from flask import current_app, Blueprint, render_template, request, jsonify class FlaskSQLAlchemyWebquery(object): def __init__(self, app=None): self.models = {} self.blueprint = None self.db = None if app: self.init_app(app) def list_models(self): return render_template('flask_sqlalchemy_webquery/list-models.html') def get_joins(self, from_model, to_model): if from_model == to_model: return [] from math import inf Q = set() dist = {} prev = {} for model, model_data in self.models.items(): # v: model dist[model] = inf prev[model] = None Q.add(model) dist[from_model] = 0 while Q: dests = sorted(Q, key=lambda x: dist[x]) u = dests[0] if u == to_model: break Q.remove(u) for v in self.models[u]['related_tables'].keys(): if v not in Q: continue alt = dist[u] + 1 if alt < dist[v]: dist[v] = alt prev[v] = u S = [] u = to_model while u in prev: S.append(u) u = prev[u] S.reverse() return S def update_view(self): if 'model' not in request.json or \ 'columns' not in request.json: return jsonify((400, {'error': 'Missing input'})) (model_class,) = [cls for cls, data in self.models.items() if data['table'].name == request.json['model']] available_models = {} to_add = [model_class] while to_add: model = to_add.pop() if model in available_models: continue available_models[model] = self.models[model] to_add += self.models[model]['related_tables'].keys() columns = {} # Collect all columns reachable from the selected model for cls, model_data in available_models.items(): table_name = model_data['table'].name columns[table_name] = [] for column_name, column in model_data['columns'].items(): columns[table_name].append(column_name) joins = [] # Fetch the results if request.json['columns']: requested_columns = request.json['columns'] query = self.db.session.query(model_class) for data in requested_columns: model_name, column_name = data['model'], data['column'] target_model = self.get_model_by_table_name(model_name) for cls in self.get_joins(model_class, target_model): if cls not in joins and cls != model_class: query = query.join(cls) joins.append(cls) result_count = query.count() results = [] # TODO: Make this configurable for row in query.limit(10): res_row = {} for data in requested_columns: model_name, column_name = data['model'], data['column'] target_model = self.get_model_by_table_name(model_name) res_key = ':'.join((model_name, column_name)) print(row) if target_model == model_class: current_value = getattr(row, column_name) else: current = model_class current_value = row for cls in self.get_joins(model_class, target_model): if cls == model_class: continue next_column_name = self.models[current]['related_tables'][cls] current_value = getattr(current_value, next_column_name) current = cls if cls == target_model: current_value = getattr(current_value, column_name) res_row[res_key] = current_value results.append(res_row) else: results = None result_count = 0 return jsonify({ 'results': results, 'columns': columns, 'count': result_count }) def get_model_by_table_name(self, table_name): for model, model_data in self.models.items(): if model_data['table'].name == table_name: return model def init_app(self, app): self.db = app.extensions['sqlalchemy'].db self.models = {} for cls in self.db.Model._decl_class_registry.values(): if isinstance(cls, type) and issubclass(cls, self.db.Model): self.models[cls] = { 'table': cls.__table__, 'related_tables': {}, 'columns': cls.__mapper__.columns } for model in self.models: from sqlalchemy.orm.base import MANYTOONE from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute from sqlalchemy.orm.relationships import RelationshipProperty relationships = {} for attr_name in model.__dict__: attr = getattr(model, attr_name) if isinstance(attr, InstrumentedAttribute): if isinstance(, RelationshipProperty): relationships[] = attr_name for r in model.__mapper__.relationships: # Only support many to one relationships (e.g. foreign keys) if r.direction != MANYTOONE: continue for local, remote in r.local_remote_pairs: (remote_model,) = [remote_model for remote_model, model_data in self.models.items() if model_data['table'] == remote.table] self.models[model]['related_tables'][remote_model] = relationships[r] self.blueprint = Blueprint('flask_sqlalchemy_webquery', __name__, template_folder='templates', static_folder='static', static_url_path=app.static_url_path + 'flask_sqlalchemy_webquery') self.blueprint.add_url_rule('/list-models', 'list_models', self.list_models) self.blueprint.add_url_rule('/get-columns', 'update_view', self.update_view, methods=['POST']) @self.blueprint.context_processor def inject_variables(): return { 'models': self.models } app.register_blueprint(self.blueprint)