# -*- coding: utf-8 import argparse import sys import os import shutil from midiutil.MidiFile import MIDIFile from StringIO import StringIO from time import sleep from git import Repo from git.objects.blob import Blob from git.exc import InvalidGitRepositoryError scales = { 'c-major': [60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71], 'a-harmonic-minor': [68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77], 'chromatic': [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69], } notes = scales['a-harmonic-minor'] notecount = len(notes) programs = { 'sitar-tablah': { 'commit': { 'program': 104, 'octave': -2, }, 'file': { 'program': 115, 'octave': -1, }, }, 'bells': { 'commit': { 'program': 14, 'octave': 0, }, 'file': { 'program': 9, 'octave': 0, }, }, } program = programs['sitar-tablah'] def gen_volume(deletions, insertions, deviation=10): return max( deviation, min(255 - deviation, 127 - deletions + insertions)) def sha_to_note(sha): note_num = reduce(lambda res, digit: res + int(digit, 16), list(str(sha)), 0) % notecount return notes[note_num] def get_file_sha(commit, file_name): elements = file_name.split(os.sep) t = commit.tree while True: try: t = t[elements.pop(0)] except KeyError: # The file has been deleted, return the hash of an empty file return 'e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391' if isinstance(t, Blob): break return t.hexsha class GitMIDI(MIDIFile): def __setup_midi(self, track_title=None): if self.__verbose: print("Preparing MIDI track…") if track_title is None: # TODO: Change this to something that connects to the repo self.addTrackName(0, 0, "Sample Track") # TODO: Make this configurable self.addTempo(0, 0, 120) def __setup_repo(self): if self.__verbose: print("Analyzing repository…") repo = Repo(self.__repo_dir) self.branch_head = repo.heads[self.__branch].commit def __init__(self, repository='.', branch='master', verbose=False): MIDIFile.__init__(self, 1) self.__verbose = verbose self.__written = False self.__repo_dir = repository self.__repo = None self.__branch = branch self.branch_head = None self.__repo_data = None self.git_log = [] self.mem_file = StringIO() self.__setup_midi() self.__setup_repo() def gen_beat(self, commit): stat = commit.stats note = sha_to_note(commit.hexsha) file_notes = [] for file_name, file_stat in stat.files.items(): file_notes.append({ 'note': sha_to_note(get_file_sha(commit, file_name)) + program['file']['octave'] * 12, 'volume': gen_volume(file_stat['deletions'], file_stat['insertions'], deviation=10), }) return { 'commit_note': sha_to_note(commit.hexsha) + program['commit']['octave'] * 12, 'commit_volume': gen_volume(stat.total['deletions'], stat.total['insertions'], deviation=20), 'file_notes': file_notes, } def gen_repo_data(self, force=False): """ Populate __repo_data with the Git history data. If force is False and the repo_data is already calculated, we do not do anything. """ if self.__repo_data and not force: return if self.__verbose: print("Reading repository log…") self.__repo_data = [] counter = 0 to_process = [self.branch_head] while len(to_process) > 0: counter += 1 # TODO: Make this 500 configurable if counter % 500 == 0 and self.__verbose: print("Done with {} commits".format(counter)) commit = to_process.pop() if not commit in self.__repo_data: self.__repo_data.append(commit) to_process += commit.parents if self.__verbose: print("{} commits found".format(counter)) print("Sorting commits…") self.__repo_data.sort(key=lambda commit: commit.authored_date) if self.__verbose: print("Generating MIDI data…") self.git_log = map(lambda commit: self.gen_beat(commit), self.__repo_data) @property def repo_data(self): if self.__repo_data is None: self.gen_repo_data(force=True) return self.__repo_data def write_mem(self): self.writeFile(self.mem_file) self.__written = True def export_file(self, filename): if not self.__written: self.write_mem() with open(filename, 'w') as f: self.mem_file.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(self.mem_file, f) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Voice of a Repo') parser.add_argument('repository', type=str) parser.add_argument('--branch', type=str, default='master', help="The branch to generate sound for [master]") parser.add_argument('--file', type=str, default=None, help="Save the generated MIDI sequence to this file") parser.add_argument('--play', action='store_true', default=False, help="Play the generated file (requires pygame with " + "MIDI support)") parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help="Print messages during execution") args = parser.parse_args() try: repo_midi = GitMIDI(repository=args.repository, branch=args.branch, verbose=args.verbose) except InvalidGitRepositoryError: print("{} is not a valid Git repository".format( os.path.abspath(args.repository))) sys.exit(1) except IndexError: print("Branch '{}' does not exist in this repo".format(args.branch)) sys.exit(1) repo_midi.gen_repo_data() log = repo_midi.git_log if args.verbose: print("Creating MIDI…") track = 0 time = 0 log_channel = 0 decor_channel = 1 # Duration of one note duration = 0.3 repo_midi.addProgramChange(track, log_channel, 0, program['commit']['program']) repo_midi.addProgramChange(track, decor_channel, 0, program['file']['program']) # WRITE THE SEQUENCE for section in log: section_len = len(section['file_notes']) * duration # Add a long note repo_midi.addNote(track, log_channel, section['commit_note'], time, section_len, section['commit_volume']) for i, file_note in enumerate(section['file_notes']): repo_midi.addNote(track, decor_channel, file_note['note'], time + i * duration, duration, file_note['volume']) time += section_len repo_midi.write_mem() if args.file: if args.verbose: print("Saving file to {}".format(args.file)) repo_midi.export_file(args.file) if args.play: if args.verbose: print("Playing!") # Import pygame stuff here import pygame import pygame.mixer # PLAYBACK pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() repo_midi.mem_file.seek(0) pygame.mixer.music.load(repo_midi.mem_file) pygame.mixer.music.play() while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy(): sleep(1)