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"""Tests for the es.4 document validator"""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Dict
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
import pytest
from pytest_mock.plugin import MockerFixture
from earthsnake.exc import ValidationError
from earthsnake.document.es4 import Es4Document
from earthsnake.identity import Identity
from earthsnake.path import Path
from earthsnake.share import Share
VALID_DOCUMENT: Dict[str, Any] = {
'format': 'es.4',
'timestamp': 1651738871668993,
'deleteAfter': None,
'author': '@test.bcz76z52y5dlpohtkmpuj3jsdcvfmebzpcgfmtmhu4u7hlexzreya',
'path': '/test.txt',
'workspace': '+test.suffix',
'signature': (
'content': 'test',
'contentHash': 'bt6dnbamijr6wlgrp5kqmkwwqcwr36ty3fmfyelgrlvwblmhqbiea',
Es4Document.CORE_SCHEMA['required'], # type: ignore
def test_validate_missing_keys(missing: str) -> None:
"""Test if validation fails when a required key is missing"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
del raw_document[missing]
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
required_field_names = ', '.join(
repr(x) for x in Es4Document.CORE_SCHEMA['required'] # type: ignore
assert str(ctx.value) == f"data must contain [{required_field_names}] properties"
def test_validate_future_document() -> None:
"""Test if validation fails when the document is created far in the future"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document['timestamp'] = int(
(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=20)).timestamp() * 1000000
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'timestamp too far in the future'
def test_validate_expiry_before_creation() -> None:
"""Test if validation fails when the document is set to expire before it has been created"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document['timestamp'] = int(
(datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=5)).timestamp() * 1000000
raw_document['deleteAfter'] = raw_document['timestamp'] - 1
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'ephemeral doc expired before it was created'
def test_validate_deleteafter_in_past() -> None:
"""Test if validation fails if deleteAfter is in the pas"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
yesterday = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)
raw_document['deleteAfter'] = int(yesterday.timestamp() * 1000000)
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'ephemeral doc has expired'
def test_validate_not_writable() -> None:
"""Test if validation fails when the author is not allowed to write at the given path"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document['path'] = '/test/~@some.' + ('a' * 52)
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert (
== f'Author {raw_document["author"]} cannot write to path {raw_document["path"]}'
def test_validate() -> None:
"""Test if validation succeeds on a valid document"""
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT)
assert isinstance(document, Es4Document)
def test_validate_ephemeral() -> None:
"""Test if validation succeeds with a valid deleteAfter value"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document['deleteAfter'] = 9007199254740990
raw_document['signature'] = (
document = Es4Document.from_json(raw_document)
assert isinstance(document, Es4Document)
def test_signature_check_error(mocker: MockerFixture) -> None:
"""Test if validation fails if something goes wrong during signature checking"""
side_effect=ValueError('test error'),
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'Cannot check signature: test error'
def test_signature_check_bad_signature() -> None:
"""Test if validation fails if the documents signature doesnt match the document itself"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document['signature'] = 'b' * 104
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'signature is invalid'
def test_remove_extra_fields_no_underscore() -> None:
"""Test if remove_extra_fields() fails on non-specced fields not starting with an underscore"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document.update({'test': 'yes'})
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'extra document fields must have names starting with an underscore'
def test_remove_extra_fields_non_object() -> None:
"""Test if remove_extra_fields() fails if the validated document is not a JSON object"""
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
Es4Document.remove_extra_fields([]) # type: ignore
assert str(ctx.value) == 'Document is not a plain JSON object'
def test_remove_extra_fields() -> None:
"""Test if remove_extra_fields() correctly extracts field names starting with an underscore"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document.update({'_test': True})
cleaned_doc, removed = Es4Document.remove_extra_fields(raw_document)
assert cleaned_doc == VALID_DOCUMENT
assert removed == {'_test': True}
def test_check_content_hash() -> None:
"""Test if validation fails if contentHash is not the hash of content"""
raw_document = VALID_DOCUMENT.copy()
raw_document['content'] = 'other'
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'content does not match contentHash'
def test_sign_different_author(identity: Identity) -> None:
"""Test if sign() fails if the signing identity is not the same as the document author"""
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT)
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'when signing a document, keypair address must match document author'
def test_sign_new_identity() -> None:
"""Test if signing a document with a different entity also sets the author"""
other_key_seed = (
identity = Identity('name', sign_key=SigningKey(other_key_seed))
assert str(identity) == '@name.bu5seaewd4p7cx7ot4ue3m6wpigfa5hmowxgeophe2so72roao5wq'
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT) = identity
assert (
== 'bk76oxkhbydy3itajeeqtryyj7ej5y7hqjffae6ilf4kpyklh2w32hx3ndg6cb3zvlphj46zmuxbetk4cj2fh6'
assert == identity
def test_sign(identity: Identity) -> None:
"""Test if the sign() method updates the document with a correct signature"""
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT)
assert document.signature == (
def test_content_setter() -> None:
"""Check if the content setter recalculates content_hash, too"""
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT)
document.content = 'new content'
assert document.content_hash != VALID_DOCUMENT['contentHash']
assert document.content_hash == 'b7yzgbde66w3m67r7srsiajj765xsj5hmaz4phuhqp6mejs77syaq'
def test_content_hash_getter() -> None:
"""Test if the content_hash getter recalculates the content hash if its not already set"""
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT)
document._content = 'new content' # pylint: disable=protected-access
document._content_hash = None # pylint: disable=protected-access
assert document.content_hash == 'b7yzgbde66w3m67r7srsiajj765xsj5hmaz4phuhqp6mejs77syaq'
def test_validate_unsigned_document(identity: Identity) -> None:
"""Test if signature validation fails if there is no signature yet"""
document = Es4Document(identity, Share.from_address('+test.share'), Path('/test'))
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as ctx:
assert str(ctx.value) == 'document has no signature assigned'
def test_content_length() -> None:
"""Test the content_length property"""
document = Es4Document.from_json(VALID_DOCUMENT)
assert document.content_length == 4