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Do-Not-Track in IE10 vs. Apache
:date: 2012-09-10 20:22:32Z
:category: blog
:tags: apache,technology
:url: blog/2012/9/10/do-not-track-in-ie10-vs-apache.html
:save_as: blog/2012/9/10/do-not-track-in-ie10-vs-apache.html
:status: published
:author: Gergely Polonkai
`Apache developer decided not to accept Do-Not-Track headers from IE10 users
because its enabled by default. So… if I install a plugin that hides the fact from the web
server that Im using IE10, I become eligible of using it. But if I do this, I simply became
eligible because I consciously installed that addon, so I could actually use it without hiding the
fact. Sorry if Im a bit Philosoraptorish…