--- layout: post title: "Add SysAdmin day to Emacs Calendar" date: 2017-10-02 09:37:52 tags: [emacs] published: true author: name: Gergely Polonkai email: gergely@polonkai.eu --- I’m a SysAdmin since 1998. Maybe a bit earlier, if you count managing our home computer. This means [SysAdmin Day](http://sysadminday.com/) is also celebrating me. However, my Emacs Calendar doesn’t show it for some reason. The solution is pretty easy: ``` lisp (add-to-list 'holiday-other-holidays '(holiday-float 7 5 -1 "SysAdmin Day") t) ``` Now invoke `holidays-list` for any year, choosing “Other” as the category, and there you go: ``` … Friday, July 28, 2017: SysAdmin Day … ```