/* * This file is part of matrix-glib-sdk * * matrix-glib-sdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * matrix-glib-sdk is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with matrix-glib-sdk. If not, see * . */ /** * Base class for Matrix events. */ public class Matrix.Event : GLib.Object, GLib.Initable { private Error? _construct_error = null; private bool _inited = false; private Json.Node? _json; private Gee.HashMap _custom_fields = new Gee.HashMap(); protected string? _sender = null; protected string? _room_id = null; /** * The Matrix ID of the events sender. */ public string? sender { get { return _sender; } set { _sender = value; } default = null; } /** * The ID of the room this event is associated with. */ public string? room_id { get { return _room_id; } set { _room_id = value; } default = null; } /** * The type of the event. */ public string? event_type { get; construct; default = null; } /** * The timestamp of the event on the originating server. */ public ulong? origin_server_ts { get; set; default = null; } /** * The unsigned part of the event. */ public Matrix.UnsignedEventData unsigned_data { get; set; default = null; } /** * The event as a JSON node. */ public Json.Node? json { get { if (_json == null) { _json = new Json.Node(Json.NodeType.OBJECT); _json.set_object(new Json.Object()); } try { to_json(_json); } catch (Matrix.Error e) { return null; } return _json; } construct { if (value != null) { try { initialize_from_json(value); } catch (Matrix.Error e) {} } } } public bool init(GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error, Matrix.Error { if (cancellable != null) { throw new Matrix.Error.UNSUPPORTED( "Cancellable initialization not supported"); } if (_construct_error != null) { throw _construct_error; } _inited = true; return true; } private void initialize_from_json(Json.Node json_data) throws Matrix.Error { Json.Object root; Json.Node node; if (json_data.get_node_type() != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) { throw new Matrix.Error.INVALID_FORMAT( "The event is not valid"); } root = json_data.get_object(); if ((node = root.get_member("type")) == null) { throw new Matrix.Error.INCOMPLETE( "Event type is not specified"); } if ((_event_type != null) && (_event_type != node.get_string())) { throw new Matrix.Error.INVALID_TYPE( "Changing event type is not supported"); } from_json(json_data); _event_type = node.get_string(); if ((node = root.get_member("origin_server_ts")) != null) { _origin_server_ts = (ulong)node.get_int(); } if ((node = root.get_member("sender")) != null) { _sender = node.get_string(); } if ((node = root.get_member("unsigned")) != null) { _unsigned_data = new Matrix.UnsignedEventData.from_json(node); } } /** * Subclasses should implement this function to initialize * themselves from JSON data. */ public virtual void from_json(Json.Node json_data) throws Matrix.Error {} /** * Subclasses should implement this to export their data to JSON. */ public virtual void to_json(Json.Node json_data) throws Matrix.Error { Json.Object root = json_data.get_object(); foreach (var entry in _custom_fields.entries) { root.set_member(entry.key, _json_node_deep_copy(entry.value)); } if (event_type != null) { root.set_string_member("type", event_type); } if (origin_server_ts != null) { root.set_int_member("origin_server_ts", origin_server_ts); } if (sender != null) { root.set_string_member("sender", sender); } if (unsigned_data != null) { root.set_member("unsigned", unsigned_data.get_json_node()); } } public static Event? new_from_json(owned string? event_type = null, string? room_id = null, Json.Node? json_data = null) throws Matrix.Error, GLib.Error { GLib.Type event_gtype; Event? ret = null; if (event_type == null) { if (json_data == null) { throw new Matrix.Error.INCOMPLETE( "Either event_type or json_data must be set!"); } if (json_data.get_node_type() != Json.NodeType.OBJECT) { throw new Matrix.Error.INVALID_FORMAT( "Event is not a JSON object!"); } Json.Node? node; if ((node = json_data.get_object().get_member("type")) == null) { throw new Matrix.Error.INCOMPLETE( "event_type is null and JSON object doesn't contain type!"); } event_type = node.get_string(); } // This is kind of a hack until type registration is done event_gtype = typeof(Matrix.Event); ret = (Event)Object.new(event_gtype, event_type : event_type, room_id : room_id, json : json_data); ret.init(); return ret; } /** * Set a value for a custom field. */ public void set_custom_field(string field_name, Json.Node value) { _custom_fields.set(field_name, value); } /** * Get the value of a custom field. */ public Json.Node? get_custom_field (string field_name) { return _custom_fields.get(field_name); } /** * Delete a custom field. */ public void delete_custom_field (string field_name) { _custom_fields.unset(field_name); } }