/* * This file is part of matrix-glib-sdk * * matrix-glib-sdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * matrix-glib-sdk is distributed in the hope that it will be * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with matrix-glib-sdk. If not, see * . */ #include "matrix-api-types.h" /** * SECTION:matrix-api-types * @title: Generic types * @short_description: Generic types for all #MatrixAPI * implementations * * These are the types used by all #MatrixAPI implementations for * communication with the homeserver. */ /** * MatrixAPIError: * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_NONE: no error * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_ERROR: there was a problem in * communication * (e.g. connection error) * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_INCOMPLETE: the passed/generated data is * incomplete * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE: malformed response, or the response * is not a JSON object * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_INVALID_ROOM_ID: the provided string doesn’t * contain a valid room ID * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_MISSING_TOKEN: authorization token is missing * from the request * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_FORBIDDEN: access was forbidden (e.g. due to a * missing/invalid token, or using a bad * password during login) * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_UNKNOWN: an error unknown to the Matrix server * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_UNKNOWN_TOKEN: the token provided is not known * for the homeserver * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_NOT_JSON: illegal request, the content is not * valid JSON * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: no error code was sent by the * homeserver * @MATRIX_API_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR: an error unknown to this library * * Value mappings from Matrix.org API error codes * (e.g. M_MISSING_TOKEN). They should be set * automatically by API calls, if the response contains an error code. */ /** * MATRIX_API_ERROR: * * Error domain for Matrix GLib SDK API. See #GError for more * information on error domains. */ /** * matrix_api_error_quark: * * Gets the Matrix API error #GQuark */ G_DEFINE_QUARK(matrix-api-error-quark, matrix_api_error); /** * MatrixAPIEventFormat: * @MATRIX_API_EVENT_FORMAT_DEFAULT: event format will be omitted from * the filter, so the server will * use its default (usually * @MATRIX_API_EVENT_FORMAT_FEDERATION) * @MATRIX_API_EVENT_FORMAT_CLIENT: return the events in a format * suitable for clients * @MATRIX_API_EVENT_FORMAT_FEDERATION: return the raw event as * receieved over federation * * Event format received when synchronizing. */ /** * MatrixAPIRoomPreset: * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_PRESET_NONE: no preset * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_PRESET_PRIVATE: preset for private rooms * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_PRESET_TRUSTED_PRIVATE: same as private rooms, but * all users get the same * power level as the room * creator * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_PRESET_PUBLIC: preset for public rooms * * Preset values for matrix_api_create_room() calls. */ /** * MatrixAPIRoomVisibility: * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT: use a server-assigned value * (usually private * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC: make the room visible in the * public room list * @MATRIX_API_ROOM_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE: hide the room from the public * room list * * Visibility values for room creation. Not to be confused with join * rules. */ /** * MatrixAPIResizeMethod: * @MATRIX_API_RESIZE_METHOD_CROP: crop thumbnail to the requested * size * @MATRIX_API_RESIZE_METHOD_SCALE: scale thumbnail to the requested * size * * Resizing methods for matrix_api_media_thumbnail(). */ /** * MatrixAPIPresence: * @MATRIX_API_PRESENCE_ONLINE: user is online * @MATRIX_API_PRESENCE_OFFLINE: user is offline * @MATRIX_API_PRESENCE_UNAVAILABLE: user is unavailable (i.e. busy) * @MATRIX_API_PRESENCE_FREE_FOR_CHAT: user is free for chat * * Presence values for matrix_api_set_user_presence() and other * presence related queries. */ /** * MatrixAPIPusherKind: * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_KIND_OVERRIDE: highest priority rules * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_KIND_SENDER: for (unencrypted) messages that * match certain patterns * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_KIND_ROOM: for all messages for a given * room. The rule ID of a room rule is * always the ID of the room that it * affects * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_KIND_CONTENT: for messages from a specific * Matrix user ID. The rule ID of * such rules is always the Matrix ID * of the user whose messages they'd * apply to * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_KIND_UNDERRIDE: lowest priority rules * * Pusher types. */ /** * MatrixAPIPusherConditionKind: * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_CONDITION_KIND_EVENT_MATCH: glob pattern match * on a field of the * event. Requires a * key and * a * pattern * parameter * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_CONDITION_KIND_PROFILE_TAG: matches the profile * tag of the device * that the * notification would * be delivered * to. Requires a * profile_tag * parameter * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_CONDITION_KIND_CONTAINS_DISPLAY_NAME: matches * unencrypted * messages * where the * content's * body * contains * the * owner's * display * name in * that room. * @MATRIX_API_PUSHER_CONDITION_KIND_ROOM_MEMBER_COUNT: matches the * current number * of members in * the * room. Requires * an * is * parameter, * which must be * an integer, * optionally * prefixed by * ==, * <, * >, * <= * or * >=. If * the prefix is * omitted, it * defaults to * == * * Condition types for pushers. */ /** * MatrixAPIEventDirection: * @MATRIX_API_EVENT_DIRECTION_FORWARD: List events after the * specified one * @MATRIX_API_EVENT_DIRECTION_BACKWARD: List events before the * specified one * * Direction of events when requesting an event context. */ /** * MatrixAPIReceiptType: * @MATRIX_API_RECEIPT_TYPE_READ: indicate that the message has been * read * * Receipt types of acknowledgment. */ /** * MatrixAPIFilterRules: (ref-func matrix_api_filter_rules_ref) (unref-func matrix_api_filter_rules_unref) * * An opaque structure to hold filter rules that can be used to filter * events in the event stream. It is possible to filter by event type, * room and sender ID. */ struct _MatrixAPIFilterRules { guint limit; GList *rooms; GList *excluded_rooms; GList *senders; GList *excluded_senders; GList *types; GList *excluded_types; guint refcount; }; G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(MatrixAPIFilterRules, matrix_api_filter_rules, (GBoxedCopyFunc)matrix_api_filter_rules_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)matrix_api_filter_rules_unref); /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_new: * * Create a new #MatrixAPIFilterRules object with reference count of * 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixAPIFilterRules */ MatrixAPIFilterRules * matrix_api_filter_rules_new(void) { MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules; rules = g_new0(MatrixAPIFilterRules, 1); rules->refcount = 1; return rules; } static void matrix_api_filter_rules_free(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { g_list_free_full(rules->rooms, g_free); g_list_free_full(rules->excluded_rooms, g_free); g_list_free_full(rules->senders, g_free); g_list_free_full(rules->excluded_senders, g_free); g_list_free_full(rules->types, g_free); g_list_free_full(rules->excluded_types, g_free); g_free(rules); } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_ref: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Increase reference count of @rules by one. * * Returns: (transfer none): the same #MatrixAPIFilterRules */ MatrixAPIFilterRules * matrix_api_filter_rules_ref(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { rules->refcount++; return rules; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_unref: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Decrease reference count of @rules by one. If reference count * reaches zero, @rules is freed. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { if (--rules->refcount == 0) { matrix_api_filter_rules_free(rules); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_limit: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @limit: (in): the maximum number of events to return. * * Set the maximum number of events to return by the filter. If @limit * is 0, no limit will be applied. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_limit(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, guint limit) { rules->limit = limit; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_limit: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the current limit set in @rules. * * Returns: the limit currently set */ guint matrix_api_filter_rules_get_limit(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->limit; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_senders: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @senders: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): * a list of Matrix user IDs. Events from these users will * be included in the filtered event list.If %NULL then all * senders are included. See * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for wildcarding * possibilities * * Set the list of user IDs to include in the filtered events. @rules * takes ownership of @senders, so it should not be freed nor modified * directly after this call. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_senders(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, GList *senders) { g_list_free_full(rules->senders, g_free); rules->senders = senders; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @sender: (in): a Matrix user ID to add to the included senders * list. A * can be used as a wildcard to match * any sequence of characters * * Add @sender to the list of user IDs to include in the filtered * event list. If @sender is already included in the senders list, * nothing happens. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *sender) { g_return_if_fail(sender != NULL); if (!g_list_find_custom(rules->senders, sender, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->senders = g_list_prepend(rules->senders, g_strdup(sender)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_sender: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @sender: (in): the user ID to remove from the senders list * * Remove @sender from the list of user IDs to include in the filtered * event list. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_sender(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *sender) { GList *sender_element; g_return_if_fail(sender != NULL); while (sender_element = g_list_find_custom(rules->senders, sender, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->senders = g_list_remove_link(rules->senders, sender_element); g_list_free_full(sender_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_senders: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the list of user IDs that will be included in the filtered * events. * * Returns: (element-type utf8) (allow-none) (transfer none): the * list of user IDs. The returned value is owned by @rules * and should not be freed nor modified */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_senders(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->senders; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_excluded_senders: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @senders: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): * a list of Matrix user IDs. Events from these users will * be included in the filtered event list.If %NULL then all * senders are included. See * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for wildcarding * possibilities * * Set the list of Matrix user IDs to exclude from the filtered * events. A matching sender will be excluded even if it is listed in * the senders list (specified by * e.g. matrix_api_filter_rules_set_senders()). @rules takes * ownership of @senders, so it should not be freed nor modified * directly after this call. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_excluded_senders(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, GList *senders) { g_list_free_full(rules->excluded_senders, g_free); rules->excluded_senders = senders; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_excluded_sender: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @sender: (in): a Matrix user ID to add to the excluded senders * list. See matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for * wildcarding possibilities * * Add @sender to the list of user IDs to exclude from the filtered * event list. If @sender is already in the excluded senders list, * nothing happens. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_add_excluded_sender(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *sender) { g_return_if_fail(sender != NULL); if (!g_list_find_custom(rules->excluded_senders, sender, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->excluded_senders = g_list_prepend(rules->excluded_senders, g_strdup(sender)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_excluded_sender: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @sender: (in): the Matrix user ID to remove from the excluded * senders list * * Remove @sender from the list of user IDs to exclude from the * filtered event list. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_excluded_sender(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *sender) { GList *sender_element; g_return_if_fail(sender != NULL); while (sender_element = g_list_find_custom(rules->excluded_senders, sender, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->excluded_senders = g_list_remove_link(rules->excluded_senders, sender_element); g_list_free_full(sender_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_excluded_senders: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the list of user IDs that will be excluded in the filtered * events. * * Returns: (element-type utf8) (allow-none) (transfer none): the * list of user IDs to be excluded. The returned value is * owned by @rules and should not be freed nor modified. */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_excluded_senders(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->excluded_senders; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_rooms: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @rooms: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): a * list of room IDs. Events from these rooms will be included * in the filtered event list.If %NULL then all rooms are * included. See matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for * wildcarding possibilities * * Set the list of room IDs to include in the filtered events. @rules * takes ownership of @rooms, so it should not be freed nor modified * directly after this call. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_rooms(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, GList *rooms) { g_list_free_full(rules->rooms, g_free); rules->rooms = rooms; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_room: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @room: (in): a room ID to add to the included rooms list. See * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for wildcarding * possibilities * * Add @room to the list of room IDs to include in the filtered * event list. If @room is already included in the rooms list, * nothing happens. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_add_room(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *room) { g_return_if_fail(room != NULL); if (!g_list_find_custom(rules->rooms, room, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->rooms = g_list_prepend(rules->rooms, g_strdup(room)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_room: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @room: (in): the room ID to remove from the rooms list * * Remove @room from the list of room IDs to include in the filtered * event list. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_room(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *room) { GList *room_element; g_return_if_fail(room != NULL); while (room_element = g_list_find_custom(rules->rooms, room, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->rooms = g_list_remove_link(rules->rooms, room_element); g_list_free_full(room_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_rooms: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the list of room IDs that will be included in the filtered * events. * * Returns: (element-type utf8) (allow-none) (transfer none): the * list of room IDs. The returned value is owned by @rules * and should not be freed nor modified */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_rooms(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->rooms; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_excluded_rooms: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @rooms: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): a * list of room IDs. Events from these rooms will be included * in the filtered event list.If %NULL, then all rooms are * included. See matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for * wildcarding possibilities * * Set the list of room IDs to exclude from the filtered events. A * matching room will be excluded even if it is listed in the rooms * list (specified by * e.g. matrix_api_filter_rules_set_rooms()). @rules takes ownership * of @rooms, so it should not be freed nor modified directly after * this call. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_excluded_rooms(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, GList *rooms) { g_list_free_full(rules->excluded_rooms, g_free); rules->excluded_rooms = rooms; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_excluded_room: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @room: (in): a room ID to add to the excluded rooms list. See * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for wildcarding * possibilities * * Add @room to the list of room IDs to exclude from the filtered * event list. If @room is already in the excluded rooms list, nothing * happens. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_add_excluded_room(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *room) { g_return_if_fail(room != NULL); if (!g_list_find_custom(rules->excluded_rooms, room, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->excluded_rooms = g_list_prepend(rules->excluded_rooms, g_strdup(room)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_excluded_room: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @room: (in): the room ID to remove from the excluded rooms list * * Remove @room from the list of room IDs to exclude from the filtered * event list. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_excluded_room(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *room) { GList *room_element; g_return_if_fail(room != NULL); while (room_element = g_list_find_custom(rules->excluded_rooms, room, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->excluded_rooms = g_list_remove_link(rules->excluded_rooms, room_element); g_list_free_full(room_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_excluded_rooms: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the list of room IDs that will be excluded in the filtered * events. * * Returns: (element-type utf8) (allow-none) (transfer none): the * list of room IDs to be excluded. The returned value is * owned by @rules and should not be freed nor modified. */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_excluded_rooms(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->excluded_rooms; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_types: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @types: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): a * list of event types to include. If %NULL then all event * types are included. See * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for wildcarding * possibilities * * Set the list of event types to be included in the filtered events. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_types(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, GList *types) { g_list_free_full(rules->types, g_free); rules->types = types; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_type: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @type: (in): an event type to add to the list of included * events. See matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for * wildcarding possibilities * * Add @type to the list of event types to include in the filtered * event list. If @type is already included in the types list, nothing * happens. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_add_type(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *type) { g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); if (g_list_find_custom(rules->types, type, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->types = g_list_prepend(rules->types, g_strdup(type)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_type: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @type: (in): a type to remove from the list of included event * types. See matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for * wildcarding possibilities * * Remove @type from the list of excluded event type list. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_type(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *type) { GList *type_element; g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); while (type_element = g_list_find_custom(rules->types, type, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->types = g_list_remove_link(rules->types, type_element); g_list_free_full(type_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_types: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the list of event types that will be included in the filtered * events. * * Returns: (element-type utf8) (allow-none) (transfer none): the * list of event types. The returned values is owned by * @rules and should not be freed nor modified */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_types(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->types; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_set_excluded_types: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @types: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): a * list of event types to exclude. If %NULL then no event * types are excluded. A matching type will be excluded even * if it is listed in the included types. See * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for wildcarding * possibilities * * Set the list of event types to be excluded from the filtered * events. A matching type will be excluded even if it is listed in * the types list (specified by * e.g. matrix_api_filter_rules_set_types()). */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_set_excluded_types(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, GList *types) { g_list_free_full(rules->excluded_types, g_free); rules->excluded_types = types; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_add_excluded_type: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @type: (in): an event type to add to the excluded event type * list. See matrix_api_filter_rules_add_sender() for * wildcarding possibilities * * Add @type to the list of excluded event types. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_add_excluded_type(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *type) { g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); if (!g_list_find_custom(rules->excluded_types, type, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->excluded_types = g_list_prepend(rules->excluded_types, g_strdup(type)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_excluded_type: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @type: (in): the event type to be removed from the excluded types * list * * Remove @type from the list of event types to be excluded from the * filtered event list. */ void matrix_api_filter_rules_delete_excluded_type(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, const gchar *type) { GList *type_element; g_return_if_fail(type != NULL); while (type_element = g_list_find_custom(rules->excluded_types, type, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { rules->excluded_types = g_list_remove_link(rules->excluded_types, type_element); g_list_free_full(type_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_excluded_types: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Get the list of event types that will be excluded from the filtered * events. * * Returns: (element-type utf8) (allow-none) (transfer none): the * list of event types. The returned value is owned by * @rules and should not be freed nor modified */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_excluded_types(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { return rules->excluded_types; } static void json_add_string(gchar *str, JsonBuilder *builder) { json_builder_add_string_value(builder, str); } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_node: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * * Gets the #JsonNode representation of this filtering ruleset. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the filtering * data as a #JsonNode */ JsonNode * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_node(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *node; builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "limit"); json_builder_add_int_value(builder, rules->limit); if (rules->rooms) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "rooms"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(rules->rooms, (GFunc)json_add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (rules->excluded_rooms) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "not_rooms"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(rules->excluded_rooms, (GFunc)json_add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (rules->senders) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "senders"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(rules->senders, (GFunc)json_add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (rules->excluded_senders) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "not_senders"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(rules->excluded_senders, (GFunc)json_add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (rules->types) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "types"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(rules->types, (GFunc)json_add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } if (rules->excluded_types) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "not_types"); json_builder_begin_array(builder); g_list_foreach(rules->excluded_types, (GFunc)json_add_string, builder); json_builder_end_array(builder); } json_builder_end_object(builder); node = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return node; } /** * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_data: * @rules: a #MatrixAPIFilterRules * @datalen: (out): storage for the the length of the JSON data or * %NULL * * Gets the string representation of these filtering rules, as a JSON * object. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the filtering * rule data as a string */ gchar * matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_data(MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules, gsize *datalen) { JsonGenerator *generator; JsonNode *node = matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_node(rules); gchar *data; generator = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(generator, node); json_node_free(node); data = json_generator_to_data(generator, datalen); g_object_unref(generator); return data; } /** * MatrixAPIRoomFilter: * * An opaque structure to hold room filters. */ struct _MatrixAPIRoomFilter { gboolean include_leave; MatrixAPIFilterRules *ephemeral; MatrixAPIFilterRules *state; MatrixAPIFilterRules *timeline; guint refcount; }; G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(MatrixAPIRoomFilter, matrix_api_room_filter, (GBoxedCopyFunc)matrix_api_room_filter_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)matrix_api_room_filter_unref); /** * matrix_api_room_filter_new: * * Create a new #MatrixAPIRoomFilter object with reference count of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixAPIRoomFilter */ MatrixAPIRoomFilter * matrix_api_room_filter_new(void) { MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter; filter = g_new0(MatrixAPIRoomFilter, 1); filter->refcount = 1; return filter; } static void matrix_api_room_filter_free(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { if (filter->ephemeral) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->ephemeral); } if (filter->state) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->state); } if (filter->timeline) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->timeline); } g_free(filter); } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_ref: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * Increase reference count of @filter by one. * * Returns: (transfer none): the same #MatrixAPIRoomFilter */ MatrixAPIRoomFilter * matrix_api_room_filter_ref(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { filter->refcount++; return filter; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_unref: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * Decrease reference count of @filter by one. If reference count * reaches zero, @filter is freed. */ void matrix_api_room_filter_unref(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { if (--filter->refcount == 0) { matrix_api_room_filter_free(filter); } } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_set_include_leave: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * @include_leave: %TRUE if events from left rooms should be included * * Sets if events for rooms that the user has left should be included * in the filtered event list. */ void matrix_api_room_filter_set_include_leave(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter, gboolean include_leave) { filter->include_leave = include_leave; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_get_include_leave: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * If %TRUE, events from rooms that the user has left will be included * in the filtered event list. * * Returns: the value of include_leave */ gboolean matrix_api_room_filter_get_include_leave(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { return filter->include_leave; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_set_ephemeral: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * @rules: (transfer none): filtering rules for ephemeral events * * Set filtering rules for ephemeral events, i.e. events that are not * recorded in the room history (typing notifications, receipts, etc.) * @filter gets a reference on @rules, so the caller may unref it. */ void matrix_api_room_filter_set_ephemeral(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter, MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { if (filter->ephemeral) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->ephemeral); } filter->ephemeral = matrix_api_filter_rules_ref(rules); } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_get_ephemeral: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * Gets the filtering rules for ephemeral events. See * matrix_api_room_filter_set_ephemeral() for details. * * Returns: (transfer none): the filtering rules for ephemeral events. */ MatrixAPIFilterRules * matrix_api_room_filter_get_ephemeral(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { return filter->ephemeral; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_set_state: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * @rules: (transfer none): filtering rules for state events * * Sets filtering rules for state events. @filter obtains a reference * on @rules, so the caller may unref it safely. */ void matrix_api_room_filter_set_state(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter, MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { if (filter->state) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->state); } filter->state = matrix_api_filter_rules_ref(rules); } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_get_state: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * Gets the filtering rules for state events. * * Returns: (transfer none): the filtering rules for state events */ MatrixAPIFilterRules * matrix_api_room_filter_get_state(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { return filter->state; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_set_timeline: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * @rules: (transfer none): filtering rules for timeline events * (messages and state events from rooms) * * Set filtering rules for timeline events. */ void matrix_api_room_filter_set_timeline(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter, MatrixAPIFilterRules *rules) { if (filter->timeline) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->timeline); } filter->timeline = matrix_api_filter_rules_ref(rules); } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_get_timeline: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * Gets filtering rules for timeline events (see * matrix_api_room_filter_set_timeline() for details. * * Returns: (transfer none): the filtering rules for timeline events */ MatrixAPIFilterRules * matrix_api_room_filter_get_timeline(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { return filter->timeline; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_get_json_node: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * * Gets the #JsonNode representation of the filtering ruleset. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the filtering * ruleset as a #JsonNode */ JsonNode * matrix_api_room_filter_get_json_node(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter) { JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *node; builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "include_leave"); json_builder_add_boolean_value(builder, filter->include_leave); if (filter->ephemeral) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "ephemeral"); json_builder_add_value(builder, matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_node( filter->ephemeral)); } if (filter->state) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "state"); json_builder_add_value(builder, matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_node( filter->state)); } if (filter->timeline) { json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "timeline"); json_builder_add_value(builder, matrix_api_filter_rules_get_json_node( filter->timeline)); } json_builder_end_object(builder); node = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return node; } /** * matrix_api_room_filter_get_json_data: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIRoomFilter * @datalen: (out) (allow-none): storage for the length of the JSON * data, or %NULL * * Get the string representation of the filtering ruleset as a JSON * object. * * Returns: the JSON object representation of the filtering ruleset * data as a string */ gchar * matrix_api_room_filter_get_json_data(MatrixAPIRoomFilter *filter, gsize *datalen) { JsonGenerator *generator; JsonNode *node = matrix_api_room_filter_get_json_node(filter); gchar *data; generator = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(generator, node); json_node_free(node); data = json_generator_to_data(generator, datalen); g_object_unref(generator); return data; } /** * MatrixAPIFilter: * * An opaque structure to hold an event filter. */ struct _MatrixAPIFilter { GList *event_fields; MatrixAPIEventFormat event_format; MatrixAPIFilterRules *presence; MatrixAPIRoomFilter *room; guint refcount; }; G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(MatrixAPIFilter, matrix_api_filter, (GBoxedCopyFunc)matrix_api_filter_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)matrix_api_filter_unref); /** * matrix_api_filter_new: * * Create a new #MatrixAPIFilter object with reference count of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixAPIFilter */ MatrixAPIFilter * matrix_api_filter_new(void) { MatrixAPIFilter *filter; filter = g_new0(MatrixAPIFilter, 1); filter->refcount = 1; return filter; } static void matrix_api_filter_free(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { g_list_free_full(filter->event_fields, g_free); if (filter->presence) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->presence); } if (filter->room) { matrix_api_room_filter_unref(filter->room); } g_free(filter); } /** * matrix_api_filter_ref: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * * Increase reference count of @filter by one. * * Returns: (transfer none): the same #MatrixAPIFilter */ MatrixAPIFilter * matrix_api_filter_ref(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { filter->refcount++; return filter; } /** * matrix_api_filter_unref: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * * Decrease reference count of @filter by one. If reference count * reaches zero, @filter is freed. */ void matrix_api_filter_unref(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { if (--filter->refcount == 0) { matrix_api_filter_free(filter); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_set_event_fields: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * @event_fields: (in) (element-type utf8) (transfer full) (allow-none): * a list of event fields to include. If %NULL then all * fields are included. The entries may include * . charaters to indicate sub-fields. So * ['content.body'] will include the * body field of the content * object. A literal . character in a * field name may be escaped using a \. A * server may include more fields than were requested * * Set the event fields to include in the filtered events. */ void matrix_api_filter_set_event_fields(MatrixAPIFilter *filter, GList *event_fields) { g_list_free_full(filter->event_fields, g_free); filter->event_fields = event_fields; } /** * matrix_api_filter_add_event_field: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * @event_field: an event field to add to the list. See * matrix_api_filter_set_event_fields() for details * * Add an event field to the list of fields that will be present in * the filtered events. */ void matrix_api_filter_add_event_field(MatrixAPIFilter *filter, const gchar *event_field) { g_return_if_fail(event_field != NULL); if (!g_list_find_custom(filter->event_fields, event_field, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { filter->event_fields = g_list_prepend(filter->event_fields, g_strdup(event_field)); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_delete_event_field: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * @event_field: an event field to remove from the list * * Remove @event_field from the list of fields that will be present in * the filtered events. */ void matrix_api_filter_delete_event_field(MatrixAPIFilter *filter, const gchar *event_field) { GList *event_field_element; g_return_if_fail(event_field != NULL); while (event_field_element = g_list_find_custom(filter->event_fields, event_field, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)) { filter->event_fields = g_list_remove_link(filter->event_fields, event_field_element); g_list_free_full(event_field_element, g_free); } } /** * matrix_api_filter_get_event_fields: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * * Get the list of event fields that will be present in the filtered * events. * * Returns: (transfer none) (element-type utf8) (allow-none): the list * of event fields. The returned value is owned by @filter * and should not be freed nor modified. */ const GList * matrix_api_filter_get_event_fields(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { return filter->event_fields; } /** * matrix_api_filter_set_event_format: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * @event_format: the desired event format for filtered events * * Set the desired event format for the filtered events (e.g. for * matrix_api_sync()) */ void matrix_api_filter_set_event_format(MatrixAPIFilter *filter, MatrixAPIEventFormat event_format) { filter->event_format = event_format; } /** * matrix_api_filter_get_event_format: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * * Get the desired event format set in @filter. * * Returns: the event format currently set */ MatrixAPIEventFormat matrix_api_filter_get_event_format(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { return filter->event_format; } /** * matrix_api_filter_set_presence_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * @presence_filter: (transfer none): the desired filters to use * * Set a filtering ruleset for presence events. */ void matrix_api_filter_set_presence_filter(MatrixAPIFilter *filter, MatrixAPIFilterRules *presence_filter) { if (filter->presence) { matrix_api_filter_rules_unref(filter->presence); } filter->presence = matrix_api_filter_rules_ref(presence_filter); } /** * matrix_api_filter_get_presence_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * * Get the current filtering ruleset for presence events. * * Returns: (transfer none): the current ruleset. The returned value * is owned by @filter; if the callee wants to use it * separately, it should create a reference for it */ MatrixAPIFilterRules * matrix_api_filter_get_presence_filter(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { return filter->presence; } /** * matrix_api_filter_set_room_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * @room_filter: the desired room filters to use in @filter * * Set a new filtering ruleset for room events in @filter. */ void matrix_api_filter_set_room_filter(MatrixAPIFilter *filter, MatrixAPIRoomFilter *room_filter) { if (filter->room) { matrix_api_room_filter_unref(filter->room); } filter->room = matrix_api_room_filter_ref(room_filter); } /** * matrix_api_filter_get_room_filter: * @filter: a #MatrixAPIFilter * * Get the filtering ruleset for room events in @filter. * * Returns: (transfer none): the current filtering ruleset for room * events */ MatrixAPIRoomFilter * matrix_api_filter_get_room_filter(MatrixAPIFilter *filter) { return filter->room; } /** * MatrixAPI3PidCredential: * * An opaque structure to store credentials to use with Identity * Server communication. */ struct _MatrixAPI3PidCredential { gchar *id_server; gchar *session_id; gchar *client_secret; guint refcount; }; G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(MatrixAPI3PidCredential, matrix_api_3pid_credential, (GBoxedCopyFunc)matrix_api_3pid_credential_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)matrix_api_3pid_credential_unref); /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_new: * * Create a new #MatrixAPI3PidCredential object with reference count * of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixAPI3PidCredential */ MatrixAPI3PidCredential * matrix_api_3pid_credential_new(void) { MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential; credential = g_new0(MatrixAPI3PidCredential, 1); credential->refcount = 1; return credential; } static void matrix_api_3pid_credential_free(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential) { g_free(credential->id_server); g_free(credential->session_id); g_free(credential->client_secret); g_free(credential); } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_ref: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * * Increase reference count of @credential by one. * * Returns: (transfer none): the same #MatrixAPI3PidCredential */ MatrixAPI3PidCredential * matrix_api_3pid_credential_ref(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential) { credential->refcount++; return credential; } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_unref: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * * Decrease reference count of @credential by one. If reference count * reaches zero, @credential gets freed. */ void matrix_api_3pid_credential_unref(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential) { if (--credential->refcount == 0) { matrix_api_3pid_credential_free(credential); } } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_set_id_server: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * @id_server: the Identity Server to use * * Set the Identity Server to use for this credential. */ void matrix_api_3pid_credential_set_id_server(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential, const gchar *id_server) { g_free(credential->id_server); credential->id_server = g_strdup(id_server); } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_get_id_server: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * * Get the Identity Server used for this credential. * * Returns: the Identity Server's name. The returned value is owned by * @credential and should not be freed nor modified */ const gchar * matrix_api_3pid_credential_get_id_server(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential) { return credential->id_server; } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_set_session_id: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * @session_id: the session identifier given by the Identity Server * * Set the session identifier got from the Identity Server. */ void matrix_api_3pid_credential_set_session_id(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential, const gchar *session_id) { g_free(credential->session_id); credential->session_id = g_strdup(session_id); } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_get_session_id: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * * Get the session identifier for this credential. * * Returns: the session identifier. The returned value is owned by * @credential and should not be freed nor modified. */ const gchar * matrix_api_3pid_credential_get_session_id(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential) { return credential->session_id; } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_set_client_secret: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * @client_secret: the client secret used in the session with the * Identity Server * * Set the client secret that was used in the session with the * Identity Server. */ void matrix_api_3pid_credential_set_client_secret(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential, const gchar *client_secret) { g_free(credential->client_secret); credential->client_secret = g_strdup(client_secret); } /** * matrix_api_3pid_credential_get_client_secret: * @credential: a #MatrixAPI3PidCredential * * Get the client secret that was used in the session with the * Identity Server. * * Returns: the client secret. The returned value is owned by * @credential and should not be freed nor modified. */ const gchar * matrix_api_3pid_credential_get_client_secret(MatrixAPI3PidCredential *credential) { return credential->client_secret; } /** * MatrixAPIPusher: * * An opaque structure for pusher rulesets. */ typedef struct _MatrixAPIPusher { gchar *device_display_name; gchar *app_display_name; gchar *app_id; gboolean append; gchar *kind; gchar *lang; gchar *profile_tag; gchar *pushkey; JsonNode *data; guint refcount; } MatrixAPIPusher; G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(MatrixAPIPusher, matrix_api_pusher, (GBoxedCopyFunc)matrix_api_pusher_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)matrix_api_pusher_unref); /** * matrix_api_pusher_new: * * Create a new #MatrixAPIPusher object with reference count of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixAPIPusher */ MatrixAPIPusher * matrix_api_pusher_new(void) { MatrixAPIPusher *pusher; pusher = g_new0(MatrixAPIPusher, 1); pusher->refcount = 1; return pusher; } static void matrix_api_pusher_free(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { g_free(pusher->device_display_name); g_free(pusher->app_display_name); g_free(pusher->app_id); g_free(pusher->kind); g_free(pusher->lang); g_free(pusher->profile_tag); g_free(pusher->pushkey); json_node_free(pusher->data); g_free(pusher); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_ref: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Increase reference count of @pusher by one. * * Returns: (transfer none): the same #MatrixAPIPusher */ MatrixAPIPusher * matrix_api_pusher_ref(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { pusher->refcount++; return pusher; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_unref: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Decrease reference count of @pusher by one. If reference count * reaches zero, @pusher is freed. */ void matrix_api_pusher_unref(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { if (--pusher->refcount == 0) { matrix_api_pusher_free(pusher); } } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_device_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @device_display_name: a string that will allow the user to identify * what device owns this pusher * * Set the device display name for @pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_device_display_name(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *device_display_name) { g_free(pusher->device_display_name); pusher->device_display_name = g_strdup(device_display_name); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_device_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the device display name from pusher. * * Returns: the device display name. The returned value is owned by * @pusher and should not be freed nor modified. */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_device_display_name(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->device_display_name; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_app_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @app_display_name: a string that will allow the user to identify * what application owns the pusher * * Sets the app display name for the pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_app_display_name(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *app_display_name) { g_free(pusher->app_display_name); pusher->app_display_name = g_strdup(app_display_name); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_app_display_name: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the app display name for this pusher. * * Returns: the app display name. The returned value is owned by * @pusher and should not be freed nor modified. */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_app_display_name(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->app_display_name; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_app_id: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @app_id: a reverse DNS style identifier for the application. It is * recommended that this ends with the platform, such that * different platform versions get different app * identifiers. Maximum length is 64 characters. If @app_id * is longer than this, it will be truncated. * * Sets the application ID for this pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_app_id(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *app_id) { g_free(pusher->app_id); pusher->app_id = g_strndup(app_id, 64); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_app_id: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the application ID for this pusher. * * Returns: the application ID. The returned value is owned by @pusher * and should not be freed nor modified. */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_app_id(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->app_id; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_append: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @append: if %TRUE, the homeserver should add another pusher with * the given push key and app ID in addition to any others * with different user IDs. Otherwise, the homeserver must * remove any other pushers with the same App ID and pushkey * for different users * * Set the appending rule for this pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_append(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, gboolean append) { pusher->append = append; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_append: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the appending rule for this pusher. See * matrix_api_pusher_set_append() for details. * * Returns: the append rule */ gboolean matrix_api_pusher_get_append(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->append; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_kind: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @kind: the kind of pusher to configure. "http" makes a pusher that * sends HTTP pokes. %NULL deletes the pusher. * * Set the kind of pusher to configure. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_kind(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *kind) { g_free(pusher->kind); pusher->kind = g_strdup(kind); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_kind: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the kind of pusher in @pusher. * * Returns: the kind of this pusher. The returned value is owned by * @pusher and should not be freed nor modified */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_kind(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->kind; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_lang: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @lang: the preferred language for receiving notifications, * e.g. "en" or "en-US" * * Set the preferred language for receiving notifications. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_lang(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *lang) { g_free(pusher->lang); pusher->lang = g_strdup(lang); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_lang: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the preferred language for receiving notifications. * * Returns: the preferred language. The returned value is owned by * @pusher and should not be modified nor freed */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_lang(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->lang; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_profile_tag: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @profile_tag: a string that determines what set of device rules * will be matched when evaluating push rules for this * pusher. It is an arbitrary string. Multiple devices * may use the same profile_tag. It is * advised that when an app's data is copied or restored * to a different device, this value remain the * same. Client apps should offer ways to change the * profile_tag, optionally copying rules from the old * profile tag. Maximum length is 32 bytes. If * @profile_tag is longer than this, it will be * truncated * * Set the profile tag of this pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_profile_tag(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *profile_tag) { g_free(pusher->profile_tag); pusher->profile_tag = g_strndup(profile_tag, 32); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_profile_tag: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the profile tag of this pusher. * * Returns: the profile tag. The returned value is owned by @pusher * and should not be freed nor modified */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_profile_tag(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->profile_tag; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_pushkey: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @pushkey: a unique identifier for this pusher. The value you should * use for this is the routing or destination address * information for the notification, for example, the APNS * token for APNS or the Registration ID for GCM. If your * notification client has no such concept, use any unique * identifier. Maximum length is 512 bytes. If @pushkey is * longer than this, it will be truncated * * Set the pushkey for this pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_pushkey(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const gchar *pushkey) { g_free(pusher->pushkey); pusher->pushkey = g_strndup(pushkey, 512); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_pushkey: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the pushkey for this pusher. * * Returns: the pushkey. The returned value is owned by @pusher and * should not be freed nor modified */ const gchar * matrix_api_pusher_get_pushkey(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->pushkey; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_set_data: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @data: (transfer none): a dictionary of information for the pusher * implementation itself. For example, if kind is "http", this * should contain an "url" member, which is the URL to use to * send notifications to. This function creates a deep copy of * @data, so it can be freed after this call. * * Set some extra data for the pusher. */ void matrix_api_pusher_set_data(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, const JsonNode *data) { if (pusher->data) { json_node_free(pusher->data); } pusher->data = json_node_copy((JsonNode *)data); } /** * matrix_api_pusher_take_data: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @data: (transfer full): extra data for the pusher. See * matrix_api_pusher_set_data() for details. * * Set some extra data for the pusher. It differs from * matrix_api_pusher_set_data() that this call assumes ownership over * @data, so it should not be freed by the caller. */ void matrix_api_pusher_take_data(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, JsonNode *data) { if (pusher->data) { json_node_free(pusher->data); } pusher->data = data; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_data: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * * Get the extra data of this pusher. * * Returns: (transfer none): the extra data. The returned value is * owned by @pusher and should not be freed nor modified */ const JsonNode * matrix_api_pusher_get_data(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher) { return pusher->data; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_json_node: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @err: a #GError * * Get the JSON representation of the pusher data as a #JsonNode * object. As in the pusher object all fields are mandatory, if any of * them is %NULL, this function returns %NULL, and fills @err with * %MATRIX_API_ERROR_INCOMPLETE. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the pusher * data. */ JsonNode * matrix_api_pusher_get_json_node(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, GError **err) { JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *node; if (!pusher->device_display_name || !pusher->app_display_name || !pusher->app_id || !pusher->data || !pusher->kind || !pusher->lang || !pusher->profile_tag || !pusher->pushkey) { g_set_error(err, MATRIX_API_ERROR, MATRIX_API_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "Pusher data incomplete"); return NULL; } builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "device_display_name"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->device_display_name); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "app_display_name"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->app_display_name); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "app_id"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->app_id); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "append"); json_builder_add_boolean_value(builder, pusher->append); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "kind"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->kind); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "lang"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->lang); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "profile_tag"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->profile_tag); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "pushkey"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, pusher->pushkey); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "data"); json_builder_add_value(builder, pusher->data); json_builder_end_object(builder); node = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return node; } /** * matrix_api_pusher_get_json_data: * @pusher: a #MatrixAPIPusher * @datalen: (out): storage for the the length of the JSON data or * %NULL * @err: a #GError * * Get the JSON representation of the pusher data as a string. As in * the pusher object all fields are mandatory, if any of them is * %NULL, this function returns %NULL, and fills @err with * %MATRIX_API_ERROR_INCOMPLETE. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the pusher * data. */ gchar *matrix_api_pusher_get_json_data(MatrixAPIPusher *pusher, gsize *datalen, GError **err) { JsonGenerator *generator; JsonNode *node; gchar *data; if ((node = matrix_api_pusher_get_json_node(pusher, err)) == NULL) { return NULL; } generator = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(generator, node); json_node_free(node); data = json_generator_to_data(generator, datalen); g_object_unref(generator); return data; } /** * MatrixAPIStateEvent: * * An opaque structure to hold a state event filter. */ struct _MatrixAPIStateEvent { gchar *type; gchar *state_key; JsonNode *content; guint refcount; }; G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE(MatrixAPIStateEvent, matrix_api_state_event, (GBoxedCopyFunc)matrix_api_state_event_ref, (GBoxedFreeFunc)matrix_api_state_event_unref); /** * matrix_api_state_event_new: * * Create a new #MatrixAPIStateEvent object with reference count of 1. * * Returns: (transfer full): a new #MatrixAPIStateEvent */ MatrixAPIStateEvent * matrix_api_state_event_new(void) { MatrixAPIStateEvent *event; event = g_new0(MatrixAPIStateEvent, 1); event->refcount = 1; return event; } static void matrix_api_state_event_free(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { g_free(event->type); g_free(event->state_key); if (event->content) { json_node_free(event->content); } g_free(event); } /** * matrix_api_state_event_ref: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * * Increase reference count of @event by one. * * Returns: (transfer none): the same #MatrixAPIStateEvent */ MatrixAPIStateEvent * matrix_api_state_event_ref(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { event->refcount++; return event; } /** * matrix_api_state_event_unref: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * * Decrease reference count of @event by one. If reference count * reaches zero, @event is freed. */ void matrix_api_state_event_unref(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { if (--event->refcount == 0) { matrix_api_state_event_free(event); } } /** * matrix_api_state_event_set_event_type: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * @event_type: the type of the state event * * Set the type of the state event in @event. */ void matrix_api_state_event_set_event_type(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event, const gchar *event_type) { g_free(event->type); event->type = g_strdup(event_type); } /** * matrix_api_state_event_get_event_type: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * * Get the type of the state event in @event. * * Returns: (transfer none): the event type. The returned value is * owned by @event and should not be freed nor modified. */ const gchar * matrix_api_state_event_get_event_type(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { return event->type; } /** * matrix_api_state_event_set_state_key: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * @state_key: the key of the state event * * Set the state key for the state event @event. */ void matrix_api_state_event_set_state_key(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event, const gchar *state_key) { g_free(event->state_key); event->state_key = g_strdup(state_key); } /** * matrix_api_state_event_get_state_key: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * * Get the state key of @event. * * Returns: (transfer none): the state key. The returned value is * owned by @event and should not be freed nor modified */ const gchar * matrix_api_state_event_get_state_key(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { return event->state_key; } /** * matrix_api_state_event_set_content: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * @content: the desired content of the state event * * Set the content of the state event. */ void matrix_api_state_event_set_content(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event, const JsonNode *content) { if (event->content) { json_node_free(event->content); } event->content = json_node_copy((JsonNode *)content); } /** * matrix_api_state_event_get_content: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * * Get the contents of the state event. * * Returns: (transfer none): the contents of the state event. The * returned value is owned by @event and should not be freed * nor modified */ const JsonNode * matrix_api_state_event_get_content(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { return event->content; } /** * matrix_api_state_event_get_json_node: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * * Get the JSON representation of the state event as a #JsonNode * object. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the state * event */ JsonNode * matrix_api_state_event_get_json_node(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event) { JsonBuilder *builder; JsonNode *node; builder = json_builder_new(); json_builder_begin_object(builder); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "state_key"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, event->state_key); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "type"); json_builder_add_string_value(builder, event->type); json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "content"); json_builder_add_value(builder, event->content); json_builder_end_object(builder); node = json_builder_get_root(builder); g_object_unref(builder); return node; } /** * matrix_api_state_event_get_json_data: * @event: a #MatrixAPIStateEvent * @datalen: (out): storage for the the length of the JSON data or * %NULL * * Get the JSON representation of the state event as a string. * * Returns: (transfer full): the JSON representation of the state * event */ gchar * matrix_api_state_event_get_json_data(MatrixAPIStateEvent *event, gsize *datalen) { JsonGenerator *generator; JsonNode *node = matrix_api_state_event_get_json_node(event); gchar *data; generator = json_generator_new(); json_generator_set_root(generator, node); json_node_free(node); data = json_generator_to_data(generator, datalen); g_object_unref(generator); return data; }