from enum import Enum import colorama from colorama import Fore, Back, Style class FieldType(Enum): empty = 1 water = 2 ship = 3 class ShipOrientation(Enum): unknown = 0 none = 1 north = 2 south = 3 east = 4 west = 5 both = 6 class Field(object): def __init__(self): self.__fixed = False self.__type = FieldType.empty self.__marked_type = FieldType.empty self.__orientation = ShipOrientation.none @property def marked_type(self): return self.__type if self.__fixed else self.__marked_type def set_fixed(self, typ=None, orientation=ShipOrientation.unknown): self.__fixed = True if typ is not None: self.__type = typ self.__marked_type = typ self.__orientation = orientation def __str__(self): typ = self.__type if self.__fixed else self.__marked_type if typ == FieldType.empty: return ' ' elif typ == FieldType.water: return '~~' elif typ == FieldType.ship: if self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.unknown: return '??' elif self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.none: return '<>' elif self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.north: return '^^' elif self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.south: return 'vv' elif self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.west: return ' <' elif self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.east: return '> ' elif self.__orientation == ShipOrientation.both: return 'XX' def set_type(self, typ, orientation=ShipOrientation.unknown): self.__type = typ self.__orientation = orientation class Table(object): def __init__(self, width, height): self.__fields = [] self.__width = width self.__height = height self.__col_counts = [] self.__row_counts = [] self.__ships = [] for count in range(0, height): self.__fields.append([]) self.__row_counts.append(0) for count in range(0, width): self.__col_counts.append(0) for row in range(0, height): self.__fields[row].append(Field()) self.clean() @property def width(self): return self.__width @property def height(self): return self.__height def __check_height(self, row): if row not in range(0, self.__height): raise IndexError("Invalid row number") def __check_width(self, col): if col not in range(0, self.__width): raise IndexError("Invalid column number") def row(self, row): self.__check_height(row) # TODO: This doesn’t feel right return self.__fields[row] def col(self, col): self.__check_width(col) # TODO: This doesn’t feel right return [f[col] for f in f.__fields] def clean(self): for row in self.__fields: for field in row: field.hidden_type = FieldType.water field.player_type = FieldType.empty field.fixed = False def __check_collision(self, parts): pass def add_ship(self, start_row, start_col, length, vertical): row, col = start_row - 1, start_col - 1 parts = [] for i in range(0, length): parts.append((row, col)) if vertical: row += 1 else: col += 1 count = 0 for row, col in parts: count += 1 orientation = ShipOrientation.unknown if length == 1: orientation=ShipOrientation.none else: if count == 1: orientation = ShipOrientation.north if vertical \ else ShipOrientation.west elif count == length: orientation = ShipOrientation.south if vertical \ else ShipOrientation.east else: orientation = ShipOrientation.both self.__fields[row][col].set_type(FieldType.ship, orientation=orientation) def reveal(self, row, col): self.__fields[row - 1][col - 1].set_fixed() def reveal_all(self): for row in self.__fields: for field in row: field.fixed = True @property def solved(self): # Check if all fileds have been marked for row in self.__fields: for field in row: if field.player_type == FieldType.empty: return False # TODO: Check if marked ships are placed sanely # TODO: Check if side-numbers equal the number of marked ship-parts return True def mark(self, row, col, typ): field = self.__field(row, col) if field is not None: field.player_type = typ def is_ship(self, row, col): return self.__fields[row][col].player_type == FieldType.ship def __str__(self): def divider(): ret = '+' for i in range(0, self.__width): ret += '--+' ret += "\n" return ret ret = divider() for row in self.__fields: ret += '|' for field in row: ret += '{}|'.format(field) ret += "\n" ret += divider() return ret class Solver(object): def __init__(self, table): self.table = table def mark_edges(self): for row in range(0, self.table.height): for col in range(0, self.table.width): if self.table.is_ship(row, col): print("MARK!") self.table.mark(row - 1, col - 1, FieldType.water) self.table.mark(row - 1, col + 1, FieldType.water) self.table.mark(row + 1, col - 1, FieldType.water) self.table.mark(row + 1, col + 1, FieldType.water) def show(self): print(str(self.table)) colorama.init() t = Table(6, 6) t.add_ship(1, 3, 1, False) t.add_ship(2, 5, 2, False) t.add_ship(3, 1, 3, False) t.add_ship(5, 1, 1, False) t.add_ship(5, 3, 2, True) t.add_ship(6, 5, 1, False) t.reveal(1, 2) t.reveal(3, 3) t.reveal(5, 1) t.reveal(5, 2) s = Solver(t) s.mark_edges()