--- layout: post title: "Registering an enum type in GLib, glib-mkenums magic" date: 2014-08-16 15:10:54+00:00 tags: [development, c, glib] permalink: /blog/2014/8/16/registering-an-enum-type-in-glib-glib-mkenums-magic published: true author: name: Gergely Polonkai email: gergely@polonkai.eu --- In [this post](/blog/2013/1/6/registering-an-enum-type-in-glib-s-type-system) I said I will get through the GLib Makefiles to add an enum type to GLib in a more sophisticated way. In my other project, [SWE-GLib](https://github.com/gergelypolonkai/swe-glib) I already used this method. The following two rules in `Makefile.am` create `gswe-enumtypes.h` and `gswe-enumtypes.c`. {% gist gergelypolonkai/1e2fdedb136de3ca67f0 Makefile %} `$(GLIB_MKENUMS)` is set in `configure` with `AC_PATH_PROG([GLIB_MKENUMS], [glib-mkenums])`. This approach requires the GNU Autotools (you can get rid of it by changing `$(GLIB_MKENUMS)` to the path to `glib-mkenums` binary), and two template files, one for the header and one for the code. `$(gswe_enum_headers)` contains a list of all the header files that have enum types defined throughout the project. {% gist gergelypolonkai/1e2fdedb136de3ca67f0 gswe-enumtypes.h %} {% gist gergelypolonkai/1e2fdedb136de3ca67f0 gswe-enumtypes.c %}