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2016-04-29 22:27:31 +02:00
# #
# w5ts - W00d52kr1pt topic system, v1.0 #
# #
# Author: W00d5t0ck@IRCnet (also W00d5t0ck@SulIRC) #
# #
# Purpose: Randomly changes the channels' topics, and locks #
# them, if said to. #
# #
# History: #
# 2003/08/24 First public release (1.0) #
# #
# Future plans: Nothing. Make suggestions, or rewrite it, if you #
# don't like something... #
# #
# E-mail (suggestion, etc): #
# #
# Licensed under GPL v2 #
# #
#### General settings ####
# Enable public commands? May be insecure [0/1]
set w5tsenablepub 0
# Enable msg commands? May be insecure [0/1]
set w5tsenablemsg 0
# Enable dcc commands? It's safe to enable it, and it is highly recommended
# [1/0]
set w5tsenabledcc 1
# What character do the public commands start? [!]
set w5tscmdchar "!"
# Command to lock a channel's topic
set w5tslockcmd "locktopic"
# Command to set the channel randtopic
set w5tsrandcmd "randtopic"
# Command to set a locked channel's topic
set w5tstopccmd "topikvalt"
# Command to retrieve settings for a channel
set w5tsretrcmd "topik"
# How often change topic on +w5tsrand channels? ("r" for random, or a number
# to set the interval in minutes
set w5tstpcinterval "r"
# If the interval is random, set the minimum and maximum time here.
set w5tstimemin 5
set w5tstimemax 10
# File that holds the topics. Relative to the eggdrop executable, not the
# script! [topics.txt]
set w5tstopicfile "topics.dat"
# Learn new topics? Consumes a bit more CPU when saving. May fill your quotas
# if you change topic too often. Learns only, when the channel's topic is not
# locked, or via the topic-changing command. [1/0]
set w5tslearntopics 1
# With what global flags can the users change the topic and use the flag-
# dependant commands? [nmo]
set w5tsglobalflags "nmob"
# With what channel flags can the users change the topic and use the flag-
# dependant commands? [mno]
set w5tschanflags "mno"
# Kick users who change topic on a locked channel? [0/1]
set w5tskick 1
# Reason when kicking those users? It will be the reason of the ban, if w5tsban
# is 1 ["Don't change topic on a locked channel!"]
set w5tskickreason "Ezen a csatorn<EFBFBD>n nem lehet topikot v<EFBFBD>ltani!"
# Ban those users? [0/1]
set w5tsban 1
# Ban for how long (in minutes)? If you set this to 0, the ban will never expire
set w5tsbantime 10
# Warn how many times before kick users who changes topic on a locked channel?
# Set to 0 to immediate kick [1]
set w5tswarn 1
# Channel flag for topic lock?
set w5tstlflag "w5tslock"
# Channel flag for random topic?
set w5tsrtflag "w5tsrand"
# Channel setting name for warned users?
set w5tswarnsetting "w5tswarn"
# Channel setting name for the locked topic?
set w5tstopcsetting "w5tstopic"
# Usage information for public topiclock command
set w5tspublockusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: a $w5tscmdchar$w5tslockcmd 1 lez<EFBFBD>rja, a $w5tscmdchar$w5tslockcmd 0 to felnyitja a topikot"
# Usage information for public randtopic command
set w5tspubrandusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: a $w5tscmdchar$w5tsrandcmd 1 enged<EFBFBD>lyezi, a $w5tscmdchar$w5tsrandcmd 0 letiltja a v<EFBFBD>letlen-topikot"
# Usage information for public topic command
set w5tspubtopcusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: $w5tscmdchar$w5tstopccmd <EFBFBD>j topik"
# Usage information for message topiclock command
set w5tsmsglockusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: a $w5tslockcmd jelsz<EFBFBD> csatorna 1 lez<EFBFBD>rja, a $w5tslockcmd jelsz<EFBFBD> csatorna 0 felnyitja a topikot"
# Usage information for message randtopic command
set w5tsmsgrandusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: a $w5tsrandcmd jelsz<EFBFBD> csatorna 1 enged<EFBFBD>lyezi, a $w5tsrandcmd jelsz<EFBFBD> csatorna 0 letiltja a v<EFBFBD>letlenszer<EFBFBD> topikot"
# Usage information for message topic command
set w5tsmsgtopcusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: $w5tstopccmd jelsz<EFBFBD> csatorna <EFBFBD>j topik"
# Usage information for dcc topiclock command
set w5tsdcclockusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: a $w5tslockcmd csatorna 1 lez<EFBFBD>rja, a $w5tslockcmd csatorna 0 felnyitja a topikot"
# Usage information for dcc randtopic command
set w5tsdccrandusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: a $w5tsrandcmd csatorna 1 enged<EFBFBD>lyezi, a $w5tsrandcmd csatorna 0 letiltja a v<EFBFBD>letlenszer<EFBFBD> topikot"
# Usage information for dcc topic command
set w5tsdcctopcusage "Haszn<EFBFBD>lat: $w5tstopccmd csatorna <EFBFBD>j topik"
# Setting information. Use \$lock, and \$rand for locked and random status,
# and \$chan for channel name!!!
set w5tssettinginfo "\$chan be<EFBFBD>ll<EFBFBD>t<EFBFBD>sok: topiktilt<EFBFBD>s(\$lock); v<EFBFBD>letlentopik(\$rand)"
# Message to send when a user sets a new topic on a locked channel:
set w5tstopcmsg "A topik le van z<EFBFBD>rva!"
# String for "on" state
set w5tsonstr "be"
# String for "off" state
set w5tsoffstr "ki"
#### Please don't change anything beyond here, unless you know what ####
#### you are doing! ####
set w5tsver "1.0"
if {$numversion < 1061500} {putlog "This script is tested on eggdrop-1.6.15, a newer bot than this one. Please mail me at if the script works with this version without modifications!"}
if {$w5tsenablepub == 1} {
bind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tslockcmd w5tspublocktopic
bind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tsrandcmd w5tspubrandtopic
bind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tstopccmd w5tspubtopic
} else {
catch {unbind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tslockcmd w5tspublocktopic}
catch {unbind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tsrandcmd w5tspubrandtopic}
catch {unbind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tstopccmd w5tspubtopic}
if {$w5tsenablemsg == 1} {
bind msg - $w5tslockcmd w5tsmsglocktopic
bind msg - $w5tsrandcmd w5tsmsgrandtopic
bind msg - $w5tstopccmd w5tsmsgtopic
} else {
catch {unbind msg - $w5tslockcmd w5tsmsglocktopic}
catch {unbind msg - $w5tsrandcmd w5tsmsgrandtopic}
catch {unbind msg - $w5tstopccmd w5tsmsgtopic}
if {$w5tsenabledcc == 1} {
bind dcc - $w5tslockcmd w5tsdcclocktopic
bind dcc - $w5tsrandcmd w5tsdccrandtopic
bind dcc - $w5tstopccmd w5tsdcctopic
} else {
catch {unbind dcc - $w5tslockcmd w5tsdcclocktopic}
catch {unbind dcc - $w5tsrandcmd w5tsdccrandtopic}
catch {unbind dcc - $w5tstopccmd w5tsdcctopic}
bind topc - * w5tstopcproc
bind pub - $w5tscmdchar$w5tsretrcmd w5tspubretr
bind msg - $w5tsretrcmd w5tsmsgretr
bind dcc - $w5tsretrcmd w5tsdccretr
setudef flag $w5tstlflag
setudef flag $w5tsrtflag
setudef str $w5tswarnsetting
setudef str $w5tstopcsetting
#### Miscellaneous procs ####
proc w5tscheckflags {handle channel} {
global w5tsglobalflags w5tschanflags
set hasflags 0
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $w5tsglobalflags]} {incr i} {
if {[matchattr $handle [string index $w5tsglobalflags $i]]} {set hasflags 1}
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $w5tschanflags]} {incr i} {
if {[matchattr $handle [string index $w5tschanflags $i] $channel]} {set hasflags 1}
return $hasflags
proc w5tssavetopic {channel topic} {
global w5tstopicfile
set topic [string trim $topic]
set channel [string tolower $channel]
set errno [catch {set fd [open $w5tstopicfile r]}]
set topics {}
if {$errno == 0} {
while {![eof $fd]} {
set line [gets $fd]
if {[eof $fd]} {break}
set chan [string tolower [lindex $line 0]]
set topc [string trim [lrange $line 1 end]]
if {($chan == $channel) && ($topic == $topc)} {
close $fd
return 1
set topics [lappend topics $line]
close $fd
set topics [lappend topics "$channel $topic"]
set errno [catch {set fd [open $w5tstopicfile w]}]
if {$errno == 0} {
foreach tmp $topics {puts $fd $tmp}
close $fd
return 1
return 0
proc w5tscanchangetopic {channel} {
if {[botisop $channel]} {return 1}
set modes [getchanmode $channel]
for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $modes]} {incr i} {
if {[string index $modes $i] == "m"} {return 0}
return 1
proc w5tsgetrandtopic {channel} {
global w5tstopicfile
set channel [string tolower $channel]
set errno [catch {set fd [open $w5tstopicfile]}]
set topics {}
if {$errno == 0} {
while {![eof $fd]} {
set line [gets $fd]
if {[eof $fd]} {break}
set chan [string tolower [lindex $line 0]]
set topc [string trim [lrange $line 1 end]]
if {$chan == $channel} {set topics [lappend topics $topc]}
close $fd
} else {return ""}
if {[llength $topics] == 0} {return ""}
return [lindex $topics [rand [llength $topics]]]
proc w5tsrandtopic {} {
global w5tsrtflag w5tstpcinterval w5tstimemin w5tstimemax
foreach chan [channels] {
if {([channel get $chan $w5tsrtflag]) && ([w5tscanchangetopic $chan]) && ([w5tsgetrandtopic $chan] != "")} {
putserv "TOPIC $chan :[w5tsgetrandtopic $chan]"
if {$w5tstpcinterval == "r"} {
if {$w5tstimemax < $w5tstimemin} {
set a $w5tstimemin
set w5tstimemin $w5tstimemax
set w5tstimemax $a
set interval [expr [rand [expr $w5tstimemax - $w5tstimemin]] + $w5tstimemin]
if {![string match "*w5tsrandtopic*" [timers]]} {timer $interval w5tsrandtopic}
} elseif {[string is digit $w5tstpcinterval]} {
if {![string match "*w5tsrandtopic*" [timers]]} {timer $w5tstpcinterval w5tsrandtopic}
#### Binded procs ####
proc w5tspublocktopic {nick uhost handle channel onoff} {
global w5tspublockusage w5tstlflag w5tstopcsetting w5tslockcmd
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $channel])} {
set onoff [string trim $onoff]
if {($onoff != 0) && ($onoff != 1)} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tspublockusage"
return 0
if {$onoff == 1} {set option "+"} else {set option "-"}
channel set $channel $option$w5tstlflag
if {$onoff == 0} {putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$handle! $w5tslockcmd $channel 0"}
if {$onoff == 1} {
channel set $channel $w5tstopcsetting [topic $channel]
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$handle! $w5tslockcmd $channel 1"
return 0
proc w5tspubrandtopic {nick uhost handle channel onoff} {
global w5tspubrandusage w5tsrtflag w5tsrandcmd
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $channel])} {
set onoff [string trim $onoff]
if {($onoff != 0) && ($onoff != 1)} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tspubrandusage"
return 0
if {$onoff == 1} {set option "+"} else {set option "-"}
channel set $channel $option$w5tsrtflag
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$handle! $w5tsrandcmd $channel $onoff"
return 0
proc w5tspubtopic {nick uhost handle channel topic} {
global w5tstlflag w5tstopcsetting w5tstopccmd w5tspubtopcusage
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $channel])} {
if {$topic == ""} {set topic [w5tsgetrandtopic $channel]}
if {$topic == ""} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tspubtopcusage"
return 0
if {[channel get $channel $w5tstlflag] != 0} {channel set $channel $w5tstopcsetting $topic}
if {[w5tscanchangetopic $channel]} {putserv "TOPIC $channel :$topic"}
w5tssavetopic $channel $topic
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$handle! $w5tstopccmd $channel $topic"
return 0
proc w5tsmsglocktopic {nick uhost handle txt} {
global w5tsmsglockusage w5tstlflag w5tstopcsetting w5tslockcmd
set pass [lindex $txt 0]
set chan [lindex $txt 1]
set onoff [lindex $txt 2]
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([passwdok $handle $pass]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $chan]) && ([validchan $chan])} {
if {($onoff != 0) && ($onoff != 1)} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tsmsglockusage"
return 0
if {$onoff == 1} {set option "+"} else {set option "-"}
channel set $chan $option$w5tstlflag
if {$onoff == 0} {putcmdlog "($nick!$uhost) !$handle! $w5tslockcmd $chan 0"}
if {$onoff == 1} {
channel set $chan $w5tstopcsetting [topic $chan]
putcmdlog "($nick!$uhost) !$handle! $w5tslockcmd $chan 1"
return 0
proc w5tsmsgrandtopic {nick uhost handle txt} {
global w5tsmsgrandusage w5tsrtflag w5tsrandcmd
set pass [lindex $txt 0]
set chan [lindex $txt 1]
set onoff [lindex $txt 2]
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([passwdok $handle $pass]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $chan]) && ([validchan $chan])} {
if {($onoff != 0) && ($onoff != 1)} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tsmsgrandusage"
return 0
if {$onoff == 1} {set option "+"} else {set option "-"}
channel set $chan $option$w5tsrtflag
putcmdlog "($nick!$uhost) !$handle! $w5tsrandcmd $chan $onoff"
return 0
proc w5tsmsgtopic {nick uhost handle txt} {
global w5tstlflag w5tstopcsetting w5tstopccmd w5tsmsgtopcusage
set pass [lindex $txt 0]
set chan [lindex $txt 1]
set topc [lrange $txt 2 end]
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([passwdok $handle $pass]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $chan])} {
if {$topc == ""} {set topc [w5tsgetrandtopic $chan]}
if {$topc == ""} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tsmsgtopcusage"
return 0
if {[channel get $chan $w5tstlflag] != 0} {channel set $chan $w5tstopcsetting $topc}
if {[w5tscanchangetopic $chan]} {putserv "TOPIC $chan :$topc"}
w5tssavetopic $chan $topc
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$handle! $w5tstopccmd $chan $topc"
proc w5tsdcclocktopic {handle idx txt} {
global w5tsdcclockusage w5tstlflag w5tstopcsetting w5tslockcmd
set chan [lindex $txt 0]
set onoff [lindex $txt 1]
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $chan]) && ([validchan $chan])} {
if {($onoff != 0) && ($onoff != 1)} {
putdcc $idx $w5tsdcclockusage
return 0
if {$onoff == 1} {set option "+"} else {set option "-"}
channel set $chan $option$w5tstlflag
if {$onoff == 0} {putcmdlog "#$handle# $w5tslockcmd $chan 0"}
if {$onoff == 1} {
channel set $chan $w5tstopcsetting [topic $chan]
putcmdlog "#$handle# $w5tslockcmd $chan 1"
return 0
proc w5tsdccrandtopic {handle idx txt} {
global w5tsdccrandusage w5tsrtflag w5tsrandcmd
set chan [lindex $txt 0]
set onoff [lindex $txt 1]
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $chan]) && ([validchan $chan])} {
if {($onoff != 0) && ($onoff != 1)} {
putdcc $idx $w5tsdccrandusage
return 0
if {$onoff == 1} {set option "+"} else {set option "-"}
channel set $chan $option$w5tsrtflag
putcmdlog "#$handle# $w5tsrandcmd $chan $onoff"
return 0
proc w5tsdcctopic {handle idx txt} {
global w5tstlflag w5tstopcsetting w5tstopccmd w5tsdcctopcusage
set chan [lindex $txt 0]
set topc [lrange $txt 1 end]
if {([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $chan])} {
if {$topc == ""} {set topc [w5tsgetrandtopic $chan]}
if {$topc == ""} {
putdcc $idx $w5tsdcctopcusage
return 0
if {[channel get $chan $w5tstlflag] != 0} {channel set $chan $w5tstopcsetting $topc}
if {[w5tscanchangetopic $chan]} {putserv "TOPIC $chan :$topc"}
w5tssavetopic $chan $topc
putcmdlog "#$handle# $w5tstopccmd $chan $topc"
proc w5tstopcproc {nick uhost handle channel topic} {
global botnick w5tstlflag w5tstopcmsg w5tstopcsetting w5tswarnsetting w5tswarn w5tskick w5tskickreason w5tsban w5tsbantime botnet-nick
if {[channel get $channel $w5tstlflag] != 0} {
if {$nick != $botnick} {
if {!(([validuser $handle]) && ([w5tscheckflags $handle $channel]))} {
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :$w5tstopcmsg"
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> $handle tried to change topic on a locked channel"
if {[w5tscanchangetopic $channel]} {putserv "TOPIC $channel :[channel get $channel $w5tstopcsetting]"}
if {$w5tskick == 1} {
set wantkick 1
if {$w5tswarn != 0} {
set warns [channel get $channel $w5tswarnsetting]
set newwarns {}
set gotit 0
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $warns]} {incr i} {
set tmp [lindex $warns $i]
set nuh [lindex $tmp 0]
set num [lindex $tmp 1]
if {$nuh == "$nick!$uhost"} {
if {$num == $w5tswarn} {
set wantkick 1
} else {
set newwarns [lappend newwarns [list $nuh [incr num]]]
set wantkick 0
set gotit 1
} else {set newwarns [lappend newwarns $tmp]}
if {$gotit == 0} {set newwarns [lappend newwarns "$nick!$uhost 1"]}
channel set $channel $w5tswarnsetting $newwarns
if {$wantkick == 1} {
putkick $channel $nick $w5tskickreason
if {$w5tsban == 1} {newchanban $channel "$nick!$uhost" ${botnet-nick} $w5tskickreason $w5tsbantime}
} else {
w5tssavetopic $channel $topic
if {[w5tscanchangetopic $channel]} {putserv "TOPIC $channel :[channel get $channel $w5tstopcsetting]"}
} else {w5tssavetopic $channel $topic}
return 0
proc w5tspubretr {nick uhost handle channel txt} {
global w5tssettinginfo w5tstlflag w5tsrtflag w5tsonstr w5tsoffstr
set chan $channel
set l [channel get $chan $w5tstlflag]
if {$l == 0} {set lock $w5tsoffstr} else {set lock $w5tsonstr}
set r [channel get $chan $w5tsrtflag]
if {$r == 0} {set rand $w5tsoffstr} else {set rand $w5tsonstr}
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :[subst $w5tssettinginfo]"
proc w5tsmsgretr {nick uhost handle txt } {
global w5tssettinginfo w5tstlflag w5tsrtflag w5tsonstr w5tsoffstr
if {$txt == ""} {
foreach chan [channels] {
set l [channel get $chan $w5tstlflag]
if {$l == 0} {set lock $w5tsoffstr} else {set lock $w5tsonstr}
set r [channel get $chan $w5tsrtflag]
if {$r == 0} {set rand $w5tsoffstr} else {set rand $w5tsonstr}
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :[subst $w5tssettinginfo]"
} else {
set chan [lindex $txt 0]
if {[validchan $chan]} {
set l [channel get $chan $w5tstlflag]
if {$l == 0} {set lock $w5tsoffstr} else {set lock $w5tsonstr}
set r [channel get $chan $w5tsrtflag]
if {$r == 0} {set rand $w5tsoffstr} else {set rand $w5tsonstr}
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :[subst $w5tssettinginfo]"
proc w5tsdccretr {handle idx txt} {
global w5tssettinginfo w5tstlflag w5tsrtflag w5tsonstr w5tsoffstr
if {$txt == ""} {
foreach chan [channels] {
set l [channel get $chan $w5tstlflag]
if {$l == 0} {set lock $w5tsoffstr} else {set lock $w5tsonstr}
set r [channel get $chan $w5tsrtflag]
if {$r == 0} {set rand $w5tsoffstr} else {set rand $w5tsonstr}
putdcc $idx [subst $w5tssettinginfo]
} else {
set chan [lindex $txt 0]
if {[validchan $chan]} {
set l [channel get $chan $w5tstlflag]
if {$l == 0} {set lock $w5tsoffstr} else {set lock $w5tsonstr}
set r [channel get $chan $w5tsrtflag]
if {$r == 0} {set rand $w5tsoffstr} else {set rand $w5tsonstr}
putdcc $idx [subst $w5tssettinginfo]
if {$w5tstpcinterval == "r"} {
if {$w5tstimemax < $w5tstimemin} {
set a $w5tstimemin
set w5tstimemin $w5tstimemax
set w5tstimemax $a
set interval [expr [rand [expr $w5tstimemax - $w5tstimemin]] + $w5tstimemin]
if {![string match "*w5tsrandtopic*" [timers]]} {timer $interval w5tsrandtopic}
} elseif {[string is digit $w5tstpcinterval]} {
if {![string match "*w5tsrandtopic*" [timers]]} {timer $w5tstpcinterval w5tsrandtopic}
putlog "W5TopicSystem v$w5tsver loaded."
return "W5TopicSystem v$w5tsver loaded."