layout:    post
title:     "Good bye, Digital Ocean! Hello again, GitHub!"
date:      2015-04-25 21:18:56
permalink: /blog/2015/4/25/good-bye-digital-ocean-hello-again-github
published: true
    name: Gergely Polonkai
    email: gergely@polonkai.eu

Few years ago I have signed up for a
[Digital Ocean](https://www.digitalocean.com/) account. I used one
single droplet for my private needs, like hosting my private Git
repositories and my blog. However, as I didn’t host anything else there
except my blog, I decided to shut it down. From now on, my blog is
on [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/), as it provides just
everything I need (except automatically converting my resume to
PDF. But I can live without that.)

I’m really sorry, Digital Ocean Guys, your hosting is awesome and I’ll
keep recommending you to others, but paying for a droplet for one
single blog is overkill.