* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Bundle\MonologBundle\DependencyInjection; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface; use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Exception\InvalidConfigurationException; /** * This class contains the configuration information for the bundle * * This information is solely responsible for how the different configuration * sections are normalized, and merged. * * @author Jordi Boggiano * @author Christophe Coevoet */ class Configuration implements ConfigurationInterface { /** * Generates the configuration tree builder. * * @return \Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder The tree builder */ public function getConfigTreeBuilder() { $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder(); $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('monolog'); $rootNode ->fixXmlConfig('handler') ->children() ->arrayNode('handlers') ->canBeUnset() ->useAttributeAsKey('name') ->prototype('array') ->fixXmlConfig('member') ->canBeUnset() ->children() ->scalarNode('type') ->isRequired() ->treatNullLike('null') ->beforeNormalization() ->always() ->then(function($v) { return strtolower($v); }) ->end() ->end() ->scalarNode('id')->end() ->scalarNode('priority')->defaultValue(0)->end() ->scalarNode('level')->defaultValue('DEBUG')->end() ->booleanNode('bubble')->defaultTrue()->end() ->scalarNode('path')->defaultValue('%kernel.logs_dir%/%kernel.environment%.log')->end() // stream and rotating ->scalarNode('ident')->defaultFalse()->end() // syslog ->scalarNode('facility')->defaultValue('user')->end() // syslog ->scalarNode('max_files')->defaultValue(0)->end() // rotating ->scalarNode('action_level')->defaultValue('WARNING')->end() // fingers_crossed ->scalarNode('activation_strategy')->defaultNull()->end() // fingers_crossed ->booleanNode('stop_buffering')->defaultTrue()->end()// fingers_crossed ->scalarNode('buffer_size')->defaultValue(0)->end() // fingers_crossed and buffer ->scalarNode('handler')->end() // fingers_crossed and buffer ->arrayNode('publisher') ->canBeUnset() ->beforeNormalization() ->ifString() ->then(function($v) { return array('id'=> $v); }) ->end() ->children() ->scalarNode('id')->end() ->scalarNode('hostname')->end() ->scalarNode('port')->defaultValue(12201)->end() ->scalarNode('chunk_size')->defaultValue(1420)->end() ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return !isset($v['id']) && !isset($v['hostname']); }) ->thenInvalid('What must be set is either the hostname or the id.') ->end() ->end() // gelf ->arrayNode('members') // group ->canBeUnset() ->performNoDeepMerging() ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->scalarNode('from_email')->end() // swift_mailer and native_mailer ->scalarNode('to_email')->end() // swift_mailer and native_mailer ->scalarNode('subject')->end() // swift_mailer and native_mailer ->arrayNode('email_prototype') // swift_mailer ->canBeUnset() ->beforeNormalization() ->ifString() ->then(function($v) { return array('id' => $v); }) ->end() ->children() ->scalarNode('id')->isRequired()->end() ->scalarNode('factory-method')->defaultNull()->end() ->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('channels') ->fixXmlConfig('channel', 'elements') ->canBeUnset() ->beforeNormalization() ->ifString() ->then(function($v) { return array('elements' => array($v)); }) ->end() ->beforeNormalization() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return is_array($v) && is_numeric(key($v)); }) ->then(function($v) { return array('elements' => $v); }) ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return empty($v); }) ->thenUnset() ->end() ->validate() ->always(function ($v) { $isExclusive = null; if (isset($v['type'])) { $isExclusive = 'exclusive' === $v['type']; } $elements = array(); foreach ($v['elements'] as $element) { if (0 === strpos($element, '!')) { if (false === $isExclusive) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException('Cannot combine exclusive/inclusive definitions in channels list.'); } $elements[] = substr($element, 1); $isExclusive = true; } else { if (true === $isExclusive) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException('Cannot combine exclusive/inclusive definitions in channels list'); } $elements[] = $element; $isExclusive = false; } } return array('type' => $isExclusive ? 'exclusive' : 'inclusive', 'elements' => $elements); }) ->end() ->children() ->scalarNode('type') ->validate() ->ifNotInArray(array('inclusive', 'exclusive')) ->thenInvalid('The type of channels has to be inclusive or exclusive') ->end() ->end() ->arrayNode('elements') ->prototype('scalar')->end() ->end() ->end() ->end() ->scalarNode('formatter')->end() ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return ('fingers_crossed' === $v['type'] || 'buffer' === $v['type']) && 1 !== count($v['handler']); }) ->thenInvalid('The handler has to be specified to use a FingersCrossedHandler or BufferHandler') ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return 'swift_mailer' === $v['type'] && empty($v['email_prototype']) && (empty($v['from_email']) || empty($v['to_email']) || empty($v['subject'])); }) ->thenInvalid('The sender, recipient and subject or an email prototype have to be specified to use a SwiftMailerHandler') ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return 'native_mailer' === $v['type'] && (empty($v['from_email']) || empty($v['to_email']) || empty($v['subject'])); }) ->thenInvalid('The sender, recipient and subject have to be specified to use a NativeMailerHandler') ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return 'service' === $v['type'] && !isset($v['id']); }) ->thenInvalid('The id has to be specified to use a service as handler') ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return 'gelf' === $v['type'] && !isset($v['publisher']); }) ->thenInvalid('The publisher has to be specified to use a GelfHandler') ->end() ->end() ->validate() ->ifTrue(function($v) { return isset($v['debug']); }) ->thenInvalid('The "debug" name cannot be used as it is reserved for the handler of the profiler') ->end() ->example(array( 'syslog' => array( 'type' => 'stream', 'path' => '/var/log/symfony.log', 'level' => 'ERROR', 'bubble' => 'false', 'formatter' => 'my_formatter', 'processors' => array('some_callable') ), 'main' => array( 'type' => 'fingers_crossed', 'action_level' => 'WARNING', 'buffer_size' => 30, 'handler' => 'custom', ), 'custom' => array( 'type' => 'service', 'id' => 'my_handler' ) )) ->end() ->end() ; return $treeBuilder; } }