--- layout: post title: "Renaming a Symfony 2 bundle" date: 2013-04-09T22:29:48Z tags: [development, symfony] permalink: /blog/2013/4/9/renaming-a-symfony-2-bundle published: true author: name: Gergely Polonkai email: gergely@polonkai.eu --- Today I’ve realised that the name I gave to one of my Symfony 2 bundles should be something else. To rename a bundle, one must do four things (at least). 1. Change the namespace from `Vendor\OldBundle` to `Vendor\NewBundle` in every PHP class (sounds like pain? It is…) 1. Change the name of files and classes. Some files under `src/Vendor/OldBundle` (and the classes in them) contain the name of the bundle, like `OldBundle/DependencyInjection/VendorOldBundleExtension.php` and `OldBundle/VendorOldBundle.php`. You should rename them, or Symfony won’t find the classes defined in them! When done, rename the whole bundle directory either. 1. Change the configuration files accordingly, including `AppKernel.php`. These config files are usually `routing.yml`, `services.yml`, and in some cases, `config.yml` 1. Change the references in other parts of your code. A `grep OldBundle .` will usually help…