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2022-05-06 11:48:03 +00:00
"""Replica related things"""
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
2022-05-06 12:11:28 +00:00
from enum import Enum, auto
2022-05-06 11:48:03 +00:00
from typing import List, Optional
from ..document import Document
from ..identity import Identity
from ..path import Path
from ..query import Query
from ..share import Share
2022-05-06 12:11:28 +00:00
class HistoryMode(Enum):
ALL = auto()
LATEST = auto()
2022-05-06 11:48:03 +00:00
class IngestEvent:
class Replica(ABC):
"""A replica of a shares data
Used to read, write, and synchronise data to.
Should be closed using the ``close()`` method when no longer being used.
def __init__(self, share: Share, **driver_kwargs):
def is_closed(self):
"""Tells whether the replica is closed or not
def close(self):
"""Closes the replica, preventing further use
Any method called after closing will return ``ReplicaIsClosedError``
def max_local_index(self) -> int:
"""Returns the maximum local index of all stored documents"""
2022-05-06 12:11:28 +00:00
def get_docs_after_local_index(
history_mode: HistoryMode,
start_after: int,
limit: Optional[int] = None,
) -> List[Document]:
2022-05-06 11:48:03 +00:00
"""Get all documents after a specific local index"""
def get_all_docs(self) -> List[Document]:
"""Get all documents, including historical versions by other identities"""
def get_latest_docs(self) -> List[Document]:
"""Get the latest from every path"""
def get_all_docs_at_path(self, path: Path) -> List[Document]:
"""Get all versions of a document by different authors from a specific path"""
def get_latest_doc_at_path(self, path: Path) -> Optional[Document]:
"""Get the most recent version of a document at a specific path"""
def query_docs(self, query: Query) -> List[Document]:
"""Get a list of documents matching a given query"""
def query_paths(self, query: Query) -> List[Path]:
"""Get all document paths where documents match a given query"""
def query_authors(self, query: Query) -> List[Identity]:
"""Get all document authors where documents match a given query"""
def set(self, doc_to_set: Document) -> IngestEvent:
"""Add a new document to the replica
If a document signed by the same identity exists at the same path, it will be overwritten.
def ingest(self, document: Document) -> IngestEvent:
"""Ingest an existing, signed document to the replica"""
def overwrite_docs_by_author(self, identity: Identity) -> int:
"""Overwrite every document from this author with an empty doc
This includes historical versions of documents.
:returns: the number of documents changed.
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
"""Workspace drivers"""
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta
from typing import List, Optional
from ...document import Document
from .. import Workspace
from ...query import Query
class WorkspaceDriverConfig(ABC):
"""Base class for configurable workspace drivers"""
def get_config(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""Get a configuration value"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def set_config(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
"""Set a configuration value"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def list_config_keys(self) -> List[str]:
"""List all configuration keys"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def delete_config(self, key: str) -> bool:
"""Delete a configuration value"""
raise NotImplementedError()
class WorkspaceDriverBase(WorkspaceDriverConfig, metaclass=ABCMeta):
"""Base class for workspace drivers"""
workspace: Workspace
def is_closed(self) -> bool:
"""Tells if a workspace is closed"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def close(self, erase: bool) -> None:
"""Close the workspace"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_max_local_index(self) -> int:
"""Get the maximum local index count"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def query_docs(self, query: Query) -> List[Document]:
"""Query a list of documents"""
raise NotImplementedError()
def upsert(self, doc: Document) -> Document:
"""Insert or update a document"""
raise NotImplementedError()