from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404 from django.views import generic from django.conf import settings from django.views.decorators.http import require_POST import json from booking.models import Duck, Booking, Competence class DuckCompListView(generic.ListView): template_name = 'api/duck_comp_list.json' context_object_name = 'comp_list' def get_queryset(self): duck_id = self.kwargs['duck_id'] duck = get_object_or_404(Duck, pk = duck_id) return duck.duckcompetence_set.all() @require_POST def duck_book(request): """Book a duck to the logged in user. Return value: HttpResponse with status_code = 400 if response.jsondata misses duck_id or comp_id HttpResponse with status_code = 401 if the user is not authenticated HttpResponse with status_code = 404 if the duck or comp is not found response.jsondata.success = 0 if the duck is already booked response.jsondata.success = 1 if the duck's competence is too low (use request.jsondata.force = True to force) response.jsondata.success = 2 if the booking was successful""" user = request.user # Check if user is authenticated; if not, return HTTP 401 if not user.is_authenticated(): res = HttpResponse() res.status_code = 401 return res # Decode the request body encoding = settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET if request.encoding == None else request.encoding json_content = request.body.decode(encoding) j = json.loads(json_content) # If there is no duck_id or no comp_id in the request, return HTTP 400 if 'duck_id' not in j or 'comp_id' not in j: res = HttpResponse() res.status_code = 400 return res duck_id = j['duck_id'] comp_id = j['comp_id'] # Find the duck and the competence; if any of them non-existant, # return HTTP 404 duck = get_object_or_404(Duck, pk = duck_id) comp = get_object_or_404(Competence, pk = comp_id) # If the duck is already booked, return 0 as the result if duck.booked_by() != None: return JsonResponse({'success': 0}) # Result 0 means a problem result = 0 comp_level = 0 # Check if the duck has the requested competence dcomp_list = duck.duckcompetence_set.filter(comp = comp) if len(dcomp_list) < 1: comp_level = 0 else: comp_level = dcomp_list[0].level() # If the competence level is too low, set result to 1 if comp_level <= settings.COMP_WARN_LEVEL: result = 1 # If the duck has high enough competence or the booking is forced, # return success (2) if result != 1 or 'force' in j: result = 2 booking = Booking(duck = duck, user = user, comp_req = comp) return JsonResponse({'success': result})