Gergely POLONKAI fab08cad6f Refactored code to comply with PSR-*
Signed-off-by: Gergely POLONKAI <>
2012-08-16 15:52:41 +02:00

59 lines
2.7 KiB

{# vim: ft=htmljinja
<div id="events-button">
<span id="event-shower" class="gomb">[események gomb]</span>
<div id="event-box">
<div id="event-inside">
<p class="month">{{ firstDay|date('Y-m') }}</p>
<td class="woy">{{ firstDay|date('W') }}</td>
{% set curDow = 0 %}
{% if firstDayWeekday != 1 %}
{% for i in 1..(firstDayWeekday - 1) %}
{% set curDow = curDow + 1 %}{% if curDow == 8 %}{% set curDow = 1 %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set cur = firstDayWeekday - 1 %}
{% for i in 1..numDays %}
{% set cur = cur + 1 %}
{% set curDow = curDow + 1 %}{% if curDow == 8 %}{% set curDow = 1 %}{% endif %}
{% set eventCount = 0 %}
<td id="event-calendar-{{ i }}"{% if eventList[i].events|length > 0 %} class="program" rel="{{ path('KekRozsakFrontBundle_eventAjaxList', {date: eventList[i].date|date('Y-m-d'), _format: 'html'}) }}"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ path('KekRozsakFrontBundle_eventList', { date: eventList[i].date|date('Y-m-d')}) }}">{{ eventList[i].date|date('d') }}</a>
{% if cur is divisibleby(7) %}
{% if cur != numDays %}
<td class="woy">{{ eventList[i + 1].date|date('W') }}</td>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if curDow != 7 %}
{% for i in (curDow + 1)..7 %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ path('KekRozsakFrontBundle_eventList') }}">További események</a>