/* * This file is part of matrix-glib-sdk * * matrix-glib-sdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * matrix-glib-sdk is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with matrix-glib-sdk. If not, see * . */ /** * Class for representing a room membership events * * Adjusts the membership state for a user in a room. It is preferable * to use the membership APIs (`/rooms//invite` etc) when * performing membership actions rather than adjusting the state * directly as there are a restricted set of valid * transformations. For example, user A cannot force user B to join a * room, and trying to force this state change directly will * fail. * * The following membership states are specified: * * - invite - The user has been invited to join a room, but has not * yet joined it. They may not participate in the room until they * join. * * - join - The user has joined the room (possibly after accepting an * invite), and may participate in it. * * - leave - The user was once joined to the room, but has since left * (possibly by choice, or possibly by being kicked). * * - ban - The user has been banned from the room, and is no longer * allowed to join it until they are un-banned from the room (by * having their membership state set to a value other than ban). * * - knock - This is a reserved word, which currently has no meaning. * * The third_party_invite property will be set if this invite is an * invite event and is the successor of an m.room.third_party_invite * event, and absent otherwise. * * This event may also include an invite_room_state key outside the * content key. If present, this contains an array of stripped state * events. These events provide information on a few select state * events such as the room name. */ public class Matrix.Event.RoomMember : Matrix.Event.State { private List? _invite_room_state = null; /** * The membership state of the user. */ public RoomMembership membership { get; set; default = RoomMembership.UNKNOWN; } /** * The avatar URL for this user, if any. This is added by the * homeserver. */ public string? avatar_url { get; set; default = null; } /** * The display name for this user, if any. This is added by the * homeserver. */ public string? display_name { get; set; default = null; } /** * A name which can be displayed to represent the user instead of * their third party identifier */ public string? tpi_display_name { get; set; default = null; } /** * The invited matrix user ID. Must be equal to the user_id * property of the event. */ public string? tpi_signed_mxid { get; set; default = null; } /** * The token property of the containing third_party_invite object. */ public string? tpi_signed_token { get; set; default = null; } /** * A single signature from the verifying server, in the format * specified by the Signing Events section of the server-server * API. */ public Json.Node? tpi_signature { get; set; default = null; } /** * A subset of the state of the room at the time of the invite, if * membership is invite. */ public List? invite_room_state { get { return _invite_room_state; } set { _invite_room_state = value.copy(); } default = null; } /** * The user ID whom this event relates to. */ public string? user_id { get { return _state_key; } set { _state_key = value; } default = null; } protected override void from_json(Json.Node json_data) throws Matrix.Error { Json.Object root = json_data.get_object(); Json.Object content_root = root.get_member("content").get_object(); Json.Node? node; // Even though the state_key is handled by the parent class, // in this event type this actually means the sender if ((node = root.get_member("state_key")) != null) { _state_key = node.get_string(); } else { warning("state_key is missing from a m.room.member event"); } if ((node = content_root.get_member("membership")) != null) { Matrix.RoomMembership? mship = (Matrix.RoomMembership?)_g_enum_nick_to_value( typeof(Matrix.RoomMembership), node.get_string()); if (mship != null) { _membership = mship; } } else if (Config.DEBUG) { warning("membership key is missing from the m.room.member event"); } if ((node = content_root.get_member("avatar_url")) != null) { _avatar_url = node.get_string(); } if ((node = content_root.get_member("displayname")) != null) { _display_name = node.get_string(); } if ((node = content_root.get_member("third_party_invite")) != null) { var tpi_root = node.get_object(); if ((node = tpi_root.get_member("display_name")) != null) { _tpi_display_name = node.get_string(); } else { warning("content.third_party_invite.display_name is missing from a m.room.member event"); } if ((node = tpi_root.get_member("signed")) != null) { var signed_root = node.get_object(); if ((node = signed_root.get_member("mxid")) != null) { tpi_signed_mxid = node.get_string(); } else { warning("content.third_party_invit.signed.mxid is missing from a m.room.member event"); } if ((node = signed_root.get_member("token")) != null) { tpi_signed_token = node.get_string(); } else { warning("content.third_party_invite.signed.token is missing from a m.room.member event"); } if ((node = signed_root.get_member("signatures")) != null) { tpi_signature = node; } else { warning("content.third_party_invite.signed.signatures is missing from a m.room.member event"); } } else { warning("content.third_party_invite.signed is missing from a m.room.member event"); } } if ((node = root.get_member("invite_room_state")) != null) { var events = node.get_array(); if (events.get_length() > 0) { _invite_room_state = null; events.foreach_element((ary, idx, member_node) => { try { var evt = Matrix.Event.Base.new_from_json( null, member_node); _invite_room_state.prepend((Matrix.Event.State)evt); } catch (GLib.Error e) {} }); } } // Chain up base.from_json(json_data); } protected override void to_json(Json.Node json_data) throws Matrix.Error { if (membership == RoomMembership.UNKNOWN) { throw new Matrix.Error.UNKNOWN_VALUE( "Unknown membership value cannot be added to a room member event"); } if (_state_key == "") { throw new Matrix.Error.INCOMPLETE( "Won't generate a m.room.member event with an empty state_key"); } var root = json_data.get_object(); var content_root = root.get_member("content").get_object(); string? mship; mship = _g_enum_value_to_nick(typeof(Matrix.RoomMembership), membership); if (mship != null) { content_root.set_string_member("membership", mship); } else { throw new Matrix.Error.UNKNOWN_VALUE( "Won't generate a m.room.member event with an unknown membership"); } if (avatar_url != null) { content_root.set_string_member("avatar_url", avatar_url); } if (display_name != null) { content_root.set_string_member("displayname", display_name); } var tpi_root = new Json.Object(); if (_tpi_display_name != null) { tpi_root.set_string_member("display_name", tpi_display_name); } var tpi_signed_root = new Json.Object(); if (_tpi_signed_mxid != null) { tpi_signed_root.set_string_member("mxid", tpi_signed_mxid); } if (_tpi_signed_token != null) { tpi_signed_root.set_string_member("token", tpi_signed_token); } if (_tpi_signature != null) { tpi_signed_root.set_member("signature", tpi_signature); } if ((tpi_signed_root.get_size() != 3) && (tpi_signed_root.get_size() != 0)) { warning("3rd party invite data is not filled; ignoring"); tpi_signed_root = null; } if ((_tpi_display_name != null) && (tpi_signed_root.get_size() == 3)) { var tpi_signed_node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); tpi_signed_node.set_object(tpi_signed_root); tpi_root.set_member("signed", tpi_signed_node); } if (tpi_root.get_size() == 2) { var tpi_node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); tpi_node.set_object(tpi_root); content_root.set_member("third_party_invite", tpi_node); } else if (tpi_root.get_size() != 0) { warning("3rd party invite data is incomplete; ignoring"); } if (_invite_room_state != null) { var state_ary = new Json.Array(); foreach (var entry in _invite_room_state) { var state_node = entry.get_stripped_node(); if (state_node != null) { state_ary.add_element(state_node); } } if (state_ary.get_length() > 0) { var state_node = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.ARRAY); state_node.set_array(state_ary); root.set_member("invite_room_state", state_node); } } base.to_json(json_data); } }