namespace GAuthenticator { [GtkTemplate (ui = "/eu/polonkai/gergely/gauthenticator/otp-row.ui")] class OTPRow : Gtk.Grid { [GtkChild] private Gtk.Label code; [GtkChild] private Gtk.Label provider_name; [GtkChild] private Gtk.Label account_name; public string secret {get; set;} public string provider {get; set;} public string account {get; set;} private OTP.TOTP generator; public OTPRow(string secret, string provider, string account) { Object(secret: secret, provider: provider, account: account); generator = new OTP.TOTP(secret, 6, GLib.ChecksumType.SHA1, 30); provider_name.set_text(provider); account_name.set_text(account); } public void update(bool first = false) { uint64 val; // FIXME: The first run is OK, but the rest is behind one cycle if (first) { val =; } else { var dt = new GLib.DateTime.now_utc(); val =, 1); } code.set_text("%06lu".printf((ulong)val)); } } }