/* * This file is part of matrix-glib-sdk * * matrix-glib-sdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * matrix-glib-sdk is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with matrix-glib-sdk. If not, see * . */ #include #include #include "matrix-c-compacts.h" #include "matrix-enumtypes.h" #include "matrix-types.h" #include "utils.h" static JsonNode * matrix_json_compact_get_json_node_impl(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error); /** * MatrixJsonCompactClass: * @finalize: instance finalization function. Should chain up to the @finalize method of the * parent class * @get_json_node: instance method to get the JSON node described by the instance * * Class structure for #MatrixJsonCompact. */ static void matrix_json_compact_class_init(MatrixJsonCompactClass *klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node_impl; } MatrixJsonCompact * matrix_json_compact_construct(GType object_type) { MatrixJsonCompact *ret = (MatrixJsonCompact *)g_type_create_instance(object_type); ret->refcount = 1; return ret; } static void matrix_json_compact_init(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) {} /** * matrix_json_compact_ref: * @json_compact: a #MatrixJsonCompact object * * Increment reference count on @json_compact. * * Returns: (transfer full): @json_compact */ MatrixJsonCompact * matrix_json_compact_ref(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); ++(matrix_json_compact->refcount); return matrix_json_compact; } static void matrix_json_compact_free(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { g_return_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL); g_free(matrix_json_compact); } /** * matrix_json_compact_unref: * @json_compact: (transfer full): a #MatrixJsonCompact object * * Decrement reference count on @json_compact. * * If reference count reaches 0, the object is disposed. */ void matrix_json_compact_unref(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { g_return_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL); if (--(matrix_json_compact->refcount) == 0) { matrix_json_compact_free(matrix_json_compact); } } static JsonNode * matrix_json_compact_get_json_node_impl(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { g_critical("Type `%s' does not implement abstract method `matrix_json_compact_get_json_node'", g_type_name(G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(matrix_json_compact))); return NULL; } /** * matrix_json_compact_get_json_node: * @json_compact: a #MatrixJsonCompact object * @error: a #GError, or %NULL to ignore errors * * Export the contents of @json_compact as a #JsonNode object. * * Subclasses must implement this method. * * Returns: (transfer full): a #JsonNode */ JsonNode * matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); return MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_GET_CLASS(matrix_json_compact)->get_json_node(matrix_json_compact, error); } /** * matrix_json_compact_get_json_data: * @json_compact: a #MatrixJsonCompact object * @datalen: (nullable): a place to hold the length of the result, or %NULL to ignore * @error: (nullable): a #GError, or %NULL to ignore errors * * Export the contents of the @json_compact as a stringified JSON object. If @datalen is * not %NULL, the length of the resulting string is stored there. * * This function calls matrix_json_compact_get_json_node() internally. If any error happens * during the export, it is stored in @error. * * The returned string is owned by the caller and must be freed. * * Returns: (transfer full): a stringified JSON object */ gchar * matrix_json_compact_get_json_data(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, gsize *datalen, GError **error) { gchar* result = NULL; JsonGenerator* generator = NULL; JsonNode* node = NULL; gsize result_len; GError * inner_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(matrix_json_compact, &inner_error); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_object_unref(generator); g_propagate_error (error, inner_error); return NULL; } generator = json_generator_new (); json_generator_set_root (generator, node); result = json_generator_to_data (generator, &result_len); json_node_free(node); g_object_unref(generator); if (datalen) { *datalen = result_len; } return result; } static void matrix_value_json_compact_init(GValue *value) { value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } static void matrix_value_json_compact_free_value(GValue *value) { matrix_json_compact_unref(value->data[0].v_pointer); } static void matrix_value_json_compact_copy_value(const GValue *src_value, GValue *dest_value) { dest_value->data[0].v_pointer = matrix_json_compact_ref(src_value->data[0].v_pointer); } static gpointer matrix_value_json_compact_peek_pointer(const GValue *value) { return value->data[0].v_pointer; } static gchar * matrix_value_json_compact_collect_value(GValue *value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue *collect_values, guint collect_flags) { if (collect_values[0].v_pointer) { MatrixJsonCompact *object = collect_values[0].v_pointer; if (object->parent_instance.g_class == NULL) { return g_strconcat("invalid unclassed object pointer for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME(value), "'", NULL); } else if (!g_value_type_compatible(G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE(object), G_VALUE_TYPE(value))) { return g_strconcat("invalid object type `", g_type_name(G_TYPE_FROM_INSTANCE (object)), "' for value type `", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME(value), "'", NULL); } value->data[0].v_pointer = matrix_json_compact_ref(object); } else { value->data[0].v_pointer = NULL; } return NULL; } static gchar * matrix_value_json_compact_lcopy_value(const GValue *value, guint n_collect_values, GTypeCValue *collect_values, guint collect_flags) { MatrixJsonCompact **object_p = collect_values[0].v_pointer; if (!object_p) { return g_strdup_printf("value location for `%s' passed as NULL", G_VALUE_TYPE_NAME(value)); } if (!value->data[0].v_pointer) { *object_p = NULL; } else if (collect_flags & G_VALUE_NOCOPY_CONTENTS) { *object_p = value->data[0].v_pointer; } else { *object_p = matrix_json_compact_ref (value->data[0].v_pointer); } return NULL; } /** * MatrixJsonCompact: * * Abstract parent for classes that can be saved to JSON but don’t need full #GObject * functionality. */ GType matrix_json_compact_get_type(void) { static volatile gsize matrix_json_compact_type_id__volatile = 0; if (g_once_init_enter(&matrix_json_compact_type_id__volatile)) { static const GTypeValueTable g_define_type_value_table = { matrix_value_json_compact_init, matrix_value_json_compact_free_value, matrix_value_json_compact_copy_value, matrix_value_json_compact_peek_pointer, "p", matrix_value_json_compact_collect_value, "p", matrix_value_json_compact_lcopy_value }; static const GTypeInfo g_define_type_info = { sizeof(MatrixJsonCompactClass), (GBaseInitFunc)NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc)NULL, (GClassInitFunc)matrix_json_compact_class_init, (GClassFinalizeFunc)NULL, NULL, sizeof(MatrixJsonCompact), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc)matrix_json_compact_init, &g_define_type_value_table }; static const GTypeFundamentalInfo g_define_type_fundamental_info = { (G_TYPE_FLAG_CLASSED | G_TYPE_FLAG_INSTANTIATABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DERIVABLE | G_TYPE_FLAG_DEEP_DERIVABLE) }; GType matrix_json_compact_type_id; matrix_json_compact_type_id = g_type_register_fundamental(g_type_fundamental_next(), "MatrixJsonCompact", &g_define_type_info, &g_define_type_fundamental_info, G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT); g_once_init_leave(&matrix_json_compact_type_id__volatile, matrix_json_compact_type_id); } return matrix_json_compact_type_id__volatile; } typedef struct { guint64 _limit; gchar **_types; guint _types_len; gchar **_excluded_types; guint _excluded_types_len; gchar **_senders; guint _senders_len; gchar **_excluded_senders; guint _excluded_senders_len; gchar **_rooms; guint _rooms_len; gchar **_excluded_rooms; guint _excluded_rooms_len; } MatrixFilterRulesPrivate; /** * MatrixFilterRules: * * Class to hold filtering rules. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(MatrixFilterRules, matrix_filter_rules, MATRIX_TYPE_JSON_COMPACT) /* * STR_ARRAY_TO_JSON: * @PRIV: (not nullable): a variable that holds a #MatrixFilterRulesPrivate struct * @BUILDER: (not nullable): A #JsonBuilder object to use for array building. It must have an * object opened with json_builder_begin_object() * @NAME: (not nullable) (transfer none): the name of the array within the opened object * * Creates a new array with @NAME in the currently open object of @BUILDER. To do so, it will * use the field of the same name from @PRIV. */ #define STR_ARRAY_TO_JSON(PRIV, BUILDER, NAME) \ if ((PRIV)->_ ## NAME ## _len != 0) { \ guint i; \ \ json_builder_set_member_name((BUILDER), #NAME); \ json_builder_begin_array((BUILDER)); \ \ for (i = 0; i < (PRIV)->_ ## NAME ## _len; i++) { \ json_builder_add_string_value((BUILDER), (PRIV)->_ ## NAME [i]); \ }; \ \ json_builder_end_array((BUILDER)); \ } \ \ if ((PRIV)->_excluded_ ## NAME ## _len != 0) { \ guint i; \ \ json_builder_set_member_name((BUILDER), "not_" #NAME); \ json_builder_begin_array((BUILDER)); \ \ for (i = 0; i < (PRIV)->_excluded_ ## NAME ## _len; i++) { \ json_builder_add_string_value((BUILDER), (PRIV)->_excluded_ ## NAME [i]); \ }; \ \ json_builder_end_array((BUILDER)); \ } static JsonNode * matrix_filter_rules_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules; MatrixFilterRulesPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); matrix_filter_rules = (MatrixFilterRules *)matrix_json_compact; priv = matrix_filter_rules_get_instance_private(matrix_filter_rules); JsonNode* result = NULL; JsonBuilder* builder = NULL; builder = json_builder_new (); json_builder_begin_object (builder); json_builder_set_member_name (builder, "limit"); json_builder_add_int_value (builder, (gint64)priv->_limit); STR_ARRAY_TO_JSON(priv, builder, rooms); STR_ARRAY_TO_JSON(priv, builder, senders); STR_ARRAY_TO_JSON(priv, builder, types); json_builder_end_object(builder); result = json_builder_get_root (builder); g_object_unref(builder); return result; } #undef STR_ARRAY_TO_JSON /** * matrix_filter_rules_construct: * @object_type: the #GType of the object to construct. This must be derived from * #MatrixJsonCompact. * * Construct a new #MatrixFilterRules object. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixFilterRules object */ MatrixFilterRules * matrix_filter_rules_construct(GType object_type) { return (MatrixFilterRules *)matrix_json_compact_construct(object_type); } /** * matrix_filter_rules_new: * * Create a new #MatrixFilterRules object with a reference count of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixFilterRules object */ MatrixFilterRules * matrix_filter_rules_new(void) { return matrix_filter_rules_construct(MATRIX_TYPE_FILTER_RULES); } /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_limit: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * * Get the message count limit defined in @filter_rules. * * Returns: the message count limit */ guint matrix_filter_rules_get_limit(MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules) { MatrixFilterRulesPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_filter_rules != NULL, 0); priv = matrix_filter_rules_get_instance_private(matrix_filter_rules); return priv->_limit; } /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_limit: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @limit: the message count limit * * Set the message count limit in @filter_rules. */ void matrix_filter_rules_set_limit(MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules, guint limit) { MatrixFilterRulesPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_filter_rules != NULL); priv = matrix_filter_rules_get_instance_private(matrix_filter_rules); priv->_limit = limit; } static inline gchar ** copy_str_array(gchar **src, gint n_src) { gchar **dst; if (src == NULL) { return NULL; } dst = g_new0(gchar *, n_src); for (gint i = 0; i < n_src; i++) { dst[i] = g_strdup(src[i]); } return dst; } static inline void free_str_array(gchar **list, gint n_list) { gint i = 0; if (list == NULL) { return; } g_return_if_fail(list != NULL); for (i = 0; i < n_list; i++) { g_free(list[i]); } } /* * STR_ARRAY_GETTER: * @NAME: the name of a string array in #MatrixFilterRulesPrivate * * Create a getter function for @NAME in #MatrixFilterRulesPrivate. */ #define STR_ARRAY_GETTER(NAME) \ gchar ** \ matrix_filter_rules_get_ ## NAME (MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules, gint *n_ ## NAME) \ { \ MatrixFilterRulesPrivate * priv; \ \ g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_filter_rules != NULL, NULL); \ \ priv = matrix_filter_rules_get_instance_private(matrix_filter_rules); \ \ if (n_ ## NAME != NULL) { \ *n_ ## NAME = priv->_ ## NAME ## _len; \ } \ \ return priv->_ ## NAME; \ } /* * STR_ARRAY_SETTER: * @NAME: the name of a string array in #MatrixFilterRulesPrivate * * Create a setter function for @NAME in #MatrixFilterRulesPrivate */ #define STR_ARRAY_SETTER(NAME) \ void \ matrix_filter_rules_set_ ## NAME (MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules, gchar ** NAME, gint n_ ## NAME) \ { \ MatrixFilterRulesPrivate * priv; \ \ g_return_if_fail(matrix_filter_rules != NULL); \ \ priv = matrix_filter_rules_get_instance_private(matrix_filter_rules); \ \ free_str_array(priv->_ ## NAME, priv->_ ## NAME ##_len); \ priv->_ ## NAME = copy_str_array(NAME, n_ ## NAME); \ priv->_ ## NAME ## _len = n_ ## NAME; \ } /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_types: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @n_types: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the returned list, or %NULL to ignore * * Get the list of message types to be included in the filtered results. * * The returned value is owned by @filter_rules and shouldn’t be freed nor modified. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): a list of message types */ STR_ARRAY_GETTER(types); /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_types: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @types: (nullable): a list of message types * @n_types: the number of items in @types * * Set the list of message types to be included in the filtered results. */ STR_ARRAY_SETTER(types); /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_excluded_types: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @n_excluded_types: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the returned list, or %NULL to ignore * * Get the list of message types to be excluded in the filtered results. * * The returned value is owned by @filter_rules and shouldn’t be freed nor modified. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a list of message types to exclude */ STR_ARRAY_GETTER(excluded_types); /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_excluded_types: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @excluded_types: (nullable): a list of types to exclude * @n_excluded_types: the number of items in @excluded_types * * Set the list of message types to be excluded in the filtered results. The message types in * this list will be excluded even if they would be explicitly included (ie. set with * matrix_filter_rules_set_types()). */ STR_ARRAY_SETTER(excluded_types) /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_senders: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @n_senders: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the returned list, or %NULL to ignore * * Get the list of senders whose messages should to be included in the filtered results. * * The returned value is owned by @filter_rules and shouldn’t be freed nor modified. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a list of sender Matrix IDs */ STR_ARRAY_GETTER(senders); /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_senders: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @senders: (nullable): a list of Matrix IDs * @n_senders: the number of items in @senders * * Set the list of Matrix IDs whose messages should be included in the filtered results. */ STR_ARRAY_SETTER(senders); /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_excluded_senders: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @n_excluded_senders: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the returned list, or %NULL * to ignore * * Get the list of sender Matrix IDs to be excluded from the filtered results. * * The returned value is owned by @filter_rules and shouldn’t be freed nor modified. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a list of Matrix IDs to exclude */ STR_ARRAY_GETTER(excluded_senders); /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_excluded_senders: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @excluded_senders: (nullable): a list of Matrix IDs to exclude * @n_excluded_senders: the number of items in @excluded_senders * * Set the list of Matrix IDs whose messages should be excluded from the filtered results. * Messages from Matrix IDs in this list will be excluded even if they would be explicitly * included (ie. set with matrix_filter_rules_set_senders()). */ STR_ARRAY_SETTER(excluded_senders); /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_rooms: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @n_rooms: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the returned list, or %NULL to ignore * * Get the list of rooms to be included in the filtered results. * * The returned value is owned by @filter_rules and shouldn’t be freed nor modified. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a list of rooms */ STR_ARRAY_GETTER(rooms); /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_rooms: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @rooms: (nullable): a list of room IDs * @n_rooms: the number of items in @rooms * * Set the list of rooms to be included in the filtered results. */ STR_ARRAY_SETTER(rooms); /** * matrix_filter_rules_get_excluded_rooms: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @n_excluded_rooms: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the returned list, or %NULL to ignore * * Get the list of room IDs to be excluded in the filtered results. * * The returned value is owned by @filter_rules and shouldn’t be freed nor modified. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a list of room IDs to exclude */ STR_ARRAY_GETTER(excluded_rooms); /** * matrix_filter_rules_set_excluded_rooms: * @filter_rules: a #MatrixFilterRules object * @excluded_rooms: (nullable): a list of room IDs to exclude * @n_excluded_rooms: the number of items in @excluded_rooms * * Set the list of room IDs to be excluded from the filtered results. The room IDs in this * list will be excluded even if they would be explicitly included (ie. set with * matrix_filter_rules_set_rooms()). */ STR_ARRAY_SETTER(excluded_rooms); static void matrix_filter_rules_finalize (MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules; MatrixFilterRulesPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL); matrix_filter_rules = MATRIX_FILTER_RULES(matrix_json_compact); priv = matrix_filter_rules_get_instance_private(matrix_filter_rules); priv->_types = (free_str_array(priv->_types, priv->_types_len), NULL); priv->_excluded_types = (free_str_array(priv->_excluded_types, priv->_excluded_types_len), NULL); priv->_senders = (free_str_array(priv->_senders, priv->_senders_len), NULL); priv->_excluded_senders = (free_str_array(priv->_excluded_senders, priv->_excluded_senders_len), NULL); priv->_rooms = (free_str_array(priv->_rooms, priv->_rooms_len), NULL); priv->_excluded_rooms = (free_str_array(priv->_excluded_rooms, priv->_excluded_rooms_len), NULL); MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_CLASS(matrix_filter_rules_parent_class)->finalize(matrix_json_compact); } static void matrix_filter_rules_class_init(MatrixFilterRulesClass *klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->finalize = matrix_filter_rules_finalize; ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = (JsonNode* (*) (MatrixJsonCompact *, GError**)) matrix_filter_rules_get_json_node; } static void matrix_filter_rules_init(MatrixFilterRules *matrix_filter_rules) {} typedef struct { gboolean _include_leave; MatrixFilterRules *_ephemeral; MatrixFilterRules *_state; MatrixFilterRules *_timeline; } MatrixRoomFilterPrivate; /** * MatrixRoomFilter: * * Class to hold room filters. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(MatrixRoomFilter, matrix_room_filter, MATRIX_TYPE_JSON_COMPACT); static JsonNode * matrix_room_filter_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *result; JsonNode *node; GError *inner_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(MATRIX_ROOM_FILTER(matrix_json_compact)); builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "include_leave"); json_builder_add_boolean_value(builder, priv->_include_leave); if (priv->_ephemeral != NULL) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "ephemeral"); node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_ephemeral), &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_object_unref(builder); g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); return NULL; } json_builder_add_value(builder, node); } if (priv->_state != NULL) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "state"); node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_state), &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_object_unref(builder); g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); return NULL; } json_builder_add_value(builder, node); } if (priv->_timeline != NULL) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "timeline"); node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_timeline), &inner_error); if (inner_error) { g_object_unref(builder); g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); return NULL; } json_builder_add_value(builder, node); } json_builder_end_object(builder); result = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return result; } MatrixRoomFilter * matrix_room_filter_construct(GType object_type) { MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter = NULL; matrix_room_filter = (MatrixRoomFilter *)matrix_json_compact_construct(object_type); return matrix_room_filter; } /** * matrix_room_filter_new: * * Create a new #MatrixRoomFilter object with a reference count of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixRoomFilter object */ MatrixRoomFilter * matrix_room_filter_new(void) { return matrix_room_filter_construct(MATRIX_TYPE_ROOM_FILTER); } /** * matrix_room_filter_get_include_leave: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter * * Returns: %TRUE if events for rooms the user has left will be included, %FALSE otherwise */ gboolean matrix_room_filter_get_include_leave(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL, FALSE); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); return priv->_include_leave; } /** * matrix_room_filter_set_include_leave: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * @include_leave: a boolean value * * If @include_leave is %TRUE, events for rooms that the user has left will * be included in the filtered event list. */ void matrix_room_filter_set_include_leave(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter, gboolean include_leave) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); priv->_include_leave = include_leave; } /** * matrix_room_filter_get_ephemeral: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * * Get the filtering rules for ephemeral events, like typing notifications and event receipts * will also be included in the results. * * The returned value is owwned by @room_filter and shouldn’t be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the filtering rules to be used on ephemeral events */ MatrixFilterRules * matrix_room_filter_get_ephemeral(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); return priv->_ephemeral; } /** * matrix_room_filter_set_ephemeral: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * @ephemeral_rules: (transfer none) (nullable): a #MatrixFilterRules to apply to ephemeral events * * Set filtering rules for ephemeral events (events that are not recorded in the room history, * like typing notifications, event receipts, etc.) */ void matrix_room_filter_set_ephemeral(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter, MatrixFilterRules *ephemeral) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_ephemeral)); priv->_ephemeral = (MatrixFilterRules *)matrix_json_compact_ref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(ephemeral)); } /** * matrix_room_filter_get_state: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * * Get the filtering rules for state events. * * The returned value is owned by @room_filter and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the filtering rules for state events. */ MatrixFilterRules * matrix_room_filter_get_state(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); return priv->_state; } /** * matrix_room_filter_set_state: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * @state_rules: (transfer none) (nullable): a #MatrixFilterRules object to apply to state events * * Set filtering rules for state events. */ void matrix_room_filter_set_state(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter, MatrixFilterRules *state) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_state)); priv->_state = (MatrixFilterRules *)matrix_json_compact_ref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(state)); } /** * matrix_room_filter_get_timeline: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * * Get the filtering rules for timeline events (like messages). * * The returned value is owned by @room_filter, and shouldn’t be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): the filtering rules for timeline events. */ MatrixFilterRules * matrix_room_filter_get_timeline(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); return priv->_timeline; } /** * matrix_room_filter_set_timeline: * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter object * @timeline_rules: (transfer none) (nullable): a #MatrixFilterRules to apply to timeline events * * Set filtering rules for timeline events. */ void matrix_room_filter_set_timeline(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter, MatrixFilterRules *timeline) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_room_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_timeline)); priv->_timeline = (MatrixFilterRules *)matrix_json_compact_ref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(timeline)); } static void matrix_room_filter_finalize(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(MATRIX_ROOM_FILTER(matrix_json_compact)); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_ephemeral)); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_state)); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_timeline)); MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_CLASS (matrix_room_filter_parent_class)->finalize (matrix_json_compact); } static void matrix_room_filter_class_init(MatrixRoomFilterClass* klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->finalize = matrix_room_filter_finalize; ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = matrix_room_filter_get_json_node; } static void matrix_room_filter_init(MatrixRoomFilter *matrix_room_filter) { MatrixRoomFilterPrivate *priv; priv = matrix_room_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_room_filter); priv->_include_leave = TRUE; priv->_ephemeral = NULL; priv->_state = NULL; priv->_timeline = NULL; } typedef struct { gchar **_event_fields; guint _event_fields_len; MatrixEventFormat _event_format; MatrixFilterRules *_presence_filter; MatrixRoomFilter*_room_filter; } MatrixFilterPrivate; /** * MatrixFilter: * * Class to hold a message filter, eg. to be used with matrix_api_sync(). */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(MatrixFilter, matrix_filter, MATRIX_TYPE_JSON_COMPACT); static JsonNode * matrix_filter_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *node; GError *inner_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(MATRIX_FILTER(matrix_json_compact)); builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "event_fields"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); for (guint i = 0; i < priv->_event_fields_len; i++) { json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_event_fields[i]); } json_builder_end_array(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "event_format"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, _matrix_g_enum_to_string(MATRIX_TYPE_EVENT_FORMAT, priv->_event_format, TRUE)); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "presence"); node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_presence_filter), &inner_error); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); g_object_unref(builder); return NULL; } json_builder_add_value(builder, node); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "room"); node = matrix_json_compact_get_json_node(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_room_filter), &inner_error); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); g_object_unref(builder); return NULL; } json_builder_add_value(builder, node); json_builder_end_object(builder); node = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return node; } MatrixFilter * matrix_filter_construct(GType object_type) { return (MatrixFilter *)matrix_json_compact_construct(object_type); } /** * matrix_filter_new: * * Create a new #MatrixFilter object. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixFilter object */ MatrixFilter * matrix_filter_new(void) { return matrix_filter_construct(MATRIX_TYPE_FILTER); } /** * matrix_filter_get_event_fields: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * @n_event_fields: (nullable): placeholder for the length of the result, or %NULL to ignore * * Get the fields to be included in the filtered events. * * The returned value is owned by @filter and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the list of fields to include */ gchar ** matrix_filter_get_event_fields(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter, int *n_event_fields) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); if (n_event_fields != NULL) { *n_event_fields = priv->_event_fields_len; } return priv->_event_fields; } /** * matrix_filter_set_event_fields: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * @event_fields: (transfer none) (nullable): a list of event field names * @n_event_fields: the number of elements in @event_fields * * Set the event fields to be included in the filtered events. */ void matrix_filter_set_event_fields(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter, gchar **event_fields, int n_event_fields) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); free_str_array(priv->_event_fields, priv->_event_fields_len); priv->_event_fields = copy_str_array(event_fields, n_event_fields); priv->_event_fields_len = n_event_fields; } /** * matrix_filter_get_event_format: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * * Get the format that will be used to represent the filtered events. * * Returns: a #MatrixEventFormat value */ MatrixEventFormat matrix_filter_get_event_format(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL, 0); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); return priv->_event_format; } /** * matrix_filter_set_event_format: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * @event_format: the event format to use * * Set the desired event format for the filtered events (eg. for used with matrix_api_sync()) */ void matrix_filter_set_event_format(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter, MatrixEventFormat event_format) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); priv->_event_format = event_format; } /** * matrix_filter_get_presence_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * * Get the filtering ruleset for presence events. * * The returned value is owned by @filter and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #MatrixFilterRules object */ MatrixFilterRules * matrix_filter_get_presence_filter(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); return priv->_presence_filter; } /** * matrix_filter_set_presence_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * @presence_filter: (transfer none): a #MatrixFilterRules object to be applied to presence events * * Set a filtering ruleset for presence events. */ void matrix_filter_set_presence_filter(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter, MatrixFilterRules *presence_filter) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_presence_filter)); priv->_presence_filter = (MatrixFilterRules *)matrix_json_compact_ref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(presence_filter)); } /** * matrix_filter_get_room_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * * Get the filtering ruleset to be applied to room events. * * The returned value is owned by @filter and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): a #MatrixRoomFilter object */ MatrixRoomFilter * matrix_filter_get_room_filter(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); return priv->_room_filter; } /** * matrix_filter_set_room_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixFilter object * @room_filter: a #MatrixRoomFilter to be applied to room events * * Set the filtering ruleset for room events. */ void matrix_filter_set_room_filter(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter, MatrixRoomFilter *room_filter) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_filter != NULL); priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_room_filter)); priv->_room_filter = (MatrixRoomFilter *)matrix_json_compact_ref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(room_filter)); } static void matrix_filter_finalize(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(MATRIX_FILTER(matrix_json_compact)); priv->_event_fields = (free_str_array(priv->_event_fields, priv->_event_fields_len), NULL); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_presence_filter)); matrix_json_compact_unref(MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT(priv->_room_filter)); MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_CLASS(matrix_filter_parent_class)->finalize(matrix_json_compact); } static void matrix_filter_class_init(MatrixFilterClass *klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->finalize = matrix_filter_finalize; ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = matrix_filter_get_json_node; } static void matrix_filter_init(MatrixFilter *matrix_filter) { MatrixFilterPrivate *priv = matrix_filter_get_instance_private(matrix_filter); priv->_event_format = MATRIX_EVENT_FORMAT_CLIENT; priv->_presence_filter = NULL; priv->_room_filter = NULL; } typedef struct { gchar *_id_server; gchar *_session_id; gchar *_client_secret; } Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate; /** * Matrix3PidCredential: * * Class to hold 3rd party credential related data. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(Matrix3PidCredential, matrix_3pid_credential, MATRIX_TYPE_JSON_COMPACT); static JsonNode * matrix_3pid_credential_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *node; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(MATRIX_3PID_CREDENTIAL(matrix_json_compact)); if ((priv->_id_server == NULL) || (priv->_session_id == NULL) || (priv->_client_secret == NULL)) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "All fields of a 3PID credential must be set!"); return NULL; } builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "id_server"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_id_server); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "session_id"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_session_id); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "client_secret"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_client_secret); json_builder_end_object(builder); node = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return node; } Matrix3PidCredential * matrix_3pid_credential_construct(GType object_type) { return (Matrix3PidCredential *)matrix_json_compact_construct(object_type); } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_new: * * Create a new #Matrix3PidCredential object. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #Matrix3PidCredential object */ Matrix3PidCredential * matrix_3pid_credential_new(void) { return matrix_3pid_credential_construct (MATRIX_TYPE_3PID_CREDENTIAL); } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_get_id_server: * @credential: a #Matrix3PidCredential object * * Get the address of the Identity Server that generated this credential. * * The returned value is owned by @credential, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the address of the Identity Server */ const gchar * matrix_3pid_credential_get_id_server(Matrix3PidCredential *matrix_3pid_credential) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_3pid_credential != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); return priv->_id_server; } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_set_id_server: * @credential: a #Matrix3PidCredential object * @id_server: (transfer none): the address of the Identity Server * * Set the address of the Identity server for the 3rd party credential. */ void matrix_3pid_credential_set_id_server(Matrix3PidCredential *matrix_3pid_credential, const gchar *id_server) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_3pid_credential != NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); g_free(priv->_id_server); priv->_id_server = g_strdup(id_server); } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_get_session_id: * @credential: a #Matrix3PidCredential object * * Get the sessiod ID received from the Identity Server with this credential. * * The returned value is owned by @credential, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the session ID */ const gchar * matrix_3pid_credential_get_session_id(Matrix3PidCredential *matrix_3pid_credential) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_3pid_credential != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); return priv->_session_id; } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_set_session_id: * @credential: a #Matrix3PidCredential object * @session_id: (transfer none): an Identity Server session ID * * Set the session ID to be used during communication with the Identity Server for @credential. */ void matrix_3pid_credential_set_session_id(Matrix3PidCredential *matrix_3pid_credential, const gchar *session_id) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_3pid_credential != NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); g_free(priv->_session_id); priv->_session_id = g_strdup(session_id); } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_get_client_secret: * @credential: a #Matrix3PidCredential object * * Get the client secret that was used in the session with the Identity Server. * * The returned value is owned by @credential, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the client secret */ const gchar * matrix_3pid_credential_get_client_secret(Matrix3PidCredential *matrix_3pid_credential) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_3pid_credential != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); return priv->_client_secret; } /** * matrix_3pid_credential_set_client_secret: * @credential: a #Matrix3PidCredential object * @client_secret: (transfer none): an Identity Server client secret * * Set the client secret to be used in the session with the Identity Server. */ void matrix_3pid_credential_set_client_secret(Matrix3PidCredential *matrix_3pid_credential, const gchar *client_secret) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_3pid_credential != NULL); priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); g_free(priv->_client_secret); priv->_client_secret = g_strdup(client_secret); } static void matrix_3pid_credential_finalize(MatrixJsonCompact* matrix_json_compact) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(MATRIX_3PID_CREDENTIAL(matrix_json_compact)); g_free(priv->_id_server); g_free(priv->_session_id); g_free(priv->_client_secret); MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_CLASS(matrix_3pid_credential_parent_class)->finalize(matrix_json_compact); } static void matrix_3pid_credential_class_init(Matrix3PidCredentialClass* klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->finalize = matrix_3pid_credential_finalize; ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = matrix_3pid_credential_get_json_node; } static void matrix_3pid_credential_init(Matrix3PidCredential* matrix_3pid_credential) { Matrix3PidCredentialPrivate *priv = matrix_3pid_credential_get_instance_private(matrix_3pid_credential); priv->_id_server = NULL; priv->_session_id = NULL; priv->_client_secret = NULL; } typedef struct { gchar *_device_display_name; gchar *_app_display_name; gchar *_app_id; gboolean _append; gchar *_kind; gchar *_lang; gchar *_profile_tag; gchar *_pushkey; JsonNode *_data; } MatrixPusherPrivate; /** * MatrixPusher: * * Class to hold pusher related data. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(MatrixPusher, matrix_pusher, MATRIX_TYPE_JSON_COMPACT); static JsonNode * matrix_pusher_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *result; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(MATRIX_PUSHER(matrix_json_compact)); if ((priv->_device_display_name == NULL) || (priv->_app_display_name == NULL) || (priv->_app_id == NULL) || (priv->_data == NULL) || (priv->_kind == NULL) || (priv->_lang == NULL) || (priv->_profile_tag == NULL) || (priv->_pushkey == NULL)) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "Pusher data incomplete"); return NULL; } builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "device_display_name"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_device_display_name); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "app_display_name"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_app_display_name); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "app_id"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_app_id); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "append"); json_builder_add_boolean_value(builder, priv->_append); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "kind"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_kind); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "lang"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_lang); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "profile_tag"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_profile_tag); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "pushkey"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, priv->_pushkey); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "data"); json_builder_add_value(builder, priv->_data); json_builder_end_object(builder); result = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return result; } MatrixPusher * matrix_pusher_construct(GType object_type) { return (MatrixPusher *)matrix_json_compact_construct(object_type); } /** * matrix_pusher_new: * * Create a new #MatrixPusher object * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixPusher object */ MatrixPusher * matrix_pusher_new(void) { return matrix_pusher_construct(MATRIX_TYPE_PUSHER); } /* * STR_GETTER: * @NAME: the property the generated function is a getter for * * Generate a function to get a string property from a #MatrixPusher object. */ # define STR_GETTER(NAME) \ const gchar * \ matrix_pusher_get_ ## NAME (MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher) \ { \ MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; \ \ g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL, NULL); \ \ priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); \ \ return priv->_ ## NAME ; \ } /* * STR_SETTER: * @NAME: the property the generated function is a setter for * * Generate a function to set a string property of a #MatrixPusher object */ # define STR_SETTER(NAME) \ void \ matrix_pusher_set_ ## NAME (MatrixPusher * matrix_pusher, const gchar *NAME) \ { \ MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; \ \ g_return_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL); \ \ priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); \ \ g_free(priv->_ ## NAME); \ priv->_ ## NAME = g_strdup(NAME); \ } /** * matrix_pusher_get_device_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the device display name of @pusher. * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the device display name */ STR_GETTER(device_display_name); /** * matrix_pusher_set_device_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @device_display_name: (transfer none): a device display name * * Set the device display name in @pusher */ STR_SETTER(device_display_name); /** * matrix_pusher_get_app_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the app display name of @pusher. * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the app display name */ STR_GETTER(app_display_name); /** * matrix_pusher_set_app_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @app_display_name: (transfer none): an app display name * * Set the app display name in @pusher */ STR_SETTER(app_display_name); /** * matrix_pusher_get_app_id: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the application ID of @pusher. * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the application ID */ STR_GETTER(app_id); /** * matrix_pusher_set_app_id: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @app_id: (transfer none): an application ID * * Set the application ID in @pusher */ STR_SETTER(app_id); /** * matrix_pusher_get_append: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * If this function returns %TRUE, this pusher will tell the homeserver to add another pusher * with the given push key instead of replacing the old one. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE */ gboolean matrix_pusher_get_append(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL, FALSE); priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); return priv->_append; } /** * matrix_pusher_set_append: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @append: a boolean value indicating if existing pushers should be overwritten * * If @append is #TRUE, the homeserver should add another pusher with the given push key and * app ID in addition to any others with different user IDs. Otherwise, the homeserver must * remove any other pushers with the same App ID and pushkey for different users. */ void matrix_pusher_set_append(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher, gboolean append) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL); priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); priv->_append = append; } /** * matrix_pusher_get_kind: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the type of @pusher. For available types, see matrix_pusher_set_kind(). */ STR_GETTER(kind); /** * matrix_pusher_set_kind: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @kind: the kind of @pusher * * Set the type of the pusher. For example, `"http"` makes a pusher that sends HTTP pokes. * * If set to %NULL, the pusher will be deleted. */ STR_SETTER(kind); /** * matrix_pusher_get_lang: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the preferred language of the notifications sent by this pusher. * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the preferred language */ STR_GETTER(lang); /** * matrix_pusher_set_lang: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @lang: (transfer none): a language code * * The preferred language for receiving notifications. @lang should be an ISO code like * `"en"` `"en-US"`. */ STR_SETTER(lang); /** * matrix_pusher_get_profile_tag: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the profile tag of @pusher. For details, see matrix_pusher_set_profile_tag(). * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the profile tag */ STR_GETTER(profile_tag); /** * matrix_pusher_set_profile_tag: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @profile_tag: (transfer none) (nullable): a profile tag * * A profile tag is a string that determines what set of device rules will be matched when * evaluating push rules for this pusher. It is an arbitrary string. Multiple devices may * use the same profile tag. It is advised that when an app’s data is copied or restored to a * different device, this value remain the same. Client apps should offer ways to change the * profile tag, optionally copying rules from the old profile tag. Maximum length is 32 bytes. * If the profile tag is longer than this, it will be truncated. */ void matrix_pusher_set_profile_tag(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher, const gchar *profile_tag) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL); if ((profile_tag != NULL) && (strlen(profile_tag) > 32)) { g_warning("profile_key can’t be longer than 32 bytes. Truncating."); } priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); g_free(priv->_profile_tag); priv->_profile_tag = g_strndup(profile_tag, 32); } /** * matrix_pusher_get_pushkey: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the push key of @pusher. For details, see matrix_pusher_set_pushkey(). * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. */ STR_GETTER(pushkey); /** * matrix_pusher_set_pushkey: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @pushkey: (transfer none) (nullable): a push key * * A push key is a unique identifier for a pusher. The value you should use for this is the * routing or destination address information for the notification, for example, the APNS token * for APNS or the Registration ID for GCM. If your notification client has no such concept, * use any unique identifier. Maximum length is 512 bytes. If @pushkey is longer than this, * it will be truncated */ void matrix_pusher_set_pushkey(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher, const gchar *pushkey) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL); priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); g_free(priv->_pushkey); priv->_pushkey = g_strndup(pushkey, 512); } /** * matrix_pusher_get_data: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * * Get the associated data for @pusher. For details, see matrix_pusher_set_data(). * * The returned value is owned by @pusher, and should not be freed. * * Returns: (transfer none): the data associated with @pusher */ JsonNode * matrix_pusher_get_data(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL, FALSE); priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); return priv->_data; } /** * matrix_pusher_set_data: * @pusher: a #MatrixPusher object * @data: (transfer none): a JSON node holding extra data for @pusher * * Set a dictionary of information for the pusher implementation itself. * * For example, if kind (set by matrix_pusher_set_kind()) is `"http"`, this should contain an * `"url"` member, which is the URL to use to send notifications to. The function gets a * reference on @data, but doesn’t copy the object in it. */ void matrix_pusher_set_data(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher, JsonNode *data) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_pusher != NULL); priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); if (priv->_data != NULL) { json_node_unref(priv->_data); } priv->_data = json_node_ref(data); } static void matrix_pusher_finalize(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(MATRIX_PUSHER(matrix_json_compact)); g_free(priv->_device_display_name); g_free(priv->_app_display_name); g_free(priv->_app_id); g_free(priv->_kind); g_free(priv->_lang); g_free(priv->_profile_tag); g_free(priv->_pushkey); if (priv->_data) { json_node_unref(priv->_data); } MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_CLASS(matrix_pusher_parent_class)->finalize(matrix_json_compact); } static void matrix_pusher_class_init(MatrixPusherClass *klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->finalize = matrix_pusher_finalize; ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = matrix_pusher_get_json_node; } static void matrix_pusher_init(MatrixPusher *matrix_pusher) { MatrixPusherPrivate *priv = matrix_pusher_get_instance_private(matrix_pusher); priv->_device_display_name = NULL; priv->_app_display_name = NULL; priv->_app_id = NULL; priv->_append = TRUE; priv->_kind = NULL; priv->_lang = NULL; priv->_profile_tag = NULL; priv->_pushkey = NULL; priv->_data = NULL; } typedef struct { gint _before_limit; gint _after_limit; gboolean _include_profile; } MatrixEventContextPrivate; /** * MatrixEventContext: * * Class to hold event context settings for searches. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(MatrixEventContext, matrix_event_context, MATRIX_TYPE_JSON_COMPACT); static JsonNode * matrix_event_context_get_json_node(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact, GError **error) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *result; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_json_compact != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(MATRIX_EVENT_CONTEXT(matrix_json_compact)); builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); if (priv->_before_limit >= 0) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "before_limit"); json_builder_add_int_value(builder, priv->_before_limit); } if (priv->_after_limit >= 0) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "after_limit"); json_builder_add_int_value(builder, priv->_after_limit); } json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "include_profile"); json_builder_add_boolean_value(builder, priv->_include_profile); json_builder_end_object(builder); result = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return result; } MatrixEventContext * matrix_event_context_construct(GType object_type) { return (MatrixEventContext *)matrix_json_compact_construct(object_type); } /** * matrix_event_context_new: * * Create a new #MatrixEventContext object. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixEventContext object */ MatrixEventContext * matrix_event_context_new(void) { return matrix_event_context_construct(MATRIX_TYPE_EVENT_CONTEXT); } /** * matrix_event_context_get_before_limit: * @event_context: a #MatrixEventContext object * * Get the limit of messages before search results. * * Returns: the number of messages that will appear before the one in the result */ gint matrix_event_context_get_before_limit(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_event_context != NULL, 0); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); return priv->_before_limit; } /** * matrix_event_context_set_before_limit: * @event_context: a #MatrixEventContext object * @before_limit: the number of messages to appear before search results * * Set the limit of messages to display before search results. */ void matrix_event_context_set_before_limit(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context, gint before_limit) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_event_context != NULL); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); priv->_before_limit = before_limit; } /** * matrix_event_context_get_after_limit: * @event_context: a #MatrixEventContext object * * Get the limit of messages after search results. * * Returns: the number of messages that will appear after the one in the result */ gint matrix_event_context_get_after_limit(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_event_context != NULL, 0); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); return priv->_after_limit; } /** * matrix_event_context_after_before_limit: * @event_context: a #MatrixEventContext object * @before_limit: the number of messages to appear after search results * * Set the limit of messages to display after search results. */ void matrix_event_context_set_after_limit(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context, gint after_limit) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_event_context != NULL); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); priv->_after_limit = after_limit; } /** * matrix_event_context_get_include_profile: * @event_context: a #MatrixEventContext object * * If this function returns %TRUE, profile data will be included with each message in the * result set. * * Returns: %TRUE or %FALSE indicating if profile data should be included */ gboolean matrix_event_context_get_include_profile(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_event_context != NULL, 0); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); return priv->_include_profile; } /** * matrix_event_context_set_include_profile: * @event_context: a #MatrixEventContext object * @include_profile: a boolean value indicating if profile data should be included in the results * * Set this to %TRUE if you want profile data to be included in the search results. */ void matrix_event_context_set_include_profile(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context, gboolean include_profile) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_event_context != NULL); priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); priv->_include_profile = include_profile; } static void matrix_event_context_finalize(MatrixJsonCompact *matrix_json_compact) { MATRIX_JSON_COMPACT_CLASS (matrix_event_context_parent_class)->finalize (matrix_json_compact); } static void matrix_event_context_class_init(MatrixEventContextClass *klass) { ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->finalize = matrix_event_context_finalize; ((MatrixJsonCompactClass *)klass)->get_json_node = matrix_event_context_get_json_node; } static void matrix_event_context_init(MatrixEventContext *matrix_event_context) { MatrixEventContextPrivate *priv; priv = matrix_event_context_get_instance_private(matrix_event_context); priv->_before_limit = -1; priv->_after_limit = -1; priv->_include_profile = FALSE; }