex (1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ (,ng2-ts-lambda-regex (2 font-lock-function-name-face))
+ (,(regexp-opt ng2-ts-decorator-keywords) . font-lock-builtin-face)))
+(define-derived-mode ng2-ts-mode
+ typescript-mode "ng2-ts"
+ "Major mode for Angular 2 TypeScript"
+ (use-local-map ng2-ts-map)
+ (setq tab-width ng2-ts-tab-width)
+ (font-lock-add-keywords nil ng2-ts-font-lock-keywords))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.component.ts\\'" . ng2-ts-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.service.ts\\'" . ng2-ts-mode))
+(provide 'ng2-ts)
+;;; ng2-ts.el ends here