Update page 'Home'

Gergely Polonkai 2018-07-23 09:16:01 +00:00
parent cf7079edb4
commit 559a7873ca


@ -20,17 +20,26 @@ The development environment is set up to use an SQLite3 database local.db` under
To do so, run
pipenv instlal
pipenv install
If you also want to do development, you may also run
pipenv install --dev
## Create the env file
If you dont mind constantly prepend your commands with `env FLASK_APP=calsocial:app FLASK_ENV=development`, you can skip this step. Subsequent sections assume you did not skip.
Create a file called `.env` in the root of the cloned repository with the following content:
## Create the database
To create the database, you have to run the Flask shell:
pipenv run env FLASK_APP=calsocial:app FLASK_ENV=development flask shell
pipenv run env flask shell
When you see the `>>>` prompt, use the following two-liner to create the database tables:
@ -43,6 +52,6 @@ db.create_all()
To start the app, you just have to run `calsocial` as a module:
pipenv run env FLASK_APP=calsocial:app FLASK_ENV=development flask run
pipenv run env flask run
After this, your local instance is available on