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2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
"""Document class for the es.4 format"""
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from hashlib import sha256
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, TypedDict
import fastjsonschema
from ..base32 import base32_bytes_to_string
from ..exc import ValidationError
from ..identity import Identity
from ..path import Path
from ..share import Share
from ..types import B32_CHAR
from . import Document
class RawDocument(TypedDict, total=False):
"""A raw Document object"""
author: str
signature: str
content: str
contentHash: str
deleteAfter: Optional[int]
path: str
workspace: str
timestamp: int
class Es4Document(Document): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
"""An es.4 format document
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
# Tolerance for accepting messages from the future (because of clock skew between peers)
FUTURE_CUTOFF_MICROSECONDS = 600000000 # 10 minutes
# Allowed valid range of timestamps (in microseconds, not milliseconds); these are taken from
# the reference implementation, but they are not specced.
MIN_TIMESTAMP = 10000000000000 # 1983-01-02T06:57:53Z
MAX_TIMESTAMP = 9007199254740990 # 2255-06-05T23:47:34.740990Z
# 4 million bytes = 4 megabytes (measured as bytes, not as utf-8 characters)
'title': 'Earthstar document format es.4',
'description': 'This schema describes a valid Earthstar document in the es.4 format',
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'format': {
'description': 'The format identifier. Must be "es.4"',
'enum': ['es.4'],
'author': {
'type': 'string',
'pattern': Identity.PATTERN,
'content': {
'type': 'string',
'contentHash': {
'type': 'string',
'pattern': f'^b[{B32_CHAR}]{{52}}$',
'deleteAfter': {
'oneOf': [
'type': 'integer',
'minimum': MIN_TIMESTAMP,
'maximum': MAX_TIMESTAMP,
'type': 'null',
'path': {
'type': 'string',
'pattern': Path.PATTERN,
'minLength': 2,
'maxLength': 512,
'signature': {
'type': 'string',
'pattern': f'^b[{B32_CHAR}]{{103}}$',
'timestamp': {
'type': 'integer',
'minimum': MIN_TIMESTAMP,
'maximum': MAX_TIMESTAMP,
'workspace': {
'type': 'string',
'pattern': Share.PATTERN,
'required': [
'additionalProperties': False,
__document_format__ = 'es.4'
_validator = staticmethod(fastjsonschema.compile(CORE_SCHEMA))
def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
author: Identity,
share: Share,
path: Path,
timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None,
content: Optional[str] = None,
content_hash: Optional[str] = None,
signature: Optional[str] = None,
delete_after: Optional[datetime] = None,
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00 = author
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
self.path = path
self.signature = signature
self._content = content or ''
self._content_hash = content_hash
self.delete_after = delete_after
self.share = share
self.timestamp = timestamp or datetime.utcnow()
def from_json(cls, raw_document: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'Es4Document':
"""Validate raw_document as an es.4 document and create an ``Es4Document`` from it
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
Checks if documents are spec-compliant before ingesting, and signs them according to spec.
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
:returns: a new ``Es4Document``
:raises ValidationError: if anything is wrong
# do this first to ensure we have all the right datatypes in the right fields
# this is the most likely to fail under regular conditions, so do it next (because of
# clock skew and expired ephemeral documents)
timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(raw_document['timestamp'] / 1000000).replace(
if raw_document['deleteAfter']:
delete_after = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(raw_document['deleteAfter'] / 1000000).replace(
delete_after = None
author = Identity.from_address(raw_document['author'])
share = Share.from_address(raw_document['workspace'])
path = Path(raw_document['path'])
if not path.can_write(author):
raise ValidationError(f'Author {author} cannot write to path {path}')
# do this last since it might be slow on a large document
cls._check_content_matches_hash(raw_document['content'], raw_document['contentHash'])
document = cls(
return document
def content_hash(self) -> str:
"""The hash of the documents content"""
if not self._content_hash:
self._content_hash = self.hash_value(self.content)
return self._content_hash
def hash_value(value: str) -> str:
"""Calculate the SHA-256 digest of the value and return its Base32 representation"""
hasher = sha256()
return base32_bytes_to_string(hasher.digest())
def content(self) -> str:
"""The content of the document"""
return self._content
def content(self, value: str) -> None:
self._content = value
self._content_hash = self.hash_value(value)
def content_length(self) -> int:
return len(self._content)
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def generate_hash(self) -> str:
"""Calculate the hash of the document
This hash will be signed with the authors key to propagate the signature property."""
hash_keys: Dict[str, Any] = {
'contentHash': self.content_hash,
'deleteAfter': (
int(self.delete_after.timestamp() * 1000000) if self.delete_after else None
'format': self.__document_format__,
'path': self.path,
'timestamp': int(self.timestamp.timestamp() * 1000000),
'workspace': self.share,
hasher = sha256()
for key, value in sorted(hash_keys.items(), key=lambda elem: elem[0]):
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# Skip null fields
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if value is None:
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
# Otherwise, append the fieldname and value.
# Tab and newline are our field separators.
# Convert integers to strings here.
# (The newline is included on the last field.)
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
# Binary digest, not hex digest string! Then convert bytes to Earthstar b32 format with
# leading 'b'.
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
return base32_bytes_to_string(hasher.digest())
def sign(self, identity: Optional[Identity] = None) -> None:
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
"""Sign the document and store the signature into the document (mutating it)
2022-05-04 12:31:25 +00:00
if identity and identity !=
raise ValidationError(
"when signing a document, keypair address must match document author"
if identity: = identity
self.signature =
def remove_extra_fields(cls, doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[RawDocument, Mapping[str, Any]]:
"""Return a copy of the doc without extra fields, plus the extra fields as a separate object
This should be run before check_document_is_valid. The output doc will be more likely to
be valid once the extra fields have been removed.
:raises ValidationError: if the inpuc is not a plain JSON object
if not isinstance(doc, dict):
raise ValidationError('Document is not a plain JSON object')
valid_keys = set(cls.CORE_SCHEMA['properties'].keys()) # type: ignore
doc2: RawDocument = {}
extras: Mapping[str, Any] = {}
for (key, val) in doc.items():
if key in valid_keys:
doc2[key] = val # type: ignore
if not key.startswith('_'):
raise ValidationError(
"extra document fields must have names starting with an underscore"
extras[key] = val # type: ignore
return (doc2, extras)
# These are broken out for easier unit testing. They will not normally be used directly; use
# the main assertDocumentIsValid instead.
def _check_basic_document_validity(cls, doc: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
"""Check for correct fields and datatypes"""
except BaseException as exc:
raise ValidationError(exc) from None
# TODO: is there more to check?
def _check_timestamp_is_ok(cls, timestamp: int, delete_after: Optional[int]) -> None:
"""Check for valid timestamp, and expired ephemeral documents
timestamp and deleteAfter are already verified as good numbers by the schema checker:
- in the right range of min and max allowed timestamps
- integers, and not NaN or infinity
Timestamp must not be too far in the future (but allow some clock skew).
now = int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp() * 1000000)
if timestamp > now + cls.FUTURE_CUTOFF_MICROSECONDS:
raise ValidationError("timestamp too far in the future")
# Ephemeral documents
if delete_after is not None:
# Only valid if expiration date is in the future
if now > delete_after:
raise ValidationError("ephemeral doc has expired")
# Can't expire before it was created, that makes no sense
if delete_after <= timestamp:
raise ValidationError("ephemeral doc expired before it was created")
def validate_signature(self) -> None:
"""Check if the signature is good"""
doc_hash = self.generate_hash()
except BaseException as exc:
raise ValidationError(f'Cannot check signature: {exc}') from None
if not self.signature:
raise ValidationError('document has no signature assigned')
if not, self.signature):
raise ValidationError('signature is invalid')
def _check_content_matches_hash(content: str, content_hash: str) -> None:
"""Ensure the contentHash matches the actual content"""
hasher = sha256()
calculated_hash = base32_bytes_to_string(hasher.digest())
if content is not None and calculated_hash != content_hash:
raise ValidationError("content does not match contentHash")
2022-04-12 13:25:29 +00:00
def compare_newest_first(doc_a, doc_b):
"""Compare two documents based on their time stamp"""
if doc_a.timestamp < doc_b.timestamp:
return Cmp.LT
if doc_b.timestamp > doc_b.timestamp:
return Cmp.GT
if doc_a.signature < doc_b.signature:
return Cmp.LT
if doc_a.signature > doc_b.signature:
return Cmp.GT
return Cmp.EQ