/* * This file is part of matrix-glib-sdk * * matrix-glib-sdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * matrix-glib-sdk is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with matrix-glib-sdk. If not, see * . */ #include "matrix-message-base.h" #include "matrix-enumtypes.h" #include "config.h" /** * SECTION:message-handling * @short_description: Message handling * @title: Handling message objects * @section_id: message_handling * * To handle message objects, one can use the built-in message classes like #MatrixMessageText, * or, for non-standard message types, implement their own by subclassing #MatrixMessageBase. * * After the class is registered in the GType system, one should call * matrix_message_register_type(): * * |[ * G_DEFINE_TYPE(MyCustomMessage, my_custom_message, MATRIX_MESSAGE_TYPE_BASE); * * // implement the from_json() and to_json() methods * * void * some_func(JsonNode *custom_message_data) * { * GError *error = NULL; * MatrixMessageBase *message; * * matrix_message_register_type("my.custom.message", my_custom_message_get_type(), NULL); * * message = matrix_message_base_new_from_json(json_data, &error); * * if (error != NULL) { * g_error("Could not parse JSON data as a message."); * * return; * } * * if (!MY_IS_CUSTOM_MESSAGE(message)) { * g_error("The message is not of 'my.custom.message'!"); * * return; * } * * // Do something with message * } * ]| * * Registered message types are also used by classes implementing the #MatrixClient interface. */ /** * SECTION:matrix-message-base * @short_description: Base class for Matrix messages * @title: Message handler base class * * Base class for Matrix message handlers. */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE, PROP_BODY, PROP_JSON, NUM_PROPS }; static GParamSpec *matrix_message_base_properties[NUM_PROPS]; typedef struct { gchar* _message_type; gchar* _body; gboolean _inited; GError* _construct_error; JsonNode* _json; } MatrixMessageBasePrivate; GHashTable *matrix_message_type_handlers = NULL; static void matrix_message_base_g_initable_interface_init(GInitableIface *iface); /** * MatrixMessageBase: * * Base class for message handlers. */ /** * MatrixMessageBaseClass: * @from_json: function to initialise a #MatrixMessageBase derived object from JSON data. Must be * implemented. * @to_json: function to serialise a #MatrixMessageBase derived object to JSON. Must be * implemented. * * The class structure for the #MatrixMessageBase type. */ G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED(MatrixMessageBase, matrix_message_base, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_TYPE_FLAG_ABSTRACT, G_ADD_PRIVATE(MatrixMessageBase) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE(G_TYPE_INITABLE, matrix_message_base_g_initable_interface_init)); static gboolean matrix_message_base_real_init(GInitable *g_initable, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(MATRIX_MESSAGE_BASE(g_initable)); if (cancellable != NULL) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, "Cancellable initialization not supported"); return FALSE; } if (priv->_construct_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error, priv->_construct_error); return FALSE; } priv->_inited = TRUE; return TRUE; } static void matrix_message_base_initialize_from_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, JsonNode *json_data, GError **error) { JsonGenerator *gen; GError *inner_error = NULL; if (json_node_get_node_type(json_data) != JSON_TYPE_OBJECT) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "The message is not valid"); return; } gen = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(gen, json_data); matrix_message_base_from_json(matrix_message_base, json_data, &inner_error); g_object_unref(gen); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); } } /** * matrix_message_base_new_from_json: (constructor) * @json_data: a #JsonNode containing a Matrix message * @error: a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors * * Create a new message object from the message contained in @json_data. * * The exact type of the returned object is based on the message contents (precisely, its * `msgtype` field). This function uses matrix_message_get_handler() internally to find the * message handler for the message type; if there is none, this function returns NULL, but doesn’t * set @error. If there is an error during reading or processing the JSON data, NULL is returned, * and @error is set accordingly. * * See the description of matrix_message_register_type() for more details. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixMessageBase object or NULL in case of an error */ MatrixMessageBase * matrix_message_base_new_from_json(JsonNode *json_data, GError **error) { JsonObject *root; JsonNode *node; GType msg_gtype; MatrixMessageBase *ret; GError *inner_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(json_data != NULL, NULL); root = json_node_get_object(json_data); if ((node = json_object_get_member(root, "msgtype")) == NULL) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "Can not process a message without msgtype"); return NULL; } if ((msg_gtype = matrix_message_get_handler(json_node_get_string(node))) == G_TYPE_NONE) { return NULL; } ret = (MatrixMessageBase *)g_object_new(msg_gtype, "json", json_data, NULL); g_initable_init(G_INITABLE(ret), NULL, &inner_error); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); g_object_unref(ret); return NULL; } return ret; } static void matrix_message_base_real_from_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, JsonNode *json_data, GError **error) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; JsonObject *root; JsonNode *node; g_return_if_fail (json_data != NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); root = json_node_get_object(json_data); if ((node = json_object_get_member(root, "msgtype")) != NULL) { g_free(priv->_message_type); priv->_message_type = g_strdup(json_node_get_string(node)); } else if (DEBUG) { g_warning("msgtype is not present in a message"); } if ((node = json_object_get_member(root, "body")) != NULL) { g_free(priv->_body); priv->_body = g_strdup(json_node_get_string(node)); } else if (DEBUG) { g_warning("body is not presente in a message"); } } /** * matrix_message_base_from_json: (virtual from_json) * @message: An object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * @json_data: the #JsonNode to initialise to set object properties from * @error: a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors * * Initializes the message object using the data in @json_data. * * For #MatrixMessageBase objects, this method reads the `msgtype` and `body` fields, saving them * to the corresponding properties. Subclasses should implement this method to initialize * themselves from JSON data. */ void matrix_message_base_from_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, JsonNode *json_data, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL); MATRIX_MESSAGE_BASE_GET_CLASS(matrix_message_base)->from_json(matrix_message_base, json_data, error); } static void matrix_message_base_real_to_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, JsonNode *json_data, GError **error) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; JsonObject *root; g_return_if_fail(json_data != NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); root = json_node_get_object(json_data); if (priv->_message_type == NULL) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "Won't generate a message with an empty msgtype"); return; } if (priv->_body == NULL) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "Won't generate a message without body"); return; } json_object_set_string_member(root, "msgtype", priv->_message_type); json_object_set_string_member(root, "body", priv->_body); } /** * matrix_message_base_to_json: (virtual to_json) * @message: An object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * @json_data: A #JsonNode that must be initialised as a #JSON_NODE_OBJECT * @error: A #GError, or NULL to ignore errors * * Serializes the message object into a #JsonNode in @json_data. Subclasses should implement this * method to export their data to JSON. */ void matrix_message_base_to_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, JsonNode *json_data, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL); MATRIX_MESSAGE_BASE_GET_CLASS(matrix_message_base)->to_json(matrix_message_base, json_data, error); } MatrixMessageBase * matrix_message_base_construct(GType object_type) { return (MatrixMessageBase *)g_object_new(object_type, NULL); } /** * matrix_message_base_get_message_type: * @message: an object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * * Get the message type of @message. * * Returns: (transfer none): the message type */ const gchar * matrix_message_base_get_message_type(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); return priv->_message_type; } /** * matrix_message_base_set_message_type: * @message: an object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * @message_type: (transfer none): the message type to set * * Set the message type of @message. */ void matrix_message_base_set_message_type(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, const gchar *message_type) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); if (g_strcmp0(message_type, priv->_message_type) != 0) { g_free(priv->_message_type); priv->_message_type = g_strdup(message_type); g_object_notify_by_pspec((GObject *)matrix_message_base, matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE]); } } /** * matrix_message_base_get_body: * @message: an object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * * Get the body of the message. For some message type this can be used as a fallback content. * * Returns: (transfer none): the body of @message */ const gchar * matrix_message_base_get_body(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); return priv->_body; } /** * matrix_message_base_set_body: * @message: an object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * @body: (transfer none): the body to set * * Set the body of the message. */ void matrix_message_base_set_body(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, const gchar *body) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; g_return_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); if (g_strcmp0(body, priv->_body) != 0) { g_free(priv->_body); priv->_body = g_strdup(body); g_object_notify_by_pspec((GObject *)matrix_message_base, matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_BODY]); } } /** * matrix_message_base_get_json: * @message: an object derived from the #MatrixMessageBase class * @error: a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors * * Get the #MatrixMessageBase:json property of @message. If an error happens during * serialization, this function returns NULL, and sets @error accordingly. * * This function calls matrix_message_base_to_json() internally. */ JsonNode * matrix_message_base_get_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, GError **error) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv; GError *inner_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL, NULL); priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); priv->_json = json_node_new(JSON_TYPE_OBJECT); json_node_set_object(priv->_json, json_object_new()); matrix_message_base_to_json(matrix_message_base, priv->_json, &inner_error); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error(error, inner_error); json_node_unref(priv->_json); priv->_json = NULL; return NULL; } return priv->_json; } static void matrix_message_base_set_json(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base, JsonNode *json_data) { GError *inner_error = NULL; g_return_if_fail(matrix_message_base != NULL); matrix_message_base_initialize_from_json(matrix_message_base, json_data, &inner_error); if (inner_error != NULL) { g_error("Unable to initialise MatrixMessageBase from JSON: %s", inner_error->message); g_clear_error(&inner_error); return; } g_object_notify_by_pspec((GObject *)matrix_message_base, matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_JSON]); } static void matrix_message_base_finalize(GObject *gobject) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(MATRIX_MESSAGE_BASE(gobject)); g_free(priv->_message_type); g_free(priv->_body); g_clear_error(&priv->_construct_error); json_node_unref(priv->_json); G_OBJECT_CLASS (matrix_message_base_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void matrix_message_base_get_property(GObject *gobject, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base = MATRIX_MESSAGE_BASE(gobject); switch (property_id) { case PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE: g_value_set_string(value, matrix_message_base_get_message_type(matrix_message_base)); break; case PROP_BODY: g_value_set_string(value, matrix_message_base_get_body(matrix_message_base)); break; case PROP_JSON: g_value_set_boxed(value, matrix_message_base_get_json(matrix_message_base, NULL)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(gobject, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void matrix_message_base_set_property(GObject *gobject, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base = MATRIX_MESSAGE_BASE(gobject); switch (property_id) { case PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE: matrix_message_base_set_message_type(matrix_message_base, g_value_get_string(value)); break; case PROP_BODY: matrix_message_base_set_body(matrix_message_base, g_value_get_string(value)); break; case PROP_JSON: matrix_message_base_set_json(matrix_message_base, g_value_get_boxed(value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(gobject, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void matrix_message_base_class_init(MatrixMessageBaseClass *klass) { klass->from_json = matrix_message_base_real_from_json; klass->to_json = matrix_message_base_real_to_json; G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->get_property = matrix_message_base_get_property; G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->set_property = matrix_message_base_set_property; G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->finalize = matrix_message_base_finalize; /** * MatrixMessageBase:message-type: * * The message type. */ matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE] = g_param_spec_string( "message-type", "message-type", "message-type", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property(G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE, matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_MESSAGE_TYPE]); /** * MatrixMessageBase:body: * * The body of the message. */ matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_BODY] = g_param_spec_string( "body", "body", "body", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_property(G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), PROP_BODY, matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_BODY]); /** * MatrixMessageBase:json: * * The JSON node corresponding to the message. */ matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_JSON] = g_param_spec_boxed( "json", "json", "json", JSON_TYPE_NODE, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); g_object_class_install_property(G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), PROP_JSON, matrix_message_base_properties[PROP_JSON]); } static void matrix_message_base_g_initable_interface_init(GInitableIface *iface) { iface->init = matrix_message_base_real_init; } static void matrix_message_base_init(MatrixMessageBase *matrix_message_base) { MatrixMessageBasePrivate *priv = matrix_message_base_get_instance_private(matrix_message_base); priv->_message_type = NULL; priv->_body = NULL; priv->_inited = FALSE; priv->_construct_error = NULL; priv->_json = NULL; } /** * matrix_message_get_handler: * @message_type: (transfer none): the message type to look up * * Get the #GType of the class that is registered to handle messages with type @message_type. * * Returns: a #GType, or #G_TYPE_NONE if no handler is registered */ GType matrix_message_get_handler(const gchar *message_type) { GTypeClass* klass = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail(message_type != NULL, G_TYPE_NONE); if (matrix_message_type_handlers != NULL) { if ((klass = (GTypeClass *)g_hash_table_lookup (matrix_message_type_handlers, message_type)) != NULL) { return G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS(klass); } } if (DEBUG) { g_warning ("matrix-message-base.vala:192: No registered type for message %s", message_type); } return G_TYPE_NONE; } /** * matrix_message_register_type: * @message_type: (transfer none): the type of the message * @message_gtype: the #GType of the message’s handler * @error: a #GError, or NULL to ignore errors * * Register @message_type to be handled by the type @message_gtype. If the message type is * already registered, @error is set to #MATRIX_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; in such cases, one should * call matrix_message_unregister_type() first. * * If @message_gtype is not a subclass of #MatrixMessageBase, @error is sot to * #MATRIX_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE. */ void matrix_message_register_type(const gchar *message_type, GType message_gtype, GError **error) { gchar *key; GTypeClass *value; g_return_if_fail(message_type != NULL); if (!g_type_is_a (message_gtype, MATRIX_MESSAGE_TYPE_BASE)) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE, "Invalid message handler type"); return; } // Report an error if the message type is already registered if ((matrix_message_type_handlers != NULL) && g_hash_table_lookup_extended(matrix_message_type_handlers, message_type, NULL, NULL)) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_ERROR, MATRIX_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, "This message type is already registered."); return; } if (matrix_message_type_handlers == NULL) { matrix_message_type_handlers = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_type_class_unref); } key = g_strdup (message_type); value = g_type_class_ref(message_gtype); g_hash_table_insert(matrix_message_type_handlers, key, value); } /** * matrix_message_unregister_type: * @message_type: (transfer none): the message type to remove * * Unregister @message_type’s message handler. It is safe to call this on a message type that is * not registered yet, as such calls will be safely ignored. */ void matrix_message_unregister_type(const gchar *message_type) { g_return_if_fail(message_type != NULL); if (matrix_message_type_handlers != NULL) { g_hash_table_remove (matrix_message_type_handlers, message_type); } }