Gergely Polonkai 2013-2014 Parts of a natal chart Parts of a natal chart
The chart wheel

The chart wheel consists of several rings.

The outermost ring hold the planets.

The next ring shows the symbols of the zodiac.

The third ring holds the degree signs. The longest lines denote each 10°, the mid-sized ones appear at every 5°, and the small ones show every 1°.

The next ring is the most wide, giving place for the aspect and antiscion lines.

The fifth ring contains the house numbers.

The innermost ring contains the Moon phase at the time of the chart.


The planets’ ring shows all the planets included in the current display theme.

Aspects and antiscia

Depending on the user’s choice, the fourth ring of the chart holds the aspect or the antiscion lines.

Aspect lines are color coded: green lines mark the harmonic, red lines the disharmonic aspects.

Neither the naming nor the categories are cast into stone. Some astrologer schools state that an aspect may be harmonic or disharmonic based on the planets involve.

The Moon phase

The innermost circle depicts the Moon at the time of the chart. Most schools never inspect this aspect of a moment, as they don’t think it has any impact on the person’s life. We included this information merely for educational reasons.