--- layout: post title: "Emacs: Implement a GObject’s virtual function" date: 2016-01-13T13:31:12Z tags: [c, development, emacs] published: true author: name: "Gergely Polonkai" email: "gergely@polonkai.eu" --- I have recently started creating a GLib implementation of the Matrix.org API. For that, I have created a GObject interface, MatrixAPI, which has as many virtual functions as API calls (which is a lot, and expanding). This way I ended up with the following scenario. In `matrix-api.h` I had a struct like this, with a lot more elements: typedef struct { void (*initial_sync)(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, GError **error); void (*sync)(MatrixAPI *api, MatrixAPICallback callback, gpointer user_data, GError **error); … And in `matrix-http-api.c`, which implements `MatrixAPI`, I have a function like this (again, with a lot more elements): static void matrix_http_api_matrix_api_init(GObjectInterface *iface) { iface->initial_sync = i_initial_sync; iface->sync = i_sync; … } And every time I wanted to implement a new function from the vtable, I had to copy the prototype, and add an `iface->foo_bar = i_foo_bar` line and an actual function header for `i_foo_bar` with the same parameters. That’s a cumbersome job for more than 40 function headers. But emacs comes to the rescue! {% gist gergelypolonkai/bfd36be8b515edced3d2 implement-gobject-vfunc.el %} Now all I have to do is to copy the whole vtable entry into `matrix_http_api_matrix_api_init()`, execute `M-x implement-gobject-vfunc`, then put the same vtable entry somewhere before the interface init function, and execute `M-x implement-gobject-vfunc-prototype`.