/* * This file is part of matrix-glib-sdk * * matrix-glib-sdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * matrix-glib-sdk is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with matrix-glib-sdk. If not, see * . */ #include "config.h" #include "matrix-http-api.h" #include "matrix-enumtypes.h" #include #include /** * SECTION:matrix-http-api * @short_description: Low level API calls to communicate with a * Matrix.org server via HTTP * @title: MatrixHTTPAPI * @stability: Unstable * @include: matrix-glib/matrix.h * * This is a class for low level communication with a Matrix.org * server via HTTP. */ /** * MatrixHTTPAPI: * * The MatrixHTTPAPI object’s instance definition. */ /** * MatrixHTTPAPIClass: * @parent_class: the parent class structure (#GObjectClass) * * The MatrixHTTPAPI object’s class definition. */ #define API_ENDPOINT "/_matrix/client/api/v1/" typedef struct _MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate { SoupSession *soup_session; SoupURI *uri; gchar *token; gchar *refresh_token; gchar *user_id; gchar *homeserver; gboolean validate_certificate; } MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate; enum { PROP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE = 1, PROP_BASE_URL, PROP_TOKEN, PROP_REFRESH_TOKEN, PROP_USER_ID, PROP_HOMESERVER, N_PROPERTIES }; typedef struct { MatrixHTTPAPI *api; JsonNode *request_content; MatrixAPICallback callback; gpointer callback_data; } MatrixHTTPAPIRequest; GParamSpec *obj_properties[N_PROPERTIES] = {NULL,}; static void matrix_http_api_matrix_api_init(MatrixAPIInterface *iface); static void i_set_token(MatrixAPI *api, const gchar *token); static const gchar *i_get_token(MatrixAPI *api); static void i_set_refresh_token(MatrixAPI *api, const gchar *refresh_token); static const gchar *i_get_refresh_token(MatrixAPI *api); static const gchar *i_get_user_id(MatrixAPI *api); static const gchar *i_get_homeserver(MatrixAPI *api); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(MatrixHTTPAPI, matrix_http_api, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_ADD_PRIVATE(MatrixHTTPAPI) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE(MATRIX_TYPE_API, matrix_http_api_matrix_api_init)); static void matrix_http_api_finalize(GObject *gobject) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(gobject)); g_free(priv->token); g_free(priv->refresh_token); g_free(priv->user_id); g_free(priv->homeserver); g_signal_handlers_destroy(gobject); G_OBJECT_CLASS(matrix_http_api_parent_class)->finalize(gobject); } static void matrix_http_api_set_property(GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MatrixHTTPAPI *api = MATRIX_HTTP_API(gobject); MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE: matrix_http_api_set_validate_certificate(api, g_value_get_boolean(value)); break; case PROP_BASE_URL: { const gchar *base_url; gchar *last_occurence; gchar *url; SoupURI *new_uri; base_url = g_value_get_string(value); if (!g_str_is_ascii(base_url)) { g_warning("URL specified (%s) is not ASCII", base_url); return; } last_occurence = g_strrstr(base_url, API_ENDPOINT); /* Check if the provided URL already ends with the API endpoint */ if (g_strcmp0(last_occurence, API_ENDPOINT) == 0) { /* if so, just use it */ url = g_strdup(base_url); } else { /* if not, add the API endpoint */ gchar *url_tmp; /* If the provided URL already contains the API * endpoint, but it’s not at the end, print a message, * but still continue */ if (last_occurence != NULL) { g_info("Provided URL (%s) already contains the API endpoint but not at the end; appending anyway", base_url); } url_tmp = g_strdup(base_url); /* Cut trailing slash, if present */ if (url_tmp[strlen(url_tmp) - 1] == '/') { url_tmp[strlen(url_tmp) - 1] = 0; } url = g_strdup_printf("%s%s", url_tmp, API_ENDPOINT); g_free(url_tmp); g_debug("Set base URL to %s", url); } new_uri = soup_uri_new(url); if (new_uri && SOUP_URI_VALID_FOR_HTTP(new_uri)) { if (priv->uri) { soup_uri_free(priv->uri); } priv->uri = new_uri; g_free(priv->token); priv->token = NULL; g_free(priv->refresh_token); priv->refresh_token = NULL; g_free(priv->homeserver); priv->homeserver = NULL; g_free(priv->user_id); priv->user_id = NULL; } else { if (new_uri) { soup_uri_free(new_uri); } g_warning("Invalid URL: %s", url); } g_free(url); break; } case PROP_TOKEN: i_set_token(MATRIX_API(api), g_value_get_string(value)); break; case PROP_REFRESH_TOKEN: i_set_refresh_token(MATRIX_API(api), g_value_get_string(value)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(gobject, prop_id, pspec); } } static void matrix_http_api_get_property(GObject *gobject, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { MatrixHTTPAPI *api = MATRIX_HTTP_API(gobject); MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE: g_value_set_boolean(value, priv->validate_certificate); break; case PROP_BASE_URL: g_value_take_string(value, soup_uri_to_string(priv->uri, FALSE)); break; case PROP_TOKEN: g_value_set_string(value, i_get_token(MATRIX_API(api))); break; case PROP_REFRESH_TOKEN: g_value_set_string(value, i_get_refresh_token(MATRIX_API(api))); break; case PROP_USER_ID: g_value_set_string(value, i_get_user_id(MATRIX_API(api))); break; case PROP_HOMESERVER: g_value_set_string(value, i_get_homeserver(MATRIX_API(api))); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(gobject, prop_id, pspec); } } static void matrix_http_api_class_init(MatrixHTTPAPIClass *klass) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); gobject_class->set_property = matrix_http_api_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = matrix_http_api_get_property; gobject_class->finalize = matrix_http_api_finalize; /** * MatrixHTTPAPI:validate-certificate: * * Set to %FALSE if you don’t want the SSL/TLS certificates to be * validated. */ obj_properties[PROP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE] = g_param_spec_boolean( "validate-certificate", "Validate certificate", "TRUE if server certificates should be validated", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE, obj_properties[PROP_VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE]); /** * MatrixHTTPAPI:base-url: * * The base URL to use for communication with the Matrix.org * server. If the URL doesn’t end with the correct API endpoint * (/_matrix/client/api/v1), it gets appended automatically. * * Changing the base URL automatically clears all authorization * tokens. */ obj_properties[PROP_BASE_URL] = g_param_spec_string( "base-url", "Server's base URL", "Matrix.org home server to connect to.", NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class, PROP_BASE_URL, obj_properties[PROP_BASE_URL]); g_object_class_override_property(gobject_class, PROP_TOKEN, "token"); g_object_class_override_property(gobject_class, PROP_REFRESH_TOKEN, "refresh-token"); g_object_class_override_property(gobject_class, PROP_USER_ID, "user-id"); g_object_class_override_property(gobject_class, PROP_HOMESERVER, "homeserver"); } static void matrix_http_api_init(MatrixHTTPAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); priv->uri = NULL; priv->token = NULL; priv->refresh_token = NULL; priv->user_id = NULL; priv->homeserver = NULL; priv->validate_certificate = TRUE; priv->soup_session = soup_session_new(); } /** * matrix_http_api_new: * @base_url: the URL to use as the API endpoint * @token: (allow-none): an authorization token to use. If %NULL, * requests that need authentication will fail * * Create a new #MatrixHTTPAPI object with the specified base URL, and * an optional authorization token */ MatrixHTTPAPI * matrix_http_api_new(const gchar *base_url, const gchar *token) { return g_object_new(MATRIX_TYPE_HTTP_API, "base-url", base_url, "token", token, NULL); } static void i_set_token(MatrixAPI *api, const gchar *token) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(api)); g_free(priv->token); priv->token = g_strdup(token); } static const gchar * i_get_token(MatrixAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(api)); return priv->token; } static void i_set_refresh_token(MatrixAPI *api, const gchar *refresh_token) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(api)); g_free(priv->refresh_token); priv->refresh_token = g_strdup(refresh_token); } static const gchar * i_get_refresh_token(MatrixAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(api)); return priv->refresh_token; } static const gchar * i_get_user_id(MatrixAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(api)); return priv->user_id; } static const gchar * i_get_homeserver(MatrixAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private( MATRIX_HTTP_API(api)); return priv->homeserver; } /** * matrix_http_api_set_validate_certificate: * @api: a #MatrixHTTPAPI implementation * @validate_certificate: %TRUE if server certificates should be * validated * * Sets if server certificates should be validated. */ void matrix_http_api_set_validate_certificate(MatrixHTTPAPI *api, gboolean validate_certificate) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); priv->validate_certificate = validate_certificate; g_object_set(priv->soup_session, "ssl-strict", validate_certificate, NULL); } /** * matrix_http_api_get_validate_certificate: * @api: a #MatrixHTTPAPI implementation * * Gets the value set by matrix_http_api_set_validate_certificate() * * Returns: %TRUE if the server certificates should be validated */ gboolean matrix_http_api_get_validate_certificate(MatrixHTTPAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); return priv->validate_certificate; } static void _response_callback(SoupSession *session, SoupMessage *msg, MatrixHTTPAPIRequest *request) { MatrixHTTPAPI *api = request->api; MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); GError *err = NULL; JsonNode *content = NULL; if (msg->status_code < SOUP_STATUS_CONTINUE) { err = g_error_new(MATRIX_API_ERROR, MATRIX_API_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_ERROR, "%s %d: %s", (msg->status_code < 100) ? "Network error" : "HTTP", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); } else { // No error SoupBuffer *buffer; const guint8 *data; gsize datalen; JsonParser *parser; buffer = soup_message_body_flatten(msg->response_body); soup_buffer_get_data(buffer, &data, &datalen); parser = json_parser_new(); if (json_parser_load_from_data(parser, (const gchar *)data, datalen, &err)) { SoupURI *request_uri = soup_message_get_uri(msg); g_debug("Data (%s): %s", soup_uri_get_path(request_uri) + strlen(API_ENDPOINT), data); content = json_parser_get_root(parser); if (JSON_NODE_HOLDS_OBJECT(content)) { JsonObject *root_object; JsonNode *node; GError *err = NULL; root_object = json_node_get_object(content); /* Check if the response holds an access token; if it * does, set it as our new token */ if ((node = json_object_get_member( root_object, "access_token")) != NULL) { const gchar *access_token; if ((access_token = json_node_get_string(node)) != NULL) { g_debug("Got new access token: %s", access_token); i_set_token(MATRIX_API(api), access_token); } } /* Check if the response holds a refresh token; if it * does, set it as our new refresh token */ if ((node = json_object_get_member( root_object, "refresh_token")) != NULL) { const gchar *refresh_token; if ((refresh_token = json_node_get_string(node)) != NULL) { g_debug("Got new refresh token: %s", refresh_token); i_set_refresh_token(MATRIX_API(api), refresh_token); } } /* Check if the response holds a homeserver name */ if ((node = json_object_get_member( root_object, "home_server")) != NULL) { const gchar *homeserver = json_node_get_string(node); g_free(priv->homeserver); priv->user_id = g_strdup(homeserver); g_debug("Our home server calls itself %s", homeserver); } /* Check if the response holds a user ID; if it does, * set this as our user ID */ if ((node = json_object_get_member( root_object, "user_id")) != NULL) { const gchar *user_id = json_node_get_string(node); g_free(priv->user_id); priv->user_id = g_strdup(user_id); g_debug("We are reported to be logged in as %s", user_id); } { // Check if the response holds an error JsonNode *errcode_node = json_object_get_member(root_object, "errcode"); JsonNode *error_node = json_object_get_member(root_object, "error"); if (errcode_node || error_node) { gchar *message; const gchar *errcode = NULL; const gchar *error = NULL; MatrixAPIError error_code = MATRIX_API_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR; if (errcode_node) { GEnumClass *error_class; GEnumValue *value; errcode = json_node_get_string(errcode_node); if (strncmp("M_", errcode, 2) == 0) { gchar *matrix_error_code = g_strdup_printf( "MATRIX_API_ERROR_%s", errcode + 2); error_class = g_type_class_ref( MATRIX_TYPE_API_ERROR); value = g_enum_get_value_by_name( error_class, matrix_error_code); g_free(matrix_error_code); g_type_class_unref(error_class); if (value) { error_code = value->value; } else { g_info("An unknown error code '%s' was sent by the homeserver. You may want to report it to the %s developers", errcode, PACKAGE_NAME); } } } else { g_info("An error was sent by the homeserver, but no error code was specified. You may want to report this to the homeserver administrators."); error_code = MATRIX_API_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } if (error_node) { error = json_node_get_string(error_node); } if (errcode_node && error_node) { message = g_strdup_printf("%s: %s", errcode, error); } else if (errcode_node) { message = g_strdup(errcode); } else { message = g_strdup_printf( "(No errcode given) %s", error); } err = g_error_new_literal(MATRIX_API_ERROR, error_code, message); } } } else if (!JSON_NODE_HOLDS_ARRAY(content)) { // Not a JSON object, neither an array err = g_error_new(MATRIX_API_ERROR, MATRIX_API_ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE, "Bad response (not a JSON object)"); g_debug("Bad response: %s", data); } } else { // Invalid JSON err = g_error_new(MATRIX_API_ERROR, MATRIX_API_ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE, "Malformed response (invalid JSON)"); g_debug("Malformed response: %s", data); } } /* Call the assigned function, if any */ if (request->callback) { request->callback( MATRIX_API(api), content, request->callback_data, err); } g_clear_error(&err); } /** * matrix_http_api_get_base_url: * @api: a #MatrixHTTPAPI implementation * * Get the base URL set for @api. * * Returns: (transfer full): the base URL set for @api */ const gchar * matrix_http_api_get_base_url(MatrixHTTPAPI *api) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); return soup_uri_to_string(priv->uri, FALSE); } #define create_query_params() (g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, \ (GEqualFunc)g_strcmp0, \ NULL, \ g_free)) static void _send(MatrixHTTPAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, const gchar *method, const gchar *path, GHashTable *params, const JsonNode *content, GError **error) { MatrixHTTPAPIPrivate *priv = matrix_http_api_get_instance_private(api); SoupURI *request_path; SoupMessage *message; gchar *data, *url; gsize datalen; MatrixHTTPAPIRequest *request; if (!priv->uri) { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_API_ERROR, MATRIX_API_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_ERROR, "No valid base URL"); return; } if (!g_str_is_ascii(method)) { g_warning("Method must be ASCII encoded!"); return; } if ((g_ascii_strcasecmp("GET", method) != 0) && (g_ascii_strcasecmp("POST", method) != 0) && (g_ascii_strcasecmp("PUT", method) != 0) && (g_ascii_strcasecmp("DELETE", method) != 0)) { g_warning("Invalid method name '%s'", method); return; } request_path = soup_uri_new_with_base(priv->uri, path); if (!params) { params = create_query_params(); } if (priv->token) { g_debug("Adding access token '%s'", priv->token); g_hash_table_replace(params, "access_token", g_strdup(priv->token)); } soup_uri_set_query_from_form(request_path, params); g_hash_table_unref(params); message = soup_message_new_from_uri(method, request_path); url = soup_uri_to_string(request_path, FALSE); soup_uri_free(request_path); if (content) { JsonGenerator *generator; generator = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(generator, (JsonNode *)content); data = json_generator_to_data(generator, &datalen); } else { data = g_strdup("{}"); datalen = 2; } g_debug("Sending (%s %s): %s", method, url, data); soup_message_set_flags(message, SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT); soup_message_set_request(message, "application/json", SOUP_MEMORY_TAKE, data, datalen); g_object_ref(message); request = g_new0(MatrixHTTPAPIRequest, 1); request->request_content = (JsonNode *)content; request->api = api; request->callback = callback; request->callback_data = user_data; soup_session_queue_message(priv->soup_session, message, (SoupSessionCallback)_response_callback, request); } static void i_login(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, const gchar *type, const JsonNode *content, GError **error) { JsonNode *body; JsonObject *root_object; body = json_node_copy((JsonNode *)content); root_object = json_node_get_object(body); json_object_set_string_member(root_object, "type", type); _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "POST", "login", NULL, body, error); } static void add_state_event(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event, JsonBuilder *builder) { JsonNode *node = matrix_api_state_event_get_json_node(event); json_builder_add_value(builder, node); json_node_free(node); } static void add_string(gchar *str, JsonBuilder *builder) { json_builder_add_string_value(builder, str); } static void i_create_room(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, MatrixAPIRoomPreset preset, const gchar *room_name, const gchar *room_alias, const gchar *topic, MatrixAPIRoomVisibility visibility, JsonNode *creation_content, GList *initial_state, GList *invitees, GError **error) { JsonNode *body; JsonObject *root_object; JsonBuilder *builder; builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); if (creation_content) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "creation_content"); json_builder_add_value(builder, creation_content); } if (initial_state) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "initial_state"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(initial_state, (GFunc)add_state_event, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (invitees) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "invite"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(invitees, (GFunc)add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (room_name) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "name"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, room_name); } if (preset != MATRIX_API_ROOM_PRESET_NONE) { GEnumClass *_enum_class = g_type_class_ref(MATRIX_TYPE_API_ROOM_PRESET); GEnumValue *enum_value; if ((enum_value = g_enum_get_value( G_ENUM_CLASS(_enum_class), preset)) != NULL) { gchar *i; gchar *value_nick = g_strdup(enum_value->value_nick); for (i = value_nick; *i; i++) { if (*i == '-') { *i = '_'; } } json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "preset"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, value_nick); g_free(value_nick); } else { g_debug("Invalid room preset type"); } g_type_class_unref(_enum_class); } if (room_alias) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "room_alias_name"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, room_alias); } if (topic) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "topic"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, topic); } if (visibility != MATRIX_API_ROOM_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT) { GEnumClass *_enum_class = g_type_class_ref( MATRIX_TYPE_API_ROOM_VISIBILITY); GEnumValue *enum_value; if ((enum_value = g_enum_get_value( G_ENUM_CLASS(_enum_class), visibility)) != NULL) { gchar *i; gchar *value_nick = g_strdup(enum_value->value_nick); for (i = value_nick; *i; i++) { if (*i == '-') { *i = '_'; } } json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "visibility"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, value_nick); g_free(value_nick); } else { g_debug("Invalid room visibility type"); } g_type_class_unref(_enum_class); } json_builder_end_object(builder); body = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "POST", "createRoom", NULL, body, error); } static void i_initial_sync(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, guint limit, gboolean archived, GError **err) { GHashTable *params; params = create_query_params(); if (limit != 0) { g_hash_table_replace(params, "limit", g_strdup_printf("%d", limit)); } if (archived) { g_hash_table_replace(params, "archived", g_strdup("true")); } _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "GET", "initialSync", params, NULL, err); } static void i_event_stream(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, const gchar *from_token, gulong timeout, GError **err) { GHashTable *params; params = create_query_params(); if (from_token) { g_hash_table_replace(params, "from", g_strdup(from_token)); } if (timeout != 0) { g_hash_table_replace(params, "timeout", g_strdup_printf("%lu", timeout)); } _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "GET", "events", params, NULL, err); } static void i_leave_room(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, const gchar *room_id, GError **error) { gchar *encoded_room_id, *path; encoded_room_id = soup_uri_encode(room_id, NULL); path = g_strdup_printf("rooms/%s/leave", encoded_room_id); g_free(encoded_room_id); _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "POST", path, NULL, NULL, error); g_free(path); } static void i_list_public_rooms(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "GET", "publicRooms", NULL, NULL, error); } static void i_join_room(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, const gchar *room_id, GError **error) { gchar *encoded_room_id, *path; // TODO: a more thorough check should be used here if (*room_id != '!') { g_set_error(error, MATRIX_API_ERROR, MATRIX_API_ERROR_INVALID_ROOM_ID, "Invalid room ID"); return; } encoded_room_id = soup_uri_encode(room_id, NULL); path = g_strdup_printf("rooms/%s/join", encoded_room_id); g_free(encoded_room_id); _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "POST", path, NULL, NULL, error); g_free(path); } static void i_get_presence_list(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, const gchar *user_id, GError **error) { gchar *encoded_user_id; gchar *path; encoded_user_id = soup_uri_encode(user_id, NULL); path = g_strdup_printf("presence/list/%s", encoded_user_id); g_free(encoded_user_id); _send(MATRIX_HTTP_API(api), callback, user_data, "GET", path, NULL, NULL, error); g_free(path); } static void matrix_http_api_matrix_api_init(MatrixAPIInterface *iface) { iface->set_token = i_set_token; iface->get_token = i_get_token; iface->set_refresh_token = i_set_refresh_token; iface->get_refresh_token = i_get_refresh_token; iface->get_user_id = i_get_user_id; iface->get_homeserver = i_get_homeserver; /* Media */ iface->media_download = NULL; iface->media_thumbnail = NULL; iface->media_upload = NULL; /* Presence */ iface->get_presence_list = i_get_presence_list; iface->update_presence_list = NULL; iface->get_user_presence = NULL; iface->set_user_presence = NULL; /* Push notifications */ iface->modify_pusher = NULL; iface->get_pushers = NULL; iface->delete_pusher = NULL; iface->get_pusher = NULL; iface->add_pusher = NULL; iface->toggle_pusher = NULL; /* Room creation */ iface->create_room = i_create_room; /* Room directory */ iface->delete_room_alias = NULL; iface->get_room_id = NULL; iface->create_room_alias = NULL; /* Room discovery */ iface->list_public_rooms = i_list_public_rooms; /* Room membership */ iface->ban_user = NULL; iface->forget_room = NULL; iface->invite_user_3rdparty = NULL; iface->invite_user = NULL; iface->join_room = i_join_room; iface->leave_room = i_leave_room; /* Room participation */ iface->event_stream = i_event_stream; iface->get_event = NULL; iface->initial_sync = i_initial_sync; iface->get_event_context = NULL; iface->initial_sync_room = NULL; iface->list_room_members = NULL; iface->list_room_messages = NULL; iface->send_event_receipt = NULL; iface->redact_event = NULL; iface->send_message_event = NULL; iface->get_room_state = NULL; iface->send_room_event = NULL; iface->notify_room_typing = NULL; iface->sync = NULL; iface->create_filter = NULL; iface->download_filter = NULL; /* Search */ /* Server administration */ iface->whois = NULL; /* Session management */ iface->login = i_login; iface->token_refresh = NULL; /* User data */ iface->get_3pids = NULL; iface->add_3pid = NULL; iface->change_password = NULL; iface->get_profile = NULL; iface->get_avatar_url = NULL; iface->set_avatar_url = NULL; iface->get_display_name = NULL; iface->set_display_name = NULL; iface->register_account = NULL; iface->set_account_data = NULL; iface->get_room_tags = NULL; iface->delete_room_tag = NULL; iface->add_room_tag = NULL; /* VoIP */ iface->get_turn_server = NULL; }