
122 lines
5.0 KiB

{% extends app.request.isXmlHttpRequest ? 'WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:ajax_layout.html.twig' : 'WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:layout.html.twig' %}
{% block toolbar %}
{% set icon %}
<img width="20" height="28" alt="Database" src=""/>
<span class="sf-toolbar-status">{{ collector.querycount }}</span>
<span class="sf-toolbar-info-piece-additional-detail">in {{ '%0.2f'|format(collector.time * 1000) }} ms</span>
{% endset %}
{% set text %}
<div class="sf-toolbar-info-piece">
<b>DB Queries</b>
<span>{{ collector.querycount }}</span>
<div class="sf-toolbar-info-piece">
<b>Query time</b>
<span>{{ '%0.2f'|format(collector.time * 1000) }} ms</span>
{% endset %}
{% include 'WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:toolbar_item.html.twig' with { 'link': profiler_url } %}
{% endblock %}
{% block menu %}
<span class="label">
<span class="icon"><img src="{{ asset('bundles/webprofiler/images/profiler/db.png') }}" alt="" /></span>
<span class="count">
<span>{{ collector.querycount }}</span>
<span>{{ '%0.0f'|format(collector.time * 1000) }} ms</span>
{% endblock %}
{% block panel %}
{% if 'explain' == page %}
{% render 'DoctrineBundle:Profiler:explain' with {
'token': token,
'panel': 'db',
'connectionName': app.request.query.get('connection'),
'query': app.request.query.get('query')
} %}
{% else %}
{{ block('queries') }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block queries %}
{% for connection, queries in collector.queries %}
<h3>Connection <em>{{ connection }}</em></h3>
{% if queries is empty %}
<em>No queries.</em>
{% else %}
<ul class="alt">
{% for i, query in queries %}
<li class="{{ cycle(['odd', 'even'], i) }}">
{% if query.explainable %}
<a href="{{ path('_profiler', {'panel': 'db', 'token': token, 'page': 'explain', 'connection': connection, 'query': i}) }}" onclick="return explain(this);" style="text-decoration: none;" title="Explains" data-target-id="explain-{{ i }}-{{ loop.parent.loop.index }}" >
<img alt="+" src="{{ asset('bundles/framework/images/blue_picto_more.gif') }}" style="display: inline;" />
<img alt="-" src="{{ asset('bundles/framework/images/blue_picto_less.gif') }}" style="display: none;" />
{% endif %}
<code>{{ query.sql }}</code>
<strong>Parameters</strong>: {{ query.params|yaml_encode }}<br />
<strong>Time</strong>: {{ '%0.2f'|format(query.executionMS * 1000) }} ms
{% if query.explainable %}
<div id="explain-{{ i }}-{{ loop.parent.loop.index }}" class="loading"></div>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<h2>Database Connections</h2>
{% if collector.connections %}
{% include 'WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:table.html.twig' with {data: collector.connections} only %}
{% else %}
<em>No connections.</em>
{% endif %}
<h2>Entity Managers</h2>
{% if collector.managers %}
{% include 'WebProfilerBundle:Profiler:table.html.twig' with {data: collector.managers} only %}
{% else %}
<em>No entity managers.</em>
{% endif %}
<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
function explain(link) {
"use strict";
var imgs = link.children,
target = link.getAttribute('data-target-id');
Sfjs.toggle(target, imgs[0], imgs[1])
function(xhr, el) {
el.innerHTML = 'An error occurred while loading the details';
Sfjs.removeClass(el, 'loading');
return false;
{% endblock %}